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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
PRIVATE r e s i d e n t s .
h a s
Guiney Miss, The Cottage, Long Wall Hall Arthur Charles Frederick, 5 Harcourt Bight Hon. Lewis M.P.
street, Oxford
White House rd. Grandpont,Oxford Nuneham park, Oxford; & 14
Gulley Rev. Henry James M.A. Rec- Hall Arthur Thomas, 75 Kingston rd Berkeley square W & Beform A
tory, Hevthrop, Chipping Norton j St. Giles', Oxford
National Liberal clubs S W &
Gundry Mrs. Brewery house, Goring, Hall Ernest, New st. Chipping Nortn Bachelorsâclub W, London
Hall Frank Edward, 1 White House Harcourt Miss, 14 West end, Witney
Gunner Miss, 39 Divinity rd. Cowley road, Grandpont, Oxford
Hardcastle John Norman J.P.BroughÂ
road, Oxford
Hall Frederick William M.A. St. ton hall, Broughton Poggs, LechGunston Frank Henry, Ingleside, Son- Gilesâ street, Oxford
lade (Gloâstersh)
ning Common, Beading
¡Hall Herbert, <, Bard-well rd. Oxford Harding Misses, 9 Bradmore rd.Oxfrd
Gunstone Bichard, Trelawney, High- \Hall Hugh M.A., D.C.L. 100 Holy- Harding T. G. 252 Abingdon rd.Oxfrd
field, Oxford
well street, Oxford
Harding Wm. Jas. Broad st. Banbury
Gunther Bobert Wm. Theodore M.A. Hall Jas. New st. Chipping Norton Hardy Ernest George M.A., D.Litt. 1
5 Folly bridge, St. Aldateâs, Oxford Hall Joseph M.A., D.Litt. The Bardwell road, Oxford
Garden Albert Edward, 9 Begent st. Corner, High street, Woodstock
Hardy Mrs. 36 Leckford road, St.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hall Miss, Abbey wood, Middle Bar Gilesâ, Oxford
Gurney Miss, 17 Oxford rd. Banbury ton, Oxford
Hardy P. 8 Broughton rd. Banbury
Gutch Bev. Alfred Leslie B.A. Txent- Hall Miss Pickard, 24 Norham road, Hargreaves Bev. Grainger, 26 Staverham cottage, Fulbrook, Burford
ton road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Guy Alfred,46 Bullinguon road, Cow- Hall Mrs. Brook lodge, Benson, Harington Arthur, 6 St. Aldateâs st.
ley St. John. Oxford
Guy Mrs.44 West st.Chipping Norton Hall Mrs. 16 Frenchay road, St. Harland Mrs. 258 Iffley road, Oxford
Gwilliam Bev. Samuel Thorn A.K.C. Gilesâ, Oxford
Harley George, 295 Cowley rd. Oxford
Lond., F.B.G.S. The Eectory, Hall Mrs. 62 Hill Top road, St. Hailey Walker Airs. 28 W*arnborough
Hampton Poyle, Oxford
Clementâs, Oxford
road, St. Giles', Oxford
Gwillim Bev. Geoffry Sheward M.A. Hall Mrs. 51 Norham road, Oxford Harlock John, The Lawn, St. Johnâs
53 St. John street, Oxford
Hallett Mrs. Fairfield Manor house, road, Banbury
Gwynne-Davies William, 41 Bath rd. Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames
Harlock Miss, The Lawn, St. Johnâs
Hallett William B. Streatley view. road, Banbury
Gynes Joseph Walter, 4 Hill Top rd. Goring, Beading
Cecil Bisshopp B.A.,
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Halliwell John S. Sandycroft, Yarn- M.P. Magdalen house, Thames
Habgood Fdk. 27 Market sq. Witney ton, Oxford
& 28 MonHack Bev. Bartle Starmer M.A. The Halsey Eustace James, 176 Divinitv tagu square W & Devo
Vicarage, Becket st. St. Thomasâ, road, Cowley road, Oxford
& Royal
Halstead Bertie, 202 Divinity road, Automobile clubs S W, London
Hackett Granville Lloyd, 44 North Cowley road, Oxford
Harnett Airs. Castle hill, Western
Bar street, Banbury
Ham Miss, 50 Beech Croft road, road, Henley-on-Thames
Hacking Miss, 22 Park crescent, Park Summertown, Oxford
Miss, 38 London rd. Bicester
town, Oxford
Hambidge John H. Kenneth house, Harris Capt. C. S., M.A. 90 WoodHacon Harold Edward, The Grove, Bloxham, Banbury
stock road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Over Worton, Oxford
Hamersley Alfred St. George K.C., rris Rev. William Stuart M.A.,
Hacon Miss, Adderbury West, Banbry M.P., J.P. Kycote park; & Carlton, HaD.D.
