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G rey-S m a rt R. G . supt. S h elter & Rem and Home for |
Bovs & police court m issionary, 22 Paradise street,
S t. E bb eâs
G ridiron Club (u ndergrad uates) (W . O verton, stew ard),
64 C ornm arket street
G riffen F rank, b utcher, 65 B otley road
Griffin H enry, grocer, 18 F riarâs entry
G riffith H erbert, m asseur, 65 H igh street
G riffiths A. (M iss), u n iversity lo dgin g house, 8 & 9
Manor road, H olywell
G r im b ly ,
& C o . L l m . (Francis Joseph
Andrews, sec.), grocers & provision m erchants, dealers
in wines, spirits & beers, cigars, cigarettes & tobaccos,
55 & 56 C ornm arket street (T N 4) & provision m erÂ
chants, 203 B anbury road, Sum m ertow n
G rim es E dw ard John.' apartm ents, 24 B an b ury road
G ru b b A . K . & Co. drapers, 19 S t. A ldateâs street
G ru b b Robert Jam es & Son, bakers, 76 S t. A ldateâs st. ;
16 S t. Clem ent's street & C astle flour m ills, Paradise
street & corn m erchants, 19 G eorge street
G rubb Thom as, corn m erchant, 34 C ornm arket street
G ru n d y Hv. C has. beer reta ilr. 67 C ardigan st. Jericho
Gunstone H erbert Challiner, chem ist, 42 H igh street
H ague H arry, ironm onger. 68 S t. C lem entâs street
H ailey W m . u n iversity lo dging ho. 15 K in g E dw ard st
Haines J. T. A ., M .A. p rivate tu to r, 123 H igh street
H ale B etsy (M rs.), apartm en ts, 49 W alton street
Hale W illiam Joseph, baker, 6 C ardigan street, Jericho
Hales Misses, Stu d en tsâ hom e, 5 & 6 Fyfield road
H alfacree Jas. C arl H y. shopkeepr. 15 A lb ert st. Jericho
H alford Cycle C o.L td. cycle accessories dlrs.18 Queen st
H all Brothers, tailors, 94 H igh street
H all The Printers L im ited , 3a, Queen street
Hall A rth u r Thom as, collector of d istrict rates, Town
hall, S t. A ld a teâs street
H all E . Jam es, tobacconist, 5 M arket street & 41
Cornm arket street
H all E liza L u cy (M rs.), farrier, 19 Paradise st. St.E bbe's
H all E llen (M iss), shopkeeper, 138 M agdalen rd. Cowley
S t. John
H all E rn est C. photographer, 5 The Plain, S t. C lem en tâs
& 5 Beaum ont street
Hall E velyn (M rs.),stationer, & post office,264 C owley rd
H all E zra, u n iv ersity lo d gin g house,12 W alton crescent,
S t. Thom asâ
Hall Florence (M rs.), p oulterer, 118 The M arket
H all F rancis John, grocer, 16 Chester street, Iffley road
H all F rank, carver & gilder, 3 St. C lem en tâs street
Hall H arriet A m elia (M rs.), beer retailer, 5 New road
Hall H arry, insurance agent, 21 S outh street, Osney
Hail H enry G eorge,shopkeeper, 72 Essex st.M agdalen rd
Hall Jane (M rs.), university lodgin g house, 5 G rove st
H all John, draper, 247 B an bury road, Sum m ertow n
Hall Joseph, u n iversity lodgin g house, 44 Southm oor
road, S t. G ilesâ
Hall Richard, coal m erchant, Hayfield w harf, Hay field
road ; furniture dealer, 4 Hayfield road, St. G ilesâ &
shopkeeper, & post office, 6 H ayfield road, St. G ilesâ
H all Sarah E lizabeth (M rs.), baker, 28 Plan tation road,
St. G ilesâ
Hall W illiam , butcher, 240 B anbury road, Sum m ertow n
Hall W illiam , paperhanger, 15 Paradise sq. St. Ebbeâs
H allâs Oxford B rew ery Ltd. wine & spirit m erchants &
brew ers, C ity brew ery, 20 Queen, st. ; Swan brewery,
Paradise street, S t. Thom asâ ; E agle brew ery, Park
End s tr e e t; 31 & 32 Pem broke street, S t. A ldateâs ;
S t. E bb eâs street & 68 C ow ley r o a d ; m altsters,
B rew ers street, S t. A ld a teâs ; m alt house, B ecket st
S t. Thom asâ ; cooperage, C h u rch street, St. Ebbe's
H ailing Sam u el Edward, insurance agent, 12 B ullingdon road, C owley S t. John
H alton Joseph, m iscellaneous dealer, 23 & 25 C atherine
street, C ow ley St. John
Ham H arrie tt E lizabeth (M rs.), un iversity lo dgin g
house, 27 S t. John street
Ham Joseph E rnest, university lodgin g house, 94 High
street & 1 G rove street
H am bridge Thom as, Running Horse P.H . 46 H ythe
B ridge street, S t. Thom asâ
H am ilton A rth u r Robert (M rs.), u n iversity lodgin g
house, 9 S t. John street
H am ilton C harles, m arine store dealer, 30 B ath street,
S t. C lem en tâs
H am ilton W illiam Henry' & Son, house decorators, 2
Canal street. Jericho
H am let & D ulake, auctioneers, estate agents, su rÂ
veyors & valuers, u C orn m a,âket st. & 13 Castle st
H ancock H arry, Prince of W ales P.H . 14 Paradise sq
S t. E bbeâs
Hancock M ary Ann (M rs.), apartm ents, 21 K ingston rd.
