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Lam burn W m . baker, 3 St. M ary's rd. C ow ley S t. John
L am m as W illiam , shopkeeper, 11 Nelson street, Jericho
Lander A lb ert W illiam , grocer, 91 P ercy st. Cowley
Lane John Robert, clothier, 9 Queen street
Lardner M aria (S irs.), u n iv ersity lodgin g house, 12
Long W all street
L asb urv P ercy W illiam , hair dresser, 40 South parade,
Sum m ertown
L u unchb ury C has. refreshm ent caterer, 52 A bingdon rd
Law es Geo. chim ney sweeper, 89 B lackfriars rd .S t.E b b e âs
Law rence Edwin P. dairy,5 Denm ark st.C ow ley St.John
Lawson E lizabeth Anne (M rs.), aparts. 24 St. John st
Lawson M ary I. (M iss), u n iversity lodging house, 39
St. John street
L a y A lfred, baker, 47 G reat Clarendon street, Jericho
L a y W alter W illiam Jam es, B lack Swan P.H . 11 Crown
street, C owley St. John
Leach Edward L. phonograph dealer, 18 L ittle C larenÂ
don street, S t. G ilesâ
Leach H enry Thom as de Blois, teacher of dancing, St.
M ildredâs hall, T u rl street
Leach Thos. clothes cleaner, 1 Denm ark st.O owleySt.John
Leake E m m a (M iss), dress ma. 4 Boulter st.S t.C lem en tâs
Ledger Ernest W m . cycle repr. 1 L ittleg a te st. S t.E b b eâs
L ed ger W illiam , fu rn itu re dealer, 25 A lb ert st. Jericho
Lee M argaret k B atty Annie (M isses), girls' school, 3
Bradm ore road
Lee A rth u r, architect, see T ollit, Lee & G ardner
Lee Henry H. plu m ber, 26 Tem ple st. Cowley S t. John
Leech Henry, tailor, 86 St. Clem entâs street
Leed Jam es C. tobacconist, 85 H igh street
Leed John, u n iversity lodgin g house, 56 H igh street
Leete H enry Baird M .A. p rivate tutor, 138 H igh street
L efro y Tracy E dw ard, m anager N ational Provincial Bank
of England L im ited, C ornm arket street
L egrand A lexis, teacher of french, 11 Beech Croft road,
Sum m ertow n
Lennards L im ited , boot m akers, 39 Queen street
L e ster Andrew, m otor garage, 130 M agdalen rd. C o v lev
St. John
L ester Barbara Louise (M iss), teacher of m usic, 130
M agdalen road, Cowley S t. John
L ester Kathleen (M iss),'ap arts. 7 W estern rd.G randpont
Le«ter-Sm ith W illiam , county land agent. County
offices, New road
L tv e tt F rederick Charles, florist, 17 T u rl street
Lew is A lb ert E dw ard, poor rate collector for Oxford
Incorporation, 4 W alton street
Lewi 8 B enjam in W hitehead, cycle agent, 28 L ittle
Clarendon street, S t. Giles'
Lew is E rn est, chartered accountant, see C ritehlev.
Lew is & W ard
Lew is H arry, tobacconist, 29 Lit. Clarendon st.S t.G ile s â
Lew is John T . d istrict registrar of th e probate court,
10a, New road
Lewis R alph, fru iterer, 282 Cowley road
L ibb y A da (M iss), dress ma. i q W estern rd. G randpont
L iberal Association (Thom as Vidgeon P retty, agent),
Reform club, 52 New Inn H all street
Liddell E d g ar Frank, university lodgin g ho. 41 Iffley rd
L iddell E llen M. (M iss), embToidTess. 9 B lue Boar st
L illey G eorge H erbert M .D.. M B .C .P ., M .R .G S . ph yÂ
sician & surgeon, 29 Chalfont road, St. G iles'
L l li e L ilv (M rs.), servantsâ reg istry office. 74 Kingston
road, St. G ilesâ
Lillingston M essrs. (established 1830), boot & shoe
m akers. 48 Cornm arket street. T A â L illin gston â
Lim u ru E states L im ited (Bertie F . W oodward, s e c .) ;
registered office. 138 H igh street
Linaker Percy, editor of the â Oxford Chronicle & Berks
& Bucks G azette.â n o H igh street
Lincoln College (Rev. W m . W alter M erry D.D. rector).
Tu rl street
L in d sey John & S on ,bu tch ers.46.<17. 48 & 53 The M arket
Lindsey k Sons, tru ss & surgical instrum en t m akers &
opticians. 8 Broad street.
