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d ir e c t o r y . ]
. Railw ay Station, A lbert G eorge Shrim pton, station m ast
Elementary (m ixed), erected in 1867, for about 100 I
children; Mr. Thom as Roseâs charity of ¿ 5 5 in Con- I C arriers.â W alter W illiam Boddington, to â Catherine
sols, left in 1826, & now producing £ 1 10s. yearly, 1 W heel,â Banbury, mon. & thurs. ⢠to Bicester, fri. ; to
provides awards for regu lar atte n d an ce; M iss Dorothy 1 O xford, s a t . ; Edward Bourton, from Upper H eyford,
g pew, m istress
passes through here to Banbury, mon. & thurs. ; O x Â
Elementary, C aulcott (infants), for 20 c h ild re n ; sup- '
ford, wed. & s a t . ; B icester, fri. ; Thom as Franks
ported by the E arl of J e rs e y ; Miss K ate W ebster, | passes throu gh to Oxford, wed. & B anbury, thurs
Evans Mrs
King Miss
Lennard Rev.
Pettitt Mrs
Vivian Rodwell M .A.
Alder John, shoe m aker
Castle Andrew, Red Lion P.H
Cheesman James Stroud, farm er,
Manor house
Cheesman W illiam C alverley, farm er
Dew George Jam es, relieving & v acÂ
cination officer for Bletchington disÂ
trict & registrar of births & deaths
for Bletch ington sub-district of
B icester union, & inspector of canal
boats for B icester Rural D istrict
C ouncil & clerk to parish 'Council &
school attendance officer
Dew John W illiam , grocer, Post office
Dew M arten Ranfield, builder
Durran W illiam & Son, hauliers
H ickm an George, shopkeeper
Horwood Jas. S. & Jn.m illers (water)
M anger F rederick, coal m er. & farm er
Moore Sam uel E . baker
Oxford Canal Co. (Fdk. M anger, agt)
S m ith W alter, Bell inn
Sons of Tem perance F riendly Society
(Sam uel Moore, hon. sec)
Thom as W illiam Richard, farm er.
Manor farm
W alker A lbert, farm er, Rectory farm
W aller Jam es & Son, coal m erchants
Boddington W alter W illiam , carrier
B u tler W illiam , farm er
Jarvis W illiam , farm er
Johnson E dw in, H orse & Groom P.H'
L a m er W illiam Jam es, farm er
M anley John S. L . farm er
Tylee Robert, gam ekeeper to the E a rl
of Jersey, L im e kiln
U P P E R H E Y F O R D (or H eyford W arren), on the about ¿ 3 0 yearly, the net balance of which, after paving
river Cherwell is a parish and village, one m ile north- expenses, is distrib uted to the poor in coals and cloth in g
east from Heyford station on the Oxford and Birm ingham the week before C hristm as. Th e upper and eastern parts
section of the G reat W estern railw ay, 6 north-w est from of the parish are traversed by a fosse and vallum , which,
Bicester, and. 7 north-east from W oodstock, in the Mid according to Camden, w ere first raised as a boundary
division of the county, hundred and p etty sessional divi between the M ercian and W est Saxon kingdom s and the
sion of Ploughley, union and county cou rt d istrict of whole or part of it was called A ves Ditch. T he Manor
Bicester, rural deanery of B icester and archdeaconry and House is now occupied by Mr. John Croxford, and
diocese of Oxford. The Oxford and Birm ingham canal connected w ith it is an ancient and curiously conÂ
passes through the parish. The church of St. M ary, re structed barn, erected by W illiam of W ykeham , who in
built (except the tower) in 1866, is a small edifice of 1383 purchased the m anor for New College, Oxford,
stone, consisting of chancel with aisle, nave, north aisle which he had founded in 1379.
Th e w arden and
and a lofty em battled western tower of Perpendicular scholars of New College, Oxford, who are lords of the
date containing 3 bells, and a clock presented by the m anor, the E arl of Jersey P .C ., G .C .B ., G .C .M .G . and
Rev. C. B. Mount, rector here 1865-78, in com m em ora Mr. E dm und G reaves are the principal landowners. The
tion of the 60th year of the reign of Queen V ictoria : soil and subsoil in the upper p arts are ch iefly stone
the chancel has a Perpendicular window filled w ith brash and in the lower parts are m ixed. Th e land is
stained glass, the ,gift of the Rev. E dw ard Fox
M.A. p artly pasture and p artly arable. Th e area is 1,614
rector 1878-88, and
and a
fine tomb
tomb w
w ith
the effigy
of a
a j acres of land and 14 of w ater ; rateable valu e, ^2,784;
a hne
ith the
effigy of
priest under a Decorated
a r c h :- on
lecorated arch
nr, one
nn» of the
fh0 buttresses I tbe population in r9u was 3x4.
of the tower are carved the arm s of New College, Post Office.â John W esley Pearson, .sub-postmaster.
