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S H l K B l 'K X .

O X F O R D S H IR E .

[ k e l l y ’s

M acclesfield: there are 270 sittin gs.
The earliest com prising 225 acres, has fine avenues of trees. The
registers, dating from the year 1587, are preserved in E arl of M acclesfield has here a model farm of about 800
the Bodleian L ib ra ry, Oxford. The livin g is a vicarage, acres, in clu d in g the park pasture. The sole landowner
net yearly v a lu e ,£162, in cludin g 31 acres of glebe, let is th e E arl of M acclesfield J.P . who is lord of th e manor
for ¿ 4 9 io s. in the gift of the E arl of Macclesfield, and Th e soil below hills is fine lo am ; subsoil, c h a lk ; on the
held since 1912 by the R ev. Frederic John H all, of hills, flin t and clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans
Clare College, C am b rid ge, who resides at Pvrton . Shir- oats and barley. The area is 2,421 ac re s; the rateable
b u rn C astle, the seat of the E a rl of Macclesfield J.P . value, ,£2,033 5 the population in 1911 was 298.
is an ancient rectan gular em battled stru ctu re w ith
Parish Clerk, W illiam Stevens.
circu lar battlem ented towers at each angle, and is
surrounded by a wide m oat crossed by a draw bridge, Letters through W allingford arrive at 6 a.m . & 1 p m
T h e nearest m oney order & telegraph office is at Watw hich conducts to the prin cip al entrance, opening into
lington, 1 m ile distant. W all Box cleared at 10.5 a.m.
a spacious vaulted h a ll; it was origin ally b u ilt by
& 7.20 p .m . ; sundays, 6.40 p m
Robert D 'O illy, C onstable or G overnor of O xford, but
W all Box cleared a t 6.50 a.m . & 5.40 p.m.•surrendered to the E m press M aud in 11 4 1: in 1377
sundays, 6.50 a.m
W a rin e de Lisle obtained leave to crenellate it. and
from th is period the existin g castle m ay be said to E lem en tary School (m ix ed ), for 60 children ; M rs. Gladys
Hyde, m istress
date : the interior contains an arm oury, and some h is­
torical p ortra its by Holbein and V a n d y k e : the park, A ssistan t O verseer, G ilb ert H enry Stone.
E ggleton John & Son, farm ers, S h ir­
burn farm
G ibson Alan K eith
M acclesfield E arl of J.P. Shirburn Ford Roland H ubert, officer of cu s­
tom s & excise, S hirburn cottage
Gibson A lan K eith , resident agent to
Ruck-K eene Mrs. S hirbum lodge
the E arl of M acclesfield J.P
May C laude, head gardener to the
B ristow W illiam , farm er, Portobello
E arl of Macclesfield J.P
E dw ards A lb ert, clerk of works to the Parsons Sydney, bailiff to the E arl of
E arl of M acclesfield J.P
M acclesfield J.P

S H O E T H A M P T O N (or Chilson) is a chapelry and
township in the parish of C h arlbury, 2 m iles north-west
from C h arlbu ry station, on the Oxford and W orcester
section of the G reat W estern railw ay and 5 south from
C h ip p in g Norton, in the Northern division of the
county, hundred and p etty sessional division of Chadlington, union and cou nty cou rt district of C hipping
Norton, rural deanery of Chipping Norton, archdeaconry
and diocese of Oxford.
T h e river Evenlode flows
through and is crossed by two bridges— one from Shortham pton to C hadlington and the other connects Chilson
and Pudlicote. T h e 'c h u rc h 'o f A ll Saints is a sm all and
plain stru ctu re of m ixed styles, consisting of chancel,
nave, south porch and a turret over th e chancel arch
containing one b e ll: the chancel was reb u ilt about 1820,
and has a m odern east w in d o w ; the chancel arch, on
the south side of which is a large blocked hagioscope,
is E arly E nglish : the nave, considerably w ider than the
chancel, has a N orm an north wall, retainin g one sm all
original window : the south doorway and three windows
are Perpendicular, and there is a ’ low-side window of
the D ecorated period : the font is plain, and possibly
Norm an : the church was com pletely restored in 1902-3,
at the cost of V. J. W atney esq. and re-opened on All
S ain ts’ day, 1903. D u ring the renovation a num ber of
ancient wall p aintings of the 13th, 14th and 15th cen­
tu ries were discovered and carefu lly disclosed by Mr.
Main waring Johnston, of London ; th ey m ostly represent
various saints : there are 100 sittings'. The register of