S t. G ilesâ
[ k e l l y âs
Hancox C harles E dw ard, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 40
Beaum ont street
Hanley Frances Elaine (M rs.), u n iversity lodging house
4 Pem broke street, S t. A ldateâs
H annington M em orial H all (Rev. John Stansfeld M.A.,
M .R .O .S . treasurer), 15 New Inn H all street
Hanwell A rth u r Jam es, beer reta iler, 42 M arston street,
Cowley S t. John
H arbud H enry, grocer, 24 H ollybush row, S t. Thomasâ
H arbud W illiam J. un dertaker, 2 A bbey road
H arding Thom as, un iversity boarding house, 37 Walton
crescent, St. Thom asâ
H arm an H enry, clothes cleaner, 1 B ath pi. Holywell st
H arper F rank Richard, b utcher, 174 C ow ley road
Harris Bros, wardrobe dlrs.51 G eorge st. & 78 Cowley rd
H arris & Lord, leath er sellers, 28 S t. M ichaelâs street
H arris & M atthew s, seedsmen, 37 The M arket
H arris & Turn er, w atch m akers, 118 St. A ldateâs street
H arris & W hite, builders, decorators, paperhangers,
stone & m onum ental m asons & drainage contractors,
83 C ranham street
H arris C. dancing academ y, 34 W alton street
H arris E m ily (M rs.), shopkeeper, 24 C om m ercial road,
S t. Ebbeâs
H arris F. (M rs.), ap artm en ts, 48 Paradise sq. St.Ebbeâs
H arris Fanny (M iss), restaurant, 4 Corn Exchange buildÂ
in gs, G eorge street
H arris Frank, shopkeeper, 12 New street, S t. Ebbeâs
H arris F rederick, p lu m ber, 114 K ingston rd. St. Gilesâ
H arris G eorge, boat builder. F olly b rid ge, St. Aldateâs
street & Jubilee terrace, G randpont
H arris Henry, shopkeeper, 107 St. C lem en tâs street
H arris Henry H. confectioner, Th e M arket
H arris Jessie (M rs.), aparts. 12 O bservatory st.St.Gilesâ
H arris John Joseph, plum ber, 11 M ill street, Osney
H arris M ary (M iss), costum ier, 32 Tem ple street, CowÂ
ley S t. John
H arris Richard, u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 8 Richmond
road, S t. Thom asâ
H arris R ichard C. hair dresser, 32 V icto r street, Jericho
Harris Sam i, boot repairer, 25 H arpes Td. Summertown
H arris Sam uel, coffee tavern, Cowley road
Harris W alter Hy. shpkpr. 35 Speedwell st. St. Aldateâs
H arrison & L u cas L im ited , hide & skin brokers, Park
End place, S t. Thom asâ & G loucester green
H arrison N athaniel W illiam F .R .I.B .A . & G ilbert Andrew
M .S .A . arch itects, 5 T u rl street
H arrison E m ily (M rs.), dress m aker, 85 Bullingdon rd.
Cowley St. John
Harrison N athaniel W illiam F .R .I .B .A . estate architect
to S t. Johnâs C ollege, 5 T u rl street
H arrow A lfred, beer retailer, 85 W alton street
Harse A lfred Colin, cycle m aker, W ellington villa, Little
Clarendon street, St. G ilesâ
Harse B enjam in, cricket ball m aker, 65 St. M aryâs road.
Cowley St. John
Harse Colin, cycle agent, 26a, St. G ilesâ street
H artland Thom as G eorge B .A .L o n d. school for boys.
193 Iffley road
H artley M arion (M rs.), u n iversity lodging house, 15
W alton street
H artw ell Charles Thom as, Leden Porch Hall P.H. 41
Pem broke street, St A ld ateâs
H arvey Brothers & Co. tea dealers, 28 Cornmarket st
H arvey H arriet (M rs.), u n iv ersity lodging house, 13
London place, S t. C lem en tâs
H arvey H arry, bookseller, 12 S t. A ldateâ s street
H arvey Jsph. u n iv ersity lo dging ho. 44 & 4 5 High st^
H arvey Leah (M rs.), apartm en ts, 17 Isis st. St. Aldate?
H arvey W illiam , fru iterer, 3 New road
H arvey W illiam , M agdalen A rm s P .H . 243 Iffiey road
H astings Jam es, auctioneer, 9 Brew ers st. St. Ebbes
H astings John, boot m aker, 69 Jam es st.Cowley St.Jo&n
H athaway H arry, chim ney sweep, 7 W est street, Osney
H athaway Thom as (established 1813), practical nh1®
nev cleaner ; genuine soot alw ays on hand ; contracto
tc H .M . G overnm ent ; distance no o b je c t; carP®
taken up, beaten & relaid, i t Speedwell street,
Aldat^â s. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 5 3
H atley G eorge Louis, insurance agent, 27 Stanley roa
C owley St. John
H att & Co. ladiesâ & gentlem enâs high-class hair dres
19 M agdalen st. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e
H att E dw in Thom as, solicitor & commissioner for 0 ^
& proctor in the vice-chancellorâs court, 138Hig*
H att John, b u tch er, 128 Cowley road
H att John, ju n . butcher, 184 C ow ley road
. f
H attin H ubert S. map m a k e r; maps drawn
reproduction ; w all m aps, diagram s & map mou
1 St. M ichaelâs street
H atton R ichard, draper & boot dealer 19, 20, 21
carpet warehouse 103 & 104, St. Clem ent s s re