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himself, who died 23 Jan. 1883, stylin g him self in his ch ief crops are w heat, barley and oats. T h e area is
will “ by hered itary descent and by the law of the land 2,190 acres of land and 4 of w a te r; rateab le valu e,
Earl of Banbury, V iscou nt W allingford, and Baron Knollys
^5»3r5 5 the population in 1911 was 606 in th e c iv il
of Greys, O x o n : ” th e church was restored in the year and 497 in the ecclesiastical parish.
1874, at a cost of ^1,400, and affords 210 sittin gs. Th e
D epu ty Parish C lerk, Charles M ay.
register dates from the year 1571. The liv in g is a
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office, Peppard Com m on.— E rn est
rectory, net yea rly value ^330, in cludin g 52 acres of
A lfred F ry, sub-postm aster. L e tte rs arrive from
.glebe and residence, in the g ift of Jesus C ollege, Oxford,
H enley-on-Tham es at 7.30 a.m . & 1.5 & 6.30 p .m .;
and held since 19x5 by the Rev. M aurice Jones D.D.
dispatched at 8.30 a.m . & 12.30 & 6.40 p .m . ; S u n ­
of that college. The C ongregational chapel here was
days, arrive a t 8 a .m .; dispatched at 11.15 a.m
built in 1789, w ith sittin gs for 150 persons. Th ere is P ost Office, K ingw ood.— L e v i K ew , sub-postm aster.
also an iron b u ild in g used by th e P lym ou th Brethren,
L e tters arrive from H enley-on-Tham es at 7.25 a.m .
.and a Parish room, which is in Ship lake parish. There
& 2 p .m . & are dispatched at 7.15 a.m . & 12.25 &
are several sm all charities, am ounting to about ,£3
6.35 p .m .; sundays, 11.5 a.m . Peppard Common is
per annum, at th e disposal of the rector.
th e n earest m oney order &; telegrap h office
Court, occupied by M rs. C raig, is a square mansion
of brick and stone, standing in a well-wooded park of
E lem entary Schools.
32 acres. In 1675, during the clearin g out of a pond
near th is m ansion, m any la rge oak trees w ere dis­ C hurch of England (m ix ed ), b u ilt in 1871 & since
ch ild ren ; R ich ard Cobb, m aster
interred from its bed, one of which stood u p rig h t
and was only d u g out whole at a depth of 60 f e e t ; Peppard U ndenom inational (m ixed ), b u ilt in 1879, for
79 ch ild ren ; M iss E velyn Mead, m istress
with these, a t the bottom of th e excavation, were found
the head and antlers of a stag and two urns. Robert C arriers to R eadin g.— Joseph M ildenhall, tues. th u rs. &
Fleming esq. of N ettlebed, is lord of the m anor, and
s a t . ; F rederick B ailey, passes th rou gh from N ettle­
Keith Ronald M ackenzie esq. is the principal landowner.
bed ; C harles W illiam Brown, rnon. w ed. & s a t . ;
The soil is chalk and g ra v e l; subsoil, chalk. The
A lb ert B u tler, d a ily except wed
(Marked thus * receive letters through Jones Rev. M aurice D .D. (rector), Brenton John, Dog inn
Kidm ore E nd, R eading.)
C h arles
W illiam ,
L akin g L ady, New M ills cottage
Kingw ood common
M abbutt John, Lynton house, P ep ­ B u tler A lb ert, carrier
Alleyn Henry M atthew , Sun m ount,
pard Com m on
B u tler A rth u r, builder, house de­
Rotherfield road
M ackenzie K e ith Ronald
corator, painter, p lu m b er, san itary
Blaker H arry Row sell, W hite lodge, M ackenzie M iss, G illotts
& hot w ater engineer & w h eel­
Harpsden road
M inett M iss, Th e Chalet
w righ t
A lfred,
O rchard, M ockler Col. P ercy R ice J.P . P ep ­ B u tler Jam es, farm er
Rotherfield Toad
pard house
B utler Peter, fruitr. Kingw ood common
Campling A rthur, D raw back H ill ho Newm an Richard, F airh u rst
C rutchfield W illiam , fruiterer, K in g ­
Carling Mrs. M.D. Berks & B ucks Pinchard Miss, Th e Old cottage
wood common
County S anatorium
Poole W m . A u g u stu s, Rotherfield ho D udley Jas. beer Tet. Kingw ood com
Chater Lionel Geo. Peppard Com m on Rouquette P h ilip , T h e Brae, R oth er­ F ry E rn est A lfred , grocer, & post off
field road
G andy
Thom as
H all
M .B .L on d.,
Rotherfield road
Saunders John E ttw ell, T h e G rove
M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon,
Cope Mrs. S later’s farm
Saunders M isses, H ighlands villa
Peppard Com m on
Cox Joseph, Cam bria
S cott-R u ssell Edm und,M ount Lavin ia, Hill G eorge, well sinker
*Craig Mrs. Blounts court
Rotherfield road
H illier F ran k, b aker,Peppard Com m n
Dewe W allace, K n ollsleigh, H arpsden Shears Rev. H ub ert M .A
K ew L e vi, grocer, P ost office, K in g ­
S u m m ersby Rev. B enjam in Jam es
Earle Miss
(C on gregation al), Th e Manse
