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Edmonds H enryR ichm ond.ioo S ou th ­ E t t y John L y ttelton M .A. 3 S t. Cross F arley G eorge H. C eltsbu ry, H igh
field road, C ow ley St. John, Oxford
road, H olyw ell, Oxford
Town road, B anbury
Edm unds M aurice, B odicote,Banbury Evans S ir A rth u r John D .L itt.O xfo rd F arnell Lew is Richard M .A ., D .L itt.
E dm unds Mrs. T h e C ottage, Oxford Evans Rev. Thom as G eorge M .A. The
E xe ter college, T u rl street, O xford
road, Banbury
Rookery, B icester
Farnell W a lter C harles, Th e R efuge,
E dm unds R. 14 Broughton rd.Banbry E van s A rth u r, M arston, Oxford
H ill Top road, S t. C lem en t’s,O xfrd
Edw ards Rev. Robert Stephen M .A., Evans G eorge W aller, New ton lodge, Farquh ar John N icol M .A .u F r e n c h a y
F .G .S . 16 C hadlington rd. Oxford
M ayfield road,Su m m ertow n, Oxford
road, St. G iles’ , O xford
E dwards Rev. W illiam G ilb ert M .A. Evans H erbert A rth u r M .A. B yw ays, Farquharson A rth .Sp en ser L o at M .A
R ectory, G t. H aseley, W allingford
Y arn ton , Oxford
U niversity college & 3 G rove place,
Edwards Rev. W illiam L ionel G od­ Evans H erbert Lavin gton M .B ., C.M .
H igh street, Oxford
frey M .A. S t. John’s parsonage.
Ropley, G orin g, R eading
Farrow P. W. O xford st. W oodstock
W h itch u rch , Reading
Evans John, 232 A bingdon rd.O xford Fath ers C y ril, 55 W arw ick st. Oxford
Edwards M iss E . 14 W orcester place, Evans John, 37 R eg en t street, C ow ­ F au ld in g J. W hite H eath er cottage.
St. Thom as’ , Oxford
le y St. John, Oxford
M ill lan e, Rotherfield
Edwards M iss S t. G eorge, x C rick Evans M rs. 289 C ow ley road, Oxford
H enley-on-Tham es
road. Oxford
Evans M rs. Low er H eyford, Banbury Faulkn er A lfred W illiam , Beech croft,
Edw ards M isses,W est st.C hip p n g.N rtn Evans Mrs. M yddleton, Holmwood,
Chinnor, W allin gford
Edwards M rs. 65 D ivin ity road, C ow ­
Faulkn er H ., M .D .St.J oh n ’s rd.B an bry
Shipton-under-W ychw ood, O xford
ley road, Oxford
Evans Richard, 16 Moreton road, F au lkn er M iss, 25 Farndon road, St
Edwards M rs. 212 Woodstock road,
G iles’, Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Evans Thos. H. 79 C ow ley rd. Oxford F au lkn er M rs.35 S t.A ld a te 's st.O xford
Eeles H enry, 1 S t. M ichael’s m an­ E vans W illiam , 4 L eys villas, W itn ey F au lk n er M rs. 57 W estern road,
sions, Ship street. Oxford
G randpont, Oxford
Evans W illiam , Th e L im es, C row ­
Effingham E arl of D L. Tusm ore ho.
Faulks H. Prospect house, Clanfield
m arsh G ifford, W allingford
B icester ; & T ra vellers’ club S W & E van s-Pritchard Rev. Thom as John Fau sset Andrew Grierson M .B. xo
Bachelors’ club W , London
C h arlb u ry road, Oxford
B.A. V icarage, W aterp erry,W h eatley
Egerton H ugh E dw ard M .A. 14 St. E veleg k M rs. E ld erw ick, Hea-dington F av arg er H enri, Baldon house, M arsh
G iles’ street, Oxford
Baldon, Oxford
E ven s M rs. 6 H ill Top
road, St.
Eggleton Edward 3 Thorncliffe road.
