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B E R K S H IR E .
hired for entertainm ents. The Cordes H all, erected in
cleared at 8.30, 9.55 & ir 30 a.m . & 3, 5.30, 6.45, 8.15
1903, is the g ift of Mrs. Cordes, and occupies a site preÂ
& 9.10 p .m .; sundays. 6.5 p.m . T elegram s are disÂ
sented by the late Thom as Cordes J.P. ; the b uilding
patched, b u t not d eliv ered ; S unninghill is the nearest
includes a hall 65ft. by 3°P- and com m ittee and dressÂ
for delivery
in g rooms &c. : it is under the m an agem en t of trustees. Post. M. 0 ., T. & Telephone C all Office, Su n n in gh ill.â
The charities of this parish were consolidated in 1894 by a
M iss Fanny Abbey, sub-postm istress. L etters arrive
.>cheme sanctioned by the C h arity C om m issioners, under
th rou gh A scot at 6.35 & 10 a.m . & 5.30 p.m . ; S u n Â
the name of the â S unninghill Parochial C h a r it ie s ;â the
days, 6.35 a . m . ; dispatched at 8.40 & 10 a.m . & 2.45,
gross income is derived from about ¿900, invested in
4 *5 5 » 6-5 5 . 8-2o & 9 -2o P-m - 5 Sundays, 5.55 p.m.
Consols. A t a place called tf the W ells â is a chalybeate Town Sub-Post & M. O. Office, C heapside.â W illiam
spring, form erly m uch frequented. S un n in gh ill Park, in
E dw in Balchin, sub-postm aster. L etters arrive from
this parish, includes an ancient mansion, situated in a
A sc o t; dispatched, 8.15 & 11.15 a.m . & 3.15 & 6.30
densely uooded park, and is the residence of Thom as
p .m . ; sundays, 5.45 p.m . Telegram s are dispatched
B a n n g esq. Silwood Park is the seat of M rs. C ordes;
from this office, but not delivered
th e old m ansion has been taken down and replaced by a P illar L e tter Box, near B erystede hotel, cleared at 7.30
handsome m odern stru ctu re of b rick w ith stone dressÂ
& 10.30 a.m . & 2.40. 6.40 & 8.10 p .m . ; sundays, 6 p.m.
ings in the G o th ic style, standing in a well-wooded deer W all L e tte r Box, L arch avenue, cleared 7.45 & 11.30
park of 250 a c r e s ; T itness P ark is th e property and
a.m . & 3.10 & 7 p.m . ; Sundays, 7.45 a.m
residence of Capt. S ir R egin ald A rch ibald E d w a rd 'C a th cart bart. ; the m ansion is also in the G oth ic style, and The C atholic C onvent here, b elon ging to the In stitu te of
the Blessed V irg in M ary, better known as â L es Dames
is situated on an em inence in a small undulatino- park ;
A nglaises,â whose m other house is at M unich, in
B uckhurst Park is the seat of S ir Joseph Savory bart.
B avaria, was opened in Septem ber, 1885, & has a
D .L ., J.P. ; the mansion stands on an em inence in a
boarding school attached. The buildin g is of red
p icturesq ue park of 127 acre s; T itten h u rst, the seat of
b rick faced w ith stone, in the Queen A nne style, &
Thomas Herman Lew insky esq. situated on a declivity
stands in grounds of about 31 ac re s; M iss C ecilia
in a park, has tastefu lly laid-out pleasure grounds and
M arshall, superioress
terra'ces. H is M ajesty the K in g , P ercy Edward C rutch ley esq. Mrs. Cordes (who is lady of the m anor), Capt. N ear the convent there is a Franciscan F ria ry, erected
S ir R. A . E. C ath cart b art. and S ir Joseph S avory bart.
at the cost of C harles Joseph Stonar esq. ; the
D .L., J.P . are the chief landowners. Th e soil is t r a v e l
fathers of this house have charge of the m ission
and sand; subsoil, gravel, sand and clay. The° area
is 3,092 acres, p rincipally gen tlem en âs parks and heath,
and 43 of w a ter; rateable value, ¿ 4 6 ,5 6 7; the popula Elem entary, w ith an endowm ent of ¿ 3 7 , for 450 c h ild Â
tion 111 1901 was 4,719 and in 1911, 5,335, of which
ren ; H erbert J. W hitehead, m a s te r; M iss A d a W allis,
2,688 are attached to th e parish church.
in fan ts' m istress
A ctin g Parish C lerk, Frederick Coff.
