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[ k e l l y 's
Royds Miss, The Elms
¡Grant Arthur, baker
Andrewes Capt. E. A. The Manor
Jones Alfred, farm bailiffto Mrs. Bull
Andrewes Miss, The Manor
iJones George, haulier
Bull Mrs. Maids Moreton house
Bannister Fdk.Buckingham Arms P.H jNicholls George, farmer
Burrowes Miss, Laurel house
Colley William John, boot maker
Rainbow William, Wheatsheaf P.H
Clarke Stephen Valentine
Dancer Edward James, farmer
iRichards Thomas, beer retailer
Clay Bev. William Keatinge B.A. Eales Herbert Edward, beer retailer IRoberts John, blacksmith
(reotor), Rect-ory
Gough Jn. Rt. frmr. & miller (water) jStanley Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Lucas Arthur. Moreton Manor house Gough Martha (Mrs.), farmer
1Ward Elizabeth Adam (Miss), baker
MABLOVi is a town 32 miles from London,
south curate here in 1862, and comprises oak panelling for
west from High Wycombe, 25 south-east from Oxford, the sanctuary walls, designed by the late G. F. Bodley
5 north-by-west from Maidenhead and 7^ east from esq. R.A. carved oak credence table, tapestried side
Henley, with a terminal station on a branch from wings, two ancient carved oak 16th century sanctuary
Bourne End of the Maidenhead and High Wycombe chairs and a dedicatory marble tablet on the sanctuary
section of the Great Western railway ; it is in the wall: there are 580 sittings. In the churchvard is a
Southern division of the county, hundred of Desborough, lofty monument to Henry Hugh OâDonel Clayton esq.
petty sessional division of Desborough first division, who died in 1857, and a tombstone to John Richardson,
union of Wycombe, county court district of High the famous itinerant showman, who was born at MarÂ
Wycombe, rural deanery of High Wycombe, archdeaconry low in 1767, and died in Southwark, 14 Nov. 1 8 3 7 .
of Buckingham and diocese of Oxford. The town is The register dates from the year 1592. The living is a
pleasantly situated on the Thames, here crossed by a vicarage, net income ¿300, with glebe (¿10) and resiÂ
suspension bridge connecting the town with Bisham, dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Oxford, and held
Berks. The Weir, near the bridge, is semi-circular in since 1901 by the Rev. John Herbert Light Assoc.K.C.L.
form, and between it and the mansion called âLym- and surrogate. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are
brook,â is Marlow lock, which has an average fall of 5 owners of the great tithes, amounting to ¿670 yearly.
feet, and is about 4 miles above Cookham ; the lock is The church of the Holy Trinity, consecrated in 1852,
substantially built, but is inconveniently narrow. Ad is a building of flint, with stone quoins and dressings'
joining are extensive beech woods, and the surrounding consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch,
scenery is remarkable for its beauty. Great Marlow and a turret containing one bell: on the south side of
formerly leturned two members to Parliament: under the nave is a monument of alabaster and marble to
the provisions of the âRepresentation of the People Act, Col. Alexander Higginson, d. 1855: the chancel walls
1867â (30 & 31 Viet. c. 102), the number was reduced and Toof are decorated in colour, and the east and west
to one; and by the âRedistribution of Seats Act, 1885â windows and four others in the chancel and three in
(48 & 49 Viet. c. 23), the representation of the borough the nave are stained :the reredos is ofalabaster and
was merged in that of the county. The town is lighted Caen stone with panels of gold and coloured mosaic:
with gas from works the property of a company, and there are 200 sittings. The Catholic church, in St.
supplied with water from works at the chalk pit, Ox.- Peterâs street, and dedicated to St. Peter, was founded
ford Toad, the property of the Marlow Water Company ; by the late C. R. Scott-Murray esq. and opened in
the supply is obtained from a solid stratum of chalk by 1846; it is an edifice of flint and stone, from thé
a boring 120 feet below the sea level. By a Local designs of the elder Pugin, and consists of chancel,
Government Board Order which came into operation nave, north aisle, lady chapel, and small turret with
March 25, 1885, a part of the parish of Lewknor-up- spire containing one bell: the pulpit and font are of
Hill, Oxfordshire, known as Ackhampstead, was amal Caen stone: the chancel has a handsome reredos, and
gamated with Great Marlow, the remaining portion all the windows are stained : on the south side of the
being added to Stokenchurch.
