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d ir e c t o r y . ]
O X F O R D S H IR E .
Lowendon Frederick, beer retailer, 51 M arket place
S alisbury Conservative C lub (M ajor V alen tin e F lem in g
Machin Alfred, butcher, 24 H art street
M.P, p resid en t; G. W. Reeves, t r e a s u r e r ; W . G
Machin Edward, butcher, 53 Bell street
Cobb, hon. sec.), Queen street & R eadin g road
Machin Gabriel, butcher, 7 M arket place
Sarney W illiam Henry, builder, Fernside, Berkshire rd.
Mcllroy W illiam L im ited, drapers, 51 Duke street &
& Reading road
* hatters, 3 Beading road
Saunders Frank, butcher, 13 M arket place
McKenzie Donald, watch m aker, 35 Duke street
Saunders H erbert, butcher, 25 Duke street
M a c P h e r s o n James, surveyor to Henley R ural D istrict
Saunders M atthew, apartm ents, 19 Vicarage road
* Council & deputy supt. registrar, 45 St. M arkâs road
Savage G eorge Thom as, cabinet maker, 37 & 39 Bell st
Macqueen Henry & F rederick, b uilders, 96 Bell street
S cott Thom as Arnold, Q ueenâs Head P.H . 30 Duke st
Macqueen Ernest Jam es, treasu rer to the Corporation Scott W alter W ebb, insurance agent, 14 Harpsden road
& to Henley M unicipal C harities, deputy clerk to Searle & Sons, boat builders, Station road
magistrates & assistan t clerk to the commissioners Seym our B rothers, boot m akers, 53 Reading road
of property, income & land taxes, 2 W est street
Shailes G eorge, jobbing gardener, 32 St. M arkâs road
Macqueen Fredk.O ld W hite Horse P.H .iooN orthfield end Sheibner Richard, A ngel hotel, Tham es side
Maidenhead D istrict L aundry Co. (receiving office), 19 Sheppard E rn est Thos. stone k, m arble m ason ,66 B ell st
Duke street
Sheppard Sidney, W heatsheaf P.H. 16 R eadin g road
Maidment & Sons, p lu m b ers, 17 R eading road
Sheppard W illiam Henry, tailor, 21 Reading Toad
Maidment Charles, beer retailer, 43 G ravel hill
Short F rederick John, shopkeeper, 180 G re y âs h ill
Markquick & Co. stationers, 40 Bell street
Shrubshall Norton, greengrocer, 17 Duke street
Marshall W illiam , photographer, 3 H art street
Sburvell A rth u r, picture fram e m aker, 19 Reading road
Mason Tom Leslie, Royal Oak P.H . 6 G reys road
Sirnmonds & Co. butchers, R eading road
Masonic Lodge, Tham es, No. 1,895 (Frederick G. Lee, S i m m o n s & S o n s , land & estate agents, auctioneers
sec.); meetings on the second tuesday in every month]
& v a lu ers; offices, Crandem gate, Bell s treet; & at
excepting June, July, A u gu st & Sept! Reading road
Reading & Basingstoke. Telephone No. 2
Matthews Charles, apartm ents. 38 Queen street
Simmons Alfred H enry, marine store dir. 68 G reys road
Mead Stanley A lfred, h air dresser, 29 & 31 Duke street
Sim m s H enry T . auctioneer, see O ldacres & Sim m s
Mercer & Blaker, solicitors & com m issioners for oaths, Sin ger S ew in g Machine Co. L im ited, sew ing m achine
52 New street
m an u facturers, 16 M arket place
Messers Limited, tim ber m erchants, Reading road
Slade George W illiam , carrier, 23 K in g 's road
Middleton George, baker, 106 Reading road
S m ith C. H. & Son, p rin ters, 35 F rid ay street
Mills James Edward, O ddfellowsâ A rm s P .H .2 C h urch st S m ith. Susm ann & Brownlow, physicians & surgeons,
Monk Charles & Son, drapers, 1 & 3 Bell street
4 8 H art street
Morris W. A. & Sons, leather, sellers, 47 Reading road
S m ith W . H. & Son, news agents, 1, 3 & 5 Duke street
Morris William, saddler & harness m aker, 24 Duke st
S m ith A. Hammond L D .S.E ng. dentist, 29 H art street
Morshead Sarah & E lizabeth (M isses), fancy drapers
S m ith Edward W atts, com m ercial trav. 94 Reading road
Hart street
S m ith E dw in, hair dresser, 23 R ead in g road
Moss Henry & Sons, fruiterers, 5 R eadin g road & 54 Sm ith G eorge M .B ., C.M . surgeon, see S m ith , Susmann
Bell street & confectioners, 56 Bell street
& Brownlow
Murless Robert A rm itage M .R .C .V .S . veterin ary su r South Oxon Liberal Association (A. W . M ills, agen t), 7
geon, 33 Hart street
Reading road
Murray Lindley, tobacconist, 16 Duke street
Steele A lbert John,, fru iterer, 12 Duke street
Neate Henry, beer retailer, 55 G reys road
Strange W illiam , shopkeeper, 39 W est street
Neighbour & Co. grocers, 29 & 31 Bell street
Susmann W alter Jas. M .A ., M .B ., B .C .C am b., M .R .C .S.
