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Church Army Labour Home, 3 Cambridge terrace, St.
Radcliffe Infirmary k County Hospital, Woodstock road
Ebbe’s,Frederick George Wallbridge, supt
Professor Sir ‘
William Osier bart. LL.D., F.R.C.P. Convent of the Holy Child Jesus, -Cherwell Edge, St.
Lond., MD., F.R.S., Reg. Prof. Med. Oxford Uni­ Cross road, Holywell
versity, consulting physician; E. B. Gray M.D.Oxon. Convent of the Sisters of the Love of God. Daubeny road
honorary physician; Alfred Winkfield F.R.C.S.Eng., Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth, 99 Cowley road
M.A.Oxon. honorary surgeon; W. T'yrrel Brooks M.A.’ Convent of the Society of the Holv Sc Undivided Trinity
Oxon., M.B.Lond., W. Collier M.A.Cantab., M.D.,
(Anglican), Woodstock road
P.R.CTP-Lond. & Ernest Mallam M.A., M.D , B.Cb’ Girls' Friendly Society, Oxford lodge, 63 St. Giles’ st.
Oxon. physicians; William Arthur P. Waters M.A.!
Miss L. Engstronj, hon. supt
M.D., B.Ch.Oxon. hon. assistant physician & medical Home for Invalid Ladies, St. Mary’s road, Cowley St.
registrar; Walter John Turrell M.A.,’M.D., B Ch.Oxon. John, The Sisters of All Saints, managers
lectro-therapeutic physician; Horatio P. Symonds Home of Refuge, Floyd’s row. St. Aldate’s street, Miss
F.R.C.S.Edin. Richard Henry Anglin Whitelocke L. Procter, in charge
M.D., M.Ch.Edin., F.R.C.S.Eng. & Arthur P. Dodds- Nazareth Home for Aged, Infirm & Infantine Poor, 99
Parker M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. surgeons; Edmund
Cowley road
Cecil Bevers M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon., F.R.C.S.Eng. Oxford Female Penitentiary & House of Mercy, Manor
& Edin., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. assistant surgeon &
house, St. Cross road, Holywell, Rev. C. A. Marcon
surgical registrar; Philip Edward Homer Adams M.A.
M.A. chaplain; F. A. Dixev M.A., DM. sec
MB., B.Ch.Oxon., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. con­ Police Court Mission House, Clark's row. St. Aldate's,
sulting ophthalmic surgeon; Professor Georges Dreyer Miss Beatrice Hatch, hon. sec. ; Miss F.. M. Swanson,
M.A. pathologist; Alexander George Gibson M.A.,
M.D.Oxon., F.R.C.P.Lond. assistant pathologist;' St. Basil’s Home for Aged Women, 239 Iffley road
Richard Harvey Sankey M.A . M B., B.Ch.Oxon., St. Peter-le-Bailey Children’s Home, 36 & 38 New Inn
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. radiographer; Edward Hall street, Sister Alice, matron
Augustine Bevers M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting dental sur St. Thomas the Martyr Sisterhood, The Convent, St.
geon; Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Oxford, chap
lain; Rev. C. C. Inge M.A. assistant chaplain; Capt. St. Thomas’ Home. St. Thomas’, conducted by the
G. C Rynd, sec. supt.; F. W. A. Philpott. dispenser;
Sisters of St. Thomas the Martyr
Miss A. J. Watt, matron
Sarah Acland Memorial District Nurses’Home. 23 Ban­
bury road. Miss A. II. Elkington. supt
Cutler Boulter Provident Dispensary.
•Central Dispensary, Worcester street, East Oxford, where Shelter & Remand Home for Bovs, 22 Paradise street,
R. G. Grey-Smart, supt
full information can be obtained from the bookkeeper
every week day from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. ; branch Sisterhood of the Holy Childhood, 9 & 10Marston street,
Cowley St. John, Mother Superior
dispensary, 4 Marston street, Cowley road
The Directors meet the second tuesday in each month,
at the Central Dispensary, at 11 a.m.
Parsons’s Almshouses, 4 & 5 Grove place, High street
3on. Sec. to the Directors, Mrs. T. H. Green
Stone’s (Dr.) Almshouses (for 8 females), built in 1700,
Medical Officers, Harold Thompson M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.S.A. St. Clement’s street
31 Beaumont street; Arthur John Drew F.R.C.S.Eno-.,
L.R.C.P.Lond. Water hall, St. Aldate’s; William
Board day, thursday, at 2 p.m. at the Workhouse.