Elem entary, Cheapside, erected in 1874, for 100 c h ild Â
Post & M. O. Office, London road.â M rs. Ann Elcock
ren ; M iss W inifred B izlev, m istress
sub-postm istress. Letters arrive from A scot. Box C arrier to Readingâ F rederick T ripp, th urs. & sat
Peel W illiam Charles, Fairview
iDance E llen (M rs.), upholsterer
A rcher-Shee M ajor M artin D .S.O ., Pizzey Frank, L a n g meade
Dawes E dw in, fishmonger
M .P. A shu rst lo d g e ; & Carlton Pott H arry K erby, The Cedars
Drake & M ount L td . forage con trctrs
club S W ; N aval & M ilitary & Pott The Misses, Th e Cedars
F aggetter Jam es, insur. agt.C h eap sid e
C avalry clubs W & Constitutional Prince A rth u r. W est Mains
Fifield & Dawes, fishmongers, H igh st
club W C, London
Radnor H elenCountess of,A rm itage hi Fifield W m . Henry, butcher, H ig h st
Baird Hon. L ady, The Mount
S t. A ubvn M ajor G u y, T h e Oaks
Francis G eorge, assistan t overseer &
Bannatine Misses,
S avory S ir Joseph bart. D .L ., J.P
collector of rates, Brookfield
Baring Thom as, S unninghill park
B uckh urst park
Francklow Richard H enry, draper
Beaumont Henry Ralph, Tetw orth
Seagrave M isses, O akhurst
G aines A rchibald Jam es, boot repr
Bevan A rth u r M .D. Crossways
Sleet Jam es, Hazeldene
Goddard G eorge, job b in g gardener
Blinkhorn Mrs. H eathfield
Sm ith W illiam , A lban y cottage
Goodall A.lbt. J. decorator, Cheapside
Brooks A lfred E. St. D en ys,K in gâs rd Sparks M iss, Pem broke lodge
Green B rothers, ch im ney sweepers
Bull Henry, W ells B ridge house
Stepney Hon. Lady Cowell-,W ood End G rim ditch & W ebb, b u tch ers,H ig h st
Bulteel John G eorge, Brook lodge
Tooker Jn. Stansbury, K in g âs beeches Hazell A lfred J. um b rella repairer
B urberry A rth u r M. Braeside
T ro tte r Noel, Frognal
H olliday Ralph, outfitter
C athcart Capt. Sir Reginald A rchibald W alker Mrs. Coombe m eadows
Hooper Jas.R isin g S un P .H .B lack N est
Edward b art. Titness park
W entw orth Lady, W h ite H eather
H unt John, house decorator
C larke Charles Carlos, Woodlands
International Tea C o .âs Stores L td .
C lem enti-Sm ith Rev. A lgernon E.
H igh street
M.A. F ir grove
E arly closing day, W ednesday 1 p.m .
K e rley F rederick, boot m aker
Cooper G eorge Edward, K in gsw ick
Abbey E dw ard, baker, H igh street
A lice M. (M iss), dress m aker
Cordes Mrs. Silwood park
Allen W illiam F . , M .P .S. chem ist
King Jam es, basket m aker, C heapside
C rutchley Percy E dw ard J.P. S u n  Ascot D istrict G as & E le ctricity Co
illiam (M rs.), grocer
ninghill lodge
(Alfred E. Brooks, m anager)
Kingsland A lfred J. chim ney sweeper
Deavin C hristopher Thom as Sam uel, Ascot Telephone E xchan ge
W illiam E dw in, grocer
Bailey E rn est, furnitu re dealer
L acy A lex. G aird n er L .R .C .P .L o n d .,
Dyer Dowager L a d y, The Knoll
B alchin W illiam E dw in , grocer, &
M .R .C .S .E n g . surgeon & m edical
Frankland L ady, T hirkelb y house
post office, Cheapside
officer & p ub lic vaccinator, 3rd
Frith Mrs. Shenstone house
B arclay & C om pany L im ited , bankers
district, W indsor union, Saum arez
Gibbons Mrs. The H atch
(sub-branch to A scot) (Thom as Landes A rth u r E . cycle agent
G rant Miss, Farm wood
South, m a n a g e r); open 10 to 12 Les Dam es A n glaises C ath olic C onÂ
G rant M rs. Pem berton lodge
d a ily ; head office, 54 Lom bard
ven t & School (M iss C ecilia M arÂ
G reer Frederick A rth u r K.C.Low ood
street. London E C
shall. superioress)
Hav-Drum m ond Col. The Hon. Chas. Batts John, beer retailer
London C en tral M eat Co. L im ited ,
Row ley J.P. Harewood lodge
Belcher E dw in, draper. H igh street
butchers, H igh street
H idiens Jam es B. Beech grove
Bookham M ary A. (M rs.), w hite Lo n gh urst Frederick, cycle agen t
Ingram Rev. A rth u r Ralph M .A
sm ith. H igh street
Robert & Co. builders
(vicar), The V icarage
B raisher Raym ond, saddler,Cheapside
Jameson Col. Hy. W. Titness cottage Brand W illiam G eorge, beer retailer M atthew s H en ry,h air dresser,H igh st
W allace,
Kaye M iss. The W hite house
Brown Richard B. apartm ents, Roselan guages, 2 Poplar villas
Knowles Rev. Tom L .T h . (curate),
m eade, Bagshot road
W oodbine v illa (postal address, Brundish John, Seven Stars P.H .
M illm an Sam uel, shopkeeper
South Ascot)
B lack Nest
M itchell John W7. boot & shoe m aker
Lacv A lex. G airdner, Saum arez
B urke Jam es, upholsterer & under Moore E dw ard (M rs.), draper
L ew insky Thos. H erm an, Titten h u rst
taker, H igh street
Morton W illiam & Edward, sm iths
M cClintock Col.W m . G raham W augh, Byford Ernest, shopkeeper
M urray Sarah (M rs.), reg istry office,
SiIIwood cottage
Castlem an G eorge, ironm onger
H igh street
Brigadier-G eneral
Gordon Chapm an Jam es & Sons, ironm ongers
N orris Thom as, b uilder
Lorn Cam pbell C .B ., D .S.O . D .L ,
& farriers, H igh street
E lizabeth
(M rs.),
p reÂ
J.P. The Glen
Cooper Chas. & Sons, florists,H igh st
p aratory school
Norman L ieu t.-C o l. Luke, Newby
Cordes H all (J. B. H ichens, sec)
Parker E dw ard J. grocer
Passmore H erbert, Furze bank
C owley E vangeline (M rs.), dress ma Payne W illiam , tobacconist, H igh st