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[O X F O R D S H I R E .

Buekwell Raymond John,169 Divinity Hunt Mrs. St. Stephen’s, Bampton Ingram Arthur Stanley, Elinsdale,
road. Cowley road, Oxford
Hunt Robert, 42 Portland road, Sum­ Piddington, Thame
Huddleston E. A. 59 Corn st. Witney mertown, Oxford
Ingram H. Littlecroft,Goring,Readng
Hude Henry Harrison, 17 Hill Top Hunt Sydney George, 59 Bainton rd. Inman George Talfourd J.P. Littleroad, St. Clement's, Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
court, Whitchurch, Reading
Hudgell Rev. Ernest William George Hunt William, 33 Bainton road, St. Innes J.W.3Tackley pi.St.Giles’,Oxfrd
M.A. 51 Cowley road, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Innes Melville Hugh, 22 Hill Top rd.
Hudgell Rev. Robert William, St. iHunt William, 46 Hamilton road, St. Clement’s, Oxford
Mary's priory, Cogges, Witney
j Summertown, Oxford
Irvine Mrs. The Lodge, Eynsham
Hudson Rev. Charles Henry Bicker- Hunt W. H. Turner’s crt. Wallingfrd Irwin Rev. Charles A. K., B.A.
ton M.A. Holyrood.St.Giles’st.Oxfd Hunter Rev. Ralph William Geo. 87 Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames
Hudson John, Fairholme, Woodstock Kingston road, St. Giles’, Oxford Isaac Harold, 10 Farndon road, St.
road. Witney
Hunter Leslie Whitaker M.A. New Giles’, Oxford
Hudson Miss,Newington ho.Wallingfd college, Oxford
Isaac Misses, 31 New street, HenleyHudson Miss, 29 St. Margaret's road, Hunter William M.A. 68 Banbury rd. on-Thames
St. Giles', Oxford
Isaacson Miss, 23 Lothbury rd. Oxfrd
Hudson Mrs. 84 Bath road, Banbury Huntington Capt. Arthur William Ive Alfred, 34 Vicarage road, HenleyHuggins Benjamin 3. 55 Woodstock D.S.O. Shipton court, Shipton- on-Thames
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Ive Henry, Rostrevor, St. Andrew's
under-Wychwood, Oxford
Huggins William, 12 Aston street, Hurcomb William, 32 Warnborough road, Henley-on-Thames
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Ive Miss, 3 Vicarage road, Henleyroad, St. Giles’, Oxford
Hughes Rev. John B.A. Vicarage. jHurrell Arth. 0 . 2 Cripley rd. Oxfrd on-Thames
Highmoor, Henley-on-Thames
Hurst Cyril William,35 Warnborough Ives A. Hillside, Chinnor, Wallingford
Hughes Rev. John Francis, Station ! road, St. Giles', Oxford
Ivey Miss, 325 Cowley road, Oxford
road, Henley-on-Thames
;Hurst Miss, Rock house, Temple Jack Thomas, Rosemount, Rose hill,
Hughes Rev. Thomas D.D., LL.D. | Cowley, Oxford
Iffley, Oxford
Mongewell, Wallingford
Hurst Mrs. 100 Woodstock road, St. Jackman Edward George, 14 Western
Hughes Rev. William Hawker M.A. Giles’, Oxford
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Jesus college, Oxford
Hurst Richard, 30 Western road, Jacks Laurence Pearsall M.A., LL.D.,
Hughes George, Bank house, Corn- Grandpont, Oxford
D.D. Strete, Headington Quarry,
market street, Oxford
Hurst Thomas, 3 Folly bridge, St. Al- Oxford
Hughes H. J. 79 Iffley rd. Oxford
date’s, Oxford
Jackson Sir John C.V.O., M.P., J.P.
Hughes John Collin, Greys Green, 1Huscroft Mrs. 20 Newland, Banbury Henley park, Henley-on-Thames
Rotherfield Greys, Henley-on-Thms ;Hussey Mrs. 24 Winchester road, St. Jackson Rev. Joseph B.A. Holy
Hughes Leonard George, 26 Farndon I Giles’,Oxford
Trinity vicarage, Bampton
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Hutchen Miss, 12 Frenchay road, St. Jackson Clement Nugent M.A. 4
Hughes Miss, Girls’Grammar school, Giles’, Oxford
Bradmore road, Oxford
High street, Thame
Hutchins Charles Henry, 49 Bainton Jackson Ivan, Watcombe manor,WatHughes Miss, Park street, Woodstock road, St. Giles'. Oxford
lington, Wallingford
Hughes Miss, 84 Woodstock road, Hutchins Joseph, 18 Walton crescent, Jackson Miss, The Abbey cottage,
St. Giles', Oxford
St. Thomas’.Oxford
Dorchester, Wallingford
Hughes Mrs. 39 Banbury rd. Oxford Hutchins Mrs. The Highlands, Jackson S. Wayside, Croft rd. Thame
Hughes Mrs. Gt. Chesterton, Bicestr Woodcote, Reading
Jackson William Hatchett D.Sc.,M.A.