Duigan M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb.. M.R.C.S.Eng.,
L.R.C.P.Lond. 66 Woodstock road, St. Giles’; J. R. The Oxford Union was incorporated in 1771 under a
Earle M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon.. M.R.C.S.Eng.,
local Act, & consists of the following eleven parishes
L.R.C.P.Lond. 47 Woodstock road ; Miss Dorothea out of the total of fourteen in the city (St. Clement’s,
C. Maude M.A.Dub., M.D., B.S.Lond. 5 Holywell st.; St. Giles’ & St. John & Cowley being in Headington
F. H, Dickson M.B., Ch.B. 37 Holywell street ; John
union):— All Saints, Holywell or St. Cross, St. Aldate,
Wood M.A., M.D.Oxon.. L.R.O.S.Edin., L.S.A. 64 St
St. Ebbe, St. Martin, St. Marv Magdalen, St. Mary
Giles’street; D. T. Wylie M.D.Durli., L.R.C.P k S. the Virgin, St. Michael, St. Peter-le-Bailey, St. PeterIrel. 217 Iffley road k Arthur George Kewlev ¥ 1
in-the-East & St. Thomas. The colleges & halls are
Oxon., L.R.C.P. k S.Edin. k L.R.F.P. fc S.Glas 03
not rated with the parishes in which they are locally
Iffley road
situate, but are rated by special Act of Parliament, the
Bookkeeper, Miss M. S. Parker
rate being paid in by the University; this does not
Dispenser, Miss Mary Wossall M.P.S
apply to those collleeeg-es in St. Gile
s’ &
a, 0
1. John’
Medical Dispensary k Lying-in Charity. A. Rivers-Willparishes in Headington union. The area of the incor­
son Ph.D., F.C.S., L.S.A., L.M.S.S.A. 42 Wellington
poration is 1,720 acres ; rateable value. Lady Day,
square k Ernest William Mules Higgs M.R.C.S.,
J9T4* ¿251,069; the population in 1911 was 23,224
L R.C.P.Lond., L.M.Dub. 88 James street, surgeons k Clerk to Board of Guardians & Assessment Committee,
accoucheurs; Herbert Parsons, treasurer;.
1.H. Salter, Adolphus Ballard M.A.. LL.B 5 & 6 Magdalen street
chairman; Thomas William Mallam. hon. sec. 126 Treasurer, John Francis Parsons .J.P
fl f V ®treefc■ Henry Coles, collector, 127 Kingston rd Collector of Poor Rates, Albert E. Lewis. Walton street
, [ Corporation Hospital for InfectiousDiseases. Cold Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Walter Allen Butler, 21
Arbour, St. Aldate’s, Miss M. G-ray, matron
Gloucester green
uxlordshire Association for the Prevention of Tnber- Medical Officer, Frank Grégoire Proudfoot M.A.St.And.
ctrart- New TOad' William Stobie MB,
M.D., C.M.Edin. 43 St. Giles’street
Lh.B.Edrn. medical officer; Miss Price, sec
lic Vaccinator, The United Parishes District, Richd
Uxfnrd Eve Hospital. Walton street, Philip Edward PubHenry
Heurtley Sankey M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon.
amSr,l A ’ M B ’ B C h - Hipl. Ophth.,
M.R.C.S.Eng;., L R.C.P.Lond. 35 St. Giles’ street
WillL.R.C.P.Lond. hon. 3urgeon; Lionel Ihe Poor Law Institution for the Incorporation, standing
william Seymour L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Enm * Hy
on the north side of the Cowlev road, in St. Clement’s
Oran u " “ A - MJB~ B.C., FR.C.S., Dipl. Onhth
parish, is an extensive pile of red & white brick with
uxor,. hon. clinical assistants; V. O’Hea Ousson M.B
Bath stone cornices & dressings, & consists of three
Tam! Z T^ ° n - Co1- Artlmr Forbessee. ; Sir principal blocks parallel to each other; the central
e r>ouic ^.0 .3 .1.hon. treasurer; Miss portion of the front range of buildings is of two
hite, matron
storeys, with an arched entrance, over which is a bellstofk A,Vh,ila"c<‘Brigade TOxford Corps), in Woodcot: the infirmary is placed at the hack of the building
suro'eo! ’nv ,G ® FreP,>orn W.A., L.R.C.P. hon. on the high ground, A on the eastern side is a de­
L R n T>; Charles Arthur Coventon M.B.C.S., tached cruciform chapel : the building was erected in
S t r u '» Corp.‘ supt
1865 from designs bv Mr. William Fisher, architect,
funder n,o°Sp^a^ ^ fLime f°r Ladies of Slender Means
of London place, St. Clement's, at a cost, of £20,000
road. Oowleyare
sisters)’ St MarF’s Casual wards were added in 1882 at a cost of /850.
Jonathan Hill, master; Rev. H. C. Evans, chaplain*
Menta' Disorders, Headington Frank G. Proudfoot M.A.St.And.. M.D . C.M.Edin’
snipt &
Pr if! ,am Neill M.D resident, niedical medical officer; Mrs. Minnie Hill, matron
Edin' T
0harles Williams L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.
O x f o r d R e g is t r a t io n D is t r ic t
H Badooot asaistant medical officer; Rev, Peroival
chaplain: Miss Emily Barnwell. Superintendent Registrar, Adolphus Ballard M.A.. LL.B
5 & 6 Magdalen street;deputy. J. H. B. Wright
Registrar of Marriages for Oxford district, Richard Hv.
Acland N •
John Bartlett. Lloyds Bank chainhers. High street
Whitp^ S j 1" Hon?e*25 Banbury road, Miss Gertrud*' Registrar of Births & Deaths for Oxford sub-district,
,iaay superintendent
Walter Allen Butler, 21 Gloucester «Teen