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GE0 L0 G Y


[K E L L Y ’S

(Revised to 1907. )

N atu ral

H is t o r y

S c ie n t if ic

S o c i e t i e s . — High

1892. Cameron, A. C. G .— Excursion to Woburn Sands and
W ycom be L iterary & Scientific Institution, Church square ;
Sandy. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x ii., p. 395.
The A rchitectural & Archaeological Society for the County 1892. Chapm an, F .— Microzoa from the Phosphatic Chalk
of Buckingham ; The M useum . Church street, Aylesbury ;
of Taplow.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii.,
Records— Annually.
P- 5 * 4 M u s e u m s .— Eton College M useum ; The Buckingham ­ 1894. H arrison, W . J .— Search for Coal in the South-east of
shire County M useum , Aylesbury.
England [Bletchley, p. 15]. 8vo., Birm ingham .
(P riva tely printed. )
P u b l ic a t io n s
th e
G overnm ent
G e o l o g ic a l
S u r v e y . — I. Coloured Geological Maps, on the scale o f one 1895. Blake, Rev. J. F .— Excursion to Brill. Proc. Geol.
vol. xiii., p. 71.
inch to one mile.
O ld Series M aps. — Sheet 7 : Wendover, High W ycom be, Am ersham , Chesham , G reat M arlow, 1895. Harrison, W. J .— Bibliography of Midland Glaciology.
Proc. B'ham JV. H .
P h il. Soc., vol. ix ., p. 116.
Beaconsfield : Sheet 13 -. Shabbington [sm all area only].
Q uarter sheets 45 N.E. : Buckingham , Biddlesden, Steeple 1895. W hitaker, W .— On the Chalk of the London Basin in
Regard to W ater Supply. Geol. M ay., p. 360.
Claydon, Tw yford ; 45 S .E . : Brill, Chilton, Cuddington, ;
Haddenham ; 46 N.W . : Newport Pagnell, Fenny Stratford, 1897. Davies, A. M. & P. E m ary.— Excursion to Aylesbury,
H artwell and Stone. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xv.,
Brickhill, Swanbourn ; 46 S .W . : A ylesbury, Oving, G ranp. 90.
borough ; 52 S. W.: Olney, Lavendon, Hanslope. Nexe Sei'ies
M aps. — Sheet 203 : Olney, Newport Pagnell, Milton Keynes. 1897. Woodward, H. B .— Geology of the [G reat Central]
Railw ay : II. Rugby to Aylesbury. Geol. Mag.,
Index M ap, scale 4 miles to one inch.— Buckingham shire is
P- 9 7 included in sheets 11 and 12 (with a sm all portion of the N.
of the county in sheet 9) of this cheap and very useful map 1897. Woodward, H. B.— Chalky Boulder-clay, etc., of the
Western-Midland Counties. Geol. M ag., p. 485.
(price 2s. 6d. per sheet) ; it gives the “ solid ” geology only.
The above m aps are further illustrated by the Horizontal 1898. Woodward, H .— On the Discovery of Cyclo spliceroma
in the Purbeck Beds of Aylesbury. Geol. Mag.,
Sections, Nos. 74, 79, 125 and 140.
P- 3 8 sII. Books or “ M em oirs.’’ '— Geology of the Country round
W\ J .— Ancient G laciers of the Midland
Banbury, Bicester, Woodstock and Buckingham , by A . H.
Counties. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xv., p. 400.
Green, 2s. G eology of the London Basin, by W. W hitaker,
J. O .— Origin of the High-level G ravel
13s. (out o f print).
with Triassic Débris adjoining the Valley of the
The London agent for the sale of all the publications of
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xv.,
Upper Thames.
the Geological S u rvey is E . Stanford, 12 Long Acre, W .C .
P- I 5 7 I n t r o d u c t io n t o G e o l o g y . — F or students and for
1899. Davies, A. M .— Geology of the Tham e Valley. Proc.
general readers who m ay require some explanation of the
Geol. Assoc., vol. x v i., pp. 15, 157.
term s used in geology, and an account of the relations of
1900. Teall, J. J. H .— Th e N atural H istory of Phosphatic
the rocks of Buckingham shire to those of the neighbouring
Deposits. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xvi., p. 369.
counties and of the rest of B ritain, we m ay mention H arri­
1901. Davies, A. M .— Excursion to Leighton Buzzard,
son’s Text-book o f Geology (5th edition), 1903, published by 1
Wing, and Stew kley. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xvii.,
Blackie & Son, price 3s. 6d.
P- 1 3 9 I m p o r t a n t W o r k s o r P a p e r s o n L o c a l G e o l o g y i 1903. Howe, J. A .— Excursion to Denham and G errard’s
