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Godlee Sir Rickman John K.C.V.O., Gould A. P. The Grange, Clanfield Green Mrs. The Poplars,Warborough,
BA. M.S.. F.R.C.S.Eng. Coombe Gould George Harry, 85 Southfield Wallingford
Green Mrs. 89 Southmoor road, St
End farm, Whitchurch. Reading
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Godley Alfred Denis M.A. 27 Nor- Gould G., M.A. Merton college,Oxfrd Gilesâ, Oxford
ham road, Oxford
Gould Jas. C. 125 Iffley road, Oxford Green Mrs. T. H. 56 Woodstock rd.
Godsell James Nelson, Lawn Upton, Gould Miss, 21 Worcester place, St St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Greenall Peter J.P. Thame cottage,
Littlemore, Oxford
Thomasâ, Oxford
Godson Miss, High street, Bampton Goundrey Misses, 32 Thorncliffe road. Warborough, Wallingford
Greenaway Wm. 25 Bath t-er.Banbury
Godson Nicholls S., Horley, Banbury Summertown, Oxford
Godwin Rev. Edward Ph.D., M.R Goundrey Mrs. 88 Kingston road, St. Greening George, 7 Southmoor road,
St Gilesâ, Oxford
Presbytery. South Bar st. Banbury Giles', Oxford
Gofton Ernest, 13 Chalfont road, St. Gouriet P. Longfrie,Ooft rd. Thame Greening P. Middle Cowley, Oxford
Grace Edward S. 77 Middleton road, Greenv.ell Edward Eyre, GrahamsGiles', Oxford
field, Goring, Reading
Golby John. Cumberland lodge, Cow Grimsbury, Banbury
Grafflin Mrs. 96 Banbury rd. Oxford Greenwood Miss, 334 Banbury road,
ley road, Oxford
Goiby Miss, 74 Bath road, Banbury Graham Archd. 6 Lathbury rd.Oxfrd Summertown, Oxford
Golder Mrs. 8 Fairacres road, Iffley Graham Arthur Richard,45 Hamilton Greet Mrs. Ferry house, Shillingford,
road, Summertown, Oxford
road, Oxford
Golding Mrs. Manor house, Hook Graham David, Fritwell lodge, Frit- Gregory Miss, 7 Church grn. Witney
Gregory Mrs. 29 The Leys, Chipping
well, Banbury
Norton. Banbury
Golding Percy W., Mus.Bac. All Graham Miss, 69 Iffley road, Oxford
Saintsâ school, Bloxham, Banbury Graham Mrs. New Mills ho. Rother Grenfell Bernard Pyne M.A., D.Litt
5 New College street, Oxford
Goldingham Rev.Philip Procter, Rec- field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Gresswell Rev. Henry William M.A.
t-ory, Church green, Witney
Graham Mrs. Tetsworth
Goldring Rev. Arthur B.A. Vicarage, Graham Mrs. 35 Walton Well road, Rectory, Wendlebury, Bicester
Gretton Richard H. Little house,
Milcombe, Banbury
St. Giles', Oxford
Goldring Rev. Clive M.A. Vicarage, Graham Richard, 21 Stratfield road. Sheep street, Burford
Grey Rev. Harry George M.A. WyHorton, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Goldsmith Frederick. 51 Marston st Granger E. B. Lit. Milton, Wallingfd cliffe lodge, 52 Banbury road, St.
Grant George Arthur, 17 Walton Gilesâ, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Grey Hush Wordsworth, 100 Divinity
Goldsworthy Chas. Geo.3 Beech Croft crescent, St. Thomas' Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Grant John, 23 Middleton road. road, Cowley road, Oxford
Grey Mrs. Eastfield house, WhitÂ
Goldsworthy John, 12 Oakthorpe rd. Grimsbury, Banbury
Summertown, Oxford
Graves John, 16 Boxhedge road. church, Readins
Gribble Joseph Edds, 2 Regent st.
Goldsworthy Thomas Howard, 91 Neithrop, Banbury
Southmoor rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford Gray Sir Walter J.P. 50 New Inn Cowley St. John, Oxford
Gribble Thomas, 15 White House rd.
Gomme Ernest, Elmhurst, Chinnor, Hall street, Oxford
Gray Rev. George Buchanan M.A.. Grandpont, Oxford
Gooch Capt. Richard F. K. 1 West D.Litt.Oxon., D.D. 33 Norham rd. Gribble William, 42 Hill Top road,
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Bar street, Banbury
Good T. S. Asylum, Littlemore,Oxfrd Gray E. B.,M.D.i9 Beaumont st.Oxfd Grier Rev. Roy Macgregor M.A. All
Goodall Horatio Charles, 16 King Gray Frank, Castle house, Dedding- Saintsâ school, Bloxham, Banbury
Griffen Charles, 102 High st. Witney
Edward street, Oxford
ton, Oxford
Goodall Mrs. 16 Thorncliffe road, Gray Frank, St. Georgeâs mansions, Griffin Rev. G. A. Milton-underWychwood, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
George street, Oxford
Goodbodv R. D. 1 Marlborough road, Gray George Albert, 15 Fair mile, Griffin Innes Edward, Danvers house.
