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set up by W illis, rem oved: th e p ulpit was the g ift of Post Office, F ar B letch ley.— G eorge C handler, sub-post­
the Rev. W . B ennitt, rector 1861-1906: the cloth for the
m aster. L e tters arrive from B letch ley at 6.50 & 1 0 . 5
communion, table was worked and presented by M rs.
a.m . & 7 p .m . Box cleared at 11.35 a m - & 7 P m W illiam son, of L ittle B rick b ill vicarage, and a white
week days & 11 a.m . on Sundays. N earest m oney
and gold altar cloth was presented by M r. and M rs.
order & telegrap h office B letch ley, about 1 m ile distant
W right, of B roo klan d s; a new organ was added in 1911
W all L e tte r Box, opposite E ig h t B ells P.H . cleared at
at a°cost of £ 4 50 : there are 463 sittin gs. Th e register
8.50 & 9.40 a.m . & 3, 5.10 & 8.15 p.m . ; Sundays, 7 . 4 5
dates from the year 1577. T lie liv in g is a rectory, net
yearly value £550, w ith residence, in the g ift of Sam uel
Bennitt esq. and held since 1906 by the Rev. F rederick Lam p Post L e tte r Box, near th e school, cleared at 8 .4 5
& 9.30 a.m . & 5 & 8.15 p.m . ; Sundays, 7.45 p .m
W ilmot B ennitt M .A . of Pem broke College, C am b rid g e:
the rectory house, erected in 1834,
a m ansion in the E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1862, enlarged 1885 & again
Gothic style. A W esleyan chapel was erected here in
in 1913, to hold 150 c h ild re n ; S am uel Parsons,
j8q5. Bletchley P ark is th e residence of Sir H erbert
m aster; Mrs. E. Jam es, infants’ m istress
Samuel Leon b art. J .P . E lm ers, th e residence of Mrs.
Selby-Lowndes, is p leasantly situated near th e c h u rc h ;
W A T E R E A T O N is a h am let of the parish of B letch ­
the ancient m ansion was p u lled down in 1871 and a ley, half a m ile from Fenny Stratford : th e G rand Jun c­
handsome gabled residence erected on the sam e site, tion canal and th e riv er O uzel run by th is p art of the
which is surrounded by some fine elm trees. Sir E verard parish. H ere is a W esleyan chapel.
Philip D igby Pauncefort-D uncom be b art. is lord of th e
manor. -The soil is strong c la y ; subsoil, clay and Letters arrive from B letch ley. W a ll Box cleared at 9.30
a.m . & 7.40 p .m . week days & 10.30 a.m . Sundays
gravel. T h e land is chiefly in p asture. The area of
the parish is 2,324 acres, viz. Bletch ley, 1,308 ; W ater Elem entary School, erected in 1873, at the sole cost of
Eaton, 1,005 of land and 11 of w a te r; assessable valu e,
the late Sir P. D. P. Duncom be b art. for 90 children
Bletchley, £ 3 ,270 ; W ater E aton, £ 5 >5 5 4 ; and the P°PU& handed over in 1914 t-o th e B ucks E ducation C om ­
lation in 19 ix was 703, viz. B letch ley, 543; W ater
m ittee ; Miss E . E . H artley, m istress
Eaton, 160.
M atthew s C harles, Old Swan P.H
c o m m e r c ia l ,
M eager Bros, w heelw rights & sm iths
p r i v a t e RESIDENTS.
Bawden Thom as, auctioneer, see Foil Monk Jn. E . farm er, W in dm ill farm
Moodie John A lex. E ig h t B ells h otel
See also Fenny S tratiord.
B lo x t a ^ H a r o ld Jam es, Shoulder of North
B ucks
L iberal Association
Bennitt Rev. F rederick W ilm ot M .A .
M utton P.H
(David Y o u n g , sec. & agen t), Leon
B ryan t Newm an, frm r.B letch ley Leys
Dalmeny Lord J.P . The G range
| Chandler G eorge, grocer, Post omce
Stevens A rth u r John, tailor & assistant
Foil W allace A rth u r, O akley
' Cooper G eoffrey, head gardener to
overseer, Leon cottages
Gascoigne E dw ard, A dderley
Sir H. S. Leon bart. J.P. Th e
Giles Col.
P eter
C .B .,
G ardens, B letch ley park
F .R .C .S ., V .D ., J.P. H olne chase ¡D unkley Sam i. Leonard Benj. saddler Lam b M rs. Chestnuts
(M rs.), G eorge inn
Hird Dennis M .A ., J .P . The L eys
!E ve red 'A lb ert, farm er, Manor farm
Leon S ir H erbert S am uel b art. J.P F ish er G eorge W m .farm er,H om e frm G ale Thom as, farm er, H om e farm
Jones Charles E . farm er. W ater h all
Bletchley park
F oil & Bawden, auctioneers
K easey M aria (M rs.), shopkeeper
Missenden Noah, L aurel terrace
French Jam es, farm er
Long C harles B ertram , farm er, Cow
Roads G eorge, H olm burv
Hands John, G eorge P.H
Selby-Lowndes M rs. Rd. W m . E lm ers Holland Thom as H. farm b ailiff to
M akeham W alter, farm er
Sinfield Mrs. S. J. C ottingham
Lord Dalmeny
ith Jam es, farm er
Walker M rs. The H atch
¡H opcraft & N orris L im .b rew ery stores
Sparkes Jam es A . P lough P.H 10
K in g W illiam , cattle dealer
B L E T C H L E Y S T A T I O N , see F enny Stratford.
a year, le ft by E dw ard Lew is esq. and L ad y Penelope
D ynham , th e form er of £ 1 2 yea rly, to be distrib uted
am ongst th e poor, and the latter of £ 8 , for the purpose
of ap pren ticin g poor boys. D u rin g the C iv il W ar, Boarstall House was garrisoned for the K in g in 1 6 4 4 ,
and on its evacuation by th e Royalists the P arliam en tary
p arty at once seized it , and used it as an effective
basis of attack against th e K in g’ s forces at O x fo r d ;
being again taken by th e Royal forces, under Col.
