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d ir e c t o r y . ]
Saunders A lbert E dw ard, shopkeeper, j W alford A lb ert Philip, frm r.H ill view |W ebb Jam es & Thom as, farm ers
I W alford W jlm ot Poole, farm er
I Webb W illiam , road repairer
C H I P P I N G H U R S T , see Cuddesdon.
C H I S L E H A M P T O N , commonly called â Chiselton,â
¡s a parish and sm all village about
m iles south-east
[â¢â¢om Oxford on the river Tham e, over vrhich is an
ancient bridge, 4Ã m iles south from W heatley and 4^south-west from L ittlem ore stations both on the Oxford
and princes Risborough section of the G reat W estern
railway, and 7 from Abingdon, in the Southern division
of the county hundred of Dorchester, p etty sessional
division of Bullingdon, union of Abingdon, county
court district of Abingdon, rural deanery of
C udÂ
desdon and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford.
The church of St. Katherine, erected in 1762, by
Charles Peers esq. in place of the ancient church
of St. Mary then rem oved, was consecrated
Aug. 1763» and as a sm all edifice of stone, conÂ
sisting of chancel and nave, and a tu rre t containing
- bells : there are several m ural m onum ents to the
Peers family: the church was thorough ly renovated
during 1894 at a cost of ,¿165, and affords 130 sittings.
The register dates from the year 1556, but all entries
previous to 1762 were m ade in the register of Stadhampton. The living is a vicarage, consolidated with
Pochin Mrs. Chisleham pton house
i th at of Stadham pton, join t net annual value £ 160, in
the g ift of th e Rev. W. H. Peers M .A. and 'held since
1912 by the Rev. A lfred A rth ur Duffield-H arding B .A.
of London U niversity, who resides at Stadham pton.
The Rev. W illiam H enry Peers M .A. is lord of the
m anor and' sole landowner. T h e soil is c la y ; subsoil,
gravel. The chief crops are w heat, barley, oats and
beans. Th e area is 926 acres of land and 13 of w a ter;
rateable value, £ 1 ,1 4 8 ; and the population in 1911 was
j i 8 in the c iv il parish and 381 in th e ecclesiasticalparish.
Parish C lerk , H enry Jacobs.
L etters through W allin gford arrive a t 7.30 a.m . & 2.30
p.m . The nearest m oney order & telegrap h office is
at Stadham pton, about 1 m ile distant
Wall L etter Box, cleared 8.30 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; Sundays,
7-55 a -m
Th e children of this parish attend Stadham pton school
C arriers.â Jones, to Oxford, wed. & s a t . ; Jackson, to
Oxford, mon. wed. fri. & s a t .; Chown, to Abingdon,
m on. & Oxford, wed. & sat
Day H enry J. farm er
I Hawes A lfred G ilb ert, farm er
IH edges & Cook, farm ers, C hurch frm
R icketts G eorge, C oach & Horses P.H
C H U R C H I L L is a parish and villag e on the riv er S ir John W alter bart. M .P. of Sarsden House, clerk
m iles north-east from Kingham on the controller of the green cloth to Queen Anne, and M.P.
Oxford and Worcester section, which is in the parish, 3 for Oxford from 1706; d. n t h June, 1722; L ad v Mary
soutk-west-by-west from C hip p ing Norton station and Tufton, daughter of John, 2nd E arl of Thanet andâ second
half a mile from Sarsden H alt, on the B anbury and wife of S ir W illiam W alter bart. of Sarsden ; and to
Cheltenham branch of the G reat W estern railw ay, in Sarah, w ife of John Langston esq. of Sarsden House,
the Northern division of the county, hundred and petty 1800. T he liv in g is a discharged vicarage, annexed
sessional division of C hadlington, union and county to the rectory of Sarsden, join t n et yearly value £307,
court district of Chipping Norton, rural deanery of w ith residence, in th e g ift of the E arl of Ducie, and
Chipping Norton, archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. held since 1903 by the Rev. E dm und Joseph Francis
The church of A ll Saints, an edifice of stone, erected Johnson M .A. of S t. John's College, C am bridge, who
in 1826 on an eminence in the village, at th e sole resides at Sarsden. T h e charities for distrib ution in
expense of James H aughton Langston esq. M .P. from m oney am ount to about £ 1 3 , which is distrib uted at
designs by Mr. John Plowman, architect, of Oxford, E aster. In th e v illag e is a fountain, erected in 1870
is a good example of m odern Perpendicular work, by H enry John, 3rd E arl of Ducie, and Julia, his wife,
consisting of chancel and nave and an em battled w est d aughter of th e late James H. Langston esq. M .P. in
ern tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells, m em ory of Jam es H aughton Langston esq. M .P. of
five of which, dated 1630, were rem oved from the old Sarsden, who died 19 Oct. 1863, and J u lia Frances,
church; one is inscribed, â Our m ournful sound doth his wife, d au gh ter of Thom as, 1st E arl of D ucie, who
warning give,â the couplet being finished on the tenor, died 25th June, 1869. A t the north end of the parish
"That man cannot heare all wayes l i v e ; â the tow er I is a stone m onum ent, erected in 1891 by th e E arl of
is an exact replica, reduced one-third, of th at of M ag- I D ucie in m em ory of W illiam S m ith L L .D . Dublin,
dalen College, Oxford, and the base form s a porch : â fath er of B ritish G eology,â who was born at Churchill,
the roof of the nave and chancel, copied from that of 23 M arch, 1769, and died at N ortham pton, 28 A u g.
