Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. 1915.

List of the Principal Seats in Berkshire 

Image Details

Title Kelly's Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. 1915.
Date 1915
Page number Unknown
Publisher High Holborn, London : Kelly & Co. Ltd.
Description Directory
Horizon Number: 585294

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W i t h R e f e r e n c e t o t h e P l a c e s u n d e r w h i c h t h e y w i l l b e f o u n d in t h i s V o lu m e
W i n d s o r C a s t l e , H is M o s t G r a c io u s M a j e s t y K in g G e o r g e

Alderm aston court, Charles E dw ard Kevser esq. m . a .,
f . s . a ., d . l ., j . p ., c .c . see Alderm aston ........................
A llanb ay, Mrs W iggett, see Binfield .................................
Am barrow, Mrs. H arvey, see Sandhurst ......................... 224
Arborfield hall, Mrs. S. H argreaves, see A rborfield
A rlington manor, James Ashton F airh urst esq. m . a . see
C h ie v e le y .................................................................................... 59
ArLhurstone, Jam es W illiam M acnabb esq. j . p . see
B in field ........................................................................................ 41
Ascot Place, Sam uel G arcia Asher esq. d . l . see W inkfield .......................................................................................... 290
Ashdown .park, E velyn, Countess of Craven, see A sh­
bury ............................................................................................ 35
Barcote manor, Capt. Archibald Thornton W est j . p . see
Buckland ................................................................................. 54
Basildon park, Captain Jam es Archibald Morrison, see
Basildon..................................................................................... 38
Bear Wood, John W'alter esq. see Bear Wood ................ 39
Beckett house, Capt. Jam es H untly Dutton, see
Shrivenham ............................................................................. 230
Beenham house, Lieut.-Col. W illiam W heat W aring j . p .
see Beenham ............................................................................. 40
Benham park, S ir Richard Vincent Sutton bart. see
Stockcross................................................................................. 236
Bere court, G eorge Booth Tate esq. see Pangbourne ... 147
Besselsleigh manor, Miss Lenthall, see Besselsleigh
Bill Hill, John C racroft W ilson esq. see W okingham ... 293
Billingbear park, Mrs. Crews, see W altham St. L aw ­
rence .......................................................................................... 260
Binfield lodge, Helen, L a d y Clark, see Binfield................ 41
Binfield m anor, Lestocq Robert Erskine esq. j . p . see
B in field ...................................................................................... 42
Binfield park, Alexander A. Vlasto esq. see Binfield
Bisham abbey, S ir H enry Jam es Vansittart Neale
k . c . b ., j . p . see Bisham .......................................................
Bourton house, C yril Kendall Butler esq. j.p .see Bourton 46
Bradfield hall, A rth u r Radford esq. j . p . see Bradfield... 49
Bradley court, Edward John Spearm an W asey esq. j . p .
see Chieveley ......................................................................... 60
Brayw ick house, Col. S ir Jam es Richardson Andrew
Clark bart. c . b . see Bray W ick, B r a y ............................. 51
Bridge house, H y. W m. Verey esq. j . p . see Tw yford ... 250
Buckhold, H erbert W atney esq. m .a ., m . d .. f . r . c . p . see
Bradfield ................................................................................. 49
Buckhurst, Mrs. Murdoch, see W okingham .................... 293
B ackhu rst park, Sir Joseph Savory bart. d . l ., j . p . see
Sunninghill ............................................................................. 241
Buckland house, Sir M aurice F itzG erald bart. c .v .o .,
d . l ., j . p . see Buckland .......................................................
Bucklebury Place, A rthur W arw ick Sutton esq. j .p .
see B ucklebury........................................................................ 55
Bulm ershe court, Joseph Rushbrooke esq. j . p .sec Earley 77
liuscot park, S ir Alexander Henderson bart. m . p ., j . p .
see Buseot................................................................................. 57
C alcot park, Earl of Rosslyn, see Tilehurst .................... 247
Cannon hill, Capt. the Hon. E dw ard Stanley Dawson
R.N. & Lady E lizabeth, see B rayW ick , B ray................ 51
Cantley, Mrs. Paley, see W o kin gh am ................................. 293
C hildrey Manor house, Edward Thom as W illiam Dunn
esq. j.p. see C hildrey ........................................................... 61
Chilton, The Eton. John H ubert Ward c .v .o . see Hungerford ...................................................................................... 99
O e w e r m anor, E dm und Benson Foster esq. d . l ., j . p .
see C iew er W ithout................................................................ 64
Coleshill house, Hon. Mrs. M. E. Pleydell-Bouverie, see
Coleshill .................................................................................. 66
Coworth pack, Earl of Derby k .o ., p . a , G .c.v.o . C.b .,
sec Sunningdale .................................................................... 239
Crook ham house, Albert S. B. Tull esq. see Thatcham .. 243

V ., E m p e r o r o f I n d ia ,

see W in d s o r , p a g e 2 7 4 .

