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Hester M innie (M rs.), Farnham com  tS au n d ers E. J. Haddenham , Thame.
D r a pe r sâ con ti n u ed.
mon, Farnham Royal
Bennett Miss M. 5 W in g Road te rÂ
Saunders Ernest D aniel, 84 Abercom§Horwood Mrs. Ellen, 278 Desboro'
bie avenue. H igh W ycom be
race. Linslade. Leighton Buzzard
road, H igh W y com he
^Bennett Miss M. A. 18 H igh street,
Saunders H .J. W addesdon, Aylesburv
Hoskings J. R .Stokenchurch,W allngfd tScott & B r o w n ,ii 2 Broad st.Cheshm
Newport Pagnell
Berw ick J. 4 7 & 4 9 H igh st. Bletchley Howard & Roberts, 1 6 Queen's Park Sewell H erbert L. 1 k 3 Market sq.
road. A ylesbury
B etties Mrs. The G reen, D atchet.
k 4 G erm ain street, Chesham &
H um phrey Mrs. Ruth.W ycom be lane,
W indsor
H igh street, Am ersham
Wooburn Green
Bishton A rth u r S. V. H igh street.
Sharp Bros. 5 4 k 5 6 Church street,
Ibbotson Miss C atherine A lice, S ta Â
B rill, Tham e
W o lverton ; 52 & 5 4 High streetâ
*Bloss & Son, Duke street. Princes j tion road. G errard's Cross
N ewport Pagnell k 46 St. James'
Jarvis V. H. 1 5 H igh st. Aylesbury
street. New B radw ell, Wolverton
Bonsor Mrs. A. Lon gh ton . Bletch ley | Jerram s Mrs. John, 9 W ell street, Shaw H arold H. Wooburn Green
B uckingham
Brett. G R. 3 3 A ylesb ury st.B letchley
t'Simpson A rth u r J. 22 H igh street,
Brown M rs. S .C .9 B ridge st.B cknghm Johnson Clarence H aven, 58 SunnvNewport Pagnell
side road, Cbesham
B ryan t
G eorge, F lackw ell H eath,
S iveter Charles S . E. Hambleden,
Jones A. 1 6 1 Desboro' rd.H ighW ycm be
H enley-on-Tham es
H igh W ycom be
Buss W alt. 18 C am bridge st.A ylesb ury »Jones E. Parkfield. Princes Risboroâ S m ith W . H. S p ittal street, Marlow
» B utler & Bowden. 1 4 1 , 1 4 3 & 14 5 Keen M rs.H. 19 3 W aterside, Chesham Soundy k S ig g s, Morland terrace,
Keeves M rs.E .H anslope,Stony Strtfrd
W olverton
H igh street, Slough
B u tler A lb ert W illiam , 1 9 5 Gordon Lee N icholas, H igh street & A y le s §Staniford W illiam Henry, 24 White
bury road, W endover
H art street. H igh W ycom be
road, H igh W ycom be
||Carruthers E . & Co. H untley cot §L euillette Miss E th el, 2 1 a, Easton Steel G . 3 ? B uckingham st.Aylesbury
street. H igh W ycom be
Stevens A lbert, Station rd.Amersham
tage, B arin g road, Beaconsfield
C hapm an W. K . 5 6 k 5 7 H igh st. t§ L o ck e C harles. 7 4 H igh st. Slough T ay lor G. H. 3 5 & 3 6 Oxford street,
Long & Son. W aterloo house, High
E ton, W indsor
H igh W ycombe
treet. H igh W ycom be
Thom as G eorge, C halvey rd. Slough
C heale k Co. London end & 3 BroadÂ
tJ§Longlev F rederick, 4 1 H igh st. I'homas H enry, 3 H igh st. Chesham
way, Beaconsfield
A ylesb ury
I'homas L . R. 96 & 9 3 H igh street &
»Choules Leonard, I.ver, U xbridge
8 W illiam street, Slough
+§Clarabut W illiam & Co. 5 Market Lorim er W illiam k Son, Frogm ooi
lodge, H igh W ycom be
Townsend David W atts, High street,
place, Olney
G reat Missenden
tC la re F dk D. 1 6 H igh st. Chesham t|§ * L o v a tt W illiam Thom as, Stew k Â
fr e e John, 50 H igh street, Chesham
ley. Leighton Buzzard
C larke H.J. 4 1 Bletchley rd. Bletch ley
Cleave E . J. k N. Parade,B ourne End t|* M c Ilro v W illiam L im ited , 7 & 13 fT u rn er G. k Son, H igh st. Winslow
M arket square,A ylesbu rv k Church Turn er M rs. C. Coleshill, Amersham
C lem ents T. J. 7 3 H igh st. Slough
T urvey G eorge W illiam , High street,
street, H igh W ycombe
§Cole Geo. 3 0 W est st. Buckingham
cKee John, Colnbrook, Slough
H orsemoor Green, Slough
Com pton Miss Sarah, C astle Thorpe.
