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O X F O R D S H IR E .
[K E L L Y âS
A caster A lb ert H enry, fruiterer, 13 C h urch s t.S t. E bbeâs Andrews Francis Joseph, incorporated accountant, 4
agen t for th e Com m ercial Union A ssurance Co. Ltd.
A clan d N u rsin g Home (Miss G ertru d e W h ite, lady
& the Ocean A cciden t & G uarantee Corporation Ltd.
s u p t.), 25 B anbury road
A c o tt
& C o . L i m i t e d , pianos, player55 & 56 C ornm arket street
pianos, m usic & m usical instrum ent sellers, concert Andrews Thom as R ichard, shopkeeper, 274 "Woodstock
road, Sum m ertow n
agents & pianoforte t u n e r s ; tickets for London
theatres, 124 H igh s'treet. T elegram s, â A cott, O x Andrews W alter E dw ard, china & glass dealer, 69 & ~0
H igh street
ford 82 ; ' 'Phone 82. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 51
Anglo-A m erican Oil Co. L im ited , L . & N. W . Rly. coal
Adam s, Biddle & Co. tailors, m C owley road
wharf, Rewley road, S t. Thom asâ
Adam s A rth u r, coal & coke m erchant, 41 B artlem as rd
A nnelv A rth u r Jam es, beer retailer, 8 North Parade
A dam s Charles M alcolm , decorator, 47 Cowley road
avenue, S t. G ile sâ
Adam s E dw in, butcher, 67 H ertford st. Magdalen road
Annetts Lancelot G eorge, insurance agent, Lloyds Bank
Adam s H enry John, grocer, 48 W alton street
cham bers. H igh street
A dam s K a te(M rs.),a p artm en ts, 6 Longw orth rd .S t.G ile s â
Anniss & Jennings M isses, dress m akers, 73 Woodstock
A dam s L ouisa (M rs.), apartm en ts. 140 W alton street
road, St. G ilesâ
A dam s Philip E dw ard H om er M .A ., M .B ., F .R .C .S .E n g .
surgeon, & surgeon to O xford E ye H ospital, ophthalm ic A nniss R ichd . cycle m a. 61 & 63 W oodstock rd .S t. Gilesâ
surgeon to R adcliffe Infirm ary & M arg aret O gilvie A n stey C harles Bartholom ew , florist, 169 Marlborough rd
Reader in O phthalm ology, Oxford U n iversity, 53 A plin F rederick, livery stables, 4a, M erton street
Appointm ents C om m ittee (N eville W aterfield M.A.sec.),
Broad street
Clarendon building, Broad street
A dam s Richard, window cleaner, 17 Jam es street,
Arcade T oy Stores (The), toy m erchants &c. The
C ow ley St. John
A rcade, 29 & 30a, Corn m arket street
A dam son W illiam & Sons, ladies' tailors, 2 Oriel street
Adam son & Co. tailors, h atters & hosiers, robe & Archard A lb ert W illiam , shopkeeper, 45 & 46 High st.
S t. Thom asâ
breeches m akers & liveries, fu rriers & general o u tÂ
fitters, 102 & 103 H igh street (Tel. 67); & 13 Sack- Archer, C owley & Co. fu rn itu re rem overs, 36 & 37 PemÂ
broke street, S t. A ld a teâs & 36 P ark End street &
v ille street, London W. T el. 862 R egent
(warehouse) Park E n d street, St. Thom asâ.
Adcock E llen (M rs.), aparts. 23 K in gston rd. S t. G iles'
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 0
A ddis Annie (M rs.), u n iv ersity lodging house, 16 T u rl
A rcher J. & Co. (W . H. M unsey L im ited ), corn merÂ
street & 17 Ship street
chants, Osney m ills, M ill street
A dkins Dorothy (M iss), shopkeeper, 66a, St. A ld ateâs st
A rcher C harles H arry, insurance agent, 144 Magdalen
Afford Rose (M rs.), apartm ents, 50 W alton street
road, C owley S t. John
A itken Jam es, tailor, 48 H ertford street, M agdalen road
Archer E sau A rth u r, assistant insurance supt. 5 Chester
Akerm an Fredk. Jam es, beer retlr. 7 Nelson st. Jericho
street, Iffley road
A k ers L izzie O livia & Caroline F ran ces (M isses), babyA rcher F rederick John, p rin ter, Glebe ho.St.Clementâs st
linen warehouse, 33 W oodstock road, S t. G ilesâ
Dan, fishm onger, 11 & 12 L ittle Clarendon st.
