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D IR E C T O R Y .]
Beard Henry, dairym an
Beckingham A lbert, m arket gardener
B ridgew ater G eorge, coal dealer
Dennis Thom as, nurserym an, Pearm an’s grove
Goddard Henry, assistant overseer
Greenwood W in.M agpie & Parrot P .H
*H iliier E rnest, hau lier
♦Hillier W illiam , firewood m erchant
Hussey Joseph, S ix B ells P.H
Keene O akley R ufus, farm er, W yverley farm
L u cas Bernard, blacksm ith
L u c a s G eorge D. ( M r s .) , Lane End ho
May A rth u r G. Black Boy P .H
P rio r A rth u r, dairym an



Ravenscroft Harold, fan n er,H yde End
IScutter Frank, nurserym an, Hillside
*Sim m onds C ol.C aversh am , Stud frm
Stevens W alter, farm er, P arrott farm
Stevens W ynneH .farm r. Cutbush frm
T h ick Charles, gam ekeeper to A. B.
Cobham esq
E xperim ental
F arm (Sydney Pennington B .S c.,
M .R .C .V .S . lectu rer), Lane End fm

Bacon H erbert, grocer
Burgess G eorge Frederick, jobm aster,
The Hollies
C hurchill W illiam Lew is, boot m aker
Cripps G eorge, photographer
Fisher John, beer retailer & shopkpr
Ford Mary (M rs.), draper
Idenden Vince, carpenter
L ever A lfred, dairy
Lutm an Jam es E rn est Roland, baker
Mees G ertrude Theodosia (M iss),grcr
Miles G eorge, butcher
New Charles, coal m erchant
Nicholls W alter H enry, beer retailer
Parker Jam es, confectioner

c o m m e r c ia l .

A ttaw ell W illiam T . parish
bricklayer, & post office

S H I P P O N is a ham let and ecclesiastical parish
form ed May 19th, 1865, out of the parish of S t. Helen,
Abingdon, one m ile north-w est from Abingdon, in the
Northern division of the county, hundred of Horm er,
p etty sessional division, union and county cou rt d istrict
of Abingdon, rural deanery of Abingdon, archdeaconry
of B eik * and diocese of Oxford. F or poor law, school
and ra tin g purposes, this place is in the civil parish
of St. Helen W ithout, created in 1894. T he church of
S i. M ary M agdalene is a b u ild in g of stone in the
Decorated style, from designs by the late S ir G.
G ilb ert S cott R .A . : it was consecrated Decem ber, 1855,
and consists of chancel, nave, north porch and a
western tu rre t w ith crocheted spire containing one
b ell: there are 183 sittin gs. In the churchyard, at
the east end, is an altar tom b w ith open arcading, to
the Rev. W illiam A ld er S tran ge D.D. first Boden
Sanscrit scholar at O xford U niversity, head m aster of



Abingdon school, 1840-68, and som etim e vicar of Bishop
M iddleham , D urham , d. 17 A p ril, 1874. T h e reg ister
dates from th e year 1855. Th e livin g is a vicarage,
net yearly value £100, w ith residence, in the g ift of
the Bishop of O xford, and held since 1911 by the Rev.
John H enry K irk b v M .A. of Queen’s College, Oxford,
who is also vicar of D ry S an dford -w ith -C oth ill. The
m anor and the whole of the land belong to the D uchy
of Cornwall. The soil is v a rio u s; subsoil, stone brash
and lim estone. T h e crops are grain in succession. The
area is 570 a c re s; population in 1911, 109.
Parish C lerk , Charles Mott.
L etters th rou gh Abingdon, w hich is the nearest m oney
order & telegraph office, arrive at 6.30 a.m . & 12 noon.
P illa r L e tte r Box cleared a t 8.35 & 11.40 a.m . & 7.25
p.m . ; Sundays, 10.45 a m
The children of th is place atten d the schools at
A bingdon

A ldw inckle Percy, W hite house
A ldw in ckle P. & H. L im ited , farm ers,
K irkby Rev. John H enry M .A .(vica r),
Shippon m anor
V icarage
G ilb ert W illiam & Son, ag ricu ltu ral
Mundy Misses, Old Manor house
im plem ent
m a n u fa c tu rers;
m an ufacturers to H er la te M ajesty j
A bdy G eorge, beer retailer

& m an u facturers of the celebrated
p rize Suffolk d r ills ; also general
purposes carts ; also agents for all
the leadin g im plem ent m an u fac­

