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d ir e c t o r y
east window is a m em orial to Col. R. A. Sm itli-D orrien,
who died in 1879, and was inserted by h is fam ily : the
east end of the chancel has been adorned with m ural paintÂ
ings, executed as a m em orial to the late Miss Dorrien,
founder of the c h u rc h : there is a fine eagle lectern of
carved o a k : there are 150 siftings. Th e register dates
from the year 1875. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
value £250, w ith residence, in the g ift of Thom as A lg e rÂ
non Sm ith-Dorrien-Sm ith esq. of Tresco, Scilly Islands,
and held since 1902 by the Rev. A rth ur Charles Napier
Lukin M .A. of Selw yn College, Cam bridge. H ere is a
small B aptist chapel, seating 50 persons. In G rove farm
are the rem ains of an old Danish fo r t; the walls and m oat
are still in a state of preservation. The breeding of
pheasants is carried on extensively in this parish. The
land is chiefly arable. The area is 3,291 a c r e s ; rateable
value, £3,964; the population in 1911 was 587 in the
civil and 868 in the ecclesiastical parish.
LE IG H G R E E N , 1$ m iles south, and W H E L P L E Y
H ILL, 3 m iles east, are places in this parish . T here is
a school chapel at W helpley H ill, in w hich divine
service is held once every Sunday. By the w ill of
(Marked thus t receive letters
throu gh C hesham .)
(Marked thus * receive letters
through H em el H em pstead.)
Brown G eorge, T orrington house
tG illhespy W . E . Rushm oor
tG reen Townsend, Pressm ore
tH arm an Sydney B. L it.G ro v e priory
tHudson W m . O rchard L e igh cottage
fLockton E dw ard F rederick, L ye
Green farm
Lukin Rev. A rth u r Charles Napier
M .A. V icarage
tMaple A lfred Jam es, Thoreau
Thom as C urtis, of Berkham sted, £6,000 was left to
support a school at W helpley H ill in this parish, the
rem ainder to a clergym an of the C h urch of E n glan d for
perform ing one service in W helpley H ill school chapel
every Sunday.
By Local G overnm ent Board Order No. 4 1 ,3 3 7 , which
cam e in to operation 1st October, 1900, part of Ashley
G reen c iv il parish was transferred to the c iv il parish
and Urban d is tric t of C hesham .
P arish C lerk, A lfred Law.
Post & M. 0 . Office.â Jam es Palm er, sub-postm aster.
L etters th rou gh B erkham sted, arrive at 8 a.m . &
4.30 p .m .; dispatched at 11.30 a.m . & 8.20 p .m .;
sunday, dispatched, 8.20 p.m . No delivery on SunÂ
Berkham sted, 3 m iles d istan t, is the nearest
telegrap h office
Council (m ixed ), W helpley H ill, b u ilt in 1911, for 80
c h ild re n ; M iss M urdoch, m istress
E lem en tary (m ixed ), for 90 ch ild ren ; & supported in
p art b y M ajor A rth u r D orrien -S m ith D .S.O . ; M iss
Rose A bbey, m istress
Northcote Hon. A m yas Stafford J.P. *G urn ey H enry, W h ite H art P.H.
W h elpley H ill
Thorns Barton
fH arrow ell A rth u r, farm er, S lou ghÂ
t P it t W illiam A. Sloughlands
lands farm
fP o tte r Charles, C orner grove
fM ash W illiam J. m ark et gardener
farm er, Torrington farm , G rove
lane (T N 50 C h esh a m ); & at
Bedford W illiam , farm er
Snow h ill
B ellam y John, E agle P.H
fN ew m an Jam es, farm er, N ashleigh
Brown W illiam , farm er
fB u rg in A lfred Jam es, farm er, Flam - Palm er Jam es, baker, Post office
stead farm
Sim m s Charles E. farm er, T h e Moors
*C arter D avid, grocer, W h elpley Hill â¦Thorne George L . farm er
fC o x a ll Geo. Thos. frm r. Lye green T w id ell Jam es, farm er, Oak farm
D arvill G eorge, farm er, Rushm oor
tW in grove B en jam in, farm er, G rove
fE am es A lfd. m otor engr. N ashleigh
â¦Graham R ob er, W h elpley Hill
A S K E T T , see Monks Risborough.
A S T O N A B B O T S (or Abbots A ston) is a sm all | £ 110 , in cludin g 99 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the
village and parish 3^ m iles n orth-w est from Marston | g ift 0f L a d y W antage, and held since 1887 b y th e Rev.