Cruchfield house, Mrs. Henderson, see W arfield .......... 267
CuJham court, William Henry Barber esq. see Upper
C ulham , W a rg ra v e ................................................................ 2(>8
Culverlands, Col. Sir Charles W yndham M urray c .b . see
Burghfield.................................................................................. 5^
Cum berland lodge, Gen. His Royal Highness Prince
Christian of Schleswig-H olstein k . g ., p . c ., g . c . v . o .
& Her Royal Highness Princess, see Old W indsor
Denford house, Capt. Edw ard H enry B. Saw bridge,
see Denford ............................................................................. 7^
Donnington grove, Mrs. M ary L. Best, see Shaw -cum Donnington ............................................................................. 226
Down house, Archie K irkm an Loyd esq. K.C., d . l ., j . p .
see E ast Hendred ...........................................
Drayton Manor house, Louis G eorge G reville esq. see
D rayton .................................................................................. 77
Eastham pstead park, M arquess of Downshire, see Eastham pstead................................................................................. 79
Elcot park, Richard J. P. Thom as esq. see K in tbu ry ... 108
Englefield house, Jam es H erbert Benyon esq. (lord lieu­
tenant), see Englefield ........................................................ S i
Englemere, Countess Roberts, see Ascot .........................
Faringdon house, Col. W ard Bennitt j . p . see Faringdon 82
F arley castle, W . M ortim er A llfrey esq. see F arley H ill,
S w allow field
.................................................................. 2 44
Farley copse, Col. Donald J .C . M acnabb c .s .i. see Binfield 41
Farley court,W . Bishop esq. see F arley H ill, Swallow field 244
Farley Hill Place, Mrs. G ray, see F arley Hill, Sw allow ­
field ..............................................................
; .: ......... 2-14
Faw ley Manor, M ajor A ngus J.M cNeill,see L ittle Fawley 86
Fernhill park, Mrs. H. R . Odo Cross, see Cranbourne... 71
Fledborough hall, A lfred Barnard Basset esq. m . a .,
f . r . s . see H olyport, B r a y .................................
Foliejon park, G ilbert Gordon Blane esq. see Winktield 290
Forest farm , His G race the Duke of N ewcastle d . l . see
C ra n b o u rn e .............................................................................. 7 1
Forest lodge, L ad y M orshead, see Binfield ..................... 41
Fox Hill, Lord Reading p .c ., k .c .v .o . see E arley
Friary (The), Francis Ricardo esq. d . l ., j . p . see Old
W indsor...................................................................................... 289
Frilsham house, Sir W . Cam eron G u ll, bart. j . p . see
F rilsham ....................................................
Fyfield house, Harold C layton esq. see Fifield, B ray
G reenham lodge, L loyd H arry B axendale esq. j . p . see
G reenham .................................................................................
G rotto (The), G ilbert J. C. H arter esq. see Basildon ... 38
Grove (The), Sir Robert Rodney W ilm ot bart. d . l . see
Binfield ..................................................................................... 4 2
Haines Hill, W illiam Charles G odsal esq. see H urst ... 104
Hall Place, Sir G ilb ert A ugustus C layton East bart. j . p .
see B urchetts G reen ............................................................ 56
Ham pstead park, Mrs. Bradley M artin, see Hampstead
Marshall .................................
••••• 92
H awtborndale, G eorge Henry Burgess esq. see W arfield 267
Heathlands, W illiam Howard Palm er esq. j . p . see
W o k in g h a m .......................................................................
Hendred house, John Joseph E yston esq. j . p . see E ast
Hendred .....................................................-............
Hey wood, G reville H. Palm er esq. see W hite W altham 271
Highlands, John Row ley H orton esq. see G razeley ...... 8y
Highwoods, Francis Edward Foster esq. see Burghfield 56
Hillfields, H enry G eorge W illink esq. m .a ., j . p . see
B urghfield................................................................................. 56
Hinton manor, Capt. Frederick Cleave Loder-.Symonds
late R.A., j . p . see Hinton W aldrist .................................. 98
Holly spring, Mrs. Sheppee, see B rackn ell......................... 47
Holme grange, M rs. Anderdon Weston, see W okingham 293
Holme park, P'rank C ory Y eo esq. see Sonning................ 231
Horseleus, M rs.‘ Stevens, see B radfield................................. 4^