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through B u rford , Oxon, arrive at 6.35 a.m , & 4.30
p .m .; dispatched^at 6.30 a.m . & 6.10 p.m . d a ily, S u n ­
days excepted. B urford , under 3 m iles d istant, is the
nearest m oney order & telegrap h office


Butler Mrs. Shilton house
Feltham H enry, Lyn d h u rst
Bishop W illiam , shpkpr. & post office
E ustace G eorge, farm er
Bill Mrs
Hunt A rthur, Fairfield
G ardner H enry, farm er
Porter Gerald, The Lawn
G each E dw in, farm er, W oodside (let­
Richards Rev. W illiam Joseph D.D.
ters d ire ct from B urford)
(vicar), V icarage
Jones John, w h eelw righ t
is a v ery extensive parish pleasantly
situated on the left bank of the Tham es, w ith a station on
the Henley branch of the G reat W estern railw ay, 3
miles south from H enley-on-Tham es and 4^ m iles north­
east from Reading, on the high road from the form er
to the latter, in the Southern division of the county,
hundred of Binfield, p etty sessional division of Henley,
anion and county co u rt d istrict of Henley, rural deanery
of Henley and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The
village, placed on a chalky eminence overhanging the
river, commands a fine prospect of the woodland scenery
of the adjoining county of Berks and the S u rrey hills
beyond. The Loddon, celebrated b y Pope under the
name of “ Lodona,” enters the Tham es near Shiplake
lock; the nearest b rid ge up the riv er is at Sonning,
distant 2^ m iles, and down, a t Henley, 3 | m iles. The
church of SS. Peter and Paul is a stru ctu re of flint and
stone, with arches and colum ns of chalk in various styles
from the Transition Norm an period downwards, consist­
ing of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an em battled
tower at the north-w est angle containing 8 bells, two of
which were added in 1902 to com m em orate the long
reign of Her late M ajesty Queen V icto ria, and a clo ck :
in general the ch u rch is of the D ecorated era, but
the arches of the nave arcades are Transition N or­
man, the south aisle being E a rly E n glish and retaining
a piscina of th at date : the font is Decorated : there is
a brass to John Sym onds and Jane h is w ife, c. 1540,
and memorials to Andrew Blunden, 1607, and to Mr.
Plowden, with a fine b u s t : the ch u rch was reb u ilt in
1869 and a chancel and organ cham ber added, from
plans by the late G eorge E. Street esq. R .A . at a cost
¿ 3'7 13 6s. n d . ; the bells w ere rehung and a new
one added: there are seven stained w indow s, some of
which are filled w ith ancient glass b rought from the
church of the A bbey of S t. B ertin at St. O m er ; the
west window is a m em orial to S ir R obert Joseph Phillimore bart. d. 19 May, 1885 : the late Lord Tennyson,
poet laureate, was m arried in this ch urch , Jun e 13,
1850: there are 200 sittings. The register of baptism s
and burials dates from the year 1672 ; m arriages, 1674.
In the churchyard is a m em orial cross erected in 1908
by the Rt. Hon. S ir W alter G. F . Ph illim o re b art. and
members of his fam ily. The livin g is a vicarage, net
yearly value £390, w ith residence, in the g ift of the
Dean and Canons of W indsor, and held since 1913 by
the Rev. Charles A rth u r W illiam A ylen M .A. of Keble
College, Oxford. N ear th e church is a p arish room,
"eppard Parish room is in this parish, and faces Peppard Common. There are four cottages and gardens in
this parish, the rents of w hich, £ 2 1 yearly, are applied
to the repairs of the church, after paym en t of £ 5 to the
clerk. This v illage is a favourite resort for boating,
ng and b icycling parties. Crow slev P a rk is the seat


a Court Sidney, Red house
Ash Mrs. E. M. G revlands
AyJen Rev. Charles A rth u r W illiam
(vicar), Vicarage
Barnes Frederic G orell D .L ., J.P.
Evot Wood
Baskerville Col. John D .L ., J.P.
Crowsley park
cndall Samuel John, Shiplake rise
Bitmead Mrs. Shiplake Hill
Backmll Sam uel P. B. H illside (letY, 'r’’s through Rotherfield Peppard)
uadicom Mrs. Q uarry ho.Lashbrook
Carling Mrs. M.D B rux., L .S .A .L o n d .
etters through Rotherfield Pepprd)
Ciimenson Mrs. John, The G range
P e£s
The Bungalow , Lashbrk
Cumberlege F. H. K ingslev
JW r1». s' ^'om >Thistled own, Lashbrk
Riviera, Lashbrook
J* a Ulianas Col. Edward, Heyesw°od, Lashbrook


