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d ib e c t o r y
O X F O R D S H IR E .
Rough F.&Sons, boat b ldrs.T h e Towing path, G randpont
Bound Rosa (M rs.), u niversity lo dgin g house, i K in g
Edward street
Bo we D avid, university lo dging house, 21 St.M ich aelâs st
R o w e l l G e o r g e J o s e p h , p ainter, house decorator,
plum ber, gas & w ater fitter & carpenter & joiner,
3 Alfred street, S t. G ilesâ .
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
o x ford
St. Ph ilip & S t. Jam esâ & St. M arg aretâs W o rking M enâs
C lub (A. F. Jones, sec.), 32 Polstead road, S t. G ile sâ
St. S ep ulchreâs C em etery (E rn est H enry Johnson»
keep er), W alton street
St. S tephenâs House (Theological C ollege) (Rev. G eorge
H. Bown M .A. p rincip al), 5 P a rks road, St. G ilesâ
S t. Thom as' Hom e (conducted by th e S isters of S t.
page 5 6
Thom as the M artyr), St. Thom as'
Bowell R. S. w atch & clock m aker, jew eller, gold & St. Thom asâ the M artyr Sisterhood, The C on ven t, S t.
silver sm ith , 115 H igh street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
T h om asâ
page 4 6
Salm on & Co. p rin ters, 34a, C hurch street, S t. E bbe's
Rowland M ary K a te(M rs.),a p arts. 16 Manor pi. H olywell Salm on C harles A ndrew , plu m ber, 1 Jam es street, C ow Â
ley S t. John
Bowles A rth u r, seedsm an, 14 M arket street
Rowley F rederick, accountant, 9 H igh street
Salm on Philip Hy. p lu m b er,202 B anb ury rd .S u m m ertw n
Royal A ntediluvian O rder of Buffaloes (CEdipus Lodge, S alter Bros, boat builders; office, F olly bridge, S t. A lÂ
No. 1) (C . K em p ster, sec.) & (G rand L o d g e) (G . H.
dateâs & Brook st. G ran d p o n t; yard, St. A ldateâ s street
Mapp, sec.), 13 New road
S alter G eorge, K in g âs A rm s P .H . 283 B an b ury road,
Royal N aval R ecru itin g Office (Com m ander W illiam
Sum m ertow n
Sims R .N . in charge), 211 C owley road
Sam brook Sam pson, assistant supt. Prud en tial In su ran ce
Royal O xfordshire H orticu ltu ra l S ociety (F red erick D.
Co. 67 Southfield road, C ow ley St. John
Lowe, sec.), 22 N orfolk street, St. E bbeâs
Sam m ons A rth u r, p lu m b er,27 O akthorpe rd .S u m m rtw n
Royal Society for th e Prevention of C ru e lty to A nim als Sam m ons A rth . Jackson, asst, in sur. supt. 20 C ow ley rd
(J. M. A ldridge M .A . hon. s e c .; W illiam F in ch , in  Sam m ons Howard, land agen t, 19 G eorge street
spector), 7 S t. A ld ateâs street
S am uel H. w atch &c. m aker, C arfax
Rudge-W hit worth L im ited , cycle dealers, 36 Corn- Sam w orth E rn est D avid, coal dealer, 13 N orfolk st.
m arket s tr e e t; depot garage, G loucester street
St. E b b eâs
Ruffell Robert, m anager L . & N. W . R. goods depot, Sanders H arriet (M rs.), u n iv ersity ap artm en ts, 31
Botley road
W alton crescent, S t. Thom asâ
Ruskin College (G ilb ert S later M .A ., D .S c.E con . p rin  Sanders Hy. in su r. agt. 39 B ullin gd on rd.C ow ley S t.J o h n
cipal), W alton st. & 1, 2, 3 & 4 W orcester place, S t. Sanders M argt. (M iss), univ. lo d g in g s,6 K in g E d w ard st
San itary In sp ectorâs Office (Thom as J. H ull & T h om as
R u s s e ll J a m e s & C o . pianoforte, harm onium , organ
W illiam H ull A .R .S .I. in sp ectors; C y r il H arry C la rk e
& m usic w arehouse, pianoforte tun ers & concert
M .S .I.A . assistan t), Town hall. S t. A ld a teâs street
agents, 120 H igh street
Sankey J u liu s O ttaw ay M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .E d in .
Russell Annie E liza (M rs.), apartm ents, 66 D ivin ity rd.
physician & surgeon, 91 W oodstock road, S t. G iles'
Cowley road
Sankey R ichard H ., M .A ., M .B ., B .C h.O xon. physiciajj^
Russell Jam es, a th letic goods repairer, 33 London pi.
& surgeon, m edical officer to H .M . Prison & hon.
St. Clem entâs
radiographer to R adcliffe In firm ary, 35 S t. G ile sâ st
Russell W illiam G eorge, insurance agent, 140 Howard Sansom Hy. Jas. plasterer, 83 G t. Clarendon st. Jericho
street, Cowley St. John
Sarah A cland M em orial D istrict N u rsesâ H om e (M iss
Russen A rth u r Stephenson, beer reta iler, 21 Tem p le st.
A lice E lk in gto n , lady s u p t.), 23 B an b u ry road
Cowley St. John
Saunders & Co. (O xford) L im ited , fu rn itu re rem overs &
Rycroft M artha (M iss), shopkpr. 1 C h urch st. St. E bbeâs
storers, sh ip pin g agents & h au lage co n tra c to rs : d eÂ
Ryle A rth ur B uxton L .D .S .R .C .S .E n g . dental surgeon,
pository, 32 Park E nd street, St. T h om asâ .