Mead Mrs. Hannah, 3 3 K in g sb u ry st. ¡¡Tweddle Geo. Nithsdale house, CamÂ
S tony S tratford
bridge street, A ylesbury
A ylesb ury
Cow lishaw A lfred G ervase, 3 5 a.A ylesÂ
Mead W illiam , Station rd. Am ershm ||Tweddle Jam es, 30 Buckingham st.
bury street, Bletch ley
A vlesbury
-f-JCowper Robt. J. M arket sq.W inslow »^Meadows W alter W illiam , 3 H igh
V yle A. 1 8 , 1 9 & 2 0 C astle st.Bcknghm
street, Stony Stratford
D arby F. k J. 4 7 H igh st. Chesham
D avies M iss Jane, 2 1 W endover road, *tJ§M eggeson S. k M. Q uainton, W alters W . F. W raysbury, Staines
svWebb Fredk. Waddesdon. Aylesbury
A ylesb ury
A ylesb ury
Day & Son. M arket place k A yle s t§M iddleton H erbert, 12 H igh street, tV'ellicome Mrs. E . H igh st. Marlow
W est Miss E lizabeth, Market place.
A ylesbury
b u ry end, Beaconsfield
Princes Risborough
Day H enry L. Penn. H igh W ycom be t§M ilsu m k A ustin . 89 , 9 0 k 9 1 High
Weston k Co. H igh street, Princes
street. Eton, Windsor
D ix C harles k C o. L im ited , 14 0 H igh
R isborough
§Monk F. Edlesborough, Dunstable
street, Slough
§D ring John R ichard. 1 , 2 k 3 C hurch Morgan J. & Son L td . H igh st.Marlow §Westwood Am os C harles, Duke st.
Princes Risborough
Morren Leslie, Post office, Prestwood,
street. H igh W ycom be
W heeler J. S. 2 H igh st. Chesham
G reat M issenden
Duncan M iss C .H yde heath,A m ershm
ickins E . 84 High" st.Stony Stratfrd
Dutton Edm und. 1 3 0 Desborough rd.
W illiam s Mrs. L. Colnbrook. Slongh
W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
Miss M artha, Great HorEdw ards M rs. E llen , Three H ouse Narheth W m . 9 H igh st. A ylesbury
wood, "Winslow
holds, Chalfont St. G iles, G er §Nieholls J. 6 Station par. Beaconsfld
iss C. 6 1 Easton street.
Osbaldstone E. & F .C h a lv ey rd.Slough
rardâs Cross
H igh W ycom be
E lm es A. R. 5 2 High st.S ton y Stratfrd Park Miss Eleanor. 20 Station parÂ
Sam i. Tingew ick, Bckngbm
ade, G errard's Cross
Evans M isses A . k M. 39 Easton st.
¡¡Partridge W illiam , x B ickfordâs hill, §Wooton Miss MaTy, 6 1 Church st.
