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B E R K S H IR E .

W all L e tter B oxes.— Speen H ill, cleared at 8.45 a.m .
& 1, 6.45 & 8.30 p .m .; Sundays, 5.30 p .m . ; & M arsh
Benham , cleared at 8.10 a.m . & 5 p.m . ; Sundays,
S.30 a.m

Anson M rs. C raven lodge
Barton H arold, Fairholm e
Beales Miss, Thornhills
Beaucham p Fras. A rth . W oodspeen lo
Caine Mrs. Howard, Deanwood
Cam p A lfred, Rosecroft
Coplestone W illiam D rake M .A ., B .C.
B attle
C rothers Mrs. H olm by
Dickson Rev. R obert Bruce M .A.
(vicar), V icarage
D rew eatt Thom as, Norfolk lodge
Dunlop Mrs. Speen H ill house
F ort Mrs. Speen E lm s
Gaskoin Miss, Leighton lodge
G ibbs Mrs. Speen house
Goodwin Mrs. B u rgh ley
H all F rederick, H ill cottage
H eath M rs. Speen lodge
Hopson Mrs. The C roft
Jones E van, The W hite lodge
L eader G eorge G ardner, G rove cot
Lewendon W illiam E liel




P illar L e tte r Box, W oodspeen, cleared at 12.15 & 6.15
p .m .; Sundays, 9.15 a.m
The children attend the schools at Stock Cross or Speenham land

Low M isses, Th e L im es, Speen hill
M ajendie M rs. A rth u r, Speen hill
P erry M rs. E lm ore
Pole Mrs. C h u ich Speen lodge
Sankey C harles, Ladyw ell
Scriven Miss, M aisonette
S m ith Mrs. M ontague v illa
S m ollett M rs.
T elfe r,
Squirl E rn est W. Speen m anor
Talbot Miss
T h oyts Rev. Francis W a lter M .A .,
J.P . W oodspeen grange
T iddem an M iss, Speen holt

Appleton E rn est, beer retailer,B agn or
B averstock Lew is, farm er, Bagnor
Manor farm
Belcher E lizh . (M rs.), baker & grocer
Brooker Jas. W ilson, beer ret. Bagnor
C atterm ole Thom as G eorge, H are &
Hounds P.H

Chaplin M atthew , p lum ber
Coburn Henry, F ive B ells P.H
Collier Sam i, farm er, W oodspeen frm
Convalescent Home (G erard L. Parsons
M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P . m edical officer ;
Rev. Robert B race Dickson M .A.
m an a g er; Miss M. D ow ard,m atron)
Coplestone W illiam D rake M .A ., B .C .
surgeon, B attle
Dowling Francis D. grocer
Froude Thom as, farm er, G rove dairy
G irls’ F rien d ly Society (Miss D igweed, m atron), A lm a cottage
G reenslade Mrs. M ary, laundry,W ood­
speen W est
G regory A lfd.laundry,W oodspeenW est
H illier G eorge, farm b ailiff to Sir
Rd. V . Sutton bart. B rad fo rd’s frm
Jacobs Chas. A lfred, cab proprietor
K im b er G eorge, farm er, R ectory frm
K itch en Jam es, dairy farm
Leader John R. farm er, Foley farm
M iller H enry, nurserym an, Speen hill
M iller W illiam , n urserym an, Speen hi

S P E E N H A M L A N D , see N ewbury.
S P E N C E R 'S W O O D was form ed into an ecclesias­
tical p arish b y O rder in Council Dec. 17th, 1913, from
portions of the civil parishes of Shinfield, Swallowfield
and G ra z e le y : it is 4^ m iles south by w est from
R eading, in W okingham union, p etty sessional division
and cou nty cou rt d istrict of Reading, ru ra l deanery
of R eading, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford.
The church of St. M ichael and A ll A n gels, erected in
1908, is a b u ild in g of red b rick w ith stone dressings :
th e east window is stained: an organ was provided in
1910: there are 274 sittin g s. Th e liv in g is a vicarage,
net yea rly value ¿ 1 5 3 , in the g ift of th e Bishop of
Oxford, and held since 1914 by th e R ev. F rederick
Tem ple Lew arne B .A . of Selw yn College, C am bridge.
There is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1885, w ith
250 sittin gs.
T hree M ile Cross is a ham let -f m ile north. Here is
a W esleyan M ethodist chapel.
Post & M. 0 . Office, Three M ile C ross.— S am uel R obert­
son, sub-postm aster. L e tters arrive from R eadin g at
5.15 & 11.25 a -m - & 4-3° p .m .; dispatched at 11.35
a.m . & 3.30 & 7.50 p .m .; Sundays, arrive at 5.15
a . m . ; dispatched at 7 p .m . Spencer’s W ood, 1 m ile
distant, is the nearest telegrap h office

