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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Pim m E dw in J. 105 Iffley rd. Oxford
P im m F red erick C harles, 14 P em Â
broke st. S t. C lem en tâs, Oxford
Roden John S. T aylor, 56 Reading
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Taylor Miss Dorothy, 49 Henley st.
C owley S t. John, Oxford
T aylor H arry, 38 D ivin ity rd . C owley
road, Oxford
T aylor W illiam
Henry A .R .C .O .,
A .L .C .M . St. C lare, Tw yford g a r Â
dens, B anbury
Thornton M iss O live M. 324 B anbury
Toad, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
T revor C harles F rederic, 6 Abingdon
road, G randpont, Oxford
W a irilo w H erbert C lare F. R .C .O . 10
Staverton road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
W ells M iss H ilda, 74 P ark st. Tham e
W ellstood M iss G ertrude A .L .C .M . 27
Jeune street, S t. C lem entâs, Oxford
W ing H edley J. W indm ill road, HeadÂ
ington, Oxford
Youens H enrv, 291 W oodstock road,
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Teachers of Shorthand.
Seym our F .J. 12 Corn m ark et,T h am e
Thom as M rs. Isabella S. 1, 2 & 3
Becket street, S t. T h om asâ, Oxford
W ilberforce (Miss A. A. Iorns, p ro Â
p rietress), 34 Queen street, Oxford
D alby & Co. 1 B rid ge street, B an b ury
Froud Jam es & Sons, H enley-on-Thm s
G alpin F. J. S t. M aryâs road & 20
Crown st. C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
Groves A lfred & Sons, M ilton-underW ychw ood, Oxford
TENNIS COURT PROPRIETR. Johnson Richard Jam es & Co. W orÂ
cester place & C anal street, O xford.
Dickinson Jn. Hy. 6 M erton st. Oxford
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 3
K im b erley Jam es Snowden, B anbury
Steam saw m ills, B anbury
E aves G. & Son, 6 M ark et place,
Messers Lim . Reading road, H enÂ
B anbury. T N 31
ley-on-Tham es
Putm an Joseph & Sons, F rid a y st.
S iarey W illiam H oward, G roveland
H enley-on-Tham es
orks, C h innor
W all Jabez & Son, H igh st. B urford
Tinegate E dw in W illiam , L ittlem o re ,
W ya tt John & Son (p rop rietors), 278
W oodstock rd. S um m ertow n,O xford
W illiam s F. C. 61 Th e C rofts,W itn ey
E d g i n g t o n J o h n & C o . L i m i t e d , W oolgrove W illiam T h om as, L ittle
Tew , E nstone
S ardin ia house, S ardinia street,
K in gsw ay,
W C.
T A [SST F u l l l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d e i n
U n it e d K in g d o m , s e e B u ild in g
â A bri, London â
U n i t e J o h n L i m i t e d , 291 & 293
T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y . P ric e 3 0 s .]
E dgw are road, London W
Page G eorge, H ighm oor cross, HenÂ
Hunt E. T. & Co. 45 Queen st. O xfrd
ley-on-Tham es
H unt E rnest Thos. F .I.P .S ., F .C .T .S . Page H enry G eorge, H ighm oor farm , A u stin W illiam , New M arston, O xfrd
Buckland L . K in gston B loun t, W a lÂ
48 Broad street, Oxford
H ighm oor, H enley-on-Tham es
R ichards B ertram , H ig h st. Burford
Teachers of Singing.
Walden Edwin, 3 W arw ick rd.B anbry
Beuthin H. Cresw ell, 145 Kingston Bench John T. Hook N orton,Banbury W illiam s Job, G t. M ilton, W allingford
Collins John W m . B loxham ,B anbury
road, St. G ilesâ , Oxford
B u ttifan t Mrs. A rth u r L R .A .M . 299 Daniels Richard, Standlake, W itney
W oodstock rd. Sum m ertow n , Oxfrd D urham John, Fifield, Oxford
S terne A rth u r F. 191 D ivin ity road, D urham W m . Shipton-under-W ychBanks
& Davis L im ited , R iver street,
Cowley road, Oxford
wood, Oxford
D eriten d,B irm in gh am . T A â S eam Â
Woodward Thom as W illia m ,18 Beech G ardner E lija h , Hook Norton, Banbry
â T N 697 C en tral
Gardner R. Hook Norton, Banbury
C roft road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
H em m ings M ark, W iggin ton ,B an b ury
Private Tutors.
Stratford Thom as, W igginton, Banbry
Benson M rs. A . 66 Cowley rd.O xford
C h u rch ill M aj. A rth u r B enj. Norton, Tanner B. W eald, Bam pton
Bradford Charles B. 11 B ell street,
W ise A lbert, B loxham , B anbury
10 Bardw ell road, Oxford
H enley-on-Tham es
Cousins D. C ., M .A. 123 H igh st.O xfd
B righ tw ell M rs. A nnie, 73 C ausew ay,
Haines J.T..A .,M .A. 123 H igh st.O xfrd
G rim sb ury, B an bury
Jane Lionel C ecil M .A. 71 H igh st
See also C in em ato grap h Halls.