nave is a canopied tomb to members of the ScottBy a Local Government Board Order, 35,052, which Murray family, whose vault is in the churchyard adÂ
came into operation Oct. 1st, 1896, the whole ecclesias joining ; there are also schools and a school house, built
tical parish of Great Marlow was divided for civil pur from designs by the younger Pugin. The Baptist
poses into the parishes of Marlow (Urban), comprising chapel. Glade road, erected in 1885, has 250 sittings.
the area of the Urban District, and Great Marlow parish, The Congregational chapel, Oxford road, founded in
which consists of the remainder of the old parish, and 1693, the present building being erected in 1840,
includes Bovingdon Green, Harleyford, Lane End &c. restored and reseated in 1863, and further restored
By Local Government Board Order No. 34,210, which in 1890, has 350 sittings; the Primitive Methodist
came into operation Oct. 1st, 1896, part of the former chapel, in Chapel street, seats 250 persons ; the WesÂ
civil parish of Great Marlow, now called Marlow Urban, leyan chapel, in Spittal street, erected in 1900-1, at a
was constituted an Urban District by the name of Great cost of ¿2,200, will seat 350 persons. A cemetery of
Marlow. By an Order of the County Council dated Feb. 5 acres was formed in 1910. The Town Hall, at thé
nth, 1897, the name of the Urban District was altered top of Hi»h street, erected in 1807, is a building of
to that of Marlow. The Urban District is governed by stone, with a turret and clock, and belongs to the
a Council of nine members, formed under the pro adjoining Crown Hotel ; it is used for public meetings,
visions of the âLocal Government Act, 1894â (56 and 57 concerts, balls &c. and will hold 350 persons. The
Viet. c. 73). Great Marlow parish is controlled by a Police Court and Station, in Trinity road, was erected
Parish Council of nine members. The town is known in 1869, and her*1 the county magistrates hold petty
as Marlow for postal. Tailway and other civil purposes, sessions. The brewery of Messrs. Thomas Wethered
but it is still Great Marlow for ecclesiastical purposes. and Sons Limited employs many hands; there is also a
The church of All Samts, rebuilt in 1834, on the site chair factory and paper mills; and embroidery, satin
of the old church, erected circa 1100, and situated on stitch work and the making of baby linen is also carried
the bank of the river, is an edifice of yellow brick with on. A fair for cattle is held on the 29th and 30th of
stone dressings in the Decorated and Perpendicular October, which is generally well attended. The Great
styles, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, Marlow Institute, established in 1853, contains over
and a lofty tower with crocketed spire containing 8 1,300 volumes of useful and standard works, and is
bells: the chancel, erected in 1876, contains a hand supplied, with books of reference, newspapers and
some reredos and five stained windows, one of which periodicals; in 1887 a site was given by the late a memorial to the Rt. Rev. Robert Milman D.D. Gen. Owen L. C. Williams J.P. upon which in 1889-90
bishop of Calcutta 1867-76, and vicar of Great Marlow a new institute of brick in the Gothic style was erected,
1862-7, who died at Rawul Pindi, India, March 15, 1876: at a cost of about ¿1,500, and comprises library, newsÂ
at the west end is a mural monument to Sir Miles paper, reading and recreation rooms. The Public Hall,
Hobart, 1632, and another, with kneeling effigies of a in St. Peterâsstreet, will hold 300people. The âCrownâ
father, mother and children, to Katherine Willoughby, and the âChequers,â in High street; the âGeorge and
1597, and there are tablets to the Clayton, Cocks and Dragon.â near Marlow Bridge ;the âRailway,âthe âGreyÂ
Morris families: during the years 1881-2 the galleries hound,â in Spittal street; the âFishermanâs Retreat,
were removed and arcades erected in the nave :in 1889 in St. Peterâs street; and the â Compleat AngleT,â on
the nave was new roofed and the interior reseated : in the Berks side of the river, are excellent hotels. There
1898-9 the tower and spire were rebuilt of stone and is an endowment of ¿30 vearlv for the boysâ and girl*
flint, at a cost of ¿2,500, and surmounted by a bronze Sunday school, derived from funds invested for that
cross: in 1907 a memorial was placed in the sanctuary purpose by members of the Wethered family; an5
to the late Bishop Smythies of Zanzibar, who was charities amounting to a considerable sum are distil-