the hall of Christ Church, Oxford, is of open timbeT 1839. T he E arl of Ducie is lord of th e m anor and
work supported on angel c o rb els: the p ulpit, of Caen principal landowner.
T h e soil is g rea t and inferior
stone, is decorated w ith a rc a d in g : the stained east oolite; subsoil,, m arl and lias clay. Th e ch ief crops
window, erected Ju ly 22, 1866, is a m em orial to J. H
are barley, oats, wheat, roots, beans and peas. There
Langston esq. M .P. d. 19 Oct. 1863, and was pre is a cattle m arket every third Monday in the m onth
sented by his tenantry: the stone work of the reredos near Kingham station. Th e area is 1,765 acres of land
» nchly illum inated; the tracery of all the windows and 4 of w a ter; rateable value, £ 4 ,3 4 4 ; th e population
in the nave is copied from various exam ples of the in 1911 was 515.
Perpendicular style in Oxford, and one of these is a
Parish Clerk, Frederick Alder.
memorial to Elizabeth C atherine (Langston), widow of Post, M. 0 . & T. & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office
â¦i! Ak V
68 Barter M -A - recto r: the in terior of
& Telephone C all Office (for places w ith in a lim ited
ne church was thoroughly restored in Decem ber, 1884,
distance).â Richard Tom es Stevens, sub-postm aster.
Letters from Chipping Norton arrive at 6.40 a.m . &
reristPvH * 4 Tâ I 7 6 \ there are 3oo sittin gs.
1.10 p .m .; dispatched at 10.25 a-m. & 7.15 p .m .;
fo E L
tbe year i63° and contains the
Sunday, letters for callers only 8.30 to 10 a . m . ;
of thi p
\ , ° n T ece? ,ber is t h - ly 3 i. â W arren, son
Thu hn
Penniston H astings, -was bap tized.â
dispatched 8.55 p.m
parish t o â p
t1 be was born still stands in the
the north â a ?nce! of th e old church, h alf a m ile to Elem entary School, for the parishes of Sarsden &
Churchill, founded by Anne W alter, a daughter of a
and m . Z l â ]as. e6n retained as a m ortu ary chapel,
former owner of the Sarsden estate, & endowed w ith
it retain. â t T ] *1. 1869 anci flttedl rrith P ⢠seats;
about 22 acres of land, produ cin g £46 a y e a r ; the
r l . aarly E
r ? Hsb doorway, and is surrounded
school w ill hold about 175 boys & g irls & 50 in fants ;
by a S
, rd containing some fine trees, and entered
illiam H enry Anson, m a s te r; M iss Jane Croxton,
a memorial t n ^ ^
: Ã 6 stained east window is
infantsâ m istress
°r ^«rsaen-with-Churchill
Sarsden win, rwf
Railw ay Station, K in gh am (form erly called Chipping
from table
1817 of
u noak
til hîs
by Mm.â na r tâ , 1he comm umon
was given
Norton iunction), Charles T . W iddows, station m aster
brass to Tnh« n ? f©maining m em orials include a Sarsden H alt
John Gostwick, 1618, and m onum ents to Police Constable, C h risto p h er Webb
t >j
B lake C h arles, blacksm ith
Dick Robert, estate foreman to the
E arl of Ducie
Ortord" Gewge8 JâP ' H auSh â on house C hurch ill Reading Room & In stitute
(Frederick W iddows, sec)
G riffin G ab riel.E astC h urch ill grounds
? " ihouse
â M W f l l* a , W arren H ast- Cox Edward, carrier
H aw ker W alter H enry, Langston A rm s
G rudge G eorge B ernard, farm er,
hotel, K in gh am Junction
C onduit farm
Ivins W illiam , baker
Y " W i â i à T insurance agt. Crudge James B. farm er, C hurchill Jeffries Robert, farm er, Sargrove
* a« âstant ove
Jordan H ugh, farm er, Th e G range
1 Council
Liner Thom as C. Chequers P.H