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Ox f o r d s h i r e

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Shotover, sec Forest. Hill io j S to n o r................................. 3 2 7 Upper C ourt, see ChadW h itch u rch ....................... 3 49
Shotover Hill Place, see
Stowood, see Beckley
lington............................. 66 White Oak Green, see
Headington Q uarry.... 1 1 3 Stratton A udley................ 3 2 7 Upper Heyford, or HeyH a iley ............................. 10 7
Showell, see Sw erford.... 329 Streatley, see G orin g
ford W arren ................ 1 2 3 Whitehead’s Oak, see
Shutford— East & W est.. 3 1 6 Studley, see Horton-cumUpper Lea, see Swalcliffe 3 2 9 •^Nuneharn C ourtenay... 1 5 3
Sibford Ferris.................... 3 1 7
Studley ......................... 128 Upper Tadm arton, see
Whitehill, see Tackley ... 3 3 1
Sibford G ow er................... 3 1 7 Studridge, see Lewknor.. 141
T ad m arton .................... 3 32 Whi¿elands, see Pishill... 30 6
Signet, see Burford ....... 63 Sum m ertcw n, see Oxford 1 7 3 Upper Town, see BrightWidford ............................. 3 5 0
Sinodun Hill, see Dor­
Sutton, see Stanton Har­
well Baldwin ................ 5 7 W igginton ........................ 3 50
court ............................. 322 Upper Woolvercot, see
chester............................. 91
Wilcote, or W ilcott ....... 3 5 1
Somerton............................ 3 1 7 Sw alcliffe ......................... 328
W oolvercot.................... 362 Williamscofce, see W ard­
Sonning Common, see
S w erford ............................. 329 Upton, see Burford ....... 63
ington ............................. 3 4 2
Dunsden 9 3 ; also KidSwinbrook ........................ 329 Walcot, see C harlbury ... 6 7 Windmill Hill, see Nettlebed ................................. 1 4 9
more ............................. 135 Swyncom be ................... 330 W arborough ..................... 3 41
SonningEye,see Dunsden 93 Sydenham ......................... 331 Wardington .................... 3 41 W itheridge Hill Bottom ,
Souldern............................. 3 18 Tackley .......
331 W arpsgrove .................... 342 see H igh m oor................ 1 25
South Banbury, see Ban­
T adm arton........................ 3 3 2 Water Eaton,see KidlingW itney ............................. 3 5 1
bury................................. 28
ton ................................. 134 W olvercote, or Woolvercot 3 6 1
South Bar, see Banbury.. 28
Upper ............................. 33 2 Water W alks, see Oxford 1 7 1 Wood Eaton ..................... 3 5 7
SouthLawn.seeSvvinbrook 3 3 0 , Tadm arton Heath, see
Waterperry .................... 342 Wood Green, see W itney 3 5 1
South Leigh ...................... 1 3 9 ' Tadm arton.................... 332 W aterstock......................... 343 Woodcote,
South N ewington............. 1 5 0 ; Taston, see Spelsbury ... 3 1 9 ! W a tlin g to n ....................... 343
Stoke ............................. 326
South Stoke ..................... 326 Taynton ............................ 3 3 2 1W attlebankAvesditch,see
Woodley’s Copse, see
South Weston...................... 3 4 7 Tem ple C o w le y ................ in I Fritwell ......................... 102
H a ile y ............................. 1 0 7
Southrop,seeHookNorton 1 2 6 !Tetsworth ........................ 3 3 3 ' Weald, see Bam pton
25 W oodstock......................... 3 58
Spelsbury............................. 3 1 8 ,Tew — G reat .................... 333 Wellground, see Lewknor 14 1 Woodstock— New &, Old,
Spriggs Alley, or Holly,
Tew — L ittle .................... 334 W endlebury ................... 346
see Woodstock ............ 358
see Chinnor.................... 7 1 1 Tham e................................. 334 West A dderbury, see Ad
Woolvercot, or WolverStadhampton..................... 320 Tham e Park, see Tham e 3 3 5
derbury ......................... 1 7
c o t e ...............
Standhill, see Pyrton
306 Thom ley,
see W aterWest End, see Stanton
Wootton ............................. 36 3
Standlake .......................... 320 P ^ ry ............................. 34 3
H arcourt........................ 322 Worsham, see A sth a ll.... 21
Stanton H arcourt ............ 321 Thornbury, see Binsey..
50 West Shutford ................ 3 1 6 Worton, see Cassington..
Stanton St. John ............. 3 22 Thrup, see Kidlington ... 134 Westcote Barton ............ 3 4 6 Worton— Nether ............ 3 6 3
Steeple Aston..................... 3 23 Tiddington, see A lb ury.. 18 W esthallHill.seeFulbrook 103 Worton— O ver.. ............... 3 6 4
Steeple Barton ................. 324 Toot Baldon, or Baldon
Weston — North,
W retch wick, see Bicester 46
Stoke—North...................... 3 2 5
Toot ................................ 24
Tham e............................. 340 W rox t o n ............................. 364
Stoke— South...................... 326 Tum bling Bay, see O x­
Weston— S o u th ................ 3 4 7 ; Wychwood, see Leatield.. 138
Stoke Lyne.......................... 324 ford ................................. 1 7 1 Weston-on the-Green
3 4 7 W ykeham , see Banbury
Stoke R o w .......................... 3 25 Tusm ore ............................ 34 0 West well............................. 3 4 7 Y arnton ............................. 3 6 5
Stoke Talmage ................. 326 Tythrop ............................. 340 W h e atfield ........................ 348 Y a tt— New, see HaileyStokenchurch (Bucks) ... 3 2 7 Upper Arncot, see AmWheatley .......................... 348 cum -Craw ley 1 0 7 ; also
Slonelands, see A sthall... 21
brosden ........................ 20 W hispering Knights, see
N orth Leigh ................ 1 3 9
Stonesfield .......................... 3 2 7 !Upper Assenden,seeStonor 3 2 7
Little R o llrig h t
308 Y elfo rd ................................ 3 66