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[ k e l l y âs
H iggs H enry, bont repairer, G rove street
Reeding Selbv, farm er, W hitehouse farm
H iilier W illia m G eorge, Abingdon A rm s P.H . G rove st
R eeves Uriah John & Son, shopkeepers, G rove stre e t;
Hilton Stephen & Sons, boot & shoe dealers, M arket pi
M ill street & W allingford street
Howse W illiam , saddler, W allingford street
Reeves G eorge, pork butcher, G rove street
H ughes Jam es, boot m aker, M arket place
Reeves E dw ard, grocer, Orm ond road
H um phrey W m . John, K in g 's A rm s P.H . W allingford st Reveley Tom , photographer, M arket place
International Tea C o.'s Stores L im ited, M arket place
Richings George, plum ber, W allingford street
Ivey Charles, beer retailer, W allingford street
Riehings Tom , grocer, G rove street
Jackson F red, b utcher, M arket place
Roberts Rowland, draper, W allingford street
Jefferies John, beer reta iler, G rove street
Robey A lfred, Shoulder of M utton P.H . W allin gford st
Jefferies W alter, chim ney sw eeper, M ill street
I Robins Henry, chem ist & d rug gist, M arket place
Johnston Brothers, coach painters, G rove street
Robson Edw ard, farm er & racehorse trainer, Stockham ;
Jotcham & Son, solicitors, N ew bury street
& at Letcom be B assett
Ji.tcham W illiam C larke M .A. solicitor, & coroner for the Rolls A lfred W illiam , tailor, G rove street
W antage division of the county, clerk to commissioners Rolls E sau, cycle agent, W allin gford street
of taxes, treasurer to D istrict Council, reg istrar & St. K ath arin e's School (secondary, boarding & day) (conÂ
high bailiff county court (firm , Jotcham & Son), N ewÂ
ducted by the Sisters of the C om m un ity of St. M ary
bury street
th e V ir g in ; head m istress, S ister M ary Christobel),
Keall W illiam Powell, den tist, L ea house, N ew bury st
W allingford street
K ennedy W a lter Douglas M .A ., M .B .. B .Ch.O xon. (firm , St. M ary's Home for Penitents (conducted by Sisters of
B ir t & K ennedy), physician & surgeon, & m edical
the C om m unity of St. M ary the V irgin )
officer & public vaccin ator Vale d istrict. W antage St. M ary's School (for the daughters of gentlem en),
under the charge of S isters of th e Com m unity of St.
union & surgeon to C ottage H ospital, Priory road
Kent & Son, ironm ongers, M arket place
M ary the Virgin ; for term s apply to the S ister in
Kent A lban, parish clerk. C hurch street
charge, N ewbury street
K in g A lfred's G ram m ar School (W illiam A rth u r Barron S t. M ichaelâs T ra in in g School for Industrial G irls k
T rain in g College for Secondaiy Teachers k M issionÂ
M .A . head m aster), Portw av
aries (under the charge of Sisters of S t. M aryâs),
Lancashire Charles Robert, m anager of London County
k W estm inster Bank L im ited & treasurer to the Rural
P riory road
Henry, deputy registrar of births & deaths
D istrict C ouncil, N ew bury street
W antage sub-district, k deputy registrar of m arriages,
Langford R. S. & Sons L im ited , coal, corn & seed
M ount Pleasant, P riory road
m erchants, M ill street
Sim m ons John (M rs.), dairy, Grove street
Lew is E liza (M iss), china & glass dealer, N ew bury st
Lloyds Bank Lim ited (sub-branch) (J. E. G. Bowen, Sim s Thom as, cabinet m aker, M ill street
Slade John H arding, butcher, M arket place
m an a ger); open frid a ys, 12 to 3 p .m . M ill s tre e t;
Sm allbone Thomas, Blue B oard P.H . N ew bury street
draw on head office, 71 Lom bard street, London E C
Sm ith H erbert, watch k clock m aker, M arket place
Lloyd Lorenzo John, coach builder, Portw ay place
Sm ith W illiam Henry, boot repairer, G rove street
London C entral M eat Co. L im ited, M arket place
London C oun ty & W estm in ster Bank L im ited (branch) Stephens H erb eit, farm er, Chain H ill farm
(C harles Robert Lan cash ire, m anager), N ew bury s t . ; Stevenson W illiam Clem ent, relieving & vaccination
officer, collectur to W antage union for No. 1 district,
draw on head office, 41 Lo th bu ry, London E C
registrar of births k deaths for W antage sub-district &
Looker M ark L u k e k Son, boot m akers, G rove street
registrar of m arriages, D urley Dean villa, N ew bury st
Lovegrove Jam es, tailor, M arket place
Malin A rth u r E . grocer & provision m erchant, M arket pi Stroud Charles k Sons, plum bers & painters, M ill street
Sutton & Co. carriers (agen t, A. G ib bs), M arket place
