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Lew in E lizh .(M rs.),frm r.L a ch fo rd fn n H am ersley Alfred St. George Kr
M uirhead A nth on y John, H aseley ct Stone Sarah (M iss), farm er
M .P., J.P . R ycote Park neti'
Muirhead Lionel Boulton ta m p bell
: should be addressed WheatleyV 1
L o ckh art, Haseley court
r n R T>
C arlton , N ational & Union i\lv
A tkins R obert, shopkeeper
S W , London
H arris M ilton, farm er, C ou rt farm
Chown Frank, farm er (letters should Chapm an John, farm er, Heath h
be addressed T etsw orth )
(letters should be addressed t T
H E A D I N Q T O N is a parish and village and the head
of a union,
m iles east from Oxford. The part of the
civil p ansh w hich was added to th e m unicipal and p ar­
liam entary lim its of the city and county borough of
Oxford, as extended by the “ C ity of Oxford Order,
1889,” under the “ Local Governm ent A ct, 1888,” has
been annexed to S t. Clem ent’s parish under the “ Local
Governm ent A ct, 1894.” Headington is in the Mid divi­
sion of the county, hundred and p etty sessional division
of Bullingdon, county court d istrict of Oxford, rural
deanery of Islip and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford.
The old Roman road passes towards H eadington Q uarry
p it s ; the road from Oxford to H eadington is broad but
very steep and on the north side is a lofty terrace walk,
bordered with trees and constructed about the m iddle
of the last cen tury, the cost being defrayed by sub­
The church of S t. Andrew is an ancient
edifice of stone, originally Norm an, b ut now in m ixed
styles, and con sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south
porch, and an em battled tower at th e w est end of the
south aisle, w ith a large square battlem ented turret at the
south-west angle and containing a clock and 6 b e lls : the
chancel is the oldest portion of the ch urch , and on the
outside of its north w all are the rem ains of a Norman
doorway, and near it a sem icircular arch of rude stones;
two Perpendicular windows in the south w all retain frag­
m ents of stained glass of earlier date ; there is a sedile,
form ed by the sill of a window, and a piscina ; the fine
Norman chancel arch is recessed towards the west, and
ornamented w ith double zig-zag and bold round m ould­
ings, rising from a shaft on each s id e : the nave and south
aisle are E arly E nglish, and are divided by an arcade of
three arches on m assive round pillars w ith m oulded caps
and b a ses; in the south aisle is a piscina, and at the
north-east angle are th e remains of the rood-loft stairs ;
on the wall of this aisle a series of curious paintings of
saints and scenes from the life of C h rist were un­
covered some years s in c e : the south door retains its
original iron work ; the north aisle is modern, and opens
to the nave by three arches cut through th e w a ll; the
tower has E arly English arches on the north and east
opening into the c h u rch ; the outer walls of the tower
are Perpendicular, and one side bears the date 1679: the
church was restored in 1881, at a cost of ¿2,300, and
affords 450 s ittin g s : in the ch urch yard, a little to the
south-east of the porch, is a fine P erpendicular cross
about 9 feet in height raised on three steps, and con­
sisting of an octagonal quatrefoiled base from which
rises a ribbed shaft of sim ilar form , supporting a heavy
square head, w ith pyram idal capping and finial. Th e re ­
gister dates from th e year 1683. The living is a vicar­
age, net yearly value ¿2 50 , including 90 acres of glebe,
w ith residence, in the g ift of M rs. Rawlinson, and held
since 1899 by the Rev. Robert W alter Townson B .A . of
S t. John’s College, Oxford. There is also a Baptise
chapel, b uilt in 1805. A cem etery of about 2 acres
was form ed in 1885 at a cost of upwards of £ 1,6 0 0 :
the grea ter part of the ground has been consecrated,
b u t not the m ortu ary chapel, which is available for all
denom inations: the cem etery is now under the control
of the B urial Board. W harton’s ch arity of ¿ 2 7 yearly
is distrib uted at the discretion of trustees ; the Peat
Moor and Shotover H ill allotm ents and H ude's charity
produce altogether ¿ 1 0 a year, which is distributed in
coals ; the interest of Mrs. Stone’ s ch arity of ¿500 is
also distrib uted in coal on Christm as E ve
In 1906 an
isolation hospital was erected w ith ten beds by the
H eadington R ural D istrict Council. In the reign of
E thelred, Headington was the seat of a royal palace,
said to have stood in a field now called “ C o u rt close,”
and in p art on the rou te of the present road to M ars1 ton. The village was once fam ous for its b ull-b aitin g,
which attracted m any spectators from a distance as well
as from O xford. Headington House is the residence of
A rth u r H. F ranklin esq. ; it is a square brick mansion,
standing i-n well laid out grounds. Th e principal lan d­
owners are M agdalen College, Oxford, M r. T . F aulkner.
C ol. Jam es Hoole C .M .G ., J.P . who is lord of th e |
m anor, M rs. G. H erbert M orrell and the trustees of I
the late M. W . W ootten-W ootten esq.
Th e soil is j
sandy ; subsoil, clay and stone of the C oralline oolite, !
which has been m uch used in O xford. The chief crops