H igh W ycom be
W olverton
A ylesbury
F airbn rn k H ooley, 46 k 4 7 Stratford
ti||»Patterson D. G. A Son, 1 1 High W orley H. 22 4 Desborough road,
road, W olverton
H igh W ycom be
F inch Mrs. E . M. T y le râs G reen,H igh
street. Chesham
Payne Edward, jun. C halfont St. § Y o u n g W . & Son, 4 4 k 46 High st.
W ycom be
C hesham
G iles, G errardâs Cross
F lem in g P . 4 6 H igh st.N ew port Pagnll
Foster M rs. A nnie, Stokenchurch Pedder Jos. W illiam , 1 k 2 C hurch
W allis Thom as k Co. Ltd. Holborn
com m on, W allin gford
square. H igh Wycombe
circus, London E C
Foster W . J. Cores end. Bourne End Perkins W illiam Farm er, 2 1 Station
Franklin E. R. q M arket st.A ylesb ury
parade. G errard's Cross
F ranks A. iq C astle st. B uckingham P eskett Percy, 3 5 B uckingham st.
Andrews Mrs. M ary Jane, WincbenJon
A ylesb ury
F raser D. H igh st. G reat M issenden
Upper, A ylesbury
Freem an, Sons k Co. H igh street, Pike H v. Jas. Ohecham Bois.Chesham
W endover
Piper H enry C. Aston C linton. Tring Anthony M iss B ertha, Loudwater,
H ig h â W vcom be
*tJH §Fulks & Sons.M arket sq.W inslw Piper Sydney, W in g,L eigh ton Buzzard
F u ller Henry. W hielden st.A m ersham Priest M isses M ary Jane k E va, 18 a, A tkins M iss G . 1 6 Hencroft st Slougk
A tkins Mrs. L. 6 4 H igh st. Cbesbaâ
G ale Brothers. 4 , 5 & 6 Oxford st.
H igh street, H igh W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
Prosser Thom as Oven, B ristol house. Bailev Miss A. 30 Bridge street,
W vcom be
. t
+ §Garner Jsph. 21 M arket pi. Olney
F rogm oor gardens. H igh W ycom be
G ilb y H. 5 3 A ylesb ury st. Blptchlev Pryke A lfred. 28 H igh street, New Bailey M iss M aria, Church street,
G illett L. k D M arsh, H igh W ycm be
Brad well. W olverton
Goo 6sens F .4 H igh st. Newport Pagnll §Ravnham T . W . 12 0 O xford road. B owler M iss Florence, 8 1 Oxford
£G regg k Jackm an, 17 3 C am bridge
High W ycom be
Bradhurv M iss J. Padbury.Buckngh®
street. A ylesb ury
Reading Philip, 7 0 H igh st. Chesham
G urney W illiam . W ingrave, Aylesbry Redding Misses E dith k M ary, C h al Brandon M rs. George,N orth CraffKNewport- Pagn ell
G urton W . 2 8 Crendon st. H i.W ycom be
font St. Peter. G errardâs Cross
Hancock E. 1 W hite H art street. Richardson C. 10 W hite Hart street, B iitn e ll Mrs. J. Oxford road, Man»
Brown M isses M. & V. Berkeley ho»- â¢
H igh W ycom be
H igh W ycom be
B arin g rd. Beaconsfield & Ore
Harrison C. F. 1 7 M idland rd. Olney »Roberts Mrs. E. Colnbrook, Slough
cham bers, Station parade,
Hawkins Jn. 1 5 4 Broad st. Chesham Rogers W .C . 2 3 Eastern st.A ylesbury
Heath Miss Sarah G ould. 3 Station R utty R. C. 26 k 2 7 Oxford street,
rardâs Cross
_ . rnrinri
M r 3 C. 6 9 Green la.Woh
parade, G errafd's Cross
H igh W ycom be
S ain sbury H. 54 H igh st. Bletch ley