Bucknell, Bicester
Haddon Miss, Bloxham, Banbury
National& Union clubs S W, London Harris Charles, 8 Lonsdale road,SumÂ
Hadiand Bichard James, 2 Oakthorpe ¡Hamersley Mrs. Edward, Pyrton mertown, Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
manor, Pyrton, Wallingford
Harris Chas. 12 Walton st. Oxford
Hadow Miss, Lady Margaret hall, 21 Hamilton Bev. Benjamin M.A. The Harris Frank Herbert, 172 Divinity
Norham gardens, Oxford
Vicarage, Fewcott, Bicester
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Haes Charles Mount, 23 St. Markâs Hamilton Mrs. 23 Norham rd. Oxford Harris Frank John Robertshaw, 109
road, Henley-on-Thames
Hamilton Mrs. T. Petts, 26 Chalfont Woodstock rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Haggie Mrs. Shillingford ct.Wallngfd road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Harris George, 2 Cobden crescent,
Haig Bev. Arthur M.A. Vicarage, Hamilton Sidney Graves M.A. Hert Grandpont, Oxford
Wroxton, Banbury
ford college, Oxford
Harris George, Marlborough terrace,
Haig Edric Wolseley, Gatehampton Hamlet Edric Cecil Wilfred, 18 Lon Kidlington, Oxford
house, Goring, Beading
don place, St. Clementâs, Oxford
Harris Herbt. L. 82 High st. Thame
Haig-Brown Miss, M.A. 12 Bevington Hamlyn Mrs. Stanton Harcourt, Harris James Radbourne, 8 Manor
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
place, Holywell, Oxford
Haines Bev. George Henry M.A. Hammans Major Arthur, The Olde Harris John, 58 St. John st. Oxford
Horsepath, Wheatley
Farm house, Goring, Beading
Harris John, 145 Walton st. Oxford
Haines Arth. 6 Dashwood ter. Banbry Hammans M t s . Warboroâ, Wallingfrd Harris John Henry, Scotland house,
Haines Arth. E. Berrymoor, Banburv Hammond W. 329 Cowley rd. Oxford Hook Norton, Banbury
Haines J. T. A. St. Georgeâs man Hamp Mrs. Brookside, Watlington, Harris John William, 327 Cowley rd.
sions, George street, Oxford
Haines Mrs. 105 Kingston road, St. Hamp Mrs.The Firs,Kingston Blount, Harris John William, East end, Hook
Gilesâ, Oxford
Norton, Banbury
Haines Walter B.A. Church green, Hampden Mrs. The Old Mansion. Harris Miss, Englefield, High street,
Ewelme, Wallingford
HainswoTth Bev. Thomas, Bectory, Hampshire Miss, Manor cot. Bampton Harris Miss, 12 Polstead road, St.
Brightwell Baldwin, Wallingford
Hanbury-Tracy Hon. William Charles Gilesâ,Oxford
Haire Joseph C. 51 Chalfont road, Frederick D.L.. J.P. Woodcote Harris Mrs. Charlbury
St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Harris Mrs. 131 Iffley road, Oxford
house. Woodcote, Beading
Haithwaite Miss, 6 Begent street, Hance Ernest M. 305 Woodstock rd. Harris Mrs. 22 Lonsdale rd. SummerÂ
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
town, Oxford
Haldane John Scott M.A., M.D., Handford W. C. 94 Warwick st.Oxfrd Harris Mrs. Sutton, Eynsham
F.B.S. Cherwell, Linton rd. Oxford Handlen William, 21 London place, Harris Mrs. Thos. Magdalen lodge,
Hales Walter, Croft, Lower Ship- St. Clementâs, Oxford
Hook Norton, Banbury
lake, Henley-on-Thames
Handover Bev. Sidney James M.A. Harris William Robert, 39 Alexandra
Halfacre Jesse, 37 Walton st. Oxford 68 Walton street, Oxford
road, New Botley, Oxford
Halford Edward, 172 Banbury road, Hands A. E. High st.Deddington,Oxfd Harris Wm. T. 28 Sheep st. Bicester
Summertown, Oxford
Handyside John M.A. St. Johnâs col Harrison Alfred E. 35 Aston street,
Hall Col. Alexander Nelson J.P. Corn- lege, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
well manor, Chipping Norton
Hankey Bev. Cyril Patrick B.A. Mis Harrison Gilbert A. Campden house,
Hall Bev. F. H ,M.A. Oriel col.Oxfrd sionary college,Dorchester,Wallngfd Headington Quarry, Oxford
Hall Rev Frederic John M.A. Pyrton, Hankinson T. 0 . 74 Broughton road, Harrison Mrs. Slater-, Shelswell park,
Hall Bev. Geo. Mellish James M.A. Hanks Frederick J. 263 Woodstock Harrison Nathaniel William, High
Vicarage, Pishill.Henley-on-Thames road, Summertown, Oxford
ghfield, Oxford
Hall Rev. Henry Bobert M.A. Vicar Hans Blackwood Mrs. Meath court. Harrison HiRobert
Hichens Camden
age. Bamsden, Charlbury
Goring, Beading
Shiplake court, Shiplake,
Hall A. C., M.A., J.P. Manor house, Hansen William, White cottage, Henley-on-Thames
Great Rollright, Chipping Norton
C utteslaw e, Oxford
rriss Bev. James Adolphus Ml.
Hall Alexander W., D.L., J.P. Barton Hanson Miss,Hillside, Forest Hl.Oxfrd Ha8
Linton road, Oxford
abbey, Steeple Barton, Oxford