E lem en tary School, w ith an endow m ent of £ 4 10s.
yea r, allowed by B ra y’s ch arity, erected' about
for 60 c h ild r e n ; M rs. M aria H oughton & M isses
E velyn & Doris H oughton, m istresses
M illen H enry, pain ter & decorator
Neal E dw d. Thos. Rose & Crown P.H
Orpwood Jesse, farm er
Porter G erald, farm er, Th e Law n &
Manor house
P ratley V icto r, blacksm ith

of Col. John B ask erville D .L ., J .P . ; th e m ansion, b u ilt
in the reign of Jam es II. is’ a fine b u ild in g of red brick
w ith an em battled parapet, and is surrounded by
avenues of fine trees, one of w h ich , in th e rear of the
m ansion, is a m ile in le n g t h : the p ark , in w hich are
kept 200 head of deer, is 250 acres in exten t, th ick ly
wooded and noted for its fine cedar and oak trees.
T h e Coppice is the residence of th e R t. Hon. S ir W alter
G eorge F rank P h illim ore bart. D .C .L ., L L .D ., J.P .
Col. J. B askerville D .L ., J.P . is lord of th e m an or and
p rin cipal landow ner. Th e soil is g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk.
Th e chief crops are w heat, b arley, oats and peas. T he
area is 2,711 acres of land and 29 of w a te r; rateable
value, £ 1 0 ,5 4 1; the population in 1901 was 870 in the
c iv il and 714 in the ecclesiastical parish and in 1911 was
1,236 in the c iv il and 960 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Parish C lerk , Charles M ontague.
Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office,
Low er
Shiplake.— A rth u r
L y fo rd ,
sub-postm aster.
L etters arrive th rou gh Henley at 7 & 11.15 a.m . &
& 7.15 p .m .; dispatched at 8 & 11.40 a.m . &
2.50, 7 & 8 p .m . ; sundays, arrive at 7 a .m .& d is­
patched at 6 p .m
Post Office, Shiplake C ross.— A lfred Sheppard, sub-post­
m aster.
L e tters dispatched 1.25 & 6.40 p .m .; Sun­
days, 11.25 a m - Low er Shiplake is the nearest m oney
order & telegrap h office
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office, Binfield H eath.— Joseph B arth o lo­
m ew , sub-postm aster.
L e tters th rou gh Henley-onTham es arrive at 8 a.m . & 2.5 p .m . ; dispatched at
2 & 6.20 p .m .; sundays, 11.15 a -m
W all L e tter Box at C h u rch lane, cleared at 1.15 &
6 4 5 p.m . week days & n -3 5 a.m . on su n d ay s; at
Holm wood, cleared at 1.30 & 6.35 p .m . week days &
11.25 a m - on Sun days; at W idm ore Pond, cleared at
1.45 a.m . & 1 & 6.15 p.m . week days & 9.10 a.m . on
su n d ay s; at C row sley P ark, cleared at 7.15 a.m . &
6.45 p.m . week days & 9.30 a.m . on s u n d ay s; at Sh ip ­
lake M ill, cleared at 7.45 a.m . & 12.40 & 7 p .m . ;
sundays, 11.50 a.m . ; at Th e Coppice, cleared at 7.45
a.m . & 2 & 6.30 p .m .; sundays, 2 p .m .; H ollybush
Corner, cleared at 11.45 a.m . & 2.15 & 7.15 p .m . ;
sun days, 12 noon
C ounty Police Station , Low er S h ip lake, F rederick Lam bourn, police constable
E lem entary School (m ix ed ), b u ilt in 1871, for 80 c h il­
dren, & enlarged in 1892, for 96 ; E rn est Langford,
m aster
R ailw ay Station, G eorge H enry C heasley, station m aster
C arriers to H enley & R ea d in g .— Thom as Tan n er, d a ily ;
W illiam H arrid ge, d a ily, wed. excepted

G ill
G eorge
Stran gw ay,
Lashbrook lodge
H arrison Robert H ichens Camden
D .L ., J.P. Shiplake court
H awley M ajor-Gen. W illiam H anbury,
H olly lodge, Lashbrook
Haynes Edwin, Lashbrook house
H orsfall M isses, Shiplake H ill
L a n e Mrs. H eathfield, Lashbrook
Larkcom H arry, Clerkenw ell, S h ip ­
lake rise
Mardon Reginald Heber, Haileywood.
T N 66 Henley
M organ-Brovin L. Crossw ays (letters
th rou gh Rotherfield Peppard)
M orrell Jam es, Crowsley farm
N eighbour Theophilus, Rheidol
Nicholson F red c.W m .T h e O ldV icarage
Phillim ore S ir W alter G eorge Frank
b art. P .C ., D .C .L ., L L .D ., J.P.
(Lord Justice of A p peal), The
C op p ice; & Cam house, Cam pden
H ill, London W7
Phillimore M isses, Shiplake house

Porter E d gar G eorge, H ighlands (le t­
ters throu gh Rotherfield P eppard)
P orter Sidney J. G ravel hill
W arden Mrs. R iverside cot. Lashbrook
W arner F ea rg u s Owen, Reena, S h ip ­
lake Cross
'Warren P a trick , Thatched cottage
W eldon W illiam H enry C .V .O . The
O rchard, Lashbrook
W oolaston M rs. Squ are house (letters
th rou gh Rotherfield Peppard)
Y o u n g H y. Jn. W estfield, Lashbrook

C heriton Ross, C rowsley, farm
C harles,
farm er,
B lackm ore
(letters th rou gh K idm ore, R eading)
Doble E dm un d, farm er, Shiplake rise
Doble Robert, farm b ailiff to Robert
H ichens C am den H arrison esq.
D .L ., J.P . Shiplake C o u rt farm
Dunn G eorge, d a iry farm er
Hall John Alexander, gardener to
R obert H ichens C am den H arrison
esq. D .L ., J.P