Faw cett Rev. Joseph M .A . 19 N orthC lem ent's, Oxford
Sum m ertown. Oxford
moor road, Oxford
Evens Sam uel, 164 D ivin ity road,
Elam Vallance. The Lodge. L ittle
C ow ley road, Oxford
F earn ley Mrs. S t. M ary’s lodge. Th e
Tew. Enstone
Leys, W itney
E v e re tt Charles, The L im es, SwalE ldrid Thom as E rnest, 6 H amilton
cliffe, B anbury
Feath erstone M iss,252 Iffley rd.O xfra
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
E verett Mrs. 30 St. M arg aret’s road, Fedden Rev. Lorenzo P layer M .A
Eldridge E ustace Bernard. 12 P o rt­
St. G iles', Oxford
R ectory, C u xh a m , W allingford
land road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
E verett W illiam , S p rin g F arm house, Feeney W illiam P u rvis, G leb e cot­
Eldridge Jas. 38 Beaumont st. Oxford
G orin g, Reading
tage, G orin g, R eading
Eldridge Jam es M atthew M .A. 731 E v e ritt
A rth u r
G raham , Feilden C apt. G u y J.P . C okethorpe
D ivinity road, C ow ley rd. Oxford
G reycou rt, G oring, Reading
p ark, D u cklin gton, W itn ey
Eldridge Miss, 60 M iddleton rd.B nbry E ve ritt Mrs. G reycou rt, G oring.R dng Feilden M iss, H igh W all, Headington
Elford Mrs. 22 St. M arg aret’s road. E ve rritt Jn. H. Oxford st. Wood.stock
h ill, Oxford
St. G iles’ . Oxford
E vetts L ieu t. E d gar F ullerto n , Base F eilin g K e ith
G raham M .A . St.
Elford P ercy M .A . 115 W oodstock
court, T ackley, Oxford
A ldate’s, 12 H olyw ell st. O xford
road, Oxford
E vetts E dm und L R. T ra in in g col­ Felth am H .L vn d h u rst, S h ilton , Burfd
Eliot Col. Geo. Edwd. Islip, Oxford
lege, C ulh am , A bingdon
F elth ouse A rth u r G. 18 H igh street,
E lkington R ev.W illiam G. H ardwicke. E vetts Miss, 7 Beech C roft road.
C h ip p in g Norton
Vicarage, Elsfield, Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Fendick Rev. G eorge H arold M .A.
E lliott C hristopher Frank, 11 Staver- E vetts Mrs. N orth lodge, Blenheim ,
Pusey house, 6 1 S t.G ile s ’ st.O xford
ton road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Fenem ore Thom as, 12 Southfield rd.
E lliott E dw in Bailey M .A ., F .R .S . 4 E vetts W. T ack ley pk. T ackley,O xford
C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
B ardw ell road, Oxford
E w art Mrs. 24 W arnborough road, S t Fenwick Rev. Geo. B ., M .A. 141 B an ­
Ellis G eoffrey, Drayton St. Leonard,
G iles’ , Oxford
b ury road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
W allingford
Exon C h arles, 57 Bainton road, St. F erard M isses, 1 Farndon road, St.
E llis L evi Jam es, 36 Aston street,
G ile s’, Oxford
G iles’, Oxford
C owley St. John. Oxford
E yles C harles C. 6 W estern road, F erguson Rev. W illiam H arold M .A.
E llis S. Y arn ton , Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
S t. E dw ard’s school, W oodstock rd.
E llis W alter E. 3 K ingston road, S t. E yles E. E. 75 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Sum m ertow n , Oxford
G iles’, Oxford
E yre H erbt. 20 W est Bar st. Banburv F ernlev M iss, T he C edars, C uxh am .
