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[ k e l l y âs
Sim m onds G eorge, house agen t, 132 H igh street
Tw eddle Jam es, travellin g draper, 30 B uckingham street
S im m onds John, Chandos A rm s, & coal m erchant, 68 U ff Richard (M rs.), apartm ents, 34 G reat W estern street
H igh street A L. A N. W . R ailw ay station
Union of London A S m ith s Bank L im ited (A. Freem an,
Sim pkins H enry T om , W hite Swan P.H . 3 W alton street
m an ager), 19 H igh s tr e e t; draw on head office, 2
S im s F rederick , tailor, 26 E astern street
Princes street, London E C
S in ger Sew ing M achine Co. Lim ited. 16 H igh street
United Patriots Benefit Soc. (E. Ham s, sec.), V ictoria club
S inger E rnest, confectioner, 14 Tem ple street
Vale of A ylesb ury C hristm as F at Stock Show (F. J.
Slade E lsie M aude (M iss), dress m a. 167 C am b rid ge st
Brown, sec.), A ylesb ury
S m ith J. H. & Son s, p o u ltry food m as. M ount Pleasant
Vale of A ylesb ury C yclin g A A th letic C lub (P. Bound,
S m ith W . H. & Sons, booksellers, 28 H igh street
hon. sec.), H igh street
S m ith W illiam & Sons, fam ily butchers, 7 M arket street Vale of A ylesb u ry H unt Steeplech ases (H enry Gurney
S m ith H arry, baker, 1 Albion street
Lepper, hon. sec.), 20 W alton street
S m ith Jam es, builder, 77 B icester road
Vale Tem perance Hotel (T h e ); good accom m odation for
S m ith Job, bookseller & stationer, 58 K in g sb u ry square
com m ercials, cen tra lly situated (M rs. A . Horne, proÂ
S m ith M ark, b utcher, 45 & 47 W alton street
prietress), 12 M arket square
Sm ith S ydney, hair dresser, 24 C am bridge street
Varney E rn est F ran k, greengrocer, 11 W alton street
S m ith W illiam , apartm ents, 116 H igh street
V a rn ey W illiam , m at m aker, 3 P ark street
Solloway E. & A . (proprietors of M. T . Cocks & C o.), V icto ria A th letic A G ym n astic C lu b (H. G reen, hon:
grocers & wine & spirit m erchan ts, 3 Bourbon street
sec.), K in g sb u ry
Southam G eorge W alter, beer reta iler, 47 C am bridge st V icto ria Club for W orkin g M en(i887)(Julian M acfarquhar
Spencer Joseph W illiam , butcher, 133 C am bridge street
Jam es, hon. sec A t r e a s .; T . O dy, stew ard),K ingsb ury
S p rag g A rth u r (M rs.), m illin er, 51 H ig h street
V in cen t F red W . shopkeeper, 44 N orthern road
S p ragg A rth u r, outfitter, 14 M arket square
W ard A Cannon, cem ent, slate, pipe A bu ild ersâ m erÂ
S p ragg W illiam (M rs.), m illin er, 13 H igh street
chants, brick m anufacturers, coal A coke m erchants
S t a m m e r s J. fishm onger, p oulterer, gam e dealer &
Ac. 36 A 38 H ig h street A L . A N . W . station. T eleÂ
ice m erchant, & contractor to H .M . G overnm ent, 8
phone 41 A ylesb ury
H igh street. Telephone 114 A ylesb ury
W ard Robert Halloway, carpenter, 40 C am bridge street
S tan d rin g F . actin g town crier, 136 H igh street
W ard Thom as, plum ber, 30 H igh street
S tan ley W illiam & Son, cycle agts. 33 & 35 W alton st
W are A lb ert In gram , butch er, 23 K in g b u ry square
S teel G eorge, general draper, 38 B uckin gh am street
W atson G . W . A Son, electrical A m echanical engineers,
S te g g a ll Charles Robert, photographer, 52 C am bridge st
12 B uckingham street
Stephens & Son, grocers, & post office,71 B uckingham st W atson C lara (M iss), confectioner, see H all A W atson
Stevens Brothers, butchers, 56 & 58 C am bridge street
W a tts A rth u r E dw in, boot A shoe warehouse, 21 M arket
S tevens Joseph & Son, hot & cold w ater engineers, elecÂ
square A 6 M arket street
tric bells, gasfitters, plum bers & general sm iths, 9 W averley C lub for G irls (M iss M. C lark, sec.), 122
B uckingham street
H igh street
S tevens A lth er, baker, & post office, 193 C am bridge st
W ebster A Cannon, b uilders, 42 C am b rid ge street
S tevens Hannah (M iss), apartm ents, 53 T rin g road
W elch A le B rew ery L im ited (Jam es Henderson, agen t),
S tew art J. M. seed A bulb m erchant, p oultry food
B uckin gh am road
dealer, com m e rc h a n t; artificial m anures, feeding W est A lb ert, boot m aker, 19 B ritan n ia street
stuffs Ac. 35 M arket square. Telephone 127 A ylesbury W est A lbert Thom as, hair dresser, 16 S ilver street
Stone John, boot m aker, 175 C am bridge street
W est C harles E dw ard, confectioner, 77 H ig h street
Stranks Jsph.shoeing & jobbin g sm ith ,11a,B uck in gh am st W est W aldem ar Shipley M .A ., M .D. A B.C.Cantab, surÂ
S tru gn ell Frank, arch itect A surveyor to A ylesb ury brewgeon (P arrott A W est), A m edical officer A vaccinator
ery, 77 W alton street
of No. 2 d istrict, C h urch street