C hard & Co. 62 Parsons st. B anbury
G rand (F. J. W ilks,m an ager & sec.), Cook A lfd. N . 1 South B ar st.B a n b ry
Leete H enry Baird M .A. 138 H igh
Broad street, B anbury
Cooke G . & Co. 49 H igh st. O xford.
street, Oxford
New Theatre (The Oxford T heatre Co.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 3 7
L y sag h t Rev. John A rth u r C ., M .A.
L td . p ro p rie to rs; S. C . D orrill, Cotton E lm er, 18 T u rl street, Oxford
132 H igh street, Oxford
sec. ; G. T . L u cas, m an agin g Davies F. & Son, 19 P ark E n d street,
May H erbert H ., M .A. 6 Wellington
d irector), G eorge street, Oxford
S t. Thom asâ, Oxford
square, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Palace (The) (C ow ley Road Cinem a Dover C harles, 26 H igh st. Tham e
Radcliffe John E . Y . 6 & 7 C orn m arÂ
ate C ash Tobacco Stores, 60
ket street, Oxford
W rig h t, m an ager), 106 C owley rd.
H igh street, Oxford
Rhys-M organ Rev. Rees L .T h .A .B .
G ough Jesse, 71 S t. C lem entâs st.O xfd
C harlotte villa,M iddle C ow ley,O xfd P icturedrom e
V a riety, G regory J. & Co. 81 H igh st.B anb ry
Sopote M ark B .Sc. 95 W oodstock rd.
M arket place, Banbury
G rim b ly. H ughes & Co. L im ited , 55
S t. G ilesâ, Oxford
& 56 C orn m arket street, Oxford
W illiam s S. 50 Cornm arket st. O xfrd
H all E . Jam es, 5 M arket street & 4s
See A gen tsâ Th eatrical.
C ornm arket street, Oxford
H edderly W illiam , 14 & 15 T u rl st.
H um phris John, 63 Bridge st.B a n b u ry
In d ia R u b b e r, G u t t a P e r c h a &
See A g ricu ltu ra l M achine Owners. Jones S ydn ey H erbt.13 H igh st.O x frd
T e le g r a p h
W o rk s C o. L im .;
K in g F rederick John H. 14 M iddleton
offices, 106 Cannon street, London
road, G rim sb ury, Banbury
E C ; works, Silvertow n, London E
Leed Jam es C. 85 H igh st. Oxford
W illiam s H enry, 10 P ark E nd street,
Lew is H arry, 29 L ittle Clarendon st.
S t. Thom asâ, Oxford
St. G ilesâ , Oxford
Bird J. A .9 H igh st. C hipping Norton
Litchfield C. D. 70 Bridge st.B anbury
Bruton F. J. C h urch st. C h arlbury
n Colin, 1 H ig h street & 52 S t.
See B rick & T ile M akers.
C astle (Misses Noble & G arlick , proÂ
G ilesâ street, Oxford
p rietors), 23, Park E nd street, St.
M acdonald M rs.E . 11 C owley rd.O xfrd
Thom asâ, Oxford
M ackenzie Geo. A. 13 Sheep s t.B ic s tr
C attle Mrs. Sarah A lice, 4 & 5 N eighbour Fred, C h ristm as Com m on, M argetts M rs. Sarah, C ouching st.
W atlington, W allingford
B ecket street, S t. Thom asâ, Oxford
W atlin gton, W allingford
C ouling H erbt.E . 20 Sheep st.B icestr N eighbour Sydney, C h ristm as C om  M ortim ore F rederick, 6 W oodstock
m on, W atlin gton , W allingford
Dumbleton T. 55 to 58 B rid ge street,
road, St. G ilesâ , Oxford
Page H enry G eorge, H ighm oor, Hen M urray L in dley, 16 D uke street,
G oddard G eorge Stroud, 24 Hythe
ley-on-Tham es
H enley-on-Tham es
B ridge st. St. Thom asâ, Oxford
Olds M rs. A. E. 4 Broad st. B anbury
Livingstone Tem perance H otel (W alt.
O ra Stephanus P. 1 G eorge st.O xford
R. Sansbury, m anager), 3,6 Bridge A ve ry W illiam & Sons, W h eatley s ta  Parrish Josph. 27 Parsons st. B anbury
street, B anbury
tion, W h eatley
Pearce M rs. F . 13 H igh st. W itney
Moore F. C. W . 2 H igh st. W itn ey
Basson & Co. 27^ St. A ld ateâs st.O xfd Phillips Miss A. M .19 H igh st.B a n b ry
Oxford (Mrs. Jane E lizh. W illiam s), B aughan W illiam (en glish ), Bam p(on R ig lar M iss A lice M aud, 34 B ell st.
6 & 8 M arket pi.H enley-on-Tham es B raggin s G. F . & Co. G atterid ge st.
H enley-on-Tham es
Pollard E rnest, C hilw orth, W h eatley
B an bury
Seym our M isses Sarah & E m ily , 123
Preston Geo. E . 1 Botley Td. Oxford C ullum B rothers, W h eatley
H igh street, Tham e