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There are also H olloway’s charity of £44 and Clem ents’ of
¿ 4 0 ye a rly ; E m an’s charity for widows am ounts to about
£00 a year ; H arding’ s ch arity of £506 a year, left in
I 7 I9 *
fo r ap p ren ticin g poor children and providing
clothes for W alton p o o r; th ere are besides some small
c h an ties m ore closely connected w ith W alton, as well
as doles left to be distrib uted to the prisoners in A yles­
b u ry gaol. Sim on M iles gave 16 acres of land and' two
tenem ents, vested in tru stees, to rep air the h ighw ays
belonging to W a lto n : this ch arity am ounts to £60 a
je a r . The land has been sold, and the proceeds in ­
vested in the nam e of the T ru stee of P ublic C harities for
the benefit of th e Charity.
In the yea r 1818 upw ards of 200 hum an skeletons w ere
discovered in a field on th e rig h t side of th e Buckingham
road, near Holm an’s Bridge, and about a m ile from the
to w n ; these appeared to have been buried in a confused
m anner, and are supposed to have been the rem ains of
persons who fell in the battle fou gh t here in 1642 between
the R oyalists from O xford, under P rin ce R up ert, and Sir
W illiam B alfour, the com m ander of the P arliam en tary
garrison of A yle sb u ry, when th e la tte r was v ic to rio u s;
after the lapse of m ore than a cen tu ry and a half, the
bones were collected b y the late L o rd N u gen t and buried
c arefu lly in H ardw ick ch urch yard, and a tab let erected
over the spot. In Septem ber, 1861, hum an rem ains were
tound on th e prem ises of th e la te M r. R ob ert G ibbs, in
<. hurch street, b ut w ith o ut any traces of coffin s: the site
is supposed to have once been a cem etery, connected with
som e ancient hospital or religious house. In 1914 re­
m ains w ere found in Parson’ s Fee.
The m anor of A ylesb u ry passed in 1802, b y purchase,
from S ir John Pakington D .C .L . eighth baronet, who
Post. M. 0 . A T . A Telephonic E xp ress D elivery Office,
H igh street.— A. E. G oss, postm aster
L etters are dispatched on week days at 5.50, 6.35, 7.45,
8.50 A 11.30 a.m . & 12.30, 1.50, 3.30, 6.40, 7.30, 8.50 A
p .m .; on Sundays at 6.5 A 6.15 p .m
L e tters are delivered at 6.45 A 9.50 a.m . A 2.50 A 6.55
p.m . on week days A 7.15 a.m . on Sundays
There are eigh t dispatches of parcels on week days only
Money O rder. Savings Bank, G overnm ent A n n uity A
Insu rance B usin ess.— D aily from 8 a.m . till 8 p.m
T elegraph B u s in e s s — 8 a.m . to 8 p.m . week d a ys; Sun­
days, 8.30 to 10 a.m
Postal O rders are issued A paid from 8 a.m . un til o
p .m
O rdinary B usiness.— This office is open on week days
from 8 a.m . to 9 p.m . On Sunday the office is open
only from 8.30 a.m . till 10 a.m . but the letter box
rem ains open as on other days
Telephone Call Office open 8 a.m . to 9 p.m . week days
A on Sundays, 8.30 to 10 a.m
Town Sub-Post A M. 0 . Offices— Collections.
A lb e rt street— 7.30 A 11 a.m . A 1, 2.30, 5.30, 6.30, 8 A
*9.30 p .m .; Sunday, 5 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
B ierton road— 8.15 A 11.15 a - m .; 12 noon A 1.15 , 3,
5.15, 7, 8.15 A *9.45 p .m .; sunday, 4.45 a.m . A 5.15
p .m
B uckin gh am street^-8.30 A 11 a.m . A 12.15, 1.15, 3 -iS,
6 *j 5 » 7 -i 5 ’ 8.15 A *9.30 p.m . ; sunday, 4.45 a.m . A
5-30 p .m
W alton— 8.30 A 10.45 a.m . & 12.45, 2-4 5 , 5-3o, 6.45,
8.15 A *9.15 p .m . ; sunday, 5.15 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
W ail A P illa r Box Collections.