Gate station on the A ylesb ury and Cheddington branch ! Thos. Waddon M artyn, of M agdalen College, Oxford.
of the London and N orth W estern railw ay and 5^ north The C ongregational chapel, erected in 1839, w ill seat 200;
east from A ylesbury, in the M id division of the county, the P rim itive M ethodist chapel, erected in 1862, seats
onion and county cou rt d istrict of A ylesb ury, hundred ol 50, and has a Sunday school attached. A C h urch Room
Cottesloe, Linslade p etty sessional division, form erly a was erected here in 1898, and is used for parochial p u rÂ
peculiar of the Bishop of London, b u t now transferred to poses. Th e A bbey, th e prop erty and residence of L ie u t .the diocese of Oxford, archdeaconry of B uckingham and Col. H enry M itchell Sholto D ouglas, a mansion of brick
rural deanery of M ursley. T his place derives its suffix an(j st 0ne, was an cien tly a seat of the abbots of St.
.« â« Abbots
Ajj._i._iâ «
- j. A
t- manor t_i
from *the. r-.i.
fact ai
th- at
belonged atoâ £qba n s . it stands p leasan tly overlookin g the town and
the Abbey of S t. Albans, the abbots of which religious vale of A ylesbury, and in th e grounds is a sheet of
house had a country seat here. The church of St. Jam es water. Aston is a m eeting place for Lord R oth sch ildâ s
is a small building of stone, chiefly of the Decorated stag hounds and the W haddon C h ase hounds. Th e
period, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a principal landowners are L ad y W antage, who owns the
western em battled tower w ith square tu rre t, containing m anor, Leopold de Rothschild esq. C .V .O . of A sco tt,
5 bells and a chim ing clock strikin g th e q u a rte r s ; there L ieu t.-C o l. H. M. S. D ouglas, M essrs. L u cas B rothers,
is a good piscina in the south w all of the chancel; M r. W illiam G eorge E llio tt and M essrs. C harles and
the south doorway is E arly E n glish : in 1890 an organ H enry T . Birdsey. Th e soil is sand and g r a v e l; subÂ
chamber was built, and an organ added at a cost of soil, sand. Th e land is prin cip ally in p astu re, but
£200; the oak screen was erected in 1911 in m em ory of wheat is grown.
Th e area is 2,198 ac re s; rateable
Mrs. M artyn, w ife of the p resent v ic a r : th e stained value, £ 3 ,19 5 ; the population in 1911 was 312.
east window is a m em orial to R ear-A dm iral S ir Jam es
B U RSTO N (or B irdstan e), called in Dom esday Book
Clarke Ross kt. d. 1862, and L a d y Ross, d. 1857, both
of whom w ere buried in the churchyard, and there are â B ricstock ,â and about 1 m ile south-w est, is in th is
also windows in m em ory of M rs. H art and M rs. parish, and now contains two fa r m s ; L ion el N athan de
Martyn ; the church was restored and p artly reb u ilt in R oth schild esq. M .P ., C .V .O . is the sole landowner.
1865-6, at a cost of about £1,230, under the superin Post
Office.â Sam uel
Thom pson,
sub-postm aster.
tendence of the late G. E. S treet esq. R . A . ; the tower,
L etters through A ylesb ury arrive at 7.50 a.m . & 12
which is the only portion of the old church now standing,
noon; dispatched, 10.40 a.m . & 5.45 p .m . week days
is of the 14th century, the rem ainder bein g of the n t h
only. W ingrave, 2 m iles distant, is the nearest
c en tu ry; there is an ancient oak chest containing the
m oney order & telegrap h office
registers and parish d ocu m en ts; the church furniture Elem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1874, & enlarged
was presented b y Mrs. Thornton and fam ily from the
1896, for 120 children ; G eorge H arrison, m a s t e r ;
proceeds of private sales of th eir own work : there are
Miss H arrison, in fan tsâ m istress
120 sittin gs, 60 being free. Th e reg ----ister â
â from
------ ,
the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value C arrie r.â K en t, to A ylesb ury, daily
Harrison Robert, farm er, see Pargeter
Beckett Sidney G eorge, farm bailiff
& H arrison
to Henry Lowenfeld esq
How M ark, cattle d e a le r
Brandon H arry, blacksm ith
H um phreys Thos. B u ll & B u tch er P.H
â¦Denchfield W illiam Henry, fa rm e r,'K e n t M ary A nn (M rs.), Royal Oak
*Denchfield Mrs. Burston house
Low er Burston
P.H . & carrier
Douglas Lieu t.-C o l. Henry M itchell
E llio tt Charles Christopher, farm er & M iller E m m a (M iss), shopkeeper
Sholto, The A bbey
â¦Pargeter & H arrison, fan n ers. Upper
Goold John C. The Firs
overseer, Oak farm
E lliott W m . Geo. farm er, O xlevâ s farm
Hatton Mrs.
Roads Jspli. Sym ons, farm er, Norduck
Martyn Rev. Thom as W addon (vicar), G ates H arry, fa r m e r
H arris Geo. H. farm r.L o n g Moor in n Sinfield A rthur, shopkeeper
Thompson Sam l.fc Sons,grocrs.Post off
(Marked thus * receive
via W eedon.)