Law rence H enry W m . Red Lion P.H
Fair Miss, Riverslea, M ill lane
T aylor A rth u r J. Th e W eir cottage
Lee A lb t. Thos. w h eelw righ t, M ill la
Faulding J. W hite H eather cottage, W alker John C ecil, Th e M ount, M ontalvo C has. W illiam , Unicorn P.H
Mill lane
Rotherfield road
Pain tin g C h arlotte (M rs.), p oultry
Gallop Benjam in, Blagdon
W illiam s M rs. L ittle G arth
farm er. Crosslanes
Gandy Thom as H all M .B.Lond. P ep ­ W ilson A rth ur, The Nook
Parsons H enry, fruitereT
pard Common
Pigden Richard & Son, b lacksm ith s
Gibson Miss K atherine, B uckeridge,
Pollock Thos. farm er, C olm ore farm
Peppard Common
A ’Bear John Burton, farm er,Cow fields Rotherfield Peppard G olf C lu b (C ecil
Graham Mrs. New M ills house
& H ighland farm s
W ells, hon. sec)
Hewitt Sir F rederic W illiam M .A ., Berks & B ucks County Sanatorium for Scovell Charles John, farm er
M-D.. M .V.O. V ine lodge
1 Consum ption (Mrs. E sth er L illie *W eston W illiam B roadw ater, farm er,
Hilliard Misses, The Lim es
C a rlin g M .D .B ru x.,
L .S .A .L o n d .
Blounts C ourt farm
Jenkins Mrs. M arsh cottage, M ill la
m edical superintendent)
R O U S H A M is a parish and sm all village in a valley,
on the river Cherw ell, and nearly one m ile south from
Heyford station on the Oxford and B irm in gh am section
of the G reat W estern railw ay, 5 north-east from W ood­
stock and 11 by road, or 12 by rail from O xford, in the
■Northern division of the county, hundred of W ootton,
petty sessional division of W ootton N orth, union and
wuntv court d istrict of W oodstock, ru ra l deanery of
Woodstock and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The
Oxford canal passes throu gh the parish. Th e church of
t,. James is a b uilding of stone, chiefly in the T ra n ­
sitional and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel,
south chantry chapel, clerestoried nave, south aisle,
south porch and an em battled western tower containing
* ne peal of 6 b e lls : within a niche in th e chantry
apel are the effigies of M ichael Dorm er, who died
e ffi' 3n^
E lizabeth G oddard, both of which
i8-^leS ^,ere rem oved from Steeple Barton ch urch in
mn ’ there are also a num ber of floor stones and
rai tablets to the D orm er f a m ily : the rood loft stairs
main, and a screen on the south s id e : the chancel is
a doublQ piscina of th at s ty le : the
Tran v ar
and one next to it in th e arcade are
N orm an; t.he other two arches, w ith the
*hieh I16
f ° rm er period, as is also the tower,
a„d .
a deep ly recessed arch opening to the nave
bers n 7 +1 d° or: there are m em orial windows to memProvided • C o ttrell-Doi,mer fa m ily: a new organ was
,T,9° 5 : a re redos was erected in 1909 in
v of Mrs. Upton C o ttrell-D o rm er: the church

affords 120 sittings. The reg ister dates from the year
1544. The livin g is a rectory, n et yea rly v a lu e ^242,
including 146 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in th e g ift
of C apt. C. W. C ottrell-D orm er, and held since 1873
b y th e Rev. Charles H enry F a ith fu ll M .A . of Lincoln
College, Oxford. Rousham House, erected by S ir Robert
D orm er in the reign of Jam es I. and renovated and
enlarged in the 18th cen tury by the artist and
arch itect, W illiam K en t, is a la rg e em b attled m an­
sion stan din g n ear th e ch urch , and contains a
large hall, draw in g-room , a fine lib ra ry w ith some
ex trem ely valuable m an u scrip t le tters, fa m ily por­
traits by K n eller, V a n d yck and Reynolds, some ad m ir­
able pictures, in cludin g p ortra its of several sovereigns
and em inent poets, and a good collection of works of
a r t ; the grounds, bounded by the riv e r C h erw ell,
contain some la rg e beeches, and the garden s, laid
out in the Italian m anner and described by W alpole,
after his v isit to Sir C harles C ottrell-D orm er kt. in 1760,
as “ Daphne in little ,” are diversified w ith groves and
cascades, after K en t's designs ; the estate was possessed
by th e Dorm ers for a considerable p erio d ; it afterw ards
passed to th e C ottrells, who assum ed the additional
name of D orm er, and it is now the property and resi­
dence of Capt. Charles W a lter C ottrell-D orm er D .L ., J.P .
who is lord of th e m anor and sole landow ner. Th e soil
is stone brash and deep lo a m ; subsoil, stone brash.
The land is wood, arable and pasture. T h e area Í9
1.062 acres of land and 6 of w a te r; rateab le value,
¿ r ,9 o 8 ; th e population in 1911 was 123.