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D IR E C T O R Y .]


and Mrs. Theobald by C apt F. C. Theobald and other
m em bers of the fa m ily : the east window was filled
with stained glass in 1912 by Mrs. Cam bridge Theo­
bald, Mrs. Lh-ersidge and Miss Goodson in m em ory
of their m other the late M rs. Goodson, of The G range •
there are 200 sittin gs, the m ajority of w hich are free
The register dates from the year 1539. The liv in g is a
vicarage w ith the ehapelry of A ppleford annexed, join t
net yearly value £300, w ith residence, in the g ift of
the Dean and Canons of W indsor, and held since 1901
by the Rev Edward Bruce M ackay M .A. of W orcester
•College, Oxford. There is a C ongregational chapel,
founded in 1793» which affords sittin gs for 130 persons.
Alm shouses for six poor widows were founded and
endowed in 1818, w ith about 30s. per year each, bv F.
Elderfield esq. since lap sed : the p o o r'h a ve also about
.6 3 5 yearly from several other charities.
The “ A bb ey,”
occupied by Col. Henry Norton B u tler Goode, i s ''a
building w ith high-pitched gables wings, and contains a
fine entrance hall and a spacious panelled banqueting
hall w ith g a lle r y : the windows are m ostly mullioned*
w ith cusping in the heads, and in one gable is a tall,
pointed window w ith flowing tr a c e r v : the buildinw was
form erly attached to the A bbey of A bingdon, being
then used as a h o s p ita l: within the grounds is an
ancient structure form in g a large hall, entered by Late
Norman or T ransitional doorways. T h e M an or'H ou se,
built in 1480, is one of the oldest houses in the countv,
and is the property and residence of Capt. Henry E. A.
Lindsay J .P . who w ith Lo uis A rth u r B arre tt esq. is
the principal landowner. The soil is clay, g ravel and
lo a m ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat
barley and meadow grass. The area is 2,142 acres of



land and 8 of w a ter; rateable value, ¿ 4 ,6 2 8 ; the popu­
lation in 1911 was 790 in the c iv il and 1,315 in the
ecclesiastical parish.
By Local G overn m en t Board O rder, 20,690, dated
M arch 24, 1887, Row stock Farm was transferred for
c iv il purposes from S utton C ourtn ey to E ast Hendred.
Parish C le rk and Sexton, C harles Jam es W hiting.
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.— G eorge Thom as Fisher, s u b - postm aster. L etters arrive through A bingdon at 7.10
a.m . 12 noon & 5.45 p.m . ; Sundays, 7.10 a.m . ; dis­
patched a t 10.10 a.m . & 1.20, 2 20 & 7.20 p .m .; S u n ­
days, 11.15 a.m
SU TT O N W IC K is a township 2 m iles west, near the
river Ock, and is p artly w ith in the borough of A b in g ­
don ; it com prises Upper and Low er W ick and Ody Hill.
The area of the township is 1,231 acres of land and 16
of w ater; rateable value, ¿ 1 ,9 3 1 ; the population in 1911
was 218.
W all L e tte r Box, M ill, cleared 10.15 a.m . & 2.25 & 7.25
p .m .; Sundays, 11.20 a .m .; & near Plough P.H.
cleared 10.5 a.m . & 1 & 7.15 p .m .; S u n d a ys, 8.30
a . m . ; S utton W ick, cleared 7.45 a.m . & 2.40 A 7.40
p.m . ; Sundays, 7.30 p.m
L etter Box, Ston eh ill, cleared 6.30 a.m . & 2.50 & 7.50.
p .m .; Sundays, 7.35 p.m
E lem entary School, b u ilt in 1875, for 180 ch ildren ;.
Thom as Y eates, m aster
C ounty Police, W illiam C ross, constable
C arriers to :—
Abingdon & C ulham — W illiam Treadw ell
Poulton, daily, excep t thurs