Oxford, and a corresponding buttress 011 the south side
Letters received throu gh B an b u ry; delivered at 9 a .m .
bears arms of unknown origin u nder a sm all canopy.
& 4.15 p.m . ; dispatched a t 10.15 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; 110
A new organ was erected in 1904, the g ift of the Rev.
Sunday delivery.
H eyford, 1 m ile d istan t, is the
A. R. Sharpe M .A. rector 1900-1912: the church affords
nearest m oney order & telegraph office
260 sittings. The register dates from the vear 1558. E lem entary School (m ixed), erected in 1861, by the la te
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £310, in cludÂ
Rev. W illiam W etherell B .C h., M .A. rector here 1859
ing 98 acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of New
until his death, 23 Oct. 1864, & the warden & fellows
College, Oxford, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Svdnev
of New College, O xford, for 88 c h ild re n ; G eorge
Cooper M.A. of New College, Oxford. T h ere is a W esÂ
H awkins, m aster
leyan chapel here. The reading room, b u ilt b y subscrip C arriers.â AValter W illiam Boddington, to â Catherine
tion in 189 , is m anaged by a com m ittee, 3 of whom are
W heel,â Banbury, mon. & thurs. ; to B icester, fri. ; to
elected annually by the parish. A llotm ents am ounting in
Oxford, sat. ; Edward Bourton, to Banbury, mon. &
â I to 19a. 3r. 34P. w ere aw arded in 1842 and produce
thurs. ; Oxford, wed. & sat. ; Bicester, fri
Cooper Rev. Sydney M.A. (rector), C roxford John, farm er, Manor house H itchcock Jam es, beer retailer
Dale Thom as, farm er, Rectory farm
Pearson John W esley, grocer, Post
Daldy Miss, The W illows
Dew M arten Banfield, carpenter
office & clerk to Parish C oun cil
C O M M E R C IA L .
G reaves E dm und, farm er & land R eading Room (G . H awkins, sec)
Bourton Edward, carrier
Tanner A lbert, farm er, L eys farm
Chard James Charles, Three H orse Hadland Algernon, butcher
W arland M ark, farm er, N ew College
shoes P.H
Hawkins G eorge Taylor, farm er
bbie ham let of D unthrop, is a parish
o n ih ln v ? 3 m i*es easi) from Chipping Norton station
â theBanbury and Cheltenham section of the G reat W estin tlle Northern division of the county, hunnnirm â a °ottonâ Pefcty sessional division of Chadlington,
dpaTvai.fn' , c°unty court district of Chipping Norton, rural
, PplnS Norton and archdeaconry and dio1870-«^
⢠The church of S t. Nicholas, erected in
»ipna C 1* 311 edifice in the G eom etrical style from deÂ
^ Blom field A .R .A . and was
chnrpR r uthe m aterials of a Rom an Catholic
â¢Material hi'
formerly stood in th e park, the other
chancel â
t S ? 81
quarried on the estate: it consists of
on the rin n 0r®an chamber on the south side and vestry
battled w
atsle, nave of four bays and an emthe soutli ^ .S k y r o c k e t e d pinnacles, at the west end of
the tower " 6 a n d containing 3 bells, the lower stage of
ar®Davpri w
,a? a Porc h : the chancel and sanctuary
the east
^ coloured Italian marble mosaic and
anfi lectern °T 18 sfcained â the altar, choir stalls, pulpit
tracery7n n and/ eading desk are of oak, w ith carved
°ak d i v i d e r T odâ anc* there is a parclose of carved
S the chancel and v e stry : the entire cost of
building, am ounting to about ^£12,000, was defrayed by
Albert Brassey esq. the patron, who also presented the
sites both for the church and re c to r y : th e nave of the old
church was taken down and its fine Norm an south door
b uilt into the chancel arch, and the old chancel, a P erÂ
pendicular structure, is now used as a m ortu ary c h a p e l:
it contains several ancient m onum ents to the Talbot
fam ily, in cludin g th at of G eorge, 14th E arl of Sh rew sÂ
bury, d. 1787, and a brass to John Aschefield esq. 1521,
and his wife E leanor, w ith four sons and four
daughters : above this is a stained window w ith effigiesof the same p erso n s: a graveyard, entered by a Late
Perpendicular doorway, surrounds the ch ap el: there
are 180 sittings. Th e reg ister of baptism s dates from
the year, 1607 ; m arriages and burials, 1613. Th e livin g
is a rectory, n et yearly value £"255, w ith residence, in
the g ift of A lb ert Brassey esq. and held since 1914 by
the Rev. H enry Jam es G ulley M .A . of K eble College,
Oxford. Heythrop Park is the seat of A lbert Brassey
esq. M .A ., J.P . who is lord of the m anor and sole lan d Â
owner : the original house, destroyed by fire during
its occupation by the Duke of Beaufort, 011 the 24th of
F eb ruary, 1831, has been replaced by a stately and