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T ailors âcontinued.
H all Brothers, 94 H igh street, Oxford
tH an n is C. W . 10 H igh st. Chippin®
N orton
H argreaves H. Benson, W allin gford
H arris L ew is, a Ju b ilee terrace, H igh
street, E ynsham
H aycock S. 43 G loucester grn .O xford
H eath H enry, B loxham , B anbury
H erbert C has. 76 W alton st. Oxford
Hine W illiam P. 52 H igh st. Oxford
H itchm an E . H. & Son, 58 St.
A ldate's street, Oxford & 243 B an Â
b u ry Toad, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
fH o ok h am & Co. 3 C ornm arket st.
Howe H. & Co. 3 N ew Inn H all st.
O xford
Howse Hy. 22 V icto ria rd. B icester
Howse Robert, 34 C ow ley rd. Oxford
H u m p h ris John, 83 Merton street,
G rim sb u ry, B anbury
Ives H erbert, 49 Southfield rd. C ow Â
le y St. John, O xford
Janes Joseph, 50 M arket pi. Henleyon-Tham es
Jolley John, Hudson street, Deddint?ton, Oxford
Kelson H. & Sons, 52 C orn m arket st.
K elson & Sons, 46 H olyw ell st.O xford
K in g T h o s.E d w in ,ii2 W alto n st.O xfrd
K irb y G eorge, Middle Barton, Oxford
+Lake W . & Sons, 29 H igh st.B anbry
Lebas Henry, 86 H igh st. B an burv
Leech H y. 86 S t. Clem entâs et. Oxford
Lewendon C harles, W in d m ill road,
H ighfield, O xford
Lines David, 139 M agdalen road,Cow Â
le y St. John, O xford
Lom m an ft Co. 135 H igh st. Oxford
Mansell John H enry, 109 SouthmooT
road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
M artin John, 16 E d ith road, Grandpont, Oxford
tM arvch n rch Ss B lackler, 6 Queen st.
a d v e rtise m e n t
P age 41
M atthew s B urto n ,io 2W alto n st.O xfrd
M aunder & Co. S h irb u m street, W atlington, W allingford
Miles W illiam Styles, P o st office
Bodicote, Banbury
MiJlin W . & Son, 46 C ow ley rd.O xfrd
M illin & Co. L td .21 Broad st. Oxford
Morgan Joseph, H ethe, B icester
A - G - 2 3 9 C ow ley rd. Oxford
M orse W illiam H enry, 12 C harles st
C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
tM o x ey & Sons, C harlbnry
N eville George, Y am to n , Oxford
N u tt H arry, M arston, Oxford
Osborne Bros. Hook Norton, Banburv
Osborne W .Sandford -upon-Th m s Oxfil
tP aekfo rd Tom , 4 The Plain , S t. C leÂ
m en tâs, Oxford
Palm er E dw ard, H ethe, B icester
tP a r g e te r & Son,38 M arket pl.Banbrv
Peake C harles, 61 H igh st. B an b ury
Penn B rothers, 35 C astle st. Oxford
f P e t t Sam i. 12 B an b u ry rd. Oxford
F u n m Robert, H igh st. Eynsham
Piper Jam es W m . 2 Ship st. Oxford
TPoole Geo. W. 6 M arket sq. Bicester
Pow ell H erbt. 52 C ow ley rd. Oxford
Powell Rowland, 209 C owley rd. Oxfrd
f P r a tle v A. & Son, 18 W oodstock rd.
S t. G iles', Oxford
P ra tlev E. H ensington la. W oodstock
fP resto n & Son, 249 B anbury road,
Sum m eTtown, Oxford
Preston Charles E . H igh st. Burford
Preston John,21 T hom cliffe road,Snm mertow n, Oxford
Prio r Jason, 6 E ssex street, M ag Â
dalen road, Oxford
fP u rn e ll, P hipps & Purn ell, 128 H igh
street, Oxford
P u rser Leonard, 102 H igh st. Tham e
P yke John, 97 S t. A ldateâs st. Oxford
R id ley & Co. 111 S t. A ldateâ s st.O xfd
[O X F O R D S H IR E .
[Robbins G eorge, 27 Bullingdon road,
I C owley St. John, Oxford
fRobeson W illiam H. 15J & 16 H igh
street, B anbury
Rogers W . & Son, 3,6 S t.M ich aelâs st.
Rose H arry, 5 H igh street, Tham e
tS c riv e n e r T .A .3 1 M arket sq.B icester
Shepherd A . 7 C orn m arket st. O xfrd
Sheppard W illia m ,H enry, 21 Reading
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Shepperd B roth ers,21 H igh st.O xford
Shurrock A . E. 199 Cowley rd. Oxford
S kipper A rth u r E dw ard, 39 S t.M a ryâs
^ road, C ow ley S t. John, O xford
Snow C . J. L im e walk.H ighfld. O xfrd
Standen & Co. (m ilitary outfitters),
n o H igh street, Oxford
Stedh am E rn est,49a,M arket sq.W itny
S tevens & Sons,51 M arket sq.B icester
Stone R ich ard , 20 Juxon street, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
Sum m ersell H. 46 A bingdon T d . O xfrd
Sw ears & C o .i K in g E d w ard st.O xfrd
T im m s John, 24 A rg y le street,
Chester street, Oxford
T itco m b W alter John, 5 W arneford
road, S t. C lem entâ s) & 127 Cowley
road, Oxford
Treadw ell H arry, B loxham , B anbury
T y rrell & Co. 8 G eorge st. Oxford
f Valentin e & B arr ell L im ited , 29
M arket square, W itn ey
V alen tin e & W igh tm an , St. Thom asâ
street, Deddington, Oxford
fV a len tin e A .W . 10 M arket sq.W itney
tW a lk e r & B ard,47M arket sq.B icester
W alker W m .H . 24 & 25 Broad st.O xfd
fW alteTs & Co. (O xford) L im ited , 8,
9 & 10 T u rl street & 19, 20 & 21
Ship street, Oxford
W ard Joseph, 39 L ittle Clarendon st.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
W areham W a lter Jam es, 22 London
place, St. C lem entâs, Oxford
W arner C. 63 St. A ldate's st. Oxford
W atts Joshua, 10 & 12 Bell st. H enÂ
ley-on-Tham es
W heeler J. R. 30 S t. A ldateâs st.O xfrd
W hiting Edward, 122 M arlborough rd.