Akers H arry W m . ap arts. 73 Southm oor rd. S t. G ilesâ
S t. G ilesâ & 241 B an bury road, Sum m ertown
Alden Ernest & Son, b utch ers, 113 W alton s tre e t; 58
A rm stead Edwin C. cycle agent & m aker,9 Broad street
The M arket & 40 B otley road
A lden Robert Rhodes & Son, butchers, 67, 68, 72, 73 A rm stron g H enrietta C . (M rs.), apartm ents, 1 Brewers
street, S t. A ldateâs
to 77 & 108 & 109 The M arket & 66 Abingdon road
A lden & Co. L im ited , printers, publishers, booksellers, A rn att E llen (M rs.), confectioner, 40 St. Ebbeâs street
stationers & a rtistsâ colorm en, 35 C ornm arket street & A rnett E dw ard, apartm ents, 189 C owley road
Arnold Chas. beer reta iler, 78 Princes st. St. Clement's
13 Broad street
Aldenâs O xford G uide (Alden & Co. L im ited , publishers), A rt & Book Co. L im ited (Bernard P ritch ard, manager),
Gloucester street
35 C ornm arket street
A rth u rs F ran k, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 21 High street
Alden Cyril, butcher, 78 Th e M arket
A rth urs G arnet, apartm ents, 13 W alton W ell rd.St.Giles'
Alden Edward S. grocer, 10 S t. Ebbeâs street
Alden F rederick Heward, grocer, & post office, 3 Wood- A shley G eorge Jam es, b uilder, 22 D ivin ity rd. Cowley rd
A sh ley M ary (M iss), m illin er, 7 Broad street
stock road & 11 N orth Parade avenue, S t. G ilesâ
Ashmolean M useum (D avid G . H ogarth M .A., IB.A.,
A lden Isaac, butcher, 38, 65 & 66 Th e M arket
F .S .A . k eep er; Chas Francis Bell M .A ., F .S.A . keeper
Alden Reginald T .b u tch er, 211 B an bury rd.Sum m ertow n
of a rt g a lle r ie s ; E . T hurlow Leeds M .A. assistant
A ld er C harles, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 2 C owley place,
keeper of an tiquarium ), Beaum ont street
St. Clem entâs
A lder Frederick, university lodging bouse, 58 H olywell st Ashm olean N atu ral H istory Society of Oxfordshire (Miss
A. L . Stone & R ev. C . F . Thornew ill M .A. hon. secs.),
A lder John M. a th letic outfitter, 117 St. A ldateâs street
U n iversity m useum . P arks road
Aldw inckle G eorge H erbert, u n iv ersity lodgin g house,
Association for the E ducation of W om en (Miss A. -1. A
5 A lfred street, S t. G ile sâ
H. Rogers & W illiam David Ross M .A. hon. secs-).
A lfred Rooms (F red erick W illiam Ansell, sec.), 3 Alfred
Clarendon building, Broad street
street. H igh street
A ll Souls College (F ran cis W illiam Pem ber M .A. A tkins Thom as & Sons, bakers, 33 B lackfriars road, bi
Ebbeâs & grocers, 21 C h ilsw ell road, Grandpont
warden), H igh street
A tkins Daniel, shopkeeper, 62 C hurch st. New Hinksey
A llcorn K ate (M rs.), apartm ents. 1 A lfred st. St. G iles'
A ssurance Co. L im ited (Mathews & Son, district
A llen A lb ert E dw ard, beer reta iler, 73 G eorge street
agen ts), 6 S t. A ld ateâs street
Allen Caroline (M iss), u n iv ersity lodgin g ho. 43 H igh st
E rn est W m . ironm onger, 14a & 15 Holywe
Allen E llen (M rs.), butcher, 1 Speedwell st. S t. A ldateâs
A uger Percival W illiam , u n iv ersity lodging house, 03
Allen F rank, tailor, 82 F airacres road, Iffley road
St. John's road, St. G ilesâ
Allen H ugh Jam es, tailor & robe m aker, 138 H igh street
A ustin Jane (M iss), servantsâ reg istry office,
Allen K ate (M rs.), poulterer, see M oreton, Allen
C lem en tâs street
_ .1 .
B uckingham
A ustin W m . Edwd. shopkeeper, 68 Cardigan st. jencuu
Allen L ouisa (M iss), aparts. 20 W estern rd. Grandpont
Avery W. & T . L im ited , scale m akers, 79 George s*
A llfrey E dw ard W ilfrid M .A . arch itect, 57 H ig h street
A llington W illiam , wheelw right, 14 H ythe B ridge street, A verv & Co. drapers, 86 St. A ldateâs street
A very M ary (M rs.), laun dry, 8 P ercy st. Cowley bt.
S t. Thom asâ
A llm ond W alter, Sherborne Arms P.H . 26 Queen street A x t e l l W . H . & S o n , arch itectural & general mas塉sj
m onum ental w ork in stone, m arble & granite in^
A llsop A lice K ate (M rs.), Th e T u rf P.H . 10 St. Helenâs
designs & stone m erchants, 22 & 23 Regent
show rooms, 123 Iffley road ; works, Denmar s
A llu m John, boot m aker, 5 Jam es street, Cowley St.John
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 3 4
Am brose E llen (M iss), u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 104
A xtell A lfred, registered plum ber & heating engi
Southm oor road, St. G ilesâ
15 & 17 W oodstock road, S t. G ilesâ
Am erican C lu b (H .L .B ru ce, hon. sec.), 50 Corn m arket st
â L ondon
A m erican D ental Co. (L . E . Lynn, m an ager), 6 & 7 Ayres Ann (M rs.), u n iversity lodging house,
place, S t. Clem entâs
Cornm arket street
St. T hom as
Anderson .Tames, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 23 W alton A yriss John, apartm ents, 16 W alton ere s. 01. *
>vas Bank
» » chambe ,
Bacon & Co. publishers, Lloyds
crescent. S t. Thom asâ
the Diocesan Registry office.
Bacon E . A . chief clerk to
Anderson John, grocer, 73 St. C lem en tâs street
Anderson O ctavius A. sec. to Oxford C anal N avigation,
Bacon Jam es E dm ond, grocer, & post office, 3 B°fcl^ tary
Canal office. N ew road
Bacon Richard, town clerk & clerk to the u
Andrews H enry & E dw ard, saddlers, 141 H igh street
au th ority & sec. to th e Education Comm
Vndrews C harlotte (M rs.), m illin er, 106 Cowley road
A ldateâs street