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D IR E C T O R Y .]
Reado William, shopkeeper, 40 George street., Caversham
Reading F. ,T. & Sons, tailors, 55 Minster street
Reading, Green & Marvell Ltd. paint manufrs. 34 Kennet side
Reading Amalgamated Friendly Societies Medical Association
(F. W yatt Thurnam m . b ., c.M.Edin. Milton Romaine CalÂ
lender l . r . c . p . , L.R.c.s.Edin., l . s . a . & Arthur George Goldney
m . r . c . s . , l . r . c . p . medical officers ; Robert Charles H ayter,
sec.), 82 Southampton street
Reading Athletic Club (J. E. Beasley, hon. sec.), 6 Great
Western hotel, Station road
Reading Band of Hope Union (Miss S. J. K irk, hon. sec.),
31 St. Maryâs butts
Reading Bedding Manufactory (J. Becsley, proprietor), furÂ
niture & bedding manufacturers, upholsterers, mattress
makers, blind makers & feather dressers & purifiers, 29 &
50 Castle street
Reading Billiard H all, billiard rooms, 2 9 a , K in gâs road
Reading Blue Coat School (S. Illingworth Butler, head master),
42 Bath road
Reading Bottle Exchange (Wm. Hamlin, mngr.), The Oracle
Reading Bowling Club, 94 Kendrick road
R e a d in g & C a v e rsh a m
L au n d ry Co. L im ited
(F. Foster, manager) (& dyers & cleaners), George street,
S ee a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 9
Reading Cemetery Co. (G. E. B. Rogers, clerk & registrar) ;
offices, 9 Cross street (Alfred Gibbs, res. supt.), Cemetery
lodge, London road
Reading Chamber of Commerce (James Haslam, sec.), 156
Friar street. T N 225
Reading Charity Organisation (D. W: Bishop Ackerman,
see.), 49 Castle street
Reading Conservative & Unionist Association (John Francis
Coales, organizing sec. & agent), 9 Blagrave street
Reading Co-operative Smallholding & Allotment Association
Limited, 159 W hitley Wood lane
Reading Corporation Cattle Market (Henry L. Daniels, supt.),
18 Great Knollys street
Reading Corporation Public Slaughterhouses (James Dodd,
inspector), Abattoirs road
Reading Corporation Public Swimming Baths (C. E. Lovegrove,
attendant), Kingâs Meadow road
Reading Corporation Tuberculosis Dispensary (Alfred George
Caldwell M.D.irel., D . p . h . Eng. tuberculosis officer ; Miss
F . B. Pairman, nurse), 1 London street
Reading Corporation Yard (John Bowen, su rveyor; John
Walker, road inspector), Abattoirs road
Reading & County Permanent Benefit Building Society (Blake
P. Allnatt, sec.), 2 Forbury
Reading Dairy Co. Limited, 103 & 104 Broad street & 12
Wokingham road
Reading & District Amateur Sports Club (S. S. Wollaston,
hon. sec.), Kensington road
Reading & District Bo}' Scoutsâ Association (Harry Burton,
hon. sec.), Merchantâs place
Reading Sc District Mutual Trade Protection Society (E.
Dennis Berry, solicitor), 10 High street. T N 1017
Reading & District Public Dental Service (William Aldridge,
sec.); registered offices, 22-25 Chain street
Reading & District Solicitorsâ Association (Francis James
Churchill, sec.), 150 Friar street
Reading Electric Supply Co. Limited (W aller Barnes, sec.);
offices & show rooms. 3, 4 & 5 Market place & works, 55
Vastern road
Reading Football Club Limited (Harry J. Matthews, sec. &
manager), 1 7 2 a , Friar street
Reading Gas Company ; central offices & show rooms, 159 Friar
street (T N 346) (A. B. Stedman, sec.); works, Gas Works
rd. (T N 305) (Douglas H. Helps a . m . i . c . e . engineer&mangr)
ReadingGdliâ Club (S. G. Collier, hon.sec.); links.Grovelands rd
Pleading Green Girlsâ Training School for Domestic Servants
(Miss C. E. Hicks, mistress & matron), 38 Russell street
Reading Guardiansâ Childrenâs Homes, 11 & 13 Milman road ;
(Miss Cox, superintendent) 109 London road & (Mrs. K.
Duffield & Mrs. M. Edmunds, matrons) 82 & 84 Crescent road
Reading Guild of Help (F. B. Bourdillon, hon. sec. ; Miss E.
Ashworth, sec.), 49 Castle street
Reading Health Societyâs D ay Nursery (Miss W. Williams,
matron), 80 & 82 Castle street
Reading Ice & Cold Storage Co. Limited, ice merchants, 32
Lynmouth road
Reading Industrial Co-operative Society Limited (Frederick
J. Wicks, sec.), 8 to 12 Caversham road; 75 & 77 SouthÂ
ampton street; 99, 100, 103 & 105 Friar street; 201, 203
& 205 London road ; 541 Oxford road ; Grovelands road &
5 Prospect street, Caversham
Reading Investm ent Corporation Limited (The) (Arthur
Gould West, sec.), 51 Market place
Reading Iron Co. Limited, iron & steel merchants, 14 & 15
King street. T N 529
Reading Liberal Association (W. S. Belcher, sec.), 26 Broad st
Reading Liberal Club (W. Moody, soc.), 26 Broad street
Reading Mercury & Berks County Paper (The Reading NewsÂ
paper Co. Limited, proprietors & publishers ; published s a t.);
publishing & advertising offices, 7 Market place.
Reading National Health Insurance Committee (William G.
