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B E R K S H IR E .
D IR E C T O R Y .]
Sherwood Henry, poulterer
Short Jam es, builder
Singleton Rebecca (M rs.), dress ma
S m ith Jam es, carriage builder
Sparks T racey, shopkeeper
S tacey Barnett, haulier
S tallin g L . E rnest, tailor, N orcot rd
Stevens A ub rey, grocer, Norcot road
Sw eetzer Frederick, shopkeeper,K entÂ
wood hill
T aylor C has. decorator, N orcot road
T h a xter G eorge, butcher
Tileh urst Constitutional C lub (Edwin
H etherington, sec.), Kentwood hill
T ileh u rst, Pangbourne & D istrict
W ater Co. Ltd . (A lbert Ball, sec)
T ileh u rst Potteries Ltd. b rick m akers
Tileh urst, Sulh am & P u rley H ortiÂ
cultural Society (G eorge Baker,
bon. sec)
T ileh u rst V illa g e H all(A rth u r Taylor,
hon. sec)
Tom pkins E p h raim , laundry
T rotter E rn est S. station er,N orcot rd
Vivian W m .E dw d. b utch er,N orcot rd
W ells H erbrt. insur. ag t. N orcot rd
W ells Reginald, brick m aker
W hite Am brose, grêengrocer
W hite Charles W illiam , tailor
W ing G eorge, shopkeeper
Wond E rn est E dw ard, confectioner
Woodeson E dw in, builder, Th e Lim es
T I T T L E R O W , see Maidenhead.
T U B N E Y is a parish on the road from Abingdon to
Faringdon, 4 m iles w est-by-north from Abingdon, in
the Northern division of th e county, hundred of Ock,
p etty sessional division, union and county court disÂ
trict of Abingdon, rural deanery of Abingdon, archÂ
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. Th e church
of S t. Law rence, erected in 1847, _in place, b u t not on
the site, of the old church , w hich had long fallen into
decay, is a sm all building of stone, in the G oth ic style,
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western
tu rret containing 2 b e lls : there are 90 sittin g s. The
register dates from the year 1848. T h e livin g is a
rectory, net yearly value £103, in th e g ift of M agdalen
C ollege, Oxford, and held since 1908 by the Rev.
Thom as Allison M .A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. Tubney
House, situated in a park of 45 acres, is the residence
of John Francis Parsons esq. J.P . T he m anor and m ost
Woodeson Thom as H enry, assistan t
overseer, C ed ar v illas,A rm o u r road
W rig h t F rederick, grocer
Th e g reater portion of this ham let has
been transferred to Theale parish.
Lewis G eorge Jas. H orncastle P H
M anning Chas. T ravellerâs Friend P.H
N igh tin gale A lb ert E. blacksm ith
Shorney E d g ar T. farm er
Stroud E m m a (M rs.), W hite H art
P.H . (postal address, Theale)
T u ll M atilda (M rs.), beer retailer
W ise Thom as, shopkeeper, Post office
E N D , see Bray.
of the land belong to M agdalen C ollege, O xford. T h e
soil is sand, on the old oolite. Th e ch ief crops are
wheat, barley, oats, peas and root crops and turn ips.
T h e area is 1,152 a c re s; rateab le value, £ 1 ,1 2 1 ; the
population in 1911 was 155.
P a rish C lerk , Charles G eorge Read.
L etters through Abingdon arrive at 8.20 a.m . & 1 p.m .
Kingston B agpuze is the n earest m oney order & teleÂ
graph office, about
m iles distant. W a ll L e tte r
Box cleared at 1 & 6.25 p.m . ; sundays at 9.45 a.m
Police Constable, Thom as Nicholls.
E lem en tary School (m ixed), erected in 1857 & closed in
1911. Th e children of this place attend th e School
at Fyfield
C arrier to Abingdon.â W . J. F isher, tues. th u rs. & sat
A llison Rev. Thom as M .A . (rector), Pedder A rth u r Lionel M .A. W ayside Cooper
G eorge
Osm ond,
C hurch cottage
Tem ple Thom as
| Manor farm
G ott A llan, Tub ney lodge
Fisher B eniam in, farm er
c o m m e r c ia l .
,R o b in s j
-fc gam ekeeper
Parsons John Francis J .P . Tubney ho
Parsons Wm. H erbert,Tubn ey warren B utcher H. (M rs.), grocer
farm er,
T W Y F O R D , constituted a civil parish 23 June, 1895, is new gown every second year. Th ere are some sm aller
on the banks of the Loddon w ater, and is an eccle charities for the benefit of th e poor of th e district.
siastical parish, form ed A p ril 14, 1876, out of the h am  Lord Braybrooke is lord of the manor. W a lter Bond
let of Tw yford, in
the liberties of Broad H inton and esq. is th e principal landowner. T h e area of th e parish
W histley, under the Benefice Act, 1838 (1 and 2- Vic.
is 676 acres of land and 12 of w a te r; assessable value,
c. 106); it has a station on the G reat W estern railway, £ 1 1 ,7 2 4 ; th e population in 1911 was 1,157.
which is also the junction of the line to Henley, and
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office (letters should have B erks
is 5 m iles east from Reading, 7^ south-w est from
added).â Charles Thom as Passmore, sub-postm aster.