are w heat and barley. Th e area of Headington ci 1
parish is 1,955 a c re s; rateable value, ¿17,574- ![
population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1911 was x and of the civil, 4,488, in cludin g Headington Qua
, and H ighfield (w hich are given under a separate he?
in g) and 8 officers and 121 inm ates in the Poor t
I n stitution .
Pa rt of NE W M A R STO N
BARTO N is a p o rtio n of t h is
Parish C lerk, Mrs. W illiam
W ick fa rm , th e p ro p e rty of

is in H eadington nami,
p a rish .

Mrs. G . H. Morrell, con­

ta in s an in te r e s tin g w e ll en clo sed w ith a stone canopy 0i
a n c ie n t d a te .

Post, M. 0 ., T . 0 . & Telephonic E xpress Delivery Office
& Telephone Call Office (available for calls to places
within a lim ited d istan ce).— Harold Edmund Rudd
sub-postm aster. L e tters are received through Oxford
at 7 a.m . & 1.40 & 7.40 p .m . ; dispatched 10.40 a.m
& 6.10 & 7.30 p.m . ; sunday, 11 a.m . & 8 p.m
W all L e tter Box, cleared at 8.15 & 10.50 a.m. & 5.15
8.10 p.m . ; Sundays, 11 a.m
W all Box, London road, cleared at 8 & 10.45 a-m- & 5
p .m . ; Sundays, 10.45 p.m
The parishes in the D istrict are the same as in the
Union w ith the exception of Cowley St. John. St.
Clem ent, St. G iles & St. John, Oxford & Wheatley.
The area is 25,530 acres ; the population in 1911 was
Council m eets at W orkhouse on 1st Board day in each
m onth.
C hairm an, M ark U. Weyland
Clerk, Thom as W. M allam M .A. H igh street, Oxford
Treasu rer, W alter Cockell, London County & West­
m inster B an k L im ited, Oxford
M edical Officer of H ealth, W illiam Hugh Hill M.D.
E d in ., C .M ., D .P .H .R .C .P .S .E d . & Glas. 29 Lechford
road, Oxford
San itary Inspector & Surveyor of Highways, Arthur
W alker, W indm ill road, H eadington Quarry
Board day, alternate thursdays at 10 a.m . at the Work­
house, Headington.
The union com prises the follow ing places:— Beckley,
C hip p ingh urst, Cowley, C owley St. John (Oxford),
Cuddesdon, Denton, Elsfield, Forest Hill with Shotover, Garsington, Headington, Holton, H orse p ath ,
H orton-cum -Studley, Iffley, Littlem ore, Marston. Ox­
ford (St. C lem ent), Oxford (St. Giles), Oxford (StJohn), Stanton St. John, Stowood, Studley, W h e a tle y ,
Wood Eaton. The population of the union in 1911
was 43,936; area, 29,093 a c re s ; rateable value in
M arch, 1915, ¿267,491
Chairm an of the Board of G uardians, Mark U. W eylan d
Clerk to the G uardians & Assessm ent Committee, T nov
W . M allam M .A . 126 H igh street, Oxford
Treasurer, W alter C ockell, London County & W e s m inster Bank L im ited, Oxford
Collectors to the Guardians of Headington district•
R elieving & Vaccination Officers No. 1 or St. Clemen
district, G eorge Q uick, 8 3,C owley road, Oxford; flo2 or W heatley d istrict, E rn est A. Purnell, Stanton
St. John
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, H e a d in g to n d's
trict, Robert H itchings M .R .C .S ., L.R.C.P Lond W
C ottage, London road, H ighfield ; Islip d is tr ic t,
H arry Hebb B .A .. M .B ., B .Ch.O xon. The Lodge,Mp'
W heatley district, John G a y Barns M .R.C.S., L-K
Lond. The Elm s, W heatley
The Poor Law In stitu tion , a plain stone building
Headington Q uarry, is available for 250 inmates,
attached to it is an infirm ary containing 60 P »
H arold Jackson, m a s te r; Rev. A lbert Edward i .
M .A . chaplain ; Robert H itchings M.R.C-S-, L.KLond. m edical officer ; M rs. Jackson, matron