S illifan t M rs. D ravton road
T ill Mrs. W . W . The C roft

S m ith F rederick A . farm er
Treadw ell & Sons, carriers & butch ers
Turner Francis
W illiam ,
farm er,
A squith R t. Hon. H erbert Henry
A lln u tt's & Sh orter’s farm s
M .P ., K .C . W harf hou se; & 10 A lder A rth u r, coal dealer
W hitehead' A lice (M rs.), shopkeeper
Downing street S W & Brooks’s, Allen Moses, farm er
W hitehead A n n eE lizh .(M rs.),F ish inn
Athenasum & Reform clubs S W , Baker W alter & John, farm ers
W h itin g Charles Jam es, re g istra r of
C arter John, boot m aker
C arthew -Yorstoun
A rchibald C arter W illiam , bricklayer
C ourten ay sub-district, parish clerk
Morden C .B . Cross Trees
C hurch John H enry, beer retailer
& sexton, Fern cottage
C ory-W right D udley W. Norm an hall C ollett F rederick, beer retailer
W ilkins M artha (M rs.), Sw an P .H
Evans F. W ., M .D., Prio r’s close
Day W. C. & Son, builders & con­ Wise T h irza (M rs.), laundry
Fane la d y, Brookside
tractors, general smiths & w heel­
Fox Capt. Thom as Sidney W aterlow
w righ ts
M.A. R iver cottage
F isher Geo. Thos. grocer, Post office
Goode Col. H enry Norton Butler, Flowers W illiam , farm er
The A bbey
F ox Capt. Thom as Sidn ey W aterlow Cauldw ell M rs. C uth b ert, W ick ho
Jessop W alt. H. H ., J.P . The M ill ho
M .A. p rivate tuto r, R iver cottage Davis Miss
Lindsay Capt. H enry E d ith A rth ur Gee Bros, farm ers, D u rn all’s farm Jam es Mrs. T . H. S ton ehill
J.P. Manor house
Payne A lfred Jam es
(letters th rou gh Didcot)
L ittlejohn R ev. Jam es C rom bie B .A . Hall G aius, grocer
W inter O liver
(curate), The Nook
H all Regnld. dairy frm r. Gilbournes
Mackay Rev. E dw ard B ruce M .A Lock A lb ert E dw ard, stone mason
Bargus Charles, farm er, T ith e farm
(vicar), Vicarage
Lock M aria (M rs.), Plough P.H
iller (w ater),N ew cu t m iir
Milne John A. Brooke house
Poulton G eorge, carrier
F au lk n er Thom as, farm b ailiff to
Pearson Lady, The Green
P ullen Richard, horse trainer & cab
Abingdon Sew age farm
Pearson Miss E. C. L. Buckridges
Fox W illiam , farm er & farm bailiff
Rettie Mrs. Sutton C ourtenay house Rose John, G eorge & Dragon P.H
to exors. of A lfred S teven s esq.
Rice Mrs. Churchfield cottage
Sism an Robert, grocer & draper
| C aldecott farm



S W A L L O W F I E L D is a pleasant village and parish
on the rivers Loddon and Blackw ater, w h ich form a
junction in the parish, 4^ m iles east from M ortim er
station 011 the Reading and Basingstoke branch of the
G reat W estern railw ay, 5^ south-w est from W okin g­
ham, S f _south-east from R eading and 10 north-east
from Basingstoke, in the E astern division of the county,
hundreds of C harlton and Reading, Reading p etty ses­
sional division, union of W okingham , county court d is­
trict of Reading, ru ra l deanery of Reading, archdeaconry
of Berks and diocese of Oxford. A portion of this parish
form erly in W iltshire, was transferred to B erkshire
under the A cts 2 and 3 W illiam IV. cap. 64 and 7
and 8 Viet. cap. 61. B y Local G overnm ent Board Order
No. 32,176, th e form er civ il parishes of E ast and W est
Swallowfield were, in 1894, am algam ated into one civil
parish. The church of A ll S aints is a stru ctu re of flint,
built in 1256 b y John le Despencer, then Baron of Sw al­
lowfield, and was restored in 1862-70 b y the late Sir
Charles R ussell bart. : i t consists of chancel, nave,
south porch and a w estern tower w ith wooden belfry
containing 5 b e lls ; the tower is supported on wooden
piers fixed in the floor, from which the bells are r u n g :
in the church are several m onum ents and b rasses; Sir
John le Despencer died in 1274 and was b uried h e r e :
on restoring the church his rem ains were found halfway
between the south door and the chancel screen in a stone
coffin, surm ounted by a stone c ro s s : there are 300

sittings, 250 bein g free. The reg ister dates from the
year 1539. The livin g is a vicarage, n et yea rly value
¿220, with residence, in the g ift of the Dean and
C hapter of Hereford, and held since 1881 by the Rev.
Maunsell John Bacon M .A. of Sidney Sussex C ollege,
C am bridge. A m ission room , d u ly 'licen sed b v the
Bishop, was also erected by C ol. W illiam G rav, of F a r­
ley H ill Place, for the R iseley d istrict. There are P rim i­
tive M ethodist and B ap tist chapels here. The charities
for the poor am ount to ¿ 9 yearlv. N ear the v illag e is
Swallowfield P a rk ; at the tim e o f'th e Norm an C onquest,
bwallowfield was a royal d o m a in ; in the reign of
Henry III. it appertained to the E arl of W a rw ick ; in
that of Edward II. it belonged to John le Despencer,
then passed to the De la Beches and next to John (Plantagenet), Duke of Bedford K .G . 3rd son of Kino- H enrv
IV. who died seised of it in 1435 ; by his w ill it went to
H enry VI. who granted it to John P en ic o k e: about 1600
it was possessed by the B ackhouse fam ilv, from whom,
by his m arriage w ith th e widow of S ir W illiam B ack­
house, it passed to H enry (H yde), second E arl of
Clarendon ; in 1719 it was sold to Thom as P itt M .P. the
celebrated governor of Fort St. George, and ancestor of
the great Lord C h a th a m ; and was subsequently p u r­
chased by the R igh t Hon. Sir H enry Russell bart P .C .
and some tim e C h ief Justice of B engal, and is now the
.sear of S ir G. A . C. Russell bart. : the mansion, as now
ex istin g , was b u ilt in 1678 by Henry, second E arl of