Neville William & Son, grocers, 15 G ravel h ill
E n g., L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon (firm , Sm ith, Susm ann
Norris Walter, baker, 80 W est street
& Brownlow), & assistant m edical inspector of schools
O'Hara & Lee Brothers, b utchers, 73 Bell street
to the County E ducation C om m ittee, E rch fon t,
Oldacres k Simms, auctioneers, 15 & 16 Station road
Reading road
Feck Alfred, grocer, see N eighbour & Co
Sutton & Co. carriers (Charles B. Bradford, agen t), 9 &
Peek Herbert Horace, builder, 42 Bell street
11 Bell street
Percy Annie Jane (M rs.), hosier, 23 Bell street
Sw adling Stephen W illiam , apartm ents, 32 Queen street
Perrin Arthur Edward, photographer, i ; Friday street
T ack Am os, boot m aker, 22 New street
Perrin Dorothy (M rs.), confectioner, 15 Tham es side
Talbot Bros, tobacconists, 13 Station road
Phyllis Court Club, Marlow road & New street
Talbot Annie (M iss), dress m aker, 81 Reading road
Piercv Richard, horse slaughterer, 86 W est street
T arry A ugustus Robert, carrier, 22 N orthfield end
Pine Thomas W illiam , beer retailer, 41 & 43 Duke st
T aylor W illiam , confectioner, 28 Duke street
Piper George W illiam , plum ber, 51a, Bell street
Teague Edw ard H enrv M ay, shopkeeper, 159 G revs road
Wher Alfred baker, 49 Bell street k 1 Reading road
Technical In stitute (Frederick E agle, technical m aster;
1 ant Frank H. draper, see Delarue & Plant
T . W. Cole, art m aster; John F rederick Cooper, sec.),
8 & 10 Duke street
H?rt6stTOtrleS S ' aCtUary H enley Savings Bank, 25
Th atch er Fredk. shopkpr. & post office,30 N orthfield end
P°ri^-(G.e0rge' , engineOT' Henley-°n-Tham es W ater Co. Thompson & Son, clothiers, 2 2 D uke street
P . . f '' âT o rk s'
G l e J's Toad
Thom pson M ary (M iss), apartm ents, 21 Vicarage road
Prat Fâl]ra*<V 0.!IeClOr of income
46 St. M ark's rd Tom alin John & Sons, undertakers, 21 & 48 N ew street
SUrJ Sy0T & inspector of nuisances to Tom alin John O liver, electrical engineer, 48 New street
Pratt p
i10nâ 40 St. M arkâs road
Toom er R. & Co. L im ited , coal & coke m erchants & hay
ratt Henry, boot m aker, 48 A lb ert road
& straw salesm en, Station r o a d ; Tham es side &
man .Joseph & Sons, tent m akers, F riday street
Northfield end. S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 0
S n s Chart
m ° t° r engineer, J H art street
Town Hall (E rn est H enry Fox, keeper), M arket place
Board of Trad S enr5â stationer. k local agent for Townsend F redk E dw ard, Bear P.H . 77 & 79 Bell street
R-adint L
, ? Unem ploym ent fund, 33 G reys road
Tran ter Florence (M iss), florist, 3 H art street
Reckin Fdv a f .C o-°Perat>ve Society Ltd. 52 Bell st
Tranter Joseph, apartm ents, 16 St. M arkâs road
Red Linn n
l?lr dresser' *5 R eadin g road
T ran ter Rebecca M arion (M iss),costum ier, 5a,R eadin g rd
Reeves Benbm? CHeniey-°n-Tham es) L td . T ham es side
T rim Henry Jam es, w h eelw righ t, 43 Northfield end
R ^ es James w ' â " I
â 39â « * 68 Bell street
T u rn er S tu art L td . m echanical engnrs.43 & 45M arket pi
Reynolds S v d
i 7 ' b ° 0 t m a k e r - 10 G ''e v s m a d
Venezi Robert, Broad G ates P.H . 47 M arket place
Richings Chari!5â
en^ineey, 5 ° Bell street
Vernon Richard (M rs.), apartm ents, 46 Bell street
aPartm ents, 11 New street
W ain w righ t & W indsor, physicians & surgeons, 42 Bell st
W ain w righ t W illiam
Longw orth
M .B .,
B .S .L o n d .,
Robins Brotl,eisa"on m l* 0 , tohac?onistâ 34 Bell street
s' ° utfitters, 4 Duke street
L R .C .P .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g . physician & surgeon,
Rebins Lolu f r MnIn! 7 v ! hâ pke.eP fr ' 23 Harp«deii road
R°bins Lioyd (M rf't â b<âer retailei'- 40 N ew street
Wakefield W illiam , coal dealer, 50 Queen street
Robinson t i l u
apartm ents, 59 M arket place
Walden & Cox, builders, 1 & 3 G ravel hill
Roden J o h n t T ? i â Sherw,o od- Bul1 â >â ⢠57 & 5 » Bell st- W alker & C o .âs Stores L im ited , provision m erchants, 2 2
1106 John 'in-irt
! r â teacher of m usic, 56 Reading rd
& 2 4 M arket place
^ogers Brnth
611 Sâ 9 H am ilton avenue
W alker John C ecil, m anager to B arclay & Com pany
r°thers, eiifYinppvc
L im ited , bankers, 10 & 12 H art street
W alking L u cy (M rs.), apartm ents, 3 S t. M arkâs road
W alter A lberta Florence & C harlotte M atilda (M isses),
dress m akers, 123 Reading road
vies W t t o 1, aPartrnents, 27 Vicai
Ward Frank, ironmonger, 2 7 & 63 Bell street
Son, dyers & cleaners, 85 Bell street
W atts Joshua, tailor, 10 & 12 Bell street