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Pearson A lfred J. boot & shoe m aker,
H igh street
Piz/.ey Frank & Son, builders
P rio r Am brose H. w atch m aker
Ranee E lizabeth (M i's.), shopkeeper
R apley W illiam , shopkeeper
R eading Room (Jn .B arn ett, hon. sec)
Ree Hy. Edwd. p hotographr. H igh st
Robinson A lb ert,w atch m ak er.H igh st
Row E m m a (M iss), costum ier.H igh st
Sandw ith W. H. & Son, chem ists.
H igh street

Saunders E m ily (M rs.), beer retailer
S cott
A lexander
Thom as
L.D .S .
dentist (attends friday, 11.50)
Searle Charles W m . pianoforte tun er
Shepherd Wm. insur. agt. Q ueen’s rd
Shobrook W illiam , T h atch tavern,
Sim m onds Francis, shopkeeper
Sleet Jam es, carman
Stephens Robert Henry, New inn
S tevens John E . news agent
T aylor G eorge Ernest, Cannon inn


S U N N I N G W E L L is a p arish bounded 011 the east by
the Tham es, 2J m iles norch-w est from the Radley s ta ­
tion on the G reat W estern railw ay and 3 north from
A bingdon, in the N orthern division of the countv, h un ­
dred of H orm er, p etty sessional division, union and
county cou rt district of A bingdon, ru ral deanery of
Abingdon, archdeaconry of B erks and diocese of Oxford.
T he township of K ennington, which is p artly in this
parish and p a rtly in the p arish of Radley, was con­
s titu ted a separate ecclesiastical parish February 16,
1866. The church of S t. Leonard is a building of stone,
consisting of chancel, nave, w est porch and an em­
battled tower w ith four pinnacles and containing 5
b e lls : the sem i-octagonal porch, an addition in the
Elizabethan style, was erected by John Jew el D.D. who
was rector here about 1551, and Bishop of S alisbury
15 5 9 " 7 I I
fam ous “ A pology for the C hurch of E n g ­
land ” and “ Defence of the A p olo gy,” copies of w hich
were placed in m any E n glish churches for th e com ­
mon use of the parishioners, are s till to be found in
some B erkshire churches. There is also a m onum ent
to H annibal Baskerville esq. who died in 1688; and
other m em orials to the learned Dr. Sam uel F ell, Dean
of C h rist C hurch, Oxford, in 1638, and form erly rector
of this parish, who is said to have died of g rief 1st
F eb ruary, 1649, on hearin g of the execution of Charles
I . ; and to M argaret h is w ife, who survived h im : the
handsome com m union table was given b y Bishop J ew el:
the church was restored by subscription in 1877 a t a
cost of ¿1,20 0 , and has 165 s ittin g s; the p orch was re ­
stored in 1902 at a cost of ¿ 15 0 . Th e reg ister dates
from the year 1543. The livin g is a rectory, n et yearly
value ¿30 0, w ith residence and 12 acres of glebe, in
the g ift of E d gar Norton D isney esq. and held since
1898 b y the Rev. B enjam in G eorge C o llett W h ittin gton ,
of S t. E dm und H all, Oxford, A sso c.K .C .L . and surro­
gate. There is a ch arity of the yea rly value of about
¿ 4 5 , arisin g p artly from land and p artly from m oney
in the funds, called “ Poor’s Land C h arity,” th e proceeds
of which are devoted to the support of the poor. The
soil is clay, sand and lim estone; subsoil, gravel. The
C rane M rs. Manor lodge
G reen M rs. M. W h ittin gton ,B ayw o rth
G reening Richard, Old Manor house
H olbertson Mrs. G lebe house
M athews Mrs. Th e Lodge
W hittin gton R ev. Benjam in G eorge
C ollett A ssoc.K C .L . (rector & s u r­
rogate), R ectory

C ripps J. T. & Son, blacksm iths
Deane Dennis, farm er, B eaulieu Court
G odfrey C harles, shopkeeper
G reen C lifford W h ittin gton , farm er,
Bayw orth
G reening
W illiam ,
farm er, Long
F urlon g farm
S ilvester L u c y (M rs.), grocer
S tanbridge A ugu stu s, farm er, C h urch
Thom pson C harles, land surveyor
W icks Jam es, b uilder

[ k e l l y ’s
1Taylor W illiam , tailor, Cheapside
'T rip p F rederick, carm an & carrier,
Queen's road
W ait Fredk. B ertie, grocer, H igh st
W ake W m . E. C arpenters’ A rm s P.H
W alker Geo. J. builder. T h e V illage
West.macntt Thom as H enry, fr u it­
erer, H igh street
Wood Francis W alter,W h ite H art P.H
U’oodgate F rederick, in suran ce agent
W oollatt W illiam , baker & grocer
W yard H enrv A . W ells inn

