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Stanley Henry, 149 Divinity .road, Stockton A. 40 South Bar st. Banbury Sturrock William D., M.A., M.D. 32
Cowley road, Oxford
Stockton Mrs. Bodicote, Banbury
Holywell street, Oxford
Stanley Joseph, Wheatley
Stockton Mrs. 33 High st. Witney
Henry M.A. 5 The Terrace»
Stanley W.F.O.69 Banbury rd.Oxford Stodart Herbert, Meadowland, Head­ Sturt
town, Oxford
Stannard C. 10 Aston street, Cowlej ington Quarry, Oxford
Miss,17 West Bar st.Banbry
St. John, Oxford
Stoddart Miss, 37 Bridge st. Witney Style James W. Bideabit, Lower
Stansfeld Rev.John S.,M.A.,M.R.C.S. Stokes Lieut.-Col. Henry Haldane Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
The Rectory, Paradise square, St. M.B., R.A.M.C. Devonshire house, Style Miss, Binfield heath, Henley-onEbbe’s, Oxford
Temple Cowley, Oxford
Staples-Browne MrS.TheElms,Bamptn otone Capt. Charles, Pomona, Hill StThames
yles Mrs. 4 Museum road, Oxford
Stapleton Sir Miles Talbot bart.Greys Top road, St. Clement’s, Oxford
court, Rotherfield Greys, Henley- Stone Rev. Darwell D.D. 61 St. Giles’ Sueter Commodore Murray F., C.B ,
(Director of the Air Depart.on-Thames
street, Oxford
Stapleton Mrs. Manor house, West- Stone Charles Graham B.A. Balliol ment, xVdmiralty) & Mrs.TheHowe,
hill, Watlington, Wallingford
cot-e Barton, Oxford
college, Oxford
Mrs. 16 The Terrace, Park
Stark Alexander, Blenheim, Chinnor Stone Ernest E. 44 Minster road, Suhr
road, Thame
St. Clement’s, Oxford
Stark Miss, 27 Bainton road, St. Stone John, 116 Divinity road, Cow­ Sullivan Wm.17 Calthorpe rd.Baubry
John Orlando, RedGiles’, Oxford
ley road, Oxford
Starkey John Frederick D.L., J.P. Stone John Roper, 6 Polstead road, holme, High street, Thame
Summers Thomas Knight, The Nook,
Bodicote house, Bodicote, Banbury
St. Giles’, Oxford
Starling Albert Edward, 19 Thorn­ Stone Lewis Wycherley J.P. 128 Ban­ Croft road, Thame
Summersby Rev.Benj.Jas.The Manse,
cliffe road, Summertown, Oxford
bury road, Oxford
Statham Rev.Sherard Montagu M.A. Stone Miss, 310 Banbury road, Sum­ Rotherfield Peppard,Henly.-on-Thma
Summersford Edwin, Sinodun, Head­
LL D. Rectory, Cottisford, Brackley mertown, Oxford
ington Quarry, Oxford
Statt William, 7 Thorncliffe road" Stone Miss, 62 Botley road, Oxford
Sunderland Mrs. 29 Stanley road,
Summertown, Oxford
Stone Mrs. Lady Ham, Fulbrook, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Stay Rev. John, 21 Islip road, Sum- Burford
Surridge John, 57 Lonsdale road,
mertown, Oxford
Stone Mrs. 2 St. Margaret’s rd.Oxfrd
Stead Rev. John, 205 Divinity road, Stone Thomas Henry, 10 Manor place, Summertown, Oxford
Susmann Walt. Jas. M.A.,M.B. ErchCowley road, Oxford
Holywell, Oxford
Steedman Percy Andrew, 10 Rawlin­ Stone Thomas Price, 8 Kingston read, font, Reading rd. Henley-on-ThmesSutton Miss, Rose Bank villa, Blox­
son road, St. Giles’, Oxford
St. Giles’, Oxford
Steel Miss, Milton house, Milton- Stone Victor,46 St.Aldate’s st.Oxford ham, Banbury
Mrs. 188 Iffley road, Oxford
under-Wychwood, Oxford
Stone William Henry, 13 Tackley pi. Swain Mrs
. 7 Calthorpe road,Banbury
Steel Misses, 11 Bardwell rd. Oxford St. Giles’, Oxford
Steers W. P. Falklands, Tetsworth Stopes Miss, Garden villa, Britwell, Swales Edward, 5 Frenchay road, St.
Stenning John Frederick M.A. 27 Wallingford
Mrs. 157 Banbury road, Sum­
Linton road, Oxford
Storer Bertram, Mill house, Cux- Swan
mertown, Oxford
Stenson Mrs. 65 Chalfont road, St. ham, Wallingford
Miss, 141 Woodstock road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
3tory Charles, 24 Church gru. Witney
Stephan Miss, 6 Market place, Chip­ Stcton Mrs. 204 Divinity road, Cow­ Giles’, Oxford
Redthorn house, Mill st.
ping Norton
ley road, Oxford
Stephen Rev. Simon D.D., Ph.D. Stourton The Hon. Mrs. Woodcote, Eynsham
A. The Nook, SheningSteeple Barton, Oxford
Souldern, Banbury
Stephen Mrs. Heathfield, Bletching- Stowe J. West lo. Headington,Oxford ton, Banbury
M.A. 98
ton, Oxford
Stowell William, West End villa, Southmoor road, St.John
Giles’, Oxford
Stephens Arthur, The Beeches,Harps- Combe, Woodstock
0 St.
den, Henley-on-Thames
Strachan Mrs. 318 Banbury road, John’s road, St. Giles’, 8Oxford
Stephens Miss, 222 Woodstock road, Summertown, Oxford
Miss, 82 St. John’s road, St.