Sulston A Sons, carters, 5 W endover road
Weston Geo. dresser A ta x id e rm ist,10 H igh st
S utton A Co. forw arding agents (W . A . L u ff, agen t), W estonH erbt.G eo.breeder of A ylesb ury d uck s,8 M ount st
W eston N er, tobacconist, 63 C am bridge street
New street
T a y lo r F red erick A.R.l.B.A. arch itect A surveyor, Weston W ilfred Jam es, p oultry breeder, 128 Oxford rd
7 Bourbon st. ; A at B ierton. Telephone 30 A ylesbury Weston W illiam , duck breeder, 31 M ount st. Oxford road
T ay lor F red erick H enry, Cross Keys P.H . 43 M arket sq W h e e le r S e th & Son, co rn , c a k e & flour m erchants
T ay lor H enry John, shopkeeper, 14 Park street
A forage contractors, 2 K in g sb u ry square A stores,
T aylor R euben, w atch m aker, 75 H igh street
Britannia street
T aylor W alter John, clerk to the R ural Sub-Com m ittees W heeler Fredk. Thos. b aker A confectnr.7 K in g sb u ry sq
of B ucks L ocal Pension Com m ittee
W heeler Henry, saddler A harness m a. 60 K in g sb u ry sq
T ay lor W illiam H arold, surveyor A m anager of sewage W biskin A lfred E dw ard, solicitor, 32 Bierton b ill
W hitaker Robert, pianoforte warehouse, 18 Tem ple street
works. Town hall
Territorial C lub (Sergt. F. L. S tru g n ell, sec.),C h u rch st W hite Ann M atilda (M rs.), apartm ents, 5 W alton terrace
Theobald Thcm as H erbert, chin a, glass A earthenware W hite A nnie (M rs.), apartm ents, 15 G ran ville street
dealer, 3 T em p le street.
W hite Annie E liza (M iss), dress m aker, 1 Nelson terracd
Thom as R obert J., M .In st.C .E . county surveyor of Bucks, W hite SaT ah (M iss), dress m aker, 5 T em p le square
W hite W . F . Crown hotel, M arket square
County hall
T h o rn e W illiam , auctioneer A valuer (W . Brown A C o.), W hitehorns, solicitors, 20a, H igh st. ; A a t W inslow
W h itw orth A lfred Jam es, sub-inspector of schools, Esher
M arket square
house, 27 B icester road
Thornton Thom as Henry, printer, 37 K in g sb u ry square
W ickham Jessie (M rs.), beer retailer, 1 Station street
Thorp Robert, grocer, T em ple square
Thorpe W m . H erbert, beer retailer, 15a, B uckingham st Widdowson J. J. wine A spirit m erchant, V e Olde K in g âs
H ead hotel
Thrasher W illiam J. clothier, 7 H igh street
Tim m s Frederick Jam es, butcher, 6 A 8 Cam bridge street W iddowson J. T . insurance broker, 1 Bourbon street
ilkin s A Son, solicitors, 25 W alton street. Telephone
Todd E ., G. A K . (M isses), costum iers, 53 H igh street
63 A ylesb ury
Todd John, shopkeeper, 101 C am bridge street
W ilkins Stan ley Edward (firm , W ilkins A Son), solicitor,
Todd L e vi, apartm ents, 51 B uckingham street
A reg istrar for A ylesb u ry cou nty cou rt A bankruptcy
Tofield A lb ert W illiam , plum ber, G ran ville street
court, coroner for Mid B ucks A sec. Royal B u ck in gÂ
Tofield E ldred C h ristian , p ain ter, 183 C am b ridge street
ham shire H ospital, 25 W alton street. Telephone 63
Tom kins W m . Percy, hair dresser, 7 A 9 G t. W estern st
Too ley H arry John, watch m aker. 17 B uckingham street W illiam s A nnie (M rs.), dress m aker, 21 C am b rid ge st
W ilson A lfred, boot m aker, 4 H igh street
Toovey H enry, cabinet m aker, 3 T em ple square
W ilson A rth u r, grocer, 8 M arket square
Tow ersey Em anuel, basket m aker, 12 T em p le street
Wilson Jam es, W hite Horse P.H . 33 M arket square
Tow ersey Thom as, fried fish shop, 62 H igh street
Tow ersley L ouisa (M rs.), confectioner, 22 C am bridge st W inder W illiam Henry L .R .C .P .L o n d ., M .R .C .S.E n g.,
D .P .H .C am b . governor of H.M . F em ale Prison A
Town F ire B rigade (D ick Seaton, captain), G eorge hotel,
B orstal In stitution A supt. of S tate Inebriate ReÂ
Bourbon street
form atory, Bierton road
Town Hall (P ercy A . W right, sec.), M arket square
Tuberculosis Office (Launcelot-Toke B u rra M .B ., B.Ch. Wood E lizabeth (M iss), dairy, 10 S ilver street
Wood H enry, plu m ber, T em ple square
officer. 65 B uckingham street
T u rn b u ll W . A . electrical engineer to the Urban D is W ood Joh n , p h a r m a c e u t ic a l c h e m is t , op tiÂ
c ia n & dealer in photographic m aterials A chemicals,
tric t Council, Town hall
35 H igh street
T u rn e r
A rth u r
L .D .S .R .C .S .E d in .,
F .C .S .L o n d .
Wood W alter, florist, 5 M arket street
dentist, 19 B uckin gh am street
W oodbridge E llen Jan e(M rs.),beer retlr.62B uckingham st
T u rn er E llen (M iss), dress m aker, 37 O xford road
W oodbridge S. hair dresser, 4 Bourbon street
Turnham Jam es, jobm aster, 59 C am bridge street
Tweddle Geo. travelling draper,N itbsdale ho.Cam bridge st Woodward Jam es, boot m aker, 62 C am bridge street