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Morley G eorge, 49 Woodstock road.
St. G iles’
Morley H enry, 50 C ow ley road
Morrell Mr«. The F irs, H eadington
' hill
Morrell Mrs. F. P. 21 St. G ile s’ street
Morrell Mrs. G. H erbert, H eadington
Hill hall
Morris Cecil G raves L .D .S .R .C .S .E n g .
17 Beaum ont street
Morris Edwin H enry Judd. 10 Hill
Top road. St- C lem ent’s
Morris M iss, 219 Iffley road
Morris Mrs. 179 W oodstock rd. S t
Morris Norm an L. 50 H am ilton road,
Sum m ertown
Morris Thom as B. 43 H am ilton road.
Sum m ertown
MorrisnnMrs.8Winchester rd .S t.G iles’
Morton E dw in M .D .E din. 123 Woodstock road. S t. G iles’
Morton-Bailev H arry. 25 C harlburv rd
Mountain Tom H erbert, 19 Regent
street, Cowley St. John
Mountain W illiam H enry, 40 Aston st
C ow Ipv St. John
Mountstephen FrancisJam es,39 W hite
Horse road, Grandpont
Mowat Robert Balm ain M .A. (fellow,
dean, assistant tu to r & lecturer
Corpus C h risti college), 1 Grove
place. H igh street
Mowbrav Miss, 26 W inchester road,
St. Giles’
Moyle John Baron D .C L . (fellow &
senior b u rsa r of New college),
H olywell street
Mozlev B-ev. Alfred Dean M .A . 25 St.
M argaret's road. St. G iles’
Muffin W illiam , 53 Aston st. Cowley
St. John
Mnirhead Robert, 32 O akthorpe road.
Mnlliner M iss. 214 Iffley road
Mullins Frederick Genrge. 66 S ou th ­
field road. Cowley St. John
Mullins G eorge. 31 S t. John street
Mullis Edward Dennis. 22 S tan ley rd.
Cowley St. John
Mumby Mrs. 39 Walton crescent-. St.
Them a s’
Munday Rev. John G eorge M .A. The
Bungalow, Lucerne rd.Sum m ertow n
Munro John, 2 Bainton rd. St. G iles’
Munro John A rth u r R uskin M .A.
(bursar, lecturer in ancient history
& dean of degrees, Lincoln college).
131 Banbury road, Sum m ertown
Mnnro Mrs. 226 W oodstock Toad,
Munsev E llis, H ollywood, Clarendon
villas. Park town
Munton Mrs. 218 Cowlev road
Mnrrav Sir Jas. A. H . M .A ., L L .D .
D .C .L..D L itt..P h .D 78 Banbuiw rd
Murray Col. John Archibald, 16 Bard'tTell road
Murray G eorge G ilb ert A im é M l . ,
LL.D ., D .L itt., F .B .A . (hon. fellow
New college & St. John’s, student
"f C hrist C hurch & R egius profes­
sor of G reek, C hrist C hurch), 82
Woodstock road. S t. G iles’
Murray John M .A. (tu to r & senior
censor), C h rist C h u rch , S t.A ld a te’s
MnsgraTp Geo. M .A. i S outh P a rk e d
Musgrave H arrv, 43 Leckford road,
St. G iles’
MustaTd M rs. t i 8 D ivin ity road,
Cowlev road
Myres John Linton M .A. (W vkeham
professor of ancient history, New
college), 101 Banbury road
->aab F rederick M .A. Pem broke bo.
Cambridge terrace, St. Ebbe’s
^"el David H v. M .A. (tu to r & le c­
turer & jun ior b ursar ofT rinitv collp2,P\ to Bevington road. St. G iles'




Napier A rth u r Sam pson M .A ., Ph.D .. Osborne G eorge. 124 Southfield road,
D .L itt., F .B .A . (M erton prof. of
C on ley S t. John
E n g lish lan g u a g e & A nglo-Saxon), Osborne Miss A lice, 207 Iffley road
Headington hill
Osborne Stanley B ertra m , 19 S t. M ar­
N eal A lb ert, 48 Aston street, C ow ­
garet's road. St. G iles’
Osier S ir W illiam hart. M .D .. Hon.
ley S t. John
Neale Charles M ontague, 11 ParkD .S c., F .R .S .
(R egius professor
of m edicin e), 13 Norham gardens
crescent, Park town
Neale Frederick W illiam , 29 Bainton O sm aston B ertram Beresford,
Banbury road
road. St. G ile s’
Neil Edm und, 35 Thorncliffe road, Osm ond M is. 1 Q ueen's terrace,
Sum m ertown
Stockm ore street, C owley S t. John
N eill A lexan d er W illiam M .D . (resi­ O stler G eo.65 St. John’s rd. S t.G ile s ’
dent m edical supt. & sec.), W arne- O ttlev Rev. R obert Law rence D.D.
ford H ospital for M ental D isorders,
(canon & R egius professor of P as­
H eadington h ill
toral T h eo lo g y), O hrist C h urch , St.
A ldate’s street
N eill W illiam A dam H oyes, 10 Hernes
road, 'Sum mertown
Ovenell F red erick , 20 H am ilton road,
Nevell (Mrs. 23 Staverton Td. S t.G ile s ’
Sum m ertow n
New R. H erbert, 36 Frenchay road, Owen A lb ert Llovd, 26 Leckford rd.