24 Beaumont street
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 3 2
Ryman & Co. L im ited , p rin t sellers, 23 H igh street
Saunders E dw in , optician, 33 C orn m ark et street
Rynd Captain G. C. secretary-sup t. Redcliffe Infirm ary Saunders E m ily (M iss), univ. lodg. ho.3 M anor rd.H olyw lI
& C ounty H ospital, W oodstock road, St. G ile sâ
Saunders G eorge, Clarendon hotel, 51 C orn m arket st
Sadler M atilda E lizabeth (M rs.), un iversity lodging ho. Saunders G eorge, Clarendon H otel Shades P.H . C la ren Â
5 Museum road
don yard, C orn m arket street
Sager E thel (M iss), confectioner,- 218 B an bury road, Saunders G eorge, Roebuck h otel,8, 9 & 10 C orn m arket st
Saunders Jam es, carpenter, 6 London pi. St. C lem en t's
Sainsbury John, provision m erchan t, 4 H igh street
S avage A lfd. s ta tio n e ry & 3 Queen st. k 44 St .E bbe's st
St. Aldateâs P arochial Room , 40 Pem broke street
Saw E dw d. A lb rm an ,9 S t. M ary's rd.C ow ley St.John
St. Barnabasâ Parish In stitu te for Men (G eorge S m ith , Saw G eorge F red k . apart.s. 43 Richm ond rd . S t.T h o rn es7
hon. s e c .; F rank G eorge, care tak er), 45 & 46 C a rd i Saw yer Joseph, keeper of C h rist C h urch m eadows,
gan street, Jericho
Merton fields
St. Basilâs H om e for A ged W om en, 239 Iffley road
Saw yer W illiam , beer retailer, 97 & 98 B ullin gd on road,
St. Cross C em etery (W illiam M argetts M iller, keeper),
C ow ley S t. John
Sayer G eorge, shopkeeper, 25 Lake st. N ew H inksev
St. Ebbeâs Cash D rapery Stores, 14 St. E bb eâs street & Scarsbrook A lfred , u n iversity lo dgin g house, 46 W elÂ
29 Pembroke street, S t. A ld ateâs
lington square, S t. G ile sâ
St. Ebbeâs G irlsâ C lub (M iss Taw nay, sec.), B ridge Scarshrook Edwin, baker, 154 C ow ley road
street, St. E bb eâs
Schielke Pauline (M rs.), apartm ents, 24 Richm ond roa d ,
St. Edm und H all (Rev. H enry H erbert W illiam s M .A.
St. Thom asâ
principal), Q ueenâs lane
Scholey Philip, keeper to O sney lock, E a st st. Osney
St. Edwardâ s School (Rev. W illiam H arold Ferguson Scholl Philip F red erick , ap artm en ts, 21 W alton crescen t,
M.A. warden). W oodstock road, /Summertown
S t. T h om asâ
St. Faithâs H igh er G rade School (in connection w ith School of C ookery & Tea Room s, 10 Broad street
Holy T rin ity Convent), 13 B evington road, S t. G iles
School of F o restry (Sir W illiam S ch lich K .C .I .E ., M .A .,
St. Goorgeâs Cafe (O xford) L im ited (The), G eorge st
Ph .D ., F .R .S . p rofessor), P arks road
St. Gilesâ Coffee House, 10 W oodstock road, St. G ilesâ
School of G eograph y, Old A shm olean b uildin gs, Broad
St. Hildaâs L adiesâ H all (Miss C hristin e M. E. B urrow s,
street k 39, 40 & 41 Broad street (A ndrew John
principal), C owley place
H erbertson M .A ., Ph.D . professor of g eog rap h y &
St. Hughâs College (M iss Eleanor Jourdain Dr.TJniv.
director of the sch ool; H enry 0 . Beckit M .A .a ssista n t
Paris, principal), 17 k 28 Norham gdns.fc 13 Fyfield rd
to the professor; Arnold J. Toynbee B .A . lectu rer in
St. John Am bulance Brigade (Oxford Corps) (John C.
an cien t g eo g ra p h y; N icol F. M acK en zie, hon. M .A.
Freeborn M .A ., L .R .C .P . hon. su rg eon ; Charles
in stru ctor in s u rv e y in g ; Nora E . M acM unn, dem onÂ
Arthur Covenlon M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P . corps, su p t.), i n
strator in geo g rap h y; A lan G. O gilvie M .A . ju n io r
Woodstock road
dem onstrator in geography)
St. Johnâs C em etery (John H unt, keeper), C owley road
School of R u ral E conom y (W illiam S om erville M .A .,
St. Johnâs College (Rev. H erbert A rm itag e Jam es D.D.
D .S c. Sibthorpian p rofessor), Sibthorpian lab orato ry.
president), St. G ilesâ street
Parks road
St. Johnâs Hospital k Home for ladies of slender means Scoones & Co. fruiterers, 26 L ittle C larendon st.S t.G ile s 7
(under the care of A ll Saintsâ Sisters), S t. M aryâ s Td. Seal A rth u r W ., M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P ., L .S .A . physician
k surgeon, 286 Iffley road
St. Maryâs C em etery (Jam es C. Colem an, keep er), Osney Seaton John W illiam , confectioner, 112 Th e M arket
lane, Osney
Second Oxford Troop of Boy Scouts (H enry V in cen t
St. Peter-le*-Bailey C hild renâ s H om e (S is te r A lice,
S m art, scoutm aster), S t. M ary's road. Cowlev S t. John
& 38 N ew Inn H all street
Secondary Train in g D elegacy (N . W aterfield F A. sec.),
22 S t. John street
^ ^
^am esâ & St. M argaretâs Parish In stitute
(Henry Coles, hon. sec.), 30 Polstead road, S t. G ile sâ