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ric h or R ollandriht stones, locally known as the â K in g's
S ton es,â and form ing p a rt of a D ru idical rem ain, of a
date anterior, it is supposed, to Stonehenge : they are
60 in num ber, are disposed in a circle, and on th e other
side of the hedge (83 yards n orth), in the county of
W arw ick, is one standing b y itself, called th e â K i n g ; â
this is
feet high and 5 feet 3 inches in b re a d th :
about 390 yards eastward is a group of five stones,
called th e â W h isp erin g K n ig h ts,â two of which have
p artially fa lle n : these taper towards the top and at
one tim e all five leaned to g e th e r; th ey probably conÂ
stitu te the rem ains of an altar or crom lech. A fence
was placed round the circle, the W hispering K n ig h ts'
and the â K in g,â in 1891, by th e Com m issioners of
Bliss Mrs. L ittle R ollrigh t
William s Mrs. Charles, L ittle Rollrig h t house
A ncient M onuments.
About 100 yards from the resiÂ
dence of Mrs. W illiam s there still rem ains part of a
stone w all and a window of a presum ed Danish buildÂ
ing. M rs. Charles W illiam s is lady of the manor and
the sole landowner in the parish. The soil is stone
b ra s h ; subsoil, the sam e. The ch ief crops are wheat,
barlev, beans, peas and roots. The area is 627 acres;
rateable value, ¿3,95; the population in 1911 was 31.
Parish C lerk, W illiam Woodward.
Letters through Chipping Norton, w hich is the nearest
m oney order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.45 a.m. &.
3 p.m . Letters collected at 4 p m
Th e children of this parish attend the Council school at
Over Norton
William s Charles, farm er, L ittle Rollrig h t house
E O T H E R F I E L D G R E Y S (com m only called G reys) 1591. T h e livin g is a rectory, net yea rly value ¿400,
is a large parish and village 2J m iles w est from Henley- in cludin g 16 acres of glebe w ith residence, in the gift
on-Tham es term inal station on th e G reat W estern railway, of T rin ity College, O xford, and held since 1902 by the
and yk north from Reading, in the Southern division Rev. W illiam Wood D.D. form erly fellow of that college
of the county, hundred of Binfield, p etty sessional divi and hon. canon of C h rist C h urch , O xford. G reys Court,
sion of Henley, union and county cou rt d istrict of th e seat of S ir M iles Talb ot Stapleton bart. is a fine
E lizabeth an m ansion, standing in a well-wooded park
Henley, ru ra l deanery of H enley, and archdeaconry and
stocked w ith deer, and once form ed part of a stately
diocese of Oxford.
S ir John G rey, of this place, and
and spacious residence, w ith tw o quadrangles, erected
of Sculcotes, Y o rk s, was sum m oned to Parliam ent
in th e reign of K in g John b y W a lter de G rey, ArchÂ
as a baron, 23 A u g. 1338, as Lord G rey de Rotherfield,
bishop of Y o rk (1191-1216), for his nephew John de
b ut on th e death of Robert 4th baron, without m ale issue,
G rey, some in terestin g rem ains of w hich, including
14 Jan. 1387-8, the barony became dormant.
th ree of th e octagonal towers and a large square tower,
B y an O rder of th e Joint Com m ittee of th e County are still standing and in good p reservation ; adjoining
Councils of Oxfordshire, Berks and Bucks, dated June is a well house of E lizabethan date, w ith a well 20a
14, 1894, th e civil parish of Rotherfield G reys was feet deep, from which th e w ater is raised by a donkey
divided into two, com prising respectively the parts w ith  treadin g w ith in a large w h e e l: th e old stables are
out and within H enley-on-Tham es m unicipal borough, the also of th is p e rio d : in a w all near are two blocked
latter parish to be known as G reys.
From th e G reys the estate passed to the
The church (dedication unknown) is a small but ancient L ovells, b ut on th e attain d er of F ran cis, 9th Baron
edifice of stone and flint, of the E arly English period, con Lovel, in 1485, it reverted to th e Crown and was
sisting of chancel, with a late chapel on the north side, bestowed on th e fam ily of K n ollys, from whom it was
nave, north porch and a m odern b elfry of wood con purchased bv th e Stapletons. S ir M iles Talbot StapleÂ
tain in g 3 b e lls : the chancel retains a piscina and a ton bart. who is lo rd of th e m anor, K eith Ronald
double locker or E aster sep u lch re: the nave w alls are M ackenzie esq. and Richard Lockh art Ovey esq. J.P
original, and som e of th e E a rly E n g lish windows and a are the p rin cipal landowners. Th e soil is chalk, loam
low side window re m a in : th e font is square and of and g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk. T h e chief crops are wheat,
T ransition N orm an character, and on the north side of barlev and oats. T h e area of the newly-form ed parish
th e nave is a sm all N orm an doorw ay: under the altar is 2,606 a c re s; rateable value, in cludin g Highmoor,
is a la rge b rass w ith effigy under a canopy and m arginal ^ 3 ,6 1 3 ; th e population in 1911 was 606 in the civil
inscription to S ir Robert de G rey, 5th Baron G rey of and 301 in th e ecclesiastical parish.