{see also the lists fo r Berks and fo r Oxfordshire) :—
Cross. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. x viii., p. 185.
[Bibliography by W . W hitaker in B ritish Assoc. Report I 1904. Davies, A. M.— Excursion to the New Railway at
for 1882, p. 344, gives list of 41 Books and Papers concern- .
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xviii.,
ing the Geology of Bucks published up to the year 1871.]
p. 38s.
1806. Lysons, I).
S .— Magna Britannia. 4to., London j 1871 to 1905. Excursions : To G errard’s Cross, vol. xix.,
[Geological Description of Bucks in vol. i., pp. !
p. 107 ; To Marlow, vol. x ix., p. 155 ; to Cowcroft,
vol. x v ii., p. 370 ; To Denham and G errard’s
. 4 7 4 - 8 ].
1836. Fitton, W . H .--O bservations on some of the Strata
Cross, vol. x viii., p. 185 ; To Haddenham, vol.
between the Chalk and the Oxford Oolite, in the t
xviii., p. 385 ; to the Tham e District, vol. xvi.,
South-east of England. Trans. Geol. Soc. (series 2),
p. 15 7 ; To Aylesbury, vol. ii., p. 36, and vol. iii.,
vol. iv., p. 103. [S e e p . 269.]
p. 210. Proc. Geol. Assoc., U niversity College,
1845. Brodie, Rev. P. B .— Fossil Insects in the Secondary
Rocks of England. 8vo., London.
1905. White, H. J. O. & LI. Treacher.— Age and Relations
1854. Prestw ich, (Prof.) J .— The Woolwich and Reading
of the Phosphatic Chalk of Taplow. Q. Jow n.
Series. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x ., p. 75.
Geol. Soc., vol. Ixi., p. 461.
1861. W hitaker, W .— The Chalk Rock in Bucks. Q. Journ. 1905. Spicer, Rev. E. C .— Sarsen-stones in a Claj'-pit.
Geol. Soc., vol. x vii., p. 166.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. Ixi., p. 39.
1865. W hitaker, W .— The Chalk of Bucks and the Tottern- 1906. W hite, H. J. O .— Quartzose G ravel in the Reading
hoe Stone. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x xi., p. 398.
Beds a t Lane End.
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xix.,
1867. Brodie, Rev. P. B .— Purbeck Beds, etc., at Brill.
p. 3 7 1 Q. Journ. Geol. S oc., vol. x xiii., p. 197.
1907. Davies, A. M.— Kim eridge C lay and Corallians of the
1871. Phillips, Prof. Jno.— Geology of Oxford and Valley of
Neighbourhood of Brill. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,
the Tham es. 8vo, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
vol. lxiii., p. 29.
1875. Browne, A. J. Jukes.— Relations of the Cam bridge N o t w it h s t a n d in g the extensive and varied character of
G ault and Greensand.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., the rocks of this county, they do not seem to have received
vol. x x x i., p. 256.
much attention from local geologists. W'e have, however,
1880. Blake, Rev. J. F .— The Portland Rocks of England. admirable geological maps of the strata published by the
Q. Jou'/m.. Geol. Soc., vol. x x x v i., p. 189.
Governm ent Geological Survey between 1861 and 1865, and
1881. Hudleston, W . H .— Gasteropoda from the Portland m ainly the work of Messrs. Wr. W'hitaker, E. H ull, H.
Rocks of the Vale of W ardour and of Bucks. Geol. Bauerm an and A. H. Green ; Mr. W hitaker has also well
M ag., p. 385.
and m inutely described the Chalk district, Dr. Fitton the
1886. H ill, W . & A. J. Jukes-Browne.— The Melbourn Portland Beds and Low er Greensand ; and the Purbeck
Rock, etc. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii., p. 216. Beds at Brill have been noticed by the Rev. P. B Brodie;
1889. Hudleston, W . H .— Excursion to A ylesbury. Proc. M r. M acalister also published some notes on the northern
Geol. Assoc., vol. x ., p. 166.
portion, in the Geologist for 1861, but there remains an ex­
1889. Browne, A . J. Jukes-.— Occurrence of G ranite in a tensive field to be filled by those who live upon the spot.
Boring at Bletchley. Geol. M ag., p. 356.
E very q uarry, brick-pit, railw ay-cutting, or opening of
1891. Strahan, A .— Phosphatic Chalk at Taplow. Q. Journ. whatsover kind into the earth, should be diligently
Geol. S oc., vol. xlvii., p. 356.
exam ined, carefully measured and drawn, and continually