B lair a . f . i . sec.), Broadway buildings, Station road
Reading Natural H istory Society (YV. E. Butler f . e . s . presiÂ
dent; Edward J. Likeman, sec.), Brerewood, WokingÂ
ham road
Reading Observer (Charles Slaughter Sc Son, proprietors &
publishers ; published thurs. & sat.), 1 9 & 2 1 Blagrave street.
Tel. Nos. 5 2 & 1 1 1 5
Reading (Parish of) Dispensary (F. W. Stansfield, E. L .
Cropp, G. H. Cheyney &â B. B. Ho3ford, medical officers ;
Cardwell, dispenser), 7J Friar street & (branch) 16
Wokingham road
Reading Refuge & Laundry Home for Girls (Miss Jane
Messenger, matron), 5 9 & 61 Castle street
Reading (The) Rifle Club (W. Sargent, sec.), 77 Oxford road
Reading Savings Bank (Albert Thomas Higgs, actuary), 72
London street; 3 7 7 Oxford road & 1 6 YVokingham road;
& 2 3 Market place, YVokingham ; open daily 1 0 a.m. till
4 p.m. ; wed. 9 .3 0 a.m. till 1 2 .3 0 p.m. ; fri. & sat. evenings,
6 to 8 p.m
Reading Scattered Homes (Miss E. Vickers, foster mother),
40 Russell street
Pveading School (G. H. Keeton m .a. head master) (for reÂ
mainder of masters see Schools p. 162), Erleigh road
Reading Shorthand, Bookkeeping, French & Typewriting
School (H. S. Taylor, principal) (from Pitmanâs & Clarkâs
Civil Service College, London), 20 a , Cross street. S e e
a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 14Reading Standard Newspaper (YValter V. Rivers, publisher;
published tues. & fri.), 13 & 15 Valpv street
Reading Temperance Council (Samuel Shackleford, hon. sec.),
15 YVaverlcy road
Reading Temperance & General Philanthropic Society (W.
Stebbings, hon. sec.), 44 K in gâs road
Reading Temperance Society (Charles Moss, sec.), 43 YVest st
Reading Tobacco Supply Co. (The), wholesale tobacconists,
50 Oxford road
Reading Trade Union Club & Institute (Charles Geater, sec.)
40 Oxford road
Reading Turkish Baths (H. J. Ponter, mgr.), 2 Greyfriars road
Reading Union Board Room & Offices (William Henry Oliver,
clerk to the guardians & assessment committee Sc superinÂ
tendent registrar of births, marriages & deaths), 32 Thorn st
Reading Working Girlsâ Club(MissWclldon,hon.sec.),171Friar st
Reading Workmenâs Coal Union (J. Murdoch, sec.), S. E . R.
Goods station, Forbury road
Reading Young Menâs Christian Association (H. W. Bryant.
general sec.), 3 0 Friar street
Reading Albert Alfred, dairy, 278 Oxford road
Reed & Son 3 Limited, outfitters, 99 Broad street
Reed Alfred YV. shopkeeper, 62 Hatherley road
Reeves Alfred, shopkeeper, 1 Cromwell road, Caversham
Reeves Fred, rustic wood worker, 105 Caversham road
Reeves John, baker, 79 Lower Thorn street
Refuge Assurance Co. Limited (district office)(Harry A. Everitt,
superintendent), 46 Kingâs road
Remand Home (Samuel John Burbidge, supt.), 72 & 74
Southampton street
Rendell Alfred & Son, dealers in antiquities, 1 Castle street
Renouf A lbert Edward, cattle dealer, Upper Redlands road
Rex Iiarry, beer retailer, 11 & 12 YVest street
Reynolds Brothers, insurance brokers, 62 London street
Reynolds Edwin George, antique dealer, 17 Queen Yrictoria st
Reynolds Sylvanus Arthur, chartered accountant, 62 London st
Reynolds YYrilliam George O. artificial teeth maker, 10 Orts rd
Rice Alice (Mrs.), confectioner, 11 Chatham street
Richards Cecil Bernard, auctioneer &c. see Ayres & Richards
Richards Frank, greengrocer, 65 Bedford road
Richardson & Co. grocers, 80 Christ Church road
Richardson Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 YYriilow street
Richardson YVilliam Thomas, butcher, 113 Kingâs rd. Cavershm
Richmond Arthur m.b., ch.B.vict., m .r . c .s ., l .r .c . p . lo ik L
D.P.H.cantab. county tuberculosis officer, Shire hall, ForÂ
bury & 28 Mansfield road
Ricketts George, beer retailer, 34 Soho street
Ridgers Lawrence, shopkeeper, 93 St. Peterâs road
Ridley William & Sons, timber, slate, tile, lime & cement
merchants ; sawing, planing & moulding mills & buildersâ
merchants, A bbey wharf, K in gâs road ; & at Staines
Ripley Henry, butcher, 2 Church road, Caversham
Rippon N'orah (Mrs-)» hair dresser, 87 Lower Thorn street
Rising Sun Coffee House (Jn. Allwood, manager), 30 Silver st
Rising Henry YVhiteman f . r . i. b . a . architect, see Alburv,
Rising Sc Morgan
Ritson Robert M.A.camb., L.R.c.p.Lond., M.R.c.s.Eng. physician
& surgeon, 4 Hamilton road
Rivers George, trench polisher, 151 Chain street
R ix Henry G. chemist, 30 Church street, Caversham
Robbins Francis YVilliam, shopkeeper, 2 Gloucester road
Roberts, Howse & Powell, surgeons, 74 & 76 London street
Roberts Sc Roberts, drapers, 44 Orts road
Roberts Arthur F.R.c.s.Edin. (firm, Roberts, Howse & Powell),
surgeon, 74 & 76 London street
Roberts Charles, The Sun inn, 16 Castle street
Roberts Charles, tobacconist, 10 Chain street