Rotherfield, and lord of th is m anor, d. 1387: and in
Sexton, G eorge Shurville.
th e chapel is a m onum ent erected in 1605 by W illiam
(K n ollys), 1st E arl of B an bury K .G . to his parents,
and consisting of a canopy, supported b y m arble p illars, Post, T. & Telephonic E xp ress D elivery Office.â
Jam es Edward B arre tt, sub-postm aster.
beneath which are the effigies of S ir Francis Knollys
arrive from H enley-on-Tham es at 7 a.m . & 1 p.m.;
K . G . treasurer of the household to Queen E lizabeth and
at 7.20
custodian of M ary Queen of Scots at Bolton, d. 1596,
а . m . ; dispatched 11.30 a.m .
Peppard Common is
and Catherine (C arey) his w ife, w ith an in fa n t: on the
sides of the tom b are kneeling figures of th eir seven
sons and six daughters and the C ountess of E ssex P illa r L e tte r Box, near the ch urch , cleared at 1 &
(th eir daughter L e tt ic e ) ; in the up p er stage of the
б.45 p .m . ; sundays, 11.30 a.m
m onum ent are the figures of th e 1st E arl of B anbury L e tte r B oxes.â Shepherds G reen, cleared at 12.50 & 6.30
K . G . d. 25 M ay, 1632, and Dorothy (B raye) his w ife, d.
p m . ; sundavs, 10.15 a .m .; W ootton Manor Farm,
1605, kneeling before a d e s k : the chapel has since been
cleared at 8.45a.m . & 1.15 & 7 P m - 1 Sundays, n .4>
the b urial place of the Stapletons, and contains a m ural
tab le t, w ith arm s, to S ir Thom as Stapleton b art. The E lem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1837 & enlarged m
church was restored in 1865, at a cost of ¿4,270 , and
1896, for 62 ch ild ren ; M rs. A deline B ueler, mistress
affords 180 sittin g s. The re g is te r dates from the year
Stapleton S ir M iles T alb ot b att. G reys Beavis A lb ert Jesse, M altstersâ Arms
Cheriton W illiam , farm er, New farm
Vlasto John Alexander, Parkside
Agnew C . G erald, Copse h ill
Wood Rev.
Canon W illiam D.D C lark G eorge, farm bailiff to B. bâ
Batley M iss, Sherwood
O vev esq. J.P . Hernes
(rector), Rectory
Davis M iss, G reys Green
F isher George, wheelwright, o&epHenderson Richard, Chiltern End
herds Green
Hughes John Collin, G reys Green
A âBear John Burton, farm er; & at H ughes John C ollin, resident ageiu
Joseph H enry, The Rosary
Rotherfield Peppard
M akins Sir P aul A ugustine bart. J.P
E state office, G reys Green
B arrett Jam es E dw ard, blacksm ith.
Rotherfield court
S hurville G eorge, sexton, Greys: £
Post office, G reys Green
Ovey Richard LockhaTt J.P. Hernes
n i n gg d
u u i i , ifarm
a i u i er,W
c i , i i uootton
u n u i i m anor WheeleT .------B aattin
- reen T ree P H .
Pilcher Horace C. Thorne house
; B eakhouse Jn. cowkpr. Shepherds Grnl herds Green
R alston M iss, G reys Green
m only
called b uildin g of flint and stone, of the Norman
sistin g of chancel, nave, north aisle, south p
Peppard) is a parish and village pleasantly situated 3$
a tower, erected in 1908 and containing 3 --- , T()r.
males south-avest from Henley-on-Tham es term in al staÂ
tion on a branch from Tw yford of the G reat W estern
man windows and a strin g coarse, b ut the eas
railw ay and 6 north from B eading, in the Southern and others are D e co rated : the chancel arch u
division of the county, hundred of Binfield, p etty sesÂ
sition N o rm an : the font, also N orm an,
.g a
sional division of Henley, union and county court district
and has cable m o u ld in g : in th e south
of Henlev. rural deanery of Henley and archdeaconry m em orial window erected by the la te Gen. tn
p c l.
and diocese of O v fo rd : it derives its additional name S ir W illiam Thom as K n ollys P .C ., J V i i z a b e t b
from the fam ily of Pipard or Pypard, who held the
Gentlem an Usher of the B lack Rod, to his
manor of the honour of W allingford from the year 122.
(S t. A ub vn ), who died 28 Jan. 1878: the ea
on til, in the reign of E dw ard I I it passed b y m arriage
is a m em orial, erected b y his fam ily, to
to tbe Botelers. The church of A ll S ain ts is a small
âr i m