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d ir e c to r y
Irby Hon. Cecil Saum arez, The G ran ge, H itcham ,
Lawson Hon. H arry Lawson W ebster M .P ., D .L. â Daily
Telegraph â office, F leet street, London E C
Mathews E rnest, L ittle Shardeloes, Am ershain
Morten Richard Henry, The Savoy, Denham , U xbridge
Nash W illiam E llio tt, Stonew all farm , C halfont S t.G iles
Selby Lowndes M eyrick E dw ard, M arsham manor,
G errardâs Cross
Shakespear A lex. Muirson W ake, H olly lodge, Burnham
Spencer A ubrey John, W hitehouse, Beaconsfield
Stevens Edm und, K ingston L isle park, near W antage
Swithinbank H arold W illiam , Denham court, Denham,
Trench Col. Hon. W illiam le Poer R .E . St. H uberts, G erÂ
rardâs Cross
Tyrwhitt-Drake W illiam W ykeham esq. Shardeloes,
Way Lt.-C ol. Benjam in Irb y, Denham Place, Uxbridge
White John Bell, A lderbourne m anor, G errard âs Cross
Woodhouse Sir Jam es T hom as, Stratton chase, Chalfont
St. Giles
The Chairman, for the tim e being of the Beaconsfield
Urban D istrict Council, is an ex-officio m agistrate
Clerk to the M agistrates, A rth ur Edm und W ebster
Charsley, H igh street
Petty Sessions are held on m ondays at the Police court,
Beaconsfield, A the V illage hall, Burnham , a t n a.m
The following places are within the d is t r ic t :â BeaconsÂ
field, Boveney, B urnham , Chalfont S t. G iles, Chalfont
St. Peter, Dorney, Farnham Royal, G errard â s Cross,
Hedgerley Dean, Seer Green. H itcham . Taplow. DenÂ
ham, F ulm er A H edgerley
b e a c o n s f ie l d
A ssistant O verseer. F rederick Howard M yers, Park lan e
C lerk to Beaconsfield Sub-Com m ittee of Bucks LocaJ
Pension C om m ittee, H. G .W in grove, E th elston ,P ark la
C lerk to the Com m issioners of Land T ax A Stew ard o f
Beaconsfield, Chalfont St. P eter, W ooburn, Penn,
H olm er A Beamond A Hedsor Manors, A rth. E dm un d
Webster C h arsley, H igh street
Coroner for the Beaconsfield D istrict, A rth u r E dm und
W ebster C harsley. H igh s t r e e t ; deputy, E dw ard LioneL
Reynolds, n M cKenzie street, Slough
M edical O fficer A Public Vaccinator, Beaconsfield District».
Am ersham Union, A rth u r H erbert T u rn er L .S .A .L o n d .
Leigh bouse, W ycom be End
Veterinary Inspector under the â C ontagious D iseases
A n im als A c t â for South B ucks, Joseph B. W alker
M R .C .V .S . W ycom be End
P L A C E S O F W O R SH IP, w ith tim es of Services.
St. M ary A A ll Saintsâ C h u rch , Rev. A rch ibald S am uel
Com m eline M .A. r e c t o r ; R ev. B ertram H ugh Bird
M .A . c u ra te ; sunday, 7, 8 A 11 a.m . A 2.30, 3.30 A
6.30 p.m . ; daily, 8 or 10 a.m . A 6.30 p.m . ; holy
com m union also on tuesdays, thursdays A saintsâdays at 8 a.m
C ongregational, Rev. M atthew H enry L e P la ; sunday,
11 a.m . A 6.30 p.m . ; th u rsd ay, 7 p.m
W esleyan R eform ed; 11 a.m . A 6 p.m . ; wed. 8 p.m
Union B aptist, Rev. G eorge P atchin ; sunday, 11 a.m . A
6.30 p.m
Boys', b u ilt in 1873, for 120 children ; A rth . Baker, m a st
G irlsâ, b u ilt in 1873, for 130 ch ild ren ; Miss E sth er
Heath, m istress
In fan tsâ, built in 1873 A enlarged in 1914. for 170 c h ilÂ
; M iss Sara F ry , m istress
County Police Station, W indsor end, E velyn Dibben, Railw ay Statio n , E dw ard T . Layne, station m aster
inspector ; the local force consists of
inspector A 4 I C arrier to London.â H orace R oberts, from A ylesb u ry
End to G errardâs C ross, U xbridge A London, daily
Volunteer F ire B rigade. W ycom be E n d, F. Russell
except sat. at 6 p .m . retu rn in g from â K in g of DenÂ
Seller, chief officer A ix firemen
m ark ,â Old Baileyr, daily at 6 p.m . excep t sat
Burgess H erbert E. W h ite cottage. D ick-Cunyngham C apt. Geo. A lastair,.
B urke cottage, A ylesb u ry end
Abbott E n gr.-C ap t. H enry, H eatherPenn road
dene, Burkeâs road
Burnham Lord K .C .V .O ., D .L ., J.P. Docker M iss, Braeside, B arin g road
Adie W m. Scott, Colthrop, Penn rd
H all B a r n ; A 20 N orfolk street, Downes M rs. Y led y n , C urzon avenue
Du Pre M ajor W illiam B arin g M .P .,
Allen Mrs. Slindon. Ledborough lane
London W
D .L ., J .P . W ilton p a r k ; A 62
Allen Sidney, W estfield, Reynolds rd Burrage C yril Charles W ebb, E gton.