'St. G ile s’
S t. G iles’
Newm an E dm und H. 17 W orcester Owen A lfred G eorge, 17 Southm oor
place, St. Thom as’
road, S t. G iles'
Newm an E dw ard, 194 W oodstock rd. Owen A rth u r S yn ge M .A . (tut-or &
Sum m ertow n
dean of degrees), K eble college
Newm an M rs. 12 St. M arg aret’s rd. Owen G eorge G u n n , 18 S tan ley road,
St. Giles'
C ow ley S t. John
Newm an Thom as, 85 Lonsdale road, Owen M rs. 5 Bradm ore road
Sum m ertow n
Owen R egin ald H erbert M .A. (dean,
N icholls Geo. Fdk. 106 Abingdon rd
tu to r & classical lectu rer W orces­
Nioholls M iss, 33 Chalfont rd .S t.G ile s ’
te r college), 6 Beaum ont street
N icholls T . i Stan ley road, C ow ley Owen Sidney G eorge M .A . (tutor),
St. John
C h rist C h u rch . St. A ldate’s street
Nicholson Mrs. 14 Beech C roft road, Owens Frederick G eorge, 185 Ifflev rd
Sum m ertown
Owens W illiam , 21 S tan ley road,C ow ­
N icholson M rs. 38 Leckford road, St.
ley St. John
G ile s’
O xby Rev. E dw ard Rowe (curate of
N ickols M iss, 30 Leckford rd .-'St. G iles'
St. G iles'), 27 St. G ile s’ street
N ix Francis W illiam , 95 Kingston Packford M iss, 189 D ivin ity road,
road, St. G iles’
Cow lev road
N ix Mrs. 8 Staverton rd. St-. G iles' Packford Mrs. 43 M arston st. C owley
N ix M rs. Jam es, 21 W arn borough rd.
S t. John
Paddon C hristopher, 2 t P ortlan d rd.
S t. G iles’
Noel Mrs. 17 B anbury road
Sum m ertow n
Noel M rs. 163 D ivin ity rd. C owley rd Paintin H arry, 14 R egent st. Cowley
Norris Mrs. 5 B otley road
Palfrey H enry Jam es, 8 P arker street
N orth E dm und. 19 Oakthorpe Toad. P alm er G eorge H enry. 97 D ivin ity rd.
Snm mertown
Cow lev road
Norton G eorge W . 149 W oodstock rd. P alm er M iss, 12 Parks rd. St. G iles’
St. G iles’
P a rg iter F rederick Eden M .A. 12
Noyce M rs. 16 Banbury road
C h arlburv road
N urse W illiam Howe, 14 Staverton Parham Rev. A rth ur G room M .A .(pre­
centor), C h rist C bu rch .'S t.A ld ate’s st
road. St, G iles’
Ockenden G eorge, 168 A bingdon rd Park M isses, to K ingston road, StO’Connor Rev. John P rittie M .A. 2
G iles’
L a th b u ry road
P arker Rev. C u th b ert Laylan d M.A
Odgers Rev. Jam es Edwin M .A .,D .D .
('prælector in theology & chaplain),
9 M arston F erry road,Sum m ertow n
U n iversitv college
Odling W illiam M .A ., M .B ., F.-R.S. P arker Rev. E dw ard S. A ., O .S .B .,
(W avnflete professor of ch em istry).
M .A. (licensed m aster of P arker’ s
13 Norham gardens
H all), 8 & 9 B eaum on t street
OT)owd Rev. W illiam Bernard, St. Parker Benjam in, 13 D ivin ity road.
C harles’ house, 1 Fvfield road
Cow lev road
O gden M iss, 347 C ow ley road
Parker Charles John. 2 t T u ri street
Ogden M iss, t Park ores. Park town P arker G eorge, 21 O akthorpe road,
O gg David M .A. (fellow & lecturer).
Sum m ertown
Parkev Joseph Townsend. 7 O akthorpe
New college
O gilvie F. M entieth M .A ., M .B..
road. Sum m ertow n
F R .C .S . 72 W oodstock rd .S t. G iles' P arker Mi «s. 43 S t. John street
O’H are Rev. Fredk. S.J. (superior). Parker M iss. 53 W oodstock road,
St. G iles’
St. A loysius P resbytery, W oodstock
Parker M iss I., M .A . C herwell hall,
road, St. G ile s’
Cow lev place
O liver W illiam Jam es, 47 Portland
road, Sum m ertow n
Parker Mrs. 47 C h alfo n t rd. St. G iles'
O m an Charles W m . C hadw ick M .A ., Parker M rs. 4T D ivin ity rd.C ow ley rd
F .B .A . (C hichele prof. of modern Parker Mrs. 256 Iffley road
h istory & fellow & librarian of All Parker Mrs. 56 O akthorpe road, Sum ­
m ertown
Souls’ college), Frew in h all, Frew in
P arker Percival Chas. 30 Beech C roft
cou rt
Onions Charles Talbot M .A .Lond. 7
road. Sum m ertown
S taverton road, St. G ile s’
P arker W illiam N eal. 1$ P arker st
Onslow non.E1nilyM arian.208 Iffley rd P arrott G eorge. Sedlescom be, L a k e
street. New H inksey
O’R eilly Jn .3i4 B an b ury rd.S un un rtw n
P arrott M iss. 203 Ifflev road
Organ E phraim , 333 C ow ley road
Organ W illiam . A venue house, E ast P arrott Percival H erbert. 14 H a m il­
ton road, Sum m ertow n
avenue, St. C lem ent’ s
Ormerod A rth ur Latham M .A ., M.D Parsons Mrs. 24 WTalton street
Nathaniel, 3 W alton crescent,
99 H olvwell street
St. Thom as’
Orpwood M rs.21 Leckford rd .S t.G iles’
Orwin Charles Stewart-, 7 M arston ParsonsSidnv.25W estern rd .G ran d p n t
F erry road, Sum m ertow n
Parsons W illiam , 18 Th orn cliffe road,
Snm m ertow n