Grandpont, Oxford
Windows H. H. 76 Cowley rd. Oxford
W oodward H enry W illiam W ilton , 51
C om m arket street, Oxford
W rig h t Henry, 185 C owley rd. Oxfrd
M orley S ergt.-M ajo r Geo. U n iversity
gym n asiu m , A lfred street, H igh
street, Oxford
Teachers of Languages.
Roberts M rs. M ary Ann, 104 Merton
street, G rim sbury, B anbury
See Grocers & T ea Dealers.
Brooke, Bond & Co. L im ited , 26 St.
A ldateâs street, Oxford
Cadena C afés L td . 45 & 46 CornÂ
m ark et street, Oxford
Home & Colonial Stores L im ited, 78
H igh street, Banbury
International T ea Co.â s Stores Ltd.
6 C ornm arket, T h a m e ; 93 & 94
H igh street, B an b u ry; 24 Bell st.
H en ley-on -T h am es; 21 Sheep st.
B icester; H igh street, W atlington,
W allin gford & 17 M arket pi. C hipÂ
ping Norton
Star Tea Co. L im ited, 15 H igh street,
Banbury & 8 N ew Inn Hall street,
T arran t W. H. & Sons, 32 & 36 M arÂ
ket square, W itn ey
T eachers of Dancing.
H arris C. 34 W alton street, Oxford
Leach H enry Thom as de Blois, St.
M ildred's hall, T u rl street, Oxford
Teacher o f Dressmaking1.
P arker M iss A lice M aud, 50 C orn Â
m arket street, Oxford
Teachers of Drill.
Bow drey SeTgt. G eorge W illiam , 87
Bell street, H enley-on-Tham es
C ollier Sergt.-'M ajor A rth u r (O xfordÂ
shire Y eom an ry), W hite house,
M arket place, H enley-on-Tham es
Teachers of E locution.
de B ergerac M adem oiselle B ernice,
21a, Broad street, Oxford
G illard M iss A .B . Lloyds Bank cham Â
bers, H igh street, Oxford
Teacher of Gymnastics.
B erlitz School of L an gu ages L im ited ,
9 H igh street, Oxford
H igh street,B attersea, London S W
C u tclifle F. H. D. 45 Broad st.O xford
Legran d A lexis, n Beech C roft road,
See Brokersâ Tallow.
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
W adham M adam e Louise, i62D ivinity
road, C ow ley Toad, Oxford
Bowen B .&Son,5H igh st.C hippingN rtn
H o ra c e
L im ite d ,
Teachers of Music.
Bailey W .G .4 sB ell st.H enley-on-Thm s
D ay & Co. n M arket street, Oxford. B iggs W a lter L y le, 30 A rg y le street,
Chester, street, Oxford
See a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 5 2
H edderlv B rothers, 9 M arket street & Boyle Edm d. J. 44 W alton st. Oxford
B radford W illiam , B an b ury road,
E d ith road, G randpont, Oxford
B loxham , B an bury
P n tm an F red erick H. 20 H ig h street,
Casey F ran k , 108 Howard street,
C h ip p in g Norton
Cowley S t. John, Oxford
W all Jabez & Son, H ig h st. Burford
C lare Miss K . 20 Beaum ont st.O xford
s W alter, 92 A bingdon rd.O xfrd
E dgington John & Co. L im ited , S a rÂ
dinia house, S ardin ia street, K in gs- Daniels Joseph, 9 G rove st. Oxford
E rn est A . 3 D ivin ity road,
w ay, London W C.
T A â A bri,
C ow ley road, Oxford
London â
U n i t e J o h n L i m i t e d , 291 & 293 Godwin W m . Steeple Aston, Oxford
H arvey W illiam H enry, M illdown rd.
E dgw are Toad, London W
Goring, Reading
Lan sd ale & Sons L im ited , 37 & 38
K ilp ack M iss E lsie, 21 C om m ercial
B orough road, London S E
road, S t. E bbe's, Oxford
T A RPA U LIN & W ATERÂ L ester M iss Barbara Louise, 130 M agÂ
dalen road, C ow ley S t.Joh n , Oxford
M orrison Jam es & Sons, 222 Upper L u ttm an W alter Charles F .R .C .O . 25
B ridge street, B an bury
Tham es street, London E C
M orley F rederick W . W indm ill road,
H ighfield, Oxford
Organ Miss G ladys, 23 Bullingdon
See B ird & A n im al P reservers.
1 road, C ow ley St. John, Oxford