Roome George, head gamekeeper to
th e E arl of M acclesfield J.P
S tevens Brothers, m achinists, en­
gineers, iron & brass founders,
a g ricu ltu ral im plem ent agents &
m an ufacturers & blacksm iths
Stone F ran cis F rederick, Knightsbridge farm
W hichelo G eorge, baker & grocer

baptism s dates from the year 1650; m arriages, 1656;
and burials. The churchyard is now (1915) being
enlarged. The livin g is annexed to th e vicarage of
C h arlbury, join t net yea rly v alu e £357, including 300
acres of glebe, in the g ift of S t. John’s College, Oxford,
and held since 1903 by the Rev. J u liu s D. Payne M.A.
of S t. John's College, O xford, and surrogate, who
resides at C h arlbury.
The principal landowner is
Vernon J. W atney esq. J.P . who is lord of the manor.
T h e soil is stone b rash ; subsoil, brash rock. The chief
crops are w heat, barley and roots. The area is 1,671
acres of land and 7 of w a te r; rateable valu e, £2,669;
the population in 1911 was 173.
C H IL SO N and PU D LIC O T E are ham lets, the former
three-quarters of a m ile w est-south-w est of the village;
the la tter i£ m iles w est-north-w est. Th ere is a Primi­
tive M ethodist chapel at Ghilson, erected in 1867.
S H O C K S C O P P IC E , 1 m ile south, wa6 form erly extraparochial.
L etters th rou gh C haTlbury, Oxon, arrive at
C h arlbu ry,
m iles distant, is the nearest
order & telegraph office
W all L etter Box, C hilson, cleared at 7 & 9 45
| 5.30 p.m . week day's only
, E lem entary School, Chilson, erected in 1875,
c h ild re n ; F red Parsons, m aster

W hitaker Bernard, Pud licote house
B arrett W illiam Jarvis (exors.
•B arrett
A rth u r
E dw ard, farm er, j farm ers, Chilson
S hortham pton farm

7 a.m.
a.m. i:
for 66

; C laridge A u g u stin e Thom as, insurof), I anc® a " er}t
1 Moss Roderick W . beer retailer
I Robinson E li, farm er

S H O T O V E R , see F orest Hill.
S H T T T F O R D ( E a s t a n d W e s t ) are townships in the by the Rev. M aurice Mason Knowles M .A . of Christ
p arish of Sw alcliffe, 5 m iles west from B anbury station Church, Oxford, who resides at Sw alcliffe. Here are
on the m ain line from London to Birm ingham of the sm all W esleyan and P rim itive M ethodist chapels.
G reat W estern railw ay and Banbury term in al station W enm an A ub rey W ykeham -M usgrave esq. D .L., J.Pon a branch from V erney Junction on the London is the p rin cipal landowner of W est Shutford and
and N orth W estern railw ay, and about 24 north-w est Lord Save and Sele is sole landowner and lord of
from O xford, and in the Northern division of the the m anor of E ast S h utford. T h e m anorial rights of
county, Banbury and Bloxham p etty sessional d iv i­ W est Shutford are extinct.
Th e soil is various. The
sion. hundred, union and county court d istrict of crops are general.
The area of W est Shutford is 952
Banbury, rn ra l deanery of Deddington, archdeaconry acres; the rateable value, £ 1,2 9 3 : and E ast Shutford,
and diocese of Oxford.
Th e church of St. M artin 409 acres ; rateable value, ,£388 ; the population in 1911
is a sm all b uilding of stone, in m ixed styles, p rin ­ was— of E ast Shutford, 16 ; and of W est Shutford, 299cip ally E arly E nglish, and consists of chancel, nave of
Sexton, W illiam Compton.
three bays, north aisle, south porch, chapel and a low
em b attled P erpendicular tow er at the north-w est angle Post, T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery & Telephone
containing 2 b e lls : the south arcade of the nave is Deco­
Call Office (to places w ith in a lim ited distance).
rated. b ut th e north arcade T ransition Norm an, to which
— F ran k A ustin ,
sub-postm aster.
Letters arrive
period also the font m a y be assigned ; th e E a rly English
th rou gh B anbury, at 8 a.m . ; dispatched 5 P-m- ’
chapel has a Decorated open tim ber roof and a fine
no delivery on sundav. S w alcliffe, i£ m iles distant,
Perpendicular screen of black oak, w ith some remains
is the nearest m oney order office
of colour upon i t : there are 160 sittings. The register
Elem entary School, erected in 1808, for 190 children,
of baptism s dates from the year 1698 ; m arriages, 1702;
average attendance, 4 9; M isses C arrow ay, mistresses
burials. 1699. The living is annexed to the vicarage
of Sw alcliffe. join t net yearly value £ 224. w ith residence, C arrier to B anbury.— P ercy M ills, to the ‘ Plough,’ thurs.
in th e g ift c f N ew College, O xford, and held since 1912
& sat