chief crops are w heat, barley, beans and turnips. The
population in 1911 was 425; the parish com prises 1,331
acre s; rateable value, ¿4,068.
B A Y W O R T H is a ham let half a m ile north, and has a
B ap tist chapel. Here resided Thom as B askerville, son
of H annibal B askerville esq. a topographical w riter
whose M S. journals of his travels in England in 1677-8,
are now in the H arleian collection at the B ritish
M useum
B y Local G overnm ent Board O rder 18,177, dated
M arch 25, 1885, two detached parts of Sunningw ell
parish, known as the Isle of W ig h t and K ennington
village^ were added to Radley, and G reat and L ittle
D ucklings and Bayw orth have been transferred from
A bingdon S t. Nicholas to Sunningw ell, under the pro­
visions of the “ Divided Parishes A c t.” M rs. M. W h it­
tin gton Green is lady of the manor.
D eputy Clerk and Sexton, Jonathan Honey.
Post Office.— M rs. E . A . Thom pson, sub-postm istress.
L etters from A bingdon by m essenger, arrivin g at 7
а.m . & 12.20 p.m . ; dispatched at 7.50 a.m . & 12.45 &
7.30 p.m . ; no Sunday delivery of letters. Boar’s H ill,
1 m ile distant, is the nearest m oney order & tele­
graph office
E lem en tary School (m ixed), erected in 1871, for 76
children, w ith teacher's house a d jo in in g ; Miss M illy
F alkner, m istress
Police Station, Charles Lam bourne, constable in charge
F O X C O M B E H IL L is a ham let and residential suburb
of Oxford, standing on the brow of a h ill, half a m ile
from Sunningwell.
Post, M. 0 ., T. & Telephonic E xpress Deliverv Office
(Boar’s H ill), Foxcom be H ill.— Joseph W m . Trinder,
sub-postm aster. Letters th rou gh O xford arrive a t
б.30 a.m . & 1.45 & 5 p .m . ; sundays, 6.30 a.m . ; d is­
patched at 9.55 a.m . & 3.10 & 8 p.m . ; sun. 10.40 a.m
W all L e tter Box, Foxcom be H ill, cleared at 9.50 a.m . &
2 -5 5 & 7 - 5 P-m - 5 sundays, 10.3.0 a.m

Pincent H um e C ., M .A . Glenfield
F ox ­ Pole Miss H. J. L y d g ate
Rant Jam es, S t. Colum b
Shawcross H erbert Tuer J.P. W ithy
Bateson Alfred
Shepherd A rth u r, W hite lodge
Booth M rs. M ortim er
Spokes G eorge Newcom b, Bayw orth
C arritt E d g ar Frederick M .A Heath
Stevens Miss C. 0 . Th e Plain
Darbishire Bernard V . Green Roof cot Stevens Mrs. T h e C ottage
Darbishire M rs. Th e G rey house
Sweeny Rev. Philip, M ontm artre
G ill M rs. Larkfield
W edgwood M rs. Laurence, Homeland
Goold Mrs. Woodland
W eigal Mrs. M elfort m anor
G raham Mrs. O rchard lea
H aggie G eorge A lfred, B rum com be
Balls Jas. W m . farm er, Yatscom be
H artley E rnald Geo. J. Th e Bungalow Boars H ill H otel Co. Lim ited (Miss
H ilev W ilfred, Danesfield
A lice M. Rodenhurst. m anageress)
Iliffe A lfred P ., B .A . O verdale
Boars H ill School (Miss Beatrice
K itch in M rs. Sarah E . Holmwood
Sainsbury & M iss F rida Zim m ern,
MoDougall W m . M .A.,M .B.W oodsend
principals) .
M ulliner H enry Jervis, Sandlands
H iggins Joseph, aparts. Snodenham
Patterson Rev. M elville W atson M .A. Hosier Jas.B. laundry, Red Corps frm
Yatscom be
Redding Joseph, grocer


should be addressed
com be H ill, Oxford.

S U T T O N C O U R T E N A Y (or S utton C ourtn ey) is a
parish bounded on the north b y th e Tham es, which
separates it from O xfordshire, 2 m iles south from C u lham station on the Didcot and Oxford branch of the
G reat W’estern railw ay and 2J m iles south-south-east
from Abingdon, in the N orthern division of th e county,
hundred of Ock, p e tty sessional division, union and
cou nty court d istrict of Abingdon, ru ra l deanery of
A bingdon, archdeaconry of B erks and diocese of O x­
ford. The church of A ll Saints is a b uildin g of stone
in the Norm an, E a rly E nglish and la ter styles, consist­
ing of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles,
north and south porches, and a w estern tower contain­
ing 6 bells and a c lo c k : the ch u rch retain s an old stone

a lta r ; on the north side of the chancel is an altar tom b
and a recum bent effigy of a p riest in an E aster
sepulchre, w ith foliated arch : on th e south side of the
chancel is a piscina : the chancel screen is 15th cen tury,
and over the chancel arch are the royal arm s of the
S t u a r t s : other screens cross the a is le s : th e south
porch has a parvise, reached by a curious staircase :
the church was repaired in 1903 at a cost of ¿ 1,2 3 0 , and
d u rin g the restoration an ancient p ain ting of S t. G eorge
and the Dragon w as discovered on th e north w a ll: the
font is Decorated : a p u lp it of the Jacobean period was
presented by C ap t H. E. A . and Mrs. Lindsay as a
m em orial to the late Lord W a n ta g e : the organ was also
presented as a m em orial to the late Theobald Theobald