Archer W illiam P riestley, The Holt,
Curzon street, London W A United
Ledborough lane
Station road
Service A C arlton clubs,London S W
Burrett-B row n
GreenArnot Neil, W h iteâs H ill lodge
Dyus John, R ok illa lo. Ledborough la
hurst. Station road
Baker Edm und Ernest, G rove house, Burrow s Sam uel, R ivelin , Reynolds rd Eastm an A rchibald Tennent, M antua
Grove road
lodge, Penn road
Cameron Capt. A ylm er, H ighlands,
Baker-Carr M ajor D 'A rcy, E lm slie,
Fagan Col. C hristopher G . F . F e ltrim
G regories road
Burkeâs road
lodge, S tation road
Cam p Sam i. Jam es, Dom us,Curzon av
Barnard Mrs. Froxfield, Reynolds rd Cam pbell M iss,B ram bleside,B urkeâs rd Fea Robert Brooke, Broom cottage»
Barnes Albt. Edwd. F everil, B arin g rd Chalon M rs. K in gsb urgh , Reynolds rd
Ledborough lane
Bartlett Edward H. H. B arnhurst Chanot Jsph.A nthony,O w lcote,Penn rd F in ch H y. Fredk. Brenchley, Penn rd
(letters throâ C olesh ill, A m ersham ) Chaplin Percy F. T he G range
F isk Jas. S. M aisonette, W oodside av
Beatty Chas. W m . W ilton p i.G rove rd Chesterton G ilb ert K eith , Overroads, Fishbourne C. S. F ield ho.Ledboroâ la
Belbin Harold, Tresco, Reynolds road
F itchew H ubert, W ayside, C urzon av
Grove road
Bennett Charles A llen, H all Barn cot Olarke-Cohen E dw ard, S tation road
Flawn N eville, W oodleigh, W estfield rd
tage, W indsor end
Coke Capt. th e Hon. John Spencer, Floris R. Brooke, H eathwood, WoodÂ
Berney Atwood, L ittleco t, Curzon av
side road
H arrias farm
Birch W illiam
O rchard dale, Collins M rs. Blythswood, S tation road Forbes H y.O ., L L .D . R ed cliffe,P ark la
Gregories road
Colm er H arry, N azeing, B arin g road Fosbery M iss. H irondelle, B arin g road
Bird Rev.
H ugh
M .A. Com m eline Rev. A rchibald Sam uel Foster Tom C harles, Blandford c o tÂ
(curate), Oakley cottage
M .A. (rector), R ectory
tage, W oodside road
Bird Stephen, G lenroy, Penn road
Cooper Alfd. J. M owbray cot. Penn rd Fow ler W m .S. S tratton h o.S tratton rd
Blade John, Fairford, Penn road
Cooper H erbert Jennings, H eim ath, Fox R obert F ortescue M .D. Th e H u t,
Blake Ernest Peter. C iceter, B aring rd
Reynolds road
Ledborough lane
Bleasly John Stoddart, Beechwood, Copp Harold E dw ard, Beech Shade. F rost A lfred C. M anaw atu, B urk eâs rd
Baring road
Froude F ran k, Red cottage, B arin g rd
C am bridge road
Borradaile Col. G eorge W illiam C .B. Corbett. C yril D udley H ely M.D. 1F ry A rth u r. S t. Johnâs, G regories rd
(late R .A . Bom bay), Oriel lodge,
G alvin Jn. J. Cap M artin, Ledboroâ la
C h u d leig h , Penn road
Burkeâs road
Corin H erbt.Jn. W h ite barn,Station rd! G arth Mrs. Morden, Reynolds road
Bowerman Frederick S am uel, Broad- Corrie
M alcolm
S tu art,
Penrith. G ibson Jas.B a ily.B u rk e lo.London end
view, Woodside avenue
Woodside avenue
G ill W m .A rth . W in dley, Gi'egories rd
Brewer Jas. Maryland, Ledborough la Cowan Thom as G allow ay, Th e F irs. G oldschm idt M iss, Fairlaw n, F u rzetx^ h
B urkeâs road
field road
Holloway house
Cox C harles A rth ur, Utica, Curzon av G oldstein M rs. Selwyn, Truelan d s,
Brockman Mrs. Tarpeena, Penn road Cox G eorge C ecil A rch er, S t. M aryâs.
Curzon avenue
Brodie George, Orchard lodge,Penn rd
B arin g road
Goodson Hv. R ow ardennan,Burkeâs ref
Brooke Rupert, M eadways, Penn road C rim p D errick, H eadley, Curzon aven G ow er W alter, A sh to n ville,B arin g cres
Brousson Robert. P. The W h ite house, C ruickshank E dw in, A lton s,B urkeâs rd Greenwood F rank Thom as, G rove co tGrove road
Dalrym ple Thos. C raigleith , G rove rd j tage, G rove road
Bryant Sidney B arnes, The G ables, Danavall M rs. M artindale, G rove road â
G un ton W illiam Henry, C ourtlan ds,
Gregories road
Davis F rederick E dw ard, Wood cote.
W oodside Toad
Buchanan John H. The Corner house,
Station road
G urney Norm an W illiam , Hasfield»
Curzon avenue
Davis W m . H. St. D avidâs, Station rd
B urkeâs road
BtKskingham the R t. Rev. th e Lord de la Penha M iss, Th e Oak house. H art E dw ard, GlengarifT, S tratton tc!
of, D.D, Reynolds road
Station road
1 H atch G eorge, De A ar, Park lane