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d ir e c t o r y .]
p imjtive Methodist, Diston's lane, Rev. Harold W illiam
Pope (supt.) & Rev- A m brose Bound, sup ern um erary;
â a.m. & 6 p .m .; ^ed. 7.30 p .m
Wesleyan» W est street, R ev. W. Titcom be P ullen (supt.)
& Rev. 'a . Ernest F ollow s; 11 a.m . & 6 p .m .; th urs.
p.m. & W esley guild at 8 p .m
S a l v a t i o n Army, Spring stre e t; 11 a.m . 3 & 6.30 p.m . ;
daily, 8 p.m
Elementarv, Churcb street, b u ilt in 1859, for about 96
boys with an endowm ent of about £ 1 7 yearly, arising
from a gTant originally made by E dw ard V I. on his
re.founding the ancient G ram m ar School, & from a
bequest of £300, in 1762, by Mr. Francis Barnes, for
the support of a m aster; J. R. H ill, m aster
E le m e n ta r y , Burford road (g irls & infants), b u ilt in 1896,
for 124 g irls; M iss M ary F. E llis, m istress; & 166
infants; Isiiss G ertrude A. G riffin, infantsâ m istress
Elementary, New street, b u ilt in 1854, for 130 g ir ls ;
Miss Winifred Sm ith, m istre ss; 110 in fan ts; Mrs.
N. Oakes, m istress
R E S ID E N T S .
Arkell John, 18 W orcester road
Belcher Mrs. 10 M arket street
Birts Claude A lexander M .B ., B.S.
Lond. 15 Market place
Bound Rev.
Am brose
(Prim itive
Methodist), 18 W est end
Boxven Janies Benjam in J .P . 5 H igh st
Brown Rev. Sam uel (B aptist), 14
West end
Burbidge Thos. Hy. J.P. 19 M arket pi
Burden Miss, 2 Rock hill
Burden Thomas, 1 Rock hill
Carrington John, B anbury road
Chamberlyne E. Tan k erville,T h e Elm
Charlton M atthew Foster, W est end
Chaundy Frank W alter, O ldner cot
Clements Frederick J. W . Oldner bo
Cooper John, The Hollies, Burford rd
Dunstan Arthur Haywood, 52 N ew st
Edwards Misses, "West street
Felthouse Arthur G. 18 H igh street
Elem en tary, Th e Green (boys), reb uilt in 1896, for 160;
Ralph Oakes, m aster
E lem en tary (m ixed), b u ilt in 1836 & in 1883 reb u ilt &
enlarged, for 150 c h ild re n ; M iss M. Q uilter, m istress
R ailw ay Station, Charles A . Drew, station m aster
C A R R IE R S to : â
Banbury-^Franklin, mon. thurs. & sat
Bledingtonâ B olter, â F ox,â wed. & sab
Chadlingtonâ Lodge, â K in g âs A rm s,â wed
C h arlbu ryâ B rice, â F o x ,â wed
Fin stockâ Edw ards, wed
K ingham â B rick , ! K in gâ s A rm s,â wed. & sat
L ittle Com ptonâ M rs. W alker, â Unicorn,â wed
Lon g Comptonâ Salm on, wed
M iltonâ Ridley, â F ox,â wed
Sargroveâ Cox, â K in g âs A rm s,â wed
Shiptonâ R id ley, â F ox,â wed
Follows Rev. A. E rnest (W esleyan),
Rock hill
G eorge John, 15 H igh street
G regory M rs. 29 The Leys
G u y Mrs. 44 W est street
H all E rn est, New street
Hall Jam es, New street
H artley H enry, 22 London road
Hawkyard James, 66 New street
Hayes M iss, 10 H orsefair
Holloway W illiam Thom as, F ern villa
Jones Thom as L. B rew ery house
K in g Leslie Reginald B .A .C an tab .,
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . L o n Â
don road
Lewis Sidney, 5 M arket street
L illey B ertram Edward, Dower cot
Lockwood Mrs. 1 Th e Leys
Mace A lbert Ernest, 6 H orsefair
Mace George Fredk. 14 C hurch street
Mace Thom as, 16 W est street
Neale Alfred C. 1 Blenheim terrace
OâK e lly Thom as M .D. 21 H igh street
O 'Shea Jam es Joseph M .B .26 H igh st
Pearson M artin K n ig h t, 15 Th e Leys
Penyston M rs. Hill lo. Over Norton rd
Pettipher Thom as Henry, 12 W est st
P ettip h er Thom as K e ck,T h e C ottage,
W est street
Pope Rev. H arold W illiam (P rim itive
M ethodist), 11 C h u rch street
Pryer M iss, 8 H orsefair
P ullen Rev. W illiam Titcom be (W esÂ
leyan ), W esley M anse, C h urch st
Reader Joseph, 4 W est street
Rowell W m . Norm an J .P . Iv y dene
Slay Reginald W m . 17 W orcester rd
Sole Rev. Sam uel H eydon (C atholic
M issionary rector), London road
Stanbridge Miss, 23 London road
Stephan Miss, 6 M arket place
Toy W illiam , Alpha vil. W orcester rd
W ebb A u stin , 16 M arket place
W eight
E rnest
Llew ellyn
(curate), W estleigh
Wilkins M rs. The Mount
C em etery (Thom as Mace, clerk to the b urial b o a r d ;
John H ughes, sexton)
Charlton M atthew Foster, clerk to the com m issioners
Allmond Thomas, supt. of police & inspector under the
of taxes, to the guardian s, to th e assessm ent com Â
/ â Foods & D rugs,â â E xp losives,â â Shop H o u r s â &
m ittee of C hipping N orton union, clerk to Chipping
â Diseases of A n im a ls â A cts, Police station, London rd
Norton R u ral D istrict C oun cil & to C h ip p in g Norton
Bates George, confectioner, 50 W est street
& W itn ey Joint Isolation H ospital C om m ittee, supt.
