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d ir e c t o r y .]
through B u rford , Oxon, arrive at 6.35 a.m , & 4.30
p .m .; dispatched^at 6.30 a.m . & 6.10 p.m . d a ily, S u n Â
days excepted. B urford , under 3 m iles d istant, is the
nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
Butler Mrs. Shilton house
Feltham H enry, Lyn d h u rst
Bishop W illiam , shpkpr. & post office
E ustace G eorge, farm er
Bill Mrs
Hunt A rthur, Fairfield
G ardner H enry, farm er
Porter Gerald, The Lawn
G each E dw in, farm er, W oodside (letÂ
Richards Rev. W illiam Joseph D.D.
ters d ire ct from B urford)
(vicar), V icarage
Jones John, w h eelw righ t
is a v ery extensive parish pleasantly
situated on the left bank of the Tham es, w ith a station on
the Henley branch of the G reat W estern railw ay, 3
miles south from H enley-on-Tham es and 4^ m iles northÂ
east from Reading, on the high road from the form er
to the latter, in the Southern division of the county,
hundred of Binfield, p etty sessional division of Henley,
anion and county co u rt d istrict of Henley, rural deanery
of Henley and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The
village, placed on a chalky eminence overhanging the
river, commands a fine prospect of the woodland scenery
of the adjoining county of Berks and the S u rrey hills
beyond. The Loddon, celebrated b y Pope under the
name of â Lodona,â enters the Tham es near Shiplake
lock; the nearest b rid ge up the riv er is at Sonning,
distant 2^ m iles, and down, a t Henley, 3 | m iles. The
church of SS. Peter and Paul is a stru ctu re of flint and
stone, with arches and colum ns of chalk in various styles
from the Transition Norm an period downwards, consistÂ
ing of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an em battled
tower at the north-w est angle containing 8 bells, two of
which were added in 1902 to com m em orate the long
reign of Her late M ajesty Queen V icto ria, and a clo ck :
in general the ch u rch is of the D ecorated era, but
the arches of the nave arcades are Transition N orÂ
man, the south aisle being E a rly E n glish and retaining
a piscina of th at date : the font is Decorated : there is
a brass to John Sym onds and Jane h is w ife, c. 1540,
and memorials to Andrew Blunden, 1607, and to Mr.
Plowden, with a fine b u s t : the ch u rch was reb u ilt in
1869 and a chancel and organ cham ber added, from
plans by the late G eorge E. Street esq. R .A . at a cost
¿ 3'7 13 6s. n d . ; the bells w ere rehung and a new
one added: there are seven stained w indow s, some of
which are filled w ith ancient glass b rought from the
church of the A bbey of S t. B ertin at St. O m er ; the
west window is a m em orial to S ir R obert Joseph Phillimore bart. d. 19 May, 1885 : the late Lord Tennyson,
poet laureate, was m arried in this ch urch , Jun e 13,
1850: there are 200 sittings. The register of baptism s
and burials dates from the year 1672 ; m arriages, 1674.
In the churchyard is a m em orial cross erected in 1908
by the Rt. Hon. S ir W alter G. F . Ph illim o re b art. and
members of his fam ily. The livin g is a vicarage, net
yearly value £390, w ith residence, in the g ift of the
Dean and Canons of W indsor, and held since 1913 by
the Rev. Charles A rth u r W illiam A ylen M .A. of Keble
College, Oxford. N ear th e church is a p arish room,
"eppard Parish room is in this parish, and faces Peppard Common. There are four cottages and gardens in
this parish, the rents of w hich, £ 2 1 yearly, are applied
to the repairs of the church, after paym en t of £ 5 to the
clerk. This v illage is a favourite resort for boating,
ng and b icycling parties. Crow slev P a rk is the seat
a Court Sidney, Red house
Ash Mrs. E. M. G revlands
AyJen Rev. Charles A rth u r W illiam
(vicar), Vicarage
Barnes Frederic G orell D .L ., J.P.
Evot Wood
Baskerville Col. John D .L ., J.P.
Crowsley park
cndall Samuel John, Shiplake rise
Bitmead Mrs. Shiplake Hill
Backmll Sam uel P. B. H illside (letY, 'rââs through Rotherfield Peppard)
uadicom Mrs. Q uarry ho.Lashbrook
Carling Mrs. M.D B rux., L .S .A .L o n d .
etters through Rotherfield Pepprd)
Ciimenson Mrs. John, The G range
P e£s
The Bungalow , Lashbrk
Cumberlege F. H. K ingslev
JW r1». s' ^'om >Thistled own, Lashbrk
Riviera, Lashbrook
J* a Ulianas Col. Edward, Heyesw°od, Lashbrook
E lem en tary School, w ith an endow m ent of £ 4 10s.
yea r, allowed by B ra yâs ch arity, erected' about
for 60 c h ild r e n ; M rs. M aria H oughton & M isses
E velyn & Doris H oughton, m istresses
M illen H enry, pain ter & decorator
Neal E dw d. Thos. Rose & Crown P.H
Orpwood Jesse, farm er
Porter G erald, farm er, Th e Law n &
Manor house
P ratley V icto r, blacksm ith
of Col. John B ask erville D .L ., J .P . ; th e m ansion, b u ilt
in the reign of Jam es II. isâ a fine b u ild in g of red brick
w ith an em battled parapet, and is surrounded by
avenues of fine trees, one of w h ich , in th e rear of the
m ansion, is a m ile in le n g t h : the p ark , in w hich are
kept 200 head of deer, is 250 acres in exten t, th ick ly
wooded and noted for its fine cedar and oak trees.