Summertown, Oxford
Strachan-Davidson James Leigh M.A. Sweet
Giles’, Oxford
Stevens Charles, 54 Bath rd.Banbury Balliol college, Oxford
Stevens George Richard, 1 Davenant Strachan-Davidson Mrs. 7 Bradmore Sweet Mrs. Henry, 20 Farndon road,
St. Giles’,Oxford
road, Wolvercote, Oxford
road, Oxford
Stevens Miss, Ferndale, St. Clement’s Strange Charles J. 51 Portland road, Sydenham Rev. Edward Allen M.A.
Wolvercote, Oxford
street, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Symes-Thompson Rev. Francis M.A
Stevens Mrs. 15 Crick rd. Oxford Strange Mrs. The Leys, Banbury
Stevens Mrs. 33a, High street, Oxford Streatfeild Rev. Frank M.A. Christ Stanton Harcourt, Eynsham
Stevens Mrs. Islip, Oxford
Church, St. Aldate’s st. Oxford Symes-Thompson Mrs. Finmere ho
Stevens Mrs. South view, Sonning Streatfield Rev. George Sidney M.A. Finmere, Buckingham
Symonds Frederick Thomas, 9 White
Common, Henley-on-Thames
Rectory, Godington, Bicester
Stevens Mrs. G. 46 Middleton road, Streeter Rev. Burnett Hillman M.A House road, Grandpont, Oxford
Grimsbury, Banbury
Symonds Horatio Percy F.R.C.S Edin
41 High street, Oxford
Stevens Mrs. Henry, White house, Strick Frank C. Nun’s acre, Goring. 35 Banbury road, Oxford
Mill street, Eynsh'am
Symonds Miss, 51 Banbury rd.Oxford
Stevens Thomas Michael, 119 South­ Strong Very Rev. Thomas Banks D.D Talbot G. Jack ho. Benson,Wallingfrd
field road, Cowley St. John, Oxford Christ Church, St. Aldate’sst.Oxfd Talbot John, 16 Church grn. Witney
Stevens William Henry, 16 Western Strong Rev. Leonard Thomas M.A. Talboys Bertie George, 70 Argyle st.
road, Grandpont, Oxford
St. John’s Mission house, Marston Chester street, Oxford
Stevenson Rev. John George B.A. street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Talboys David A. 1 Folly bridge, St.
112 Divinity rd. Cowley rd. Oxford ■strong Mrs. 48 Bath road, Banbury
Aldate’s, Oxford
Stevenson George Hope M.A.14 Chad- Stroud Alfd. C. 103 Iffley rd. Oxford Talboys Richard A. 2 Folly bridge,
lington road, Oxford
St. Aldate’s, Oxford
btroud Geo. 49 St. John st. Oxford
Stevenson Mrs. Parkhurst, St. An­ Stroud Mrs.40 New Inn Hall st.Oxfrd Tanfield Rev. Thomas, Station road,
drew’s road, Henley-on-Thames
Stroud Will, 41 Southfield road, Cow­ Chinnor, Wallingford
Stevenson Mrs. John, Crowmarsh ley St. John, Oxford
Tanner Edward Foster, 4 Market
Battle, Wallingford
Studds Miss, 44 Thorncliffe road, square, Bicester
Stevenson William Henry M.A. St. Summertown, Oxford
Tanner Miss, 27 Aston street, Cowley
John’s college, Oxford
Studer Paul M.A. 11 Polstead road, St. John, Oxford
Stewart John, Pentycroft house, St. Giles’, Oxford
Tansley Henry, Bury barns, Burford
Chinnor road, Thame
Stupart Miss, Red Roofs, Cutteslowe, Taphouse Charles Milner, 47 Chalfont
Stewart John Alex. M.A. 14 Brad- Oxford
road, St. Giles’, Oxford '
more road, Oxford
Sturch Henry Richard Fowler,Auburn Taphouse E. J. E.107 High st.Witney
Stilliard H. M. 359 Go«ley rd. Oxfri house, Chadlington, Charlbury
Taphouse Mrs. 225 Woodstock road,
Stirling A. W. Holme Lea, Goring. Sturge Frank, Charlbury
Summertown, Oxford
Sturges Rev. Thomas William M.A. Taplin Ashley, 69 Abingdon road,
Stobie William M.B.Edin. 340 Ban­ The Vicarage, Brize Norton,Bamptn Grandpont, Oxford
bury road, Summertown, Oxford Sturges Mrs. Linden house, Heading­ Tarrant Ernest J.P. Wychwood,
Stock Mrs. 17 West Bar st. Banbur} ton, Oxford
Church green, Witney
Stocker William Nelson M.A. Brase- Sturgess Miss, Upcott, Highfield. Tarrant Miss M.25 Church grn.Witny
nose college, Oxford
Tarrant William Henry, Lyndhurst,
Stocks John Leofric M.A. St. John’s Sturley Wm. V. 47 Bath rd. Banbury Church green, Witney
college, Oxford
Tarver Miss, 1 Bath road, Banbury