S ee a d v e rtis e m e n t
page 5 7
L in dsev W illiam Lew is, butcher. 3 & 4 The M ark et;
107 W alton street & 14 Kingston road. S t. G iles'
Lines D avid, tailor, 139 M agdalen road. Cowley St. John
Lines E lizabeth M ary (M iss), dress m a. 25 St. John st
L innell & M urphy, solicitors & com m issioners for oaths,
45 Queen street
T.'nnell W illiam Howes, solicitor, see Linnell k M nrphv
Lion L ilv Shoe Co. boot m akers k dealers. 188 C ow ley rd
Lipton L td .provision m ers.44 Queen st.& 118 Cowlev rd
L - e e m o r e E r n e s t & A r t h u r , glas« & china w areÂ
house, 37 Gporge street k 53 k 54 St. G iles' street
L isem ore E dw in, fried fish shop. <34 C ow ley road
Lisem ore M innie (M rs.). fried fish shop. T2i C owley rd
L itten M ary Jane (M rs.), Balloon inn, 23 Queen street
[ k e l l y âs
Liverpool V icto ria L eg al F rien d ly Society (J. G Dari
m an ager), 6 The Plain, St. C lem en tâs
Lloyd A lb ert E dw ard, a p a rts.50 W estern rd.Grandn
L loyd C harles, well sinker, Cold A rbour, S t. Aldate
L loyd G eorgina (M rs.), aparts.20 Southm oor rd.St Gil »
Lloyds Bank L im ited (E dw ard John Bowerbank
ag e r), 2 & 3 H igh stre e t; draw 011 head office Lom bard street, London E C
Local Exam inations D elegacy (H . T . Gerrans M A
Merton street
Loder G eorge, w atch m aker, 29 London pi. St. Clement''
Lodging House D elegacy (Rev. W. W arner M.A. con
troller), Clarendon building, Broad street
Lom man & Co. tailors k breeches m akers, 135 High street
London & Birm ingham Supply Co. house furnishers rCowley road k 235 Banbury road, Summertown
London C ity k M idland Bank L im ited (branch) (hoars
9 till 3, thurs. 9 till 12.30) (W alter Leonard Cavan'
m an ager), 64 k 65 Cornm arket s t r e e t ; draw on head
office, 5 Threadneedle street, London E C
London C ity k M idland Bank Lim ited (Metropolitan
Bank branch) (hours 9 till 3, th u rs. 9 till 12.30) (Geo
H ughes, m anager), 61 & 62 C ornm arket street; draw
011 head office, 5 Threadneedle street, London E C
London C oun ty k W estm in ster Bank Lim ited (Walter
Cockell, m anager), 121 H igh street (hours 9 till 3,
th urs. 9 till 12.30) k 165 Cowley roa d ; draw on head
office, 41 L o th bu ry, London E C
London & N orth W estern Railw ay Goods & Parcels
Offices (Robert R uffell, goods a g e n t; S. C. Thomas,
parcels agen t), 51a, Cornm arket s treet: goods depot
(Robert R uffell, m anager). B otley r o a d ; &fcoal wharf,
R ew ley road, S t. Thom asâ
London & Provincial A n ti-V ivisection Society (Oxford
branch) (Miss E . G . F letch er, hon. sec. ; Misses R. k
S. Gane, assistant hon. secs.), 10 Stan ley road, Cowlev
St. John
Long Annie (M iss), dress m a. 32 S outh par.SummertwD
Long Florence (M iss), draper, 82 S t. A ldateâs street
Lon g F loren ces. (M iss),m achine k n itter,93 St.Aldateâs st
L o n g F ran k Thom as, cutler, 19 Broad street
Lon g F rederick , The Plough P.H . 23 St. Aldateâs street
Long Frederick David, boot & shoe m aker,M arket House
bu ild in gs. M arket s t r e e t ; k 13 G eorge st.Summertown
Lon g H enrietta (M rs.), servantsâ reg istry office, 48 CornÂ
m arket s treet; k at 68 H igh st. Maidenhead. See
a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e
Long Thom as H. confectioner, 43 Queen street & 109
St. A ldateâs street
Long W illiam , builder, 21 Richmond road, St. Thomas'
Long W illiam , gasfitter, New Inn yard, St. Aldateâs st
Longford Chas. beer retailer. 1 F riars wharf, St. Ebbeâs
Lon gh urst & Co. L im ited , house decorators, 213 & 215
Cowley road & 18 G eorge street
Lord Jam es, leather seller, see H arris & Lord
Lord John, beer retailer, 30 L a k e street, New Hinksev
Lord W m . A lfred, insur. agt.16 Sidn ey st.CowleySt.Jobn
Lovegrove Fredk. apartm ents,24 Pem broke st.St.Aldateâs
Loveland Fredk. sweep, 2 Stockm ore st. Cowley St.John
Lowe Jsph. & Son, decorators.46 St. Johnâs rd. St. Gilf''
Lowe Florence (M rs.), univ. lo dgin g ho. 6 St. John st
Lowe Fredk. Danl. builder, 22 Norfolk st. St. Ebbeâs
Lowe Mary Ann (M rs.),grocer, 48 St. Johnâs rd.St.Gilesâ
Lowe Susannah (M rs.), beer retailer, 152 Walton street
Loxley Frederick Lionel K eith M .P .S . chem ist, 66 St.
G ile sâ street. T N 706
Loyal Oxonian Foresters Boy Scouts (F. J. Archer, sec.).
Cowlev road
Lucas W. F. & Co. L im ited , underclothing manufacÂ
turers, 59 G eorge street k G eorge Street mews
Lu cas Christopher W . architect, 131 High street
Lucas Frederick, u n iversity lodgin g house, 6 Manor rd.
Lucas Olive (M rs.), dTess ma. 80 Southmoor Td.St.Gile^
Lu cy W . & Co. Lim . engineers, W alton Well rd. St.Giles
Ludecke E rn est, m usical in strum en t warehouse, 41 "
43 C owley road
Luker Isaac, W illiam the Fourth P.H. 57 Holywell stree
L u k er W alt. H erbt. aparts. 3 Bath place, Holywell st
Luker W alter W. u n iv ersity lodging house, 23 Iffle> r
L u n gley Jam es B .A . solicitor k com m issioner for oaths.
6 & 7 Cornm arket street
Lunn Colin, tobacconist, t k Lloyds Bank c h a m b e r s .
H igh street k 52 St. G ilesâ street
L u xton G eorge Thom as, fishm onger, 109 St.Clem ents
Lvnam Charles C otterell M .A. preparatory school, Bar
well road
Lyn am Rt G arner M .A .. M B. physician,;32 HolywellJ
Lysag h t Rev. John A rth u r C ., M.A. private tu 0 ,
132 H igh street
M cC lu sk vE m ilv(M rs.).la u n d ry,6 Park End st.St.T o n Macdonald E lizabeth (M rs.), tobacconist* u Cow ey