Post, M. 0 . & T . Office, Spencer’s W ood.— John Lowe,
sub-postm aster. L e tters arrive from R eading at 5.10
a.m . & 12.5 & 5.20 p .m .; dispatched at 11.20 a.m .
& 3.10 & 7.30 p .m .; sundays, arrive 5.25 a .m .; d is­
patched 6 p .m . Office open 8.30 to 10 a.m
W all L e tter Box, S tan bury, cleared at n . 15 a.m . & 3.15
& 7 - 4 5 P-m - > S u n d a ys, 6.55 p.m
E lem entary School (m ixed), Three M ile C ross, b u ilt ia
1910, for 240 children ; H erbert Reely, m aster
C ouncil School, L a m b ’s lane (m ixed ), b u ilt in 1908, for
240 ch ild ren ; John T . R ussell, m aster
Infants’, Spencer’s Wood, erected in 1890, for 95 ch ild ­
re n ; M rs. W rig h t, m istress

daily service of m otor om nibuses run s from the
G eneral Post Office, Reading, callin g at S p en cer’s
Wood post office, m orning & evening

C arriers (from R eadin g).— R atcliff, d a ily ;
V arn ey,
d aily, except wed. ; D avey, tues. th urs. & sat. ; Bavliss, daily, except wed. ; Stim pson, tues. th u rs. &
s a t . ; Green, m on. tues. thurs. & sat. ; H artn ett, tues.
th urs. fri. & sat

1 *Jennings Thos. Pye, m ark et g a rd n r
(M arked thus * postal address, Three Allen Thom as, coal m erchant
Kent N ellie (M iss), dress m aker
M ile Cross, R eading & thus + * B arn ard Thom as, butcher
Lay G eorge, jo b b in g garden er
Baston T . coal m erchant
Shinfield, R eading.)
Lee R ichard, grocer
Lowe John, plu m ber, & post office
C ole Rev. H. Edward (C ongrega­ Bennett Jam es, contractor
we 11 Frank, farm er, B ody’s farm
*B rom ley Jsph. Geo. baker & oversr
tional), C harthurst
B rooker er,W hiteH ouse frm M acFarlane Jam es E . M .B ., B .S .
Fifield A lb ert, Essendeene
& surgeon, Oak view
C herrill
Thom as Robert,
farm er,
H ayes Jam es, Ash
M erritt M atthew J. boot rep airer
W ilders G rove farm
*Irem onger Richard
M iddleton R ob er, G roveland*
C larke W illiam L. Red Lion P.H
Jones W illiam G eorge, W inton
*M itford H all (P hilip A g er,careta k er)
C lem ents A rth ur John, baker
K e m u tt W ilfred E . Shottesbrook
Moore A u gu sta (M rs.), draper
Lew arne Rev. F rederick T em p le B .A. C lem ents E m ily (M rs.), baker
fN e v ille H enry, Y e w T ree P.H
(vicar), T h e Nest
P ick erin g G eorge, gardener to J. R.
Day Jam es, beer retailer
*M anning John H enry, The Briars
Horton esq
Dearlove E dw in & Son, nurserym en
M orris Joseph, The Firs
P rio r D avid, m ark et gardener
Double C harles Sidney, blacksm ith
M urrell Richard, The H om estead
*D rinkw ater H arry S. insurance ag t Rays A lb ert W m . fa rm er, Lam b farm
O akley M iss, Ballim ore
*Robertson S am u el, grocer,& post off
* E llio tt Annie (M rs.), beer retailer
Portsm outh M iss C. Merton villa
*R unvard F rederick, saddler
Em blin C harles, insurance agent
Portsm outh Misses, W arbrook
S an t F rederick G eorge, draper
Robertson G. A. Oaklands
Saunders & M aynard, grocers
*Ford H enry, blacksm ith
Salmon H enry W illiam , H ill brow
e H enry, w heelw righ t
Salm on Mrs. E ast Rop
*W ard John, Swan P.H
tS im on ds M ajorC has.F ras.T he Crofts G rover W illiam , w heelw right
A lb ert, saddler
H ew itt & Beken, coach & m otor car
S m ith Ebenezer, The Lim es
*W ebb G eorge, poultry farm er
body builders
S m ith-B atten W m . V.D. Oak lodge
W heeler W illiam Henry, builder
Hobbs Henry, b utch er
Tosland W illiam . H ill side
W hite Fanny (M rs.), dress m aker.
*How W’illiam Jam es, farm er
WToodford M iss, Oakbank
H oward E m ily Jane (M iss), grocer
Th e N est
W ilson S am uel, m arket gardener,
*Jeffries A lb ert E . b eer retailer
A ldridge Charles, b uilder
* F ras.G eorge & Dragon P.H
M ullis farm

S T A N F O R D D I N G L E Y is a parish and village 4
miles north-east from M idgham station and 4 m iles north
(by p rivate road) from Alderm aston station on the G reat
W estern railway* 10 north-w est from Rending and 8
north-east from Newbury, in the Southern division of
the county, hundred of Faircross, union of Bradfi Id,

p etty sessional division and county cou rt d istrict oi
N ew bury, rural deanery of Bradfield, archdeaconry of
Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Denis
i« m ancient and m ost in terestin g structure of flint and
n ibble, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porcb
and a wooden belfry at the w est end, probably of Per-