M atthews A lfred , shopkeeper, M ill street
Talbot W illiam , insurance agent, Ormond road
M ay Joseph H erbert, draper, N ew bury street
Thornill Henry, boot repairer. M ill street
M ayo G . k A. blacksm ith s. G rove street
Town H all (G eorge H illier, keeper), M arket place
M ielke A lb ert, grocer, Urrove street
Trow John Stiles, harness m aker, W allingford street
M itchell W illiam , boot rep airer. M ill street
T u ck er R. & Sons, nurserym en, M arket place
M orris B rothers, coal & coke m erchants, G rove street
T u rn er Jam es, chim ney sweeper. G rove street
M orris R eginald Jas. confectioner, W allin gford street
Morse H erbert Christopher, estate agent, Tate collector. T yler B ert Ralph, boot" m aker, W allin gford street
income k assessed taxes & deputy registrar, M arket pi V alentine & B arrell L im ited, outfitters, M arket place k
W allin gford street
Mulcock H enry G eorge, hair dresser. M ill street
N ichols H enry N orm an & Son, stationers & prin ters, Victoria Cross G allery (G . H illier, caretaker), M arket pi
W alker Gordon, m anager of G as W orks, Grove street
M arket place
Noble W illiam A rthur, m anager of W antage Tram w ay W alter & Co. w atch m akers k jew ellers, M arket place
W antage B rew ery Co. L im ited , brewers, C hurch street
Co. L im ited , Springfield road
& M arket place
N orth Berks H erald (A rth u r G ibbs, p u b lish er; published
W antage k
D istrict Fanciersâ Association (Ernest
S a tu r d a y ), M arket place
W ilkins, hon. sec)
N unney M rs. Bear hotel & posting hou se; high-class
accom m odation for m otorists &c. M arket pi. T N 39 W an tage E ngineering Co. Ltd . engineers, Ormond road
W antage M otor Co. (The), m otor enginrs. M ill st. T N 11
Ormond E. & E. B. solicitors. M arket place
Ormond Edwd.(firm ,O rm ond E. k E. B .), solr.M arket pi W antage T n m w a y Co. Ltd . (W . A. Noble, m g r.), M ill st
Ormond E dw ard Brooks (firm , Orm ond E . k E. B .), soli W antage Urban D istrict C ouncil Scattered Homes (A. H.
B eckley, sup t.), Manor road
c ito r k clerk to W an tage Urban k R ural D istrict
C ouncils, the guardians & assessm ent com m ittee of Wantage" W ater Works Co. L td . (Edward Ormond, s^c. ;
j r Pegler, collector & m anager) ; office, M arket pi
W antage union' & the m agistrates & supt. registrar,
WarneT Henry. Th e Bell P.H. M arket nlace
M arket place
J oh n â Napoleon, boot dealer, N ew bu ry street
Palace Cinem atograph T heatre (D. S. Holderness, m an Â
Watson W illiam E. farrier, M ill street
ager), W allingford street
lizabeth (M rs.), beer retailer. Portw ay place
P alm er E d ith (M iss), baker & confr. W allin gford street
W ebb M ary (M rs.), Rose & Crown P.H . G rove street
P alm er Jam es, butcher, M arket place
W ebster A lb ert Robert, insurance agt. W allingford st
Passey F rederick G eorge, m arine store denier, M ill st
W eedon B rothers, coal m erchants. M ill street
Pates H arry, corn & coal m erchant. The W harf
W elch Jam es, town crier, toll collector & b ill poster,
P ayne G eorge, cycle dealer, N ew bu ry street
G rove street
Payne G eorge, shopkeeper. G rove street
P egler Francis Joseph, collector & m anager W ater W orks W heeler B rothers, tailors k outfitters, M arket place
heeler k Co. builders & contractors, N ew bury street
Co. L im ited , The G ables. N ewbury street
W hite Edward, baker & billposter. G rove street
Penney Lew is, draper. M arket plnoe
ite H arrie tt (M rs.), m idw ife, M ill street
P iggo tt Joseph, baker, W allingford street
W h ite M artha (M iss), shopkeeper, W allin gford stre* t
Pinnock Bros, farm ers. L ittlew o rth house, M ill street
Joseph, Three Tuns P.H. C hurch street
P ittaw ay F rederick. Lam b inn, M ill street
Wigmorp G eorge, saddler, M arket place
Q cin cey E dw ard, shopkeeper, M ill street
W illis W illiam H enry, grocer, W allingford street
Radbone E dw ard H enry, grocer. M arket place
Ravm ond G eorge Sidney L .D .S .E n g . dentist. Glen Lea. W illoughby Leonard Joseph, m iller (w ater). Locks lane
W isem an A lbert, d istrict road surveyor, The Crossings,
Portw av
Orm ond road
R eading G eorge, gardener to TV. C. Jotcham esq. N ew Â
W ra ig h t Sydney, grocer, M arket place
b u ry street
g W om enâs C hristian Association (Miss Clark, sec.),
Redwood E dw ard, basket m aker. M ill street
New burv street
Redwood Francis, coal m erchant, M ill street