T h e Coppice is the residence of th e R t. Hon. S ir W alter
G eorge F rank P h illim ore bart. D .C .L ., L L .D ., J.P .
Col. J. B askerville D .L ., J.P . is lord of th e m an or and
p rin cipal landow ner. Th e soil is g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk.
Th e chief crops are w heat, b arley, oats and peas. T he
area is 2,711 acres of land and 29 of w a te r; rateable
value, £ 1 0 ,5 4 1; the population in 1901 was 870 in the
c iv il and 714 in the ecclesiastical parish and in 1911 was
1,236 in the c iv il and 960 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Parish C lerk , Charles M ontague.
Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office,
Low er
Shiplake.â A rth u r
L y fo rd ,
sub-postm aster.
L etters arrive th rou gh Henley at 7 & 11.15 a.m . &
& 7.15 p .m .; dispatched at 8 & 11.40 a.m . &
2.50, 7 & 8 p .m . ; sundays, arrive at 7 a .m .& d isÂ
patched at 6 p .m
Post Office, Shiplake C ross.â A lfred Sheppard, sub-postÂ
m aster.
L e tters dispatched 1.25 & 6.40 p .m .; SunÂ
days, 11.25 a m - Low er Shiplake is the nearest m oney
order & telegrap h office
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office, Binfield H eath.â Joseph B arth o loÂ
m ew , sub-postm aster.
L e tters th rou gh Henley-onTham es arrive at 8 a.m . & 2.5 p .m . ; dispatched at
2 & 6.20 p .m .; sundays, 11.15 a -m
W all L e tter Box at C h u rch lane, cleared at 1.15 &
6 4 5 p.m . week days & n -3 5 a.m . on su n d ay s; at
Holm wood, cleared at 1.30 & 6.35 p .m . week days &
11.25 a m - on Sun days; at W idm ore Pond, cleared at
1.45 a.m . & 1 & 6.15 p.m . week days & 9.10 a.m . on
su n d ay s; at C row sley P ark, cleared at 7.15 a.m . &
6.45 p.m . week days & 9.30 a.m . on s u n d ay s; at Sh ip Â
lake M ill, cleared at 7.45 a.m . & 12.40 & 7 p .m . ;
sundays, 11.50 a.m . ; at Th e Coppice, cleared at 7.45
a.m . & 2 & 6.30 p .m .; sundays, 2 p .m .; H ollybush
Corner, cleared at 11.45 a.m . & 2.15 & 7.15 p .m . ;
sun days, 12 noon
C ounty Police Station , Low er S h ip lake, F rederick Lam bourn, police constable
E lem entary School (m ix ed ), b u ilt in 1871, for 80 c h ilÂ
dren, & enlarged in 1892, for 96 ; E rn est Langford,
m aster
R ailw ay Station, G eorge H enry C heasley, station m aster
C arriers to H enley & R ea d in g .â Thom as Tan n er, d a ily ;
W illiam H arrid ge, d a ily, wed. excepted
G ill
G eorge
Stran gw ay,
Lashbrook lodge
H arrison Robert H ichens Camden
D .L ., J.P. Shiplake court
H awley M ajor-Gen. W illiam H anbury,
H olly lodge, Lashbrook
Haynes Edwin, Lashbrook house
H orsfall M isses, Shiplake H ill
L a n e Mrs. H eathfield, Lashbrook
Larkcom H arry, Clerkenw ell, S h ip Â
lake rise
Mardon Reginald Heber, Haileywood.
T N 66 Henley
M organ-Brovin L. Crossw ays (letters
th rou gh Rotherfield Peppard)
M orrell Jam es, Crowsley farm
N eighbour Theophilus, Rheidol
Nicholson F red c.W m .T h e O ldV icarage
Phillim ore S ir W alter G eorge Frank
b art. P .C ., D .C .L ., L L .D ., J.P.
(Lord Justice of A p peal), The
C op p ice; & Cam house, Cam pden
H ill, London W7
Phillimore M isses, Shiplake house
Porter E d gar G eorge, H ighlands (le tÂ
ters throu gh Rotherfield P eppard)
P orter Sidney J. G ravel hill
W arden Mrs. R iverside cot. Lashbrook
W arner F ea rg u s Owen, Reena, S h ip Â
lake Cross
'Warren P a trick , Thatched cottage
W eldon W illiam H enry C .V .O . The
O rchard, Lashbrook
W oolaston M rs. Squ are house (letters
th rou gh Rotherfield Peppard)
Y o u n g H y. Jn. W estfield, Lashbrook
C heriton Ross, C rowsley, farm
C harles,
farm er,
B lackm ore
(letters th rou gh K idm ore, R eading)
Doble E dm un d, farm er, Shiplake rise
Doble Robert, farm b ailiff to Robert
H ichens C am den H arrison esq.
D .L ., J.P . Shiplake C o u rt farm
Dunn G eorge, d a iry farm er
Hall John Alexander, gardener to
R obert H ichens C am den H arrison
esq. D .L ., J.P