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The board of school m anagers consists of 6 m em bers, 4 Elem entary School
d r e n ; F rederick
b ein g foundation m an agers & two representing respecÂ
tiv ely the C ounty Council & t-he P arish C o u n c il; C arrie r.â F arm er,
chairm an & correspondent, the vicar
de Sales L a Terriere Col. Fenwick C lark John, farm er
C la rk O livia (M rs.), coal m erchant
B ulm er J.P . The Old hall
Cook C harles W illiam , m iller (water)
Norris Miss F oxley, G rey house
Parr Rev. W illough b y Chase M .A. Cotton W illiam F rederick, grocer
John, B ull P.H
(vicar), The Vicarage
F arm er Jam es, carrier
S m ith M ajor A llan, Peacock house
farm er & stone mason
W odehouse Mrs
Geach Solomon, fan n er, Downs farm
Hoddinott Norman, farmer
Holloway E m m ie (M iss), stationer
Aston Randolph, grocer
Holloway John, parish clerk & sexton,
C hurch P hilip , castrator, Sunnyside
P ost office
C lark John, baker
[ k e l l ïâs
(m ixed), erected in 1837, for n o chi].
Dawson, m aster
to Farin gdon , tues. & to Witney,
Lyn e Percival, L a m b P.H
Lyons John H enry, F ive Alls P.H
P ryor W illiam , Robt. & Oliver, frmrs
R eading Room (Fredk. Dawson, sec)
Rowles Tom , farm bailiff to Mr. J.
Dawe, College farm
Russell H enry Lefroy, farmer, Goodfellows
Tam e Brothers, grocers
T rinder W illiam & Sons, builders
Trinder Frederick, blacksmith
trustees of the late Rev. S. Ashw ell M .A. and held since
F I N M E R E (or Finm ore) is a parish on the river
Ouse, w hich divides it from W ater Stratford, in 1902 by the Rev. H enry W illiam Trow er M .A. of Jesus
B uckingham shire, w ith a station about
m iles College, Cam bridge. T he charities for distribution amount
distan t, on the G reat C en tral railw ay, and is 7 to £18 gs. 4d. ye a rly : there are also annual sums of
m iles north-east from B icester, 4 w est from B u ck in g £ 2 19s. for education and £ 4 os. 8d. for apprenticing.
ham , and about
south from F ulw ell station on The W arden and Fellows of Merton College, Oxford,
the B an b ury and B letch ley section of the London are the principal landowners. The soil consists of stiff
and N orth W estern railw ay, in the Mid division of clay, gravel and stone brash, a small portion only in
the county, hundred and p etty sessional division of pasture, th e rem ainder arable. T h e area i9 1,566 acres
P loughley, union and county cou rt d istrict of B rackley, of land and 4 of w a te r; rateable value, £2,064; the
rural deanery of B icester and archdeaconry and diocese population in 1911 was 222.
Parish C lerk, A lfred Horwood.
of Oxford. The church of S t. M ichael, w hich has been
p artly reb u ilt, is a plain edifice of stone, in m ixed styles, P ost Office.â M rs. R achel Paxton, sub-postmistress.
consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of three bays,
Letters through B uckingham arrive at 7.20 a.m. & j
north aisle, south porch, and a battlem ented western
p .m . ; dispatched at 1.5 & 5 55 P m - Tingewick, 2
tow er of the D ecorated period containing a clock and
m iles distant, is the nearest m oney order office & teleÂ
3 b e lls : th e east window and others in the chancel are
graph office. There is a telegraph office at the TailÂ
Decorated, b ut the chancel arch is m o d e rn ; the font is
way station for the delivery of telegram s only on
cylindrical and ha-s a carved oak cover : a m em orial w in Â
week days
dow was placed in 1902 to the Rev. Seym our Ashw ell M .A.
E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1824, for 60 children; Miss
vicar, 1866-1901 : there are 200 sittings, 150 being free.
R. K in g , m istress
The register dates from the year 1566, the earliest volum e
being a transcript in Latin. The living is a rectory, net G reat Central Railw ay Station, Henry W illiam Bone,
station m aster
yearly value £340, w ith residence, in the g ift of the
M easey Hannah (M rs.), carman
Brown A rth u r, farm er
Ashwell Mrs
Sowler A lfred, farm er, The Warren
Sym es-Thom pson M rs. F in m ere ho j Cotterell Frederick A ugustus, baker
Trow er Rev. Hy. W m . M .A . Rectory Horwood Alfd. carm an & parish clerk Stanley G eorge, farm er, Glebe farm
Tredw ell Jeffery, farm er, Baconâs ho
c o m m e r c ia l .