G age, it successfully resisted th e Parliam entary troops,
under Skippon and F airfax, u n til 1646, w hen, after a
siege of 18 hours, on the 10th of June in th at year, it
was surrendered to F airfax by S ir C harles Cam pion, the
govern or; the m assive gatew ay, three storeys in h eigh t,
with octagonal em battled towers at th e fron t angles,
still re m a in s : two turrets have rooms in them , and two
others contain spiral staircases com m unicating w ith
apartm ents over th e gatew ay, w hich is entered b y a
wide segm ental-headed doorway, from th e stone bridge
now crossing the m o a t: the gatew ay was u n til recen tly
occupied as a farm house, and still presents an in terest­
in g and strik in gly picturesque appearance on entering
th e v illa g e from B rill. H enry Lan celo t A ub rev-F letch er
esq. M .Y .O . is the chief landowner and lord of the
manor. Th e soil is gravel and stiff b lue clay ; subsoil,
loam and gravel. T h e ch ief crops are w h eat, barley
and beans, about tw o-th irds of th e land is pasture.
The area is 3,072 acres of land and 6 of w a t e r ; rate­
able value, £2,635 ; the population in 1911 was 160.
Parish C lerk , W a lter Blake.
L etters received b y ru ra l m essenger from B rill at 7 . 3 0
a.m . & 2.15 p .m . W a ll Box cleared 7.45 a.m . & 4.45
p .m . ; S u n d a ys, 1 0 a.m . Th e nearest m oney order &
telegrap h office is at B rill, about 2 m iles distant
E lem en tary School (m ixed ), b u ilt in 1874, for 70 c h il­
dren ; Mrs. M aud Sulston, m is tre ss ; M iss E d ith A.
A rnold, in fan ts’ m istress
Blake Sidney Pei'cival,frm r.T ow er frm (Dodwell Edm d. frm r. Touchbridge fm Sansom Richd. farm er, 0 1 d H ouse frm
Sulston A ubrey & E rn est, farm ers
Collett Anbrey, farm er
Hawes John, farm er, Pasture farm
W hite Daniel,' gam ekeeper to Henry
Collett John, farm er, Arngrove
Hawes Thom as, farm er, M uswell h ill
A ubrey-F letcher
Collett W illiam , farm er, Panshill
Prentice John, farm er, New P ark frm
M .V.O
Cox Ernest, farm er, Home fm .Panshill Read John farm er, Manor farm

B O A R S T A L L is a scattered village and parish , in a
hilly d istrict on th e borders of O xfordshire, 3 m iles
south-west from B rill and Lu dgersh all station on the
Great W estern railw ay, 7 m iles north-w est from Tham e
station on the M aidenhead and O xford section of the
G reat W estern railw ay, and 8 south-east from B icester
stations on the G reat W estern railw ay and B letch ley
and Oxford branch of the London and N orth W estern
west from B rill, on th e road from th at place
to Oxford, from w hich it is about 11 m iles north-east,
in the Northern division of th e county, hundred and p etty
sessional division of Ashendon, union and cou n ty court
district of Tham e, ru ra l deanery of Waddesdon, arch ­
deaconry of B uckingham and diocese of Oxford. The
church of S t. Jam es, rebuilt in 1818 b y S ir John A ubrey
bart. on the foundations of th e original sti’ucture, is a
small edifice of stone in the P erpendicular style, ^ con­
sisting of chancel and nave, w ith a tu rr e t at th e in ter­
section, containing one b e ll: in th e chancel are two
marble m onum ents to the A u b rey fam ily, and the
stained east window bears th e arm s of S ir John A ubrey
bart. D .C .L . and M .P. for Bucks, im paling those of his
two wives M ary (Colebrook) and M artha Catherine
(C arter); he died 1 M arch, 1826, bein g then father of
the House of C o m m o n s: the baronetcy becam e extin ct
on the death w ithout issue (before 1859) of Sir Thom as
Digby A ub rey 7th b a r t . : th e church was restored in 1884
by J. A. A ub rey esq. at a cost of £1,635, and affords
200 sittin gs: on Saturday, Dec. 5, 1812, th e church was
entered and a silver chalice and paten, and some pewter
vessels stolen: in the churchyard are th e rem ains of an
ancient cross. T h e register dates from th e year 1640.
The living is a vicarage annexed to Brill, join t net yearly
value £200, in the g ift of H enry L an celot A ubreyFletcher esq. and held since 19x4 by the R ev. A rth u r
Basil W right M .A. of T rin ity College, C am bridge, who
resides at B rill. There are charities am ounting to £20