S H O T T E S B B O O K E is a parish situated south of I the g ift of B asil G u y Oswald Sm ith esq. and held since
the great Bath road and adjoining W h ite W altham , 4^ I 9 ° 5 by the Rev. Richard Holmes M .A . of C h rist’s Colm iles south-west from the G reat W estern railw ay sta­ I lege, C am bridge, who resides at W hite W altham . In
tion at M aidenhead, 10 east from Reading, 7 south-east 1 I 3 3 7 S ir W illiam T ru ssell founded here a sm all religious
from Henley and 8 north-east from Windsor, in the 1 house, consisting of a college and chantry, dedicated to
Easterh division of the county, hundred of Beynhurst, i St. John the B ap tist, for a warden and five priests ; this
Maidenhead p etty sessional division, union of M aiden­ | college he endowed with the church of Shottesbrooke,
head. county court district of W indsor, rural deanery of l but after sustaining m uch in ju ry by fire, it was deserted
Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of 1 by the entire establishm ent except John Bradford, the
Oxford. The church of St. John the B aptist, form erly j warden, who obtained a licence in 1380 to im propriate
collegiate, is a structure of flint w ith stone dressings, it to the church of B attlesden ; the resu lt was a conand for sym m etry and beauty has few equals among j siderable increase of re v e n u e : the rem ains have beer».
English churches, being especially rem arkable for the I carefu lly restored and are used as a garden h o u se : in
uniform ity of its design, even down to the m inor por­ 1664 this place was the residence of S ir Richard Pawle
tions : it is a cruciform building in the Decorated style, 1 K .B . Shottesbrooke P ark is th e prop erty and residence
consisting of chancel, nave, transept, south porch and of Basil G uy Oswald S m ith esq. lord of th e m anor and
central tower, with a lig h t and elegant octagonal spire ! principal lan dow ner; th e mansion is a fine buildin g of
of graceful proportions and containing 5 b e lls : the red brick, in a park which, w ith the surrounding land,
interior was restored in 1852 under the superintendence com prises about 300 acres.
Th e soil is lig h t and
of the late G . E. S treet esq. R .A . a r c h ite c t: the g r a v e l; subsoil, gravel. Th e ch ief crops are wheat,
founder’s tomb, in the north transept, a tru ly beautiful barley and oats. T he area is 1,395 a c r e s ; rateable
specimen of E arly G othic, has resum ed its ancient form : value, £6,063; the population in 1911 was 181 in the
during the progress of the restoration fragm ents of c iv il parish and 649 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Norman m ouldings and arches were discovered : in 1905
B y Local Governm ent Board O rder 7,057, dated Oct. 9 ,.
an organ was erected in the south transept, and the j 1877, a detached p art of W h ite W alth am parish wastransept separated from th e nave by an oak screen, at 1 added to Shottesbrooke.
the charge of Basil G u y 0 . S m ith esq. as a m em orial ! D eputy Parish C lerk and Sexton, Henry Hopkins.
to his father, A ugustus Oswald Sm ith esq. : there are
195 sittin gs. The reg ister dates from th e year 1566, L e tters th rou gh Maidenhead a rrive 8 a.m . & 1 p.m . ;
the nearest post, m oney order & telegraph office is at
on the first page of which is a com plete lis t of the
W hite W altham , ab ou t 1 m ile distant
rectors of the parish from th e year 1548. T h e living
is a rectory, w ith the vicarage of W h ite W altham The children of this place attend th e school at W h ite
annexed, join t net yearly value £304 and residence, in
W altham
Sm ith Basil G u y
brooke park


S h ottes­ C onvalescent Home (Miss G ertrude Tye W illiam , gam ekeeper to B. G . 0 .
Plow m an,m atron),Shottesbrooke cot
Sm ith esq
H opkins W illiam , head gardener to W atkins W a lter Edward, farm er,
B. G. 0 Sm ith esq
Sm ewins farm
George, farm er,
S h o ttes-: S m ith M ary Ann (M rs.) & Sons,
brooke & Pitlands farm s
farm ers, Pond Wood farm
S H B I V E N H A M is a p retty village and parish, on St. Andrew is of stone of the Jacobean period, consisting
the borders of W iltshire, from which it is separated by
if chancel, nave of four hays, aisles, south porch and an
the river Cole, w ith a station one m ile south from the em battled central Perpendicular tow er containing 6 bells
village on the G reat W estern railw ay, 7 1£ m iles from and a clock : at the east end is a m onum ent of m arble
London and 5$ south-west from Faringdon, in the N o rth ­ to John W ildm an esq. d. 1710. who inherited th e Beckett
ern division of the county, Shrivenham hundred, petty estate from his father, Sir John W ildm an lit. alderman
sessional division, union and county court d istrict of of London and postm aster-general, d. 1603, and a sinrlaT
Faringdon, ru ra l deanery of the Vale of W hite Horse, m onum ent to hi* adopted heir. John S h ute, afterw ards
archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The Berks r«t Viscount B arrington, who died D p c . 14. 1734 ; in the
and W ilts canal passes in the vicin ity. The church of ch m eel is also b uried W illiam . 2nd Viscotint, who died
c o m m e r c ia l