Hughes Mrs. 63 St. Mary’s road, Hutchins Mrs. 17 Stanley Toad, Cow­ Keble college, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
ley St. John, Oxford
Jackson William Walrond D.D. 18
Hughes Mrs. Victor, 44 Banbury rd. Hutchins Samuel, 157 Woodstock rd Bardwell road, Oxford; & Singleton
St. Giles’,Oxford
park, Kendal
Hughes Ronald Edward, 49 Portland Hutchinson Rev. Thomas William Jacob Henry R. 48 West bar, Banbry
road, Summertown, Oxford
M.A. Vicarage, Stoke Row, Henley- Jacobs John J.P. Mill house, Witney
Hughes Samuel, 56 James street, on-Thames
street, Burford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hutchinson George T., M.A. Christ Jacobs Mrs. Priory view, Sheep st.
Hughes Thos. D. Oxford st.Woodstck Church, St. Aldate's street, Oxford Burford
Hugo Miss, 20 Recent street, Cowley Hutchison Rev. Robert M.A. Wood Jacobs William, Headington, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Eaton, Oxford
Jagger H. C. 14 London rd. Bicester
Hugo Wilfred Temple, 104 Divinity Hutchison James Craufuird, Sand- Jakeman G.W-36St.Aldate’s st.Oxford
road, Cowley road, Oxford
ford mount, Charlbury
Jakeman Miss, 43 Middleton road,
Hulbert Miss, 236 Woodstock road, Hutchison Robert Hamilton B.A. Grimsbury, Banbury
Summertown, Oxford
Brasenose college, Oxford
James Rev. Herbert Armitage D.D.
Hull Frederick Archibald, 27 Thorn- Hutt Frank, Hill house, Kidlington, St. Giles’street, Oxford
cliffe road, Summertown, Oxford
James Benjamin Edgar L.D.SRC.S.
Hulme Rev. William Saunders, The Hutt Harold, 293 Woodstock road, 307 Woodstock road, Summertown,
Vicarage, Little Tew, Enstone
Summertown, Oxford
Humphries Miss, 1 Horsefair, Banbry Hutt Miss, 225 Cowley road, Oxford James David William, 86 Fairacres
Humphries Mrs. 4 Tackley place, St. Hutton Ven. William Holden B.D. road, Iffley road, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
St. John’s college, St. Giles’street. James Mrs. 99 St. Clement’s st.Oxfrd
Humphris Jason, Knoll, High Town Oxford
Jamison Miss E. M. Lady Margaret
road, Banbury
Hutton Mrs. Britwell, Wallingford
hall, 21 Norham gardens, Oxford
Humphris Jn. 36 Bath rd. Banbury Hutton Mrs. 53 Lonsdale road, Sum­ Jaques Arthur, Scotland road, Hook
Humphriss G.29Southam rd.Banbury mertown, Oxford
Norton, Banbury
Hunkin Rev. Joseph Wellington, 20 Huxley George, 50 Marston street. Jardine Miss, in Iffley road. Oxford
St. Michael’s street, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Jarmain Thomas M. Orangemoor, Gt.
Hunloke Capt. Philip J.P. Bucknell Huxley James Usher M.D. 17 Charl­ Haseley, Wallingford
manor, Bicester
bury road, Oxford
Jarrett Mrs. Hanson, 6 Warnborough
Hunnisett W.33 Warwick st. Oxford Hyde J. D. The Cottage, Bloxham. road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Hunt Rev. Robert Walter Carew M.A. Banbury
Jarvis Misses, 2 Old Parr rd. Banbury
Vicarage, Albury, Oxford
Hyde Miss, 7 South Park rd. Oxford Jarvis Thomas. 1 Divinity rd. Cow­
Hunt Alfred E. 18 High st. Oxford Hyslop Henry, The Oaks, War- ley road, Oxford
Hunt Arth. Fairfield, Shilton,Burford borough, Wallingford
Jay George, 24 Reading road, HenleyHunt Arthur Surridge M.A.. D.Litt. Iliffe Frederick M.A., Mus.Doc. 13 on-Thames
Queen’s college, Oxford
Warnhorough rd. St. Giles’,Oxford Jeboult Douglas, Wadbury, Harpsden,
Hunt Colin Bertram M.A. 180 Wood- Ing Arth. Frank William,184 Divinity Henley-on-Thames
stock road, Summertown. Oxford
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Jee Mrs. 24 Frenchay road, St.
Hunt Edward. High street, Burford Ing Walter, 81 Warwick st. Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Hunt F.F.i Manor rd.Holywell,Oxfrd Inge Rev. Charles Cuthbert M.A. 1 Jeeves Mrs. 32 St. Andrew’s road,
Hunt Francis Durrant M.A..J.P. The Norham gardens, Oxford
Manor house, Bampton
Inge Mrs. ? St. Cross road, Holy- Jefferies John, Ivydene, Littlemore,
Hunt James Frederick, 71 Southfield well, Oxford
road. Cowley St. John, Oxford
Ingle Mrs. 33 George street, Sum­ Jpfferson Geo. D. 42 Broad st. Oxford
Hunt John, 46 South Bar st.Banbury mertown, Oxford
Jeffery Reginald Welburv M.A. 28
Hunt Miss. 85 Woodstock road, St Inglefield Mrs. Hallowell, Little Polstead road, St. Giles’,Oxford
Giles’. Oxford
Somerby, Goring, Reading
Jeffreys Miss, 1 Northfield end, Hen­
Hunt Mrs. Old Priory, Bicester
Ingles Miss, Easton cot. Charlbury