Jones W illiam , K in g â s H ead P.H
B arrett C orb ett C harles, farm er
Lepper Alfred, cattle dealer & farm er W elford & Sons, coal merchants, StaÂ
tion vard
B eckett E lija h , blacksm ith
1Lepper A lfred, jun . farm er
F I N S T O C K and F A W L E R are tow nships in the
civil parish of C harlbury, and in i860 w ere form ed into
an ecclesiastical district. Fin stock is on the Toad from
W itney to Banbury, 2^ m iles south from Charlbury
station on the Oxford and W orcester section of the
G reat W estern railw ay, 5 north from W itn ey and 6
west from W oodstock, in th e N orthern division of the
county, hundred of S ou th B anbury, p etty sessional diviÂ
sion of C hadlington, union and county cou rt district of
Chipping Norton, ru ra l deanery of Chipping Norton and
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. Th e riv er Evenlode flows between Finstock and F aw ler, and is here
crossed by a bridge of one arch. The church of the
H oly T rin ity is a small rectan gular b uildin g of stone,
erected in 1841 on a site given by F ran cis A lm eric, 1st
Baron C h u rch ill, and consists of chancel, nave and
western tu rre t containing one b e ll: the in terior was
m uch im proved and beautified in 1876, and in 1906 a
chancel and vestry w ere added, from designs by Mr.
S. S. Stallwood, architect, of Reading, and furnished
w ith a Teredos of Caen stone, choir stalls of carved oak,
and flooring of Devonshire m arble, at a cost of £3,000 :
in 1877 six stained windows were erected by the Rev.
A. R edifer M .A. in m em ory of h is m other, who died
in A u g. 1874: at th e west end are two stained windows
placed to com m em orate the Jubilee of H er late M ajesty
Queen V icto ria, June 20th, 1887: the east window is
also s ta in e d : the p u lp it is a m em orial to Frances,
late Dowager L ad y C h urch ill, d. 7 Jan. 1866. T h ere is
a brass to F rancis N athaniel, M arquess Conyngham , d.
Ju ly 17th, 1876, and Jane, Marchioness Conyngham . d.
Jan. 28th, 1876, erected by their daughter Jane, Lady
C hurchill, A .D . 1877: there is also a brass near the
pulpit to Francis G eorge, 2nd Baron C h urchill, d. 24
Nov. 1886, and also one to the Rev. A lfred Redifer M .A.
late vicaT, 1863-1902: in 1910 an organ was given by
the du Cross fam ily in m em ory of their m o th e r: the
church affords 200 sittin gs. Adjoining the churchyard
is a m ausoleum of the du Cros fam ily. The register
dates from th e year 1842. Th e liv in g is a vicarage,
net yearly value £200, w ith residence, in the gift of the
v icar of C h arlburv, and held since 1902 by the Rev.
A lb ert C ary-E lw esâ M .A. of St. Johnâs College, Oxford.
Vernon James W atney esq. is lord of the manor and
principal landowner. In th e villag e is a small WesÂ
leyan chapel, w ith school-room added in 1902. There
are charities of £ 3 and £ 1 14s. 6d. for distribution
in money. T he soil is stone brash ; subsoil, brash rock.
Th e chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area
of Finstock only is 878 acres of land and' 5 of water;
rateable value, £ 1 ,5 1 9 ; the population in 1911 was 431.
Parish C lerk, H enry H itchcock.
P ost & M. 0 . Office.â Noah Holifield, sub-postmaster.
L etters arrive from C h arlbury, Oxon, at 6.50 a.m. &
T.45 p .m .; dispatched at 11 a.m . & 6.40 p.m.; 1»
delivery on S u n d a y s . O harlbury,
miles distant, is
th e nearest telegraph office
W all L e tte r Boxes'.â Manor Farm , cleared 11.10 a.m. &
6.45 p.m . week days only & Faw ler M ill, cleared at
i t . 15 a.m . & 6.45 p .m . week days only
Elem entary School (m ixed), erected in i860 & enlarged &
im proved in 1895, for 150 ch ild ren ; Harry William
Powell, m aster
C oun ty Police, G eorge Stanley, constable
C arriers.â W alter E dw ards, to W oodstock, fri. ; Witney,
thurs. & C h ip p in g Norton, wed. ; Arkell, passes
through to O xford, sat. ; W itney, mon & thurs->
C harlbury carrier passes th rou gh on thurs. to Witn .
F A W L E R is a township,
m iles north-east, in the
c iv il parish of C h arlbury, b ut united ecclesiastics
w ith Finstock, 5 m iles w est from Woodstock and i
north from W itn ey. Th e Duke of Marlborough ^ â
is the principal landowner. Here are ironstone mine»,
now being worked. The area is 1,648 acres of land an
of w a te r; rateable value, £ 1 ,9 8 7 ; the population
1911 was 169.
, .
Letters throu gh Oxford via C h a T l b u r y , aTIâlv e ffi :s
a.m . T he nearest m oney order & telegraph om
a t C harlbury
c o m m e r c ia l .
I Bolton Hy. W ard, farmer, Manor fu>
F IN S T O C K .
Lore Henry, shopkeeper
C ary-E lw es Rev. A lbt. M .A .(V icarage) Udertnn Frank, farm er
IDore Jam es, wheelwright & oar?
H essey M ajor H arold C. Finstock ho iBenfield W alter, Plough P.H