E llis W illiam , 8 Regent street, C ow ­ E yre-W illiam s Col. E dw ard, H eyes
W allingford
ley St. John, Oxford
wood, Lashbrook, Sh iplake, Henley- Ferrim an Sam uel, 36 M inster road,
Ellis W illiam P. 304 B anbury road,
on-Tham es
S t. C lem ent's, Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
F air M i8S,Riverslea, M ill lan e,R other­ Festin g Mrs. 21 Park crescent, Park
Ellison C lem en t Jam es, 21 M inster
town, Oxford
field Peppard, H enley-on-Tham es
road, S t. C lem en t’s, Oxford
F airbairn S teve, Th am e pk. Tham e F eth erston h augh Capt. A rth u r G. St.
Elm er A rchibald, 20 Lonsdale road, F airclou gh A lfred, C lovelly, Low er
L. Red house, B icester
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
F ew trell Mrs. 4 South B ar st. Banbury
S hiplake, H enley-on-Tham es
Elsom John, 118 A bingdon rd.O xford Fairfax
A rth u r,
lodge, F foulkes Mrs. 60 W oodstock road, St.
Eiwell R. J. G range cottage, Bam pton
Dashwood road, B anbury
G iles’, Oxford
Enabling J. E. Hawlcwell, Iffley,O xford F airfa x-T aylor M rs. Conegar, H ig h ­ F fren ch Mrs. T h e L arch es, A dder­
Em bling W illiam , 8 Clarendon villas,
field, Oxford
bury E ast, Banbury
Park town, Oxford
F airhead A rth u r, Th e C ot, C uxh am , F id ler H y. J. 34a, W est E n d , W itn ey
Em eris Rev. W illiam Charles M .A.
W allingford
F idler M rs. J. C. W arren side, MapleVicarage, Burford
F aith fu ll Rev. C harles H enry M .A
durh am , R eading
Em m et Rev. W illiam E dw ard M .A.
The R ectory, Rousham , Oxford
Fidoe A lfred J. A sylum , Littlem ore,
161 W o o d sto c k rd. St. G ile s’ .Oxford F alkner Miss, ir B evington road, St.
Emp^on M isses, 223 C owley rd.O xford
G iles’, Oxford
F iedler Herm ann G ., M .A. Th e Lane
England L t.-C ol. A lb ert E dw ard J.P., Fallow s Sam uel H. 10 T h e Terrace.
house, N orham road, Oxford
R A. Manor ho. Souldern, B anbury
Park town, Oxford
Field Rev. John Edward M .A. V ic a r­
England A lfred M ajor, W inter Trees, Fane C apt. H. G. B icester ho.B icester
age, Benson
Greenfield, W atlington, W allingford Fane Sydn ey A lgernon, Harlesford Field Rev. Thom as P erro tt M .A.
England F redk. Jam es, Lam bourne
Chadlington, C h arlbury
house, T etsw orth
ho. G reenfield,W atlington,W allingfd F anning F. Old R ecto ry,G orin g.R d n g F ield A rth u r, 13 Portland road, S u m ­
Englefield M rs. 231 W alton W ell rd. F ansliaw e Rev. H enry Leigh ton M .A.
m ertow n, Oxford
St. G iles’, Oxford
C hilw orth , W heatley
F ield E rnest, 12 N ew land, B anbury
fin£ j s h
M rs- Riviera,
Lashbrook, j F an sh aw e Rev. W illiam D alrym ple Field Francis H ayward, 35 Norham
ohiplake, H enley-on-Tham es
M .A. 24 Staverton road, Oxford
road, Oxford
Espinasse Rev. Richard Talb ot M .A Fardon Thom as 0 . L au rels, Hensing- F ield M iss, 1 C ow ley place, St. C le­
South W eston, W allingford
ton lane, Woodstock
m ent’s, Oxford
Essen M ajor W m .N orthm oor, Oxford 1Farebrother Mrs. 2 C hurch w alk, St. F ield P. L yn dh urst, H igh st. Tham e
Esson W illiam M .A ., F .R .S . 13 Brad-I G ile s’, Oxford
F ield W a lter W m . 4 B otley rd. Oxford
w ore road, Oxford