B icester road— 8 (m ondays 7.30) A 10.45 a.m . A
I XS* 3 -J5 * 6, 7 A 8.15 p .m .; sunday, 4.45 a.m . A
5.30 p.m
Canal wharf— 8.30 A 10.45 a.m . A 12.30, 2.45, 5.45,
6.45, 8.15 A *9.15 p.m . ; sunday, 5.15 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
C h u rch yard — 8.30 A 11.15 a.m . A 12.15, 1-30, 3.15, 6.15,
7.15 , 8.15 A *9.30 p.m . ; sundays, 4.30 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
G reat W estern Station— 7.30, 9 A ix a.m . A 1.30, 3, 6, 7
A 8.15 p .m .; sunday, 4.45 p .m
K in g sb u ry— 8.30 A 11.15 a.m . A 12.15, I -3 °> 3-30, 6.15,
7 -T5 > 8.30 A *9.45 p .m . ; >unday, 4.30 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
L . A N . W . R ailw ay Station— 8.30 A 11.15 a .m .; 12
noon A 1.15, 2.45, 5.45, 7, 8.15 A *9.45 p .m .; sunday,
5.15 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
M arket square— 8.45 A 1 1 . 15 a.m . A 12.30, 1.30, 3.30,
6.30, 7.15, 8.30 A *9.45 p .m . ; sundav, 4.30 a.m . A
5 - 4 5 P-m
M arket square (south)— 8.45 A 11.15 a.m . A 12.30,
i-S0» 3 -3 °» 6.30, 7.15, 8.30 A *9.45 p .m .; sunday, 4.30
a.m . A 5.45 p .m
M ilton v illa s— 8.15 A 10.45 a.m . A 12.45. 2.30, 5.30,
6.45, 7.45 A *9.15 p.m . ; sunday, 5 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
N ew Zealand— 7.30 A 10.15 a.m . A 1.30, 6.45 A 8 p.m . ;
sunday, 5 p.m

[k e l l y ’s

died 6th Jan. 1830, to Richard, second M arquess of B uck ­
ingham K .G . whose descendants, in 1849, sold th e estates
to A cton T indal esq. Th e lord of the m anor p arted with
bis franchise as the owner of th e tolls of th e m arket and
fairs to a com pany, incorporated by A c t of Parliam ent
in the year 1863, called the A ylesbury M arket Com pany;
but th e righ ts of th is com pany w ere purchased in 1900
by the Urban D istrict Council. T h e trustees of the
late John Parker esq. F .S .A . of H igh W ycom be
(d. 1906) are lords of th e m anor. Th e ch ief landowners
are Lord R othschild P .C ., G .C .V .O . the E cclesiastical
Com m issioners, and the trustees of the B edford and
H arding charities. Th e Manor House, on Bierton Hill,
was b u ilt by the late A cton T in dal esq. T h e Prebendal
House was sold from th e prebendal estate about the
year 1801 to redeem the land ta x of th e landed pro­
p erty : this house was for some tim e th e residence of
the notorious John W ilkes, the satirist, who represented
th e borough of A ylesb u ry in Parliam en t in 1757, and is
now the residence of M rs. Stew art.
Th e population of th e town and parish w ith W alton in
1871 was 6,962, in 1881, 7,795, in 1891, 8,922, in 1901,
9,243, and in 1911 w as 11,048; the en tire population
in cluded 151 inm ates and 9 officials in th e Poor Law
In stitution , 21 inm ates and 20-officials in B ucks General
In firm ary, and 194 inm ates and 46 officials in H.M.
Prison and B orstal Institution . Th e area is 3,270 acres
of land and 10 of w a te r; rateable value, £56,926.
The population attached to the parish ch urch in 19x1
was 7,456.
Parish C lerk, Joseph Jam es Jenns, S t. M ary’s square.
Parish C lerk fo r W alton, E rn est H enry Bishop, 27
W alton street.
Oxford road— 7.15 A 10.30 a.m . A 1.30, 6, 7 A 8 p .m .;
Sunday, 5 p .m
Park street— 7.15 A 10.45 a.m . A 1, 5.15, 7.15 A *9.30
p .m .; sunday, 4.45 a.m . A 5.15 p .m
P rin tin g works— 8.15 A 10.45 a.m . A 12.45, 2.30, 5.30,
8.15 A *9.30 p .m . ; sunday, 5 a.m . A 5.15 p.m
Prison— 7.30 A 11 a.m . A 1.15, 5.15, 6.45, 7.45 A *9.45
p.m . ; sunday, 4.45 a.m . A 5 p.m
Stoke road— 8.30 A 10.45 a r a - & I2 -3o, 2.45, 5.30, 7, 8
A *9.15 p.m . ; sunday, 5 a.m . A 5.30 p.m
*N ot on S a tu rd a y .
Offices— Town Hall.
M eetings held second m onday at 7 p.m .
Mem bers.
Chairm an, C. F . A dkin s.
Vice-Chairm an, G . J. T hrasher.
Eastern W ard.
R etire A p ril, 1915
G eorge T urn or H un t
j F rederick Henry Sam uels
Frank Richings
R etire A p ril, 1916.
R upert E ast
j G eorge Jam es Thrasher
Thom as E dw ard Jenns
R etire A p ril, 1917.
Charles F rederick Adkins
I Robert Joseph E llistoa
Thom as B uckingham
W estern Ward.
R etire A p ril, 1915.
F rederick G eorge Fisher
A lfred Edw ard W tuskia
Valentine H enry Jarvis
Retire A p ril, 1916.
E dw d.C lem ent H y.Andrew s . H arry Lew is Nippin
Jam es Robinson
R etire A p ril, 1917.
William John Cook
Henry J . Joscelyae
Thom as Field
Clerk, Percy A ikin W right, Town hall
Treasurer, Charles E dw ard Cobb, Lloyds Bank, Aylesbury
M edical Officer of H ealth, Thom as G odfrey Parrott
M.D. 1 C hurch street
A n alyst, W . W. F ish er M .A. Oxford
Surveyor A M anager of Sewage W orks, W illiam Harold
Taylor, Town hall