Maidenhead, 4 south from H enley-on-Tham es and 34
L etters from all parts delivered at 6.30 & 11 a.m . &
from London, and is in the E astern division of the
p .m . ; dispatched at 8.50, 10.45 & n .2 0 a.m . &
county, p etty sessional division and union of W okin gÂ
2.20, 3.40, 4.40, 8.20 & 10.45 p .m . ; sun day d elivery,
ham , county court d istrict of R eading, rural deanery
7 a.m . & dispatch, 8.10 p .m . W all Box at R ailw ay
of Sonning, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of
station cleared at 10.40 a.m . & 2.50 & 7.55 p.m . ;
Oxford. The village is well lig h ted w ith gas, and
Sundays, 7.55 p.m
supplied w ith w ater from p rivate wells. The church
W all B oxes.â London road, cleared at 8.30 & 10.30 a.m .
of St. M ary is a b uilding of flint in the E arly E nglish
& 1.30, 3.15 & 8 p .m .; sundays, 7.45 p .m .; W arstyle, consisting of five bays, aisles, north porch and
grave road, cleared at 7 & 10.25 a.m . & 3.50 & 7.45
south western tow er containing 8 bells, 6 of which were
added in 1913 at a cost of £700 : th e church was b uilt p.m . ; sundays, 7.45 p.m
Police Station, Station road, erected in 1901 ; Jam es
in 1846, chiefly at
the cost of the late Rev. A . A.
Pierce, sergeant-in-charge
Cam eron, vicar of H urst, and M iss C u r r e y ; a new
E lem en tary School, for the parish es of Tw yford & Rusnorth aisle was added in 1883 at a cost of £ 1,9 9 3 :
combe, founded by E dw ard Poleham pton esq. A.D.
th e church was restored and enlarged in 1908-10, at the
1721 & endowed for the free education & clo th in g of
cost of £4,800: there are 400 sittings. Th e register
10 poor boys of the v illa g e ; new schools were erected
dates from the year 1847. The livin g is a vicarage, net
in 1888, from the funds of the ch arity, w hich am ount
yearly value £320, w ith residence, in the g ift of the
to about £350 yea rly, the advantages of th e school
Bishop of O xford, and held since 1903 by the Rev.
R obert W illiam Harrison Acw orth M .A. of W orcester
having, by an order of the H igh C ou rt (C han cery
Division), D ecem ber 1st. 1886, been la rg ely exÂ
College, Oxford. There is a Reform ed W esleyan chapel,
erected in 1853, and a C ongregational chapel, erected in
ten ded ; these schools w ill now hold 116 boys, n o
1897 w ith 200 sittin gs. The F ire Brigade, consists of
g irls & 113 in fa n ts; Thom as Jam es H ew lett, m a s te r ;
M iss E th el Parsons, m is tr e s s ; M iss J. B atten , infants*
8 m em bers. The Tw yford club was established in 1898
and has a reading room &c.
H ere are alm shouses,
m istress
founded by S ir Richard Harrison kt. and endowed in Railw ay Station. S am uel A rth u r Robbins, station m aster
1707 by Lady Frances, dau gh ter of Thom as (Howard), C arriers to R eading.â J. H. Vaughan (from M aidenhead),
3rd Earl of Berkshire, and wife of S ir Henry Winchtues. thurs. & sat. ; S m ith (from M arlow), mon.
com be bart. of B ucklebury, for six poor persons of the
wed. & s a t . ; A lb e rt Cross & F. W . Davies, daily.
liberties of W histley and Hinton in the parish oi
From H enley.â G. G ird ler, daily except wed. ; all
H urst, each of whom receives 7s. 6d. w eekly, and . a
retu rn in g sam e days
Acworth R ev.R obert W illiam Harrison
M.A. (vicar), V icarage
Bailey George Sam uel, Rosem ount,
Ruscomb« road
B assett A rth u r Henry, Th e Lim es,
W argrave road
Bell H arry Peel, C om berton, New rd
Boult >n G odfrev. G rove hall
Coleridge C apt.Francis G eo.H erm itage
Coley Mrs. W estbury, Station road
Davis Edward Stanley, 3 W argrave rd
Davis Mrs. The M ill house
Edm unds W. Ivy lodge
Franklin Henry, London road
Furber Lionel G ipps H opkins, W argrav° road
Goffe H enrv, London road
G rey Mrs. B riar bank, London road
Hamilton Robert W illiam , Brvanstone
Hancock Percy Biddulph, Ashbourne,
W argrave road
H arvey W illiam R ockville,W alth am rd
Hedges M rs. A p sley house
H eydem ann M iss, Thornbury house,
I W argrave Toad
Horwood E rn est J. E astcote, W arÂ
grave road
¡Jarvis M atthew Jervoise, Wâ arg ra v e rd
J arv is Mrs. Th e Cedars
Kearsev R obert A lfred, Th e H awÂ
thorns. W argrave road
M assey W illiam H enry, The Poplars