Bafts Edward, boot m aker, 19 H orsefair
reg istrar of C h ipping Norton d is tric t & agent to th e
Batts William, boot & shoe m aker, 47 W est street
Sun Insurance Office, 16a, M arket place
Beechey Alfred John, coach builder, 15 Churchill road
C hipping Norton Co-operative Society L im ited (John
Bennettsâ Lim ited, cleaners, 4 M arket place
Carrin gton , sec.), 4 H igh street
Berry Richard H ugh, relieving & vaccination officer &. C h ip p in g Norton E le ctric Sup p ly Co. L im ited (W illiam
collector to the guardians &â re g is tra r of birth s &
H ellyar, m anager), M arket place
deaths for Chipping Norton d istrict, M iddle row
C hip p in g Norton G as L ig h t & Coke Co. L im ite d (B. E.
Bird John Alfred, confr. & tem perance hotel, 9 H igh st
L illey, sec.), 24 New street
Birts Claude A lexander M .B ., B .S .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g ., C hipping Norton L ite ra ry In stitu te (E a rl of D ucie,
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, & m edical officer
p re s id e n t; M artin K . Pearson, hon. sec.), Town hall
to the pcor law institutio n , 15 M arket place
C hipping Norton P ictu re Palace (W illiam H. H ellyar,
Blake Herbert, farm er, Meads
m anager), London road
Bliss William & Son L im ited, woollen m anufacturers
C lem ents F rederick J. W . dealer in hunters, Oldner
Bolwell Arthur John, antique furnitu re dealer, com plete
house. T N 24
house furnisher & cabinet m aker. 6 H igh street
Colston H arry Thos. grocer & provision m er. 19 New st
owen Benjamin & Son, tanners, 5 H igh street
Compton E. (M rs.), wardrobe dealer, 2 Burford road
n n d le W illia m , stationer, bookseller, bookbinder, Constable G eorge, fishmonger & fruiterer, 7 New street
fancy repository, lending library, prin ter & news Constitutional Club (W illiam Toy, hon. sec.), M arket pi
agent, n High street
Cooper John, nurserym an, B urford road
rowning Clara (M rs.), laundress, Rock hill
County C ou rt (His Honor A . B. E llico tt, ju d g e ; Thos.
urbidge Misses, confectioners. M arket street
Mace, reg istrar & h ig h bailiff)
RllV -a 6 ^ Sons, slaters & plasterers, 7 M arket street
Cross G eorge, grocer & beer retailer, 21 W est end
I a n ^bon?as. HenTy, m anager London C ity & Mid- Custom s & E xcise Office (C harles H enry W est, collecÂ
and Bank Lim ited & treasurer to th e borough, union
tor), E lm sfield
Dlsfcrict C ouncil & C hipping Norton & W itney Dixon Benj. b eer reta ile r & chim n ey swpr. Goddards la
C om m ittee, 19 M arket place
D u n kley C h arles, beer retailer, 20 A lbion street
tmr11 t ? ⢠' r^â Teo istrar of m arriages & deputy regis- Eastm ans L im ited , b utch ers, 3 M iddle row
t. â . u ^ h s & deaths for C hipping Norton district Edgew orth Dennis. Fox & Hounds P.H . The Common
E skell (L. E. & C .) & F ow ler (W .), dentists, 1 M arket
Bur/, t l nt overseerâ 4 H orsefair
s t r e e t ; attend wed
! r , iancy repository, 21 W est street & enF elthouse A rth u r G. ch em ist & d ru g g ist, 18 H ig h st
of) W est street
Fire B rigade (A lbert E rnest Mace, captain), W est street
tailor, 9 M arket street
Burden TR
(M rs.), shopkpr. & post off.W orcester rd F ish er Robert, refreshm ent rooms, 10 N ew street
Foster B rothers C loth in g Co. Ltd . outfitters, 3 New st
BarH neham ^SV r ld6r
contractorâ Albion streefc
Fow ler W illiam , dentist, see E skell (L .E .& C .) & Fow ler
Bu<bv TL.r, . ⢠coal m erchants, Railw ay station
Franklin Fredk. beer retailer & carrier, 56 W est street
sSsbv f t 17', f⢠e:rChapel
Franklin Henry Charles, grocer, 9 M iddle row
Carey n
{ armCT' London road
⢠Charles, fishmonger, 13 New street
Franklin John, P a rrot inn, Sp rin g street
C O M M E R C IA L .
E arly closing day, T hursday.