Dashwood terrace, Banbury
Gooden William Henry, 26 Lonsdale Gray Harold Bentley, 13 Oakthorpe Griffin Mrs. 47 West bar, Banbury
Griffin William, Cropredy, Banbuiy
road. Summertown, Oxford
road. Summertown, Oxford
Goodman S.W^Commarket st.Oxfd Gray John B. Bolnev place, Harps- Griffin Wm. 16 High street, Thame
Griffin William Thos. 94 Kingst-on
Goodrich Edwin Stephen M.A. 53 den. Henley-on-Thames
Gray John C. 5 Black Hall rd. Oxfrd road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Banbury road, Oxford
Goodway F. J. 10 Newland, Banbury Gray Mrs. 59 Marlborough road.'Griffith Francis Llewellyn M.A. 11
Norham gardens, Oxford
Goodwin Rev. Henry Arthur M.A. Grandpont, Oxford
RectOTy, Marsh Baldon, Oxford
Grayson Mrs. 215 Woodstock road, 'Griflith Idwal Owain M.A. 49 Ban1 burv road, Oxford
Goodwin Miss, 99 Iffley road, Oxford Summertown, Oxford
Goodwin Miss. 10 Keble road, St. Greatrex J. 76 Bath road, Banbury Griffiths Capt. John, 32 Aston street,
Green Rev. Henry Tyrrell B.A. New ! Cowley St. John, Oxford
Griffiths Arnold Harold, Tetsworth
Goodwin Miss. 3 Stavprton road, St. street, Deddington, Oxford
Green Rev. John George, 4 Brook- !Griffiths Mrs. 86 Kingston road, St.
Giles'. Oxford
Gordon Miss, Marston, Oxford
wood ter. Warwick rd. Banbury
Gilesâ, Oxford
Gordon Walter. 49 Oakthorpe road. Green Rev. Jn. Henry M.A. 3 Warn- Grimmett R. 54 Lonsdale road, Summertown, Oxford
borough road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Snmmertown. Oxford
Gore Right Rev. Charles D.D. The Green A. W. 244 Abingdon rd. Oxfrd jGrimslev Wm. 12 Sheep st. Bicester
Green C. H. 92 St. Aldateâs st.Oxford iGrindle Mrs. 4 Park crescent, Park
Palace. Cuddesdon. Wheatley
G«rt Viscount M.V.O. Caversfield Green F. M. 15 Church green,Witney j town, Oxford
house. Bicester;& 77 Cadogan gar Green Fredk. The Square, Eynsham Grisewood Harman J. Prebendal
dens, London S W
Green George Ernest Augustas, 24 house, Thame
Gosling Col. George J.P. Stratton Farndon road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford Grisman John R., B.A. Training colÂ
Audley park, Bicester
Green John George Tovnsend, 153 lege, Culham, Abingdon
Gosling Geo. 64 Warwick st. Oxford Divinity road, Cowley rd. Oxford Groce Arthur, 89 Woodstock road, St.
Gosnall Mrs. 54 St. Markâs road, Green Joseph Frederick, 29 Warwick Gilesâ, Oxford
Gron Niels B.A. 70 Woodstock road,
street, Oxford
Gosset Col. Frederic R.E. Shirburn Green Joseph Henry, 22 Thorncliffe St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Groom John A. 37 Western road,
street. Watlington, Wallingford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Gosset Isaac W. Orchardleigh, War- Greer: Martin Holdich M.A.9 Polstead Grandpont, Oxford
Grossmith, Geo. Crossways, Goring,
borough, Wallingford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gosset Miss, 5 Winchester road, St Green Miss, 13 Banbury rd. Oxford
Green Miss, Shillingfo°rd, Wallingford
jGrove John
Edmund, Newlyn:
Gilesâ. Oxford
r~r 1 _______
Gosset Miss, 11 Winchester road, Green Miss. Yew cot
tage, Kingston tion road, Henley-on-Thames St.
Grove Miss. 112 Southmoor rd.
St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Blount, Wallingford
Goswell William Ernest, Chiltern vil Green Misses, 9 Polstead road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Groves George,Hook Norton, Banbury
Newnham Murren, Wallingford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Goucher Mrs. The Cottage, Aston Green Misses, 15 Southmoor rd. St. Groves Mrs. Meadowcroft, Miltonunder-Wychwood, Oxford
Rowant, Wallingford
Gilesâ. Oxford
Goudy Henry D.C.L. All Soulsâ col Green Mrs. 25 Leckford road, St. Grubb R. J. 130 Banbury rd. Oxford
Grubb Sidney Edwin, 316 Banbury
lege, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Gough Charles, 109 Iffley rd. Oxford Green Mrs. Linden house, Oxford st. road, Summertown, Oxford
Grundy George Beardoe M.A., D.Litt
Gough George Edgehill, 31 Divinity Woodstock
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Green Mrs. 47 Middleton road, Beam hall, 4 Merton street, Oxford
Gough Mrs. The Lodge, Souldern, Grimsbury, Banbury
Gubbins Frederick W. B. Swalcliff^
park, Banbury