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pa g e I
G loucester green,
jlffley..................................... 12 9 Marston ............................. 142 Osney Hill, or Horse-on-PAGE
O xford............................. 1 6 9 Ipsden .................................. 13 0 \Iarstonâ New, see HeadÂ
the-Hill,seeNorthLeigh 1 â¢
Glym pton ........................ 10 4 I s lip ...................................... i 3I
ington 1 1 2 , & see M arÂ
Over Arncot, see ArnGodington ........................ 10 4 Juniper Hill, see Cottisston ................................. 143
brosden ........................
Godstow, see Woolvercot 3 6 2 ford .................................. 81 Maudâs Tow'er.see Oxford 16 9 Over Kiddington
G older, see Pyrton ....... 306 Kelmscott ..............................132 Medlersâ Bank, see BenÂ
Kiddington ................ 132
G oring................................. 104 Kencott ............................. 132
son ................................... 44 Over Norton, see ChipÂ
G oring H eath.................... 106 Kiddington â Nether &
Merton................................. 143
ping Norton ............... 7â
(iosford, see Kidlington..
1 3 4 O v e r .................................. 132 Mesopotamia, see Oxford 17 1 Over W orton..................... og:
Grafton, see L angford... 1 3 7 Kidlington ............
133 Middle
O very, see Dorchester ... °Q,
Grandpont, see O xford...
1 7 4 Kidm ore & Kidm ore End 134
B ad g em o re.................... 23 Oxford .................................... , 54
G reat Barford, see BarK in g h am .............................. 134 Middle Aston, see Steeple
Park Corner, see Swynford St. M ichael
42 K in g âs End, see Bicester..
Aston .....................
com be.............................
G reat Bourton ................ 5 6 K in gâs Mil), see Oxford... 17 1 Middle Barton,see Steeple
Parks (The), see Oxford. 171
G reat Haseley, or HazeK in g âs Stones, see L ittle
Barton ........................... 324 Parsonsâ Pleasure, see
le y . . . . . ............................. n o
R o llrig h t....................... 308 Middle Cowley ................ 81
O xford............................ I7j
G reat Milton .................... 1 4 5 K ingâs W eir, see Oxford.. 15 6 Middleton S toney........... 144 Path Hill,see Whitchurch 349
G reat Rollright ................ 3 0 7 Kingsey ............................. 13 6 Milcombe .......................... 144 Peppard, see Rotherfield
G reat Tew ........................ 3 3 3 Kingston
Blount, see
Milton, see A dderbury...
Peppard ........................ 3o8
G reys, see Henley-upon
Aston Rowant................ 23 Miltonâ G reat ................ 14 5 Piddin gton........................ ^
Thames ......................... 1 1 5 Kingston
P i r t r i n or
n r Pyrton
P v rtn n
Miltonâ L ittle ................ 14 6 Pirton,
G reys,
or Rotherfield
Aston Row ant .............. 25 Milton-under-Wychwood 14 5 Pishill..
G reys ............................. 308 Kingwood.see Rotherfield
Minster Lovell ................ 14 7 Play H atch, see Dunsden 93
G reys Green, see RotherÂ
Peppard .......................... 309 M ixbury ............................. 147 PlougleyHill,seeSouldern 318
field G reys .................... 308 Kirtlington .......................... 13 6 Mollington ......................... 148
Poffley End, see Hailey... 107
G rim sb uryâ Old & New,
K ittâs Quarries, see HurMongewell ......................... 148 Portways, see Pyrton ... 306
see Banbury ................ 30
ford ................................... 62 Moorton, see Northmoor. 155 Postcombe, see Lewknor 141
G rim sdyke, seeSpelsbury 3 1 9 Knowle B ury, see ChadMoreton, see T h a m e
3 4 ^ Prescott, see Cropredy... 83
G rim âs Dyke, see Mongelin g to n ............................. 66 M urcott,see Charlton-onPreston Crowmarsh, see
well ................................. 14 8 Lachford, see G t. Haseley 1 1 1
O tm oor........................... 6 c
Benson............................ 44
H ailey-cum -C raw ley
1 0 7 Lan gford .............................. 1 3 7 Muswel) H ill,seePiddingPriest End, see Thame... 335
Hampton G a y .................... 1 0 7 Langley,
see Shiptonton ................................. 3 0 : Pudlicote,seeShorthmptn 316
Hampton P o y le ................ 1
under-Wychwood ....... 3 1 5 Neat Enstone,seeEnstone 9 5 Pyrton, or Pirton ........... 306
H andborough, or HanLashbrook, see Shiplake.. 3 1 3 ; Neithrop,or Netherthorp,
Queen Elizabethâs Island,
H andÂ
Launton ............................. 1 3 7 see Banbury ................ 30 i see Blenheim................ 53
boroughâ L o n g
108 Law n South, see SwinNether Arncot, see Am Queenswood, see Stonor.. 327
Hanwell ............................. 10 9
brook ............................. 330
2 c [ Radcot, see Langford
Hard wick, see B anbury... 30 Leaâ Upper & Low er, see
Nether Kiddington, see
Radford, see Enstone
Hardwick, see DucklingS w a lc liffe ....................... 3 2 9
K iddin gton.................... 132 Ramsden............................ 306
ton ................................. 93 Leafield-cum -W ychwood 138 Nether Worton ................ 3 6 ^ Road Enstone, see EnÂ
H ardwick (near Bicester) 109 Leaguer Head,see Oxford 1 7 1 Nethercot, see T ack ley... 3 31
stone ............................. 95
H arpsden............................. 1 1 0 Led well, see Sandford St.
Nethercote, see Banbury
27 Rock Hill, see Chipping
Haseley (or Hazeley)â
M a rtin ............................. 3 1 1 Nettlebed ......................
14 9
Norton............................ 72
G reat ............................. n o Leighâ N orth ...................... 13 9 New G rim sbury,
Rofford, see Chalgrove... 67
Haseleyâ L ittle, see G t.
Leighâ S o u th ...................... 13 9 Banbm y ......................... 30 Roke & Roke Marsh, see
Haseley ......................... i n L e w ....................................... 140 New Headington,
Benson............................ 44
Hawk Stone, see Dean.
L e w k n o r .............................. 14 0 H ighfield......................... 124 Rollrightâ G reat ........... 307
Spelsburv .................... 3 1 9 Lewknor-up-H ill,
New H inksey, see Oxford 174 Rollrightâ L ittle............. 307
Headington.......................... 1 1 2 Cadm ore End (Bucks) 64 NewMarston,seeHeadingRose Hill, see Cowley
Lidstone, see E n sto n e
ton 1 1 2 , & see Marston 14 3
Hill, see I ffle y
O xford.............................. 1 5 5 L ittle Baldon, see Baldon
New Thame, see T ham e.. 335 Rotherfield G r e y s
Headington Q uarry ......... 1 1 3 T oot.................................. 24 New Woodstock,
Rotherfield P ep p ard
Heath End, seeCheckendn 70 L ittle Bourton.................... 5 6
W oodstock...................... 358 Ronndhill, see Enstone... 95
Hempton, see Chinnor ..
71 L ittle Faringdon ............
98 N ew Yatt,see North Leigh
R ou sh a m .......................... 309
H empton,see Deddington 88 L ittle Haseley, see G reat
1 3 9 , also Hailey-cum Russellâs
H enley-upon-Tham es ... 1 1 4
Haseley ........................ m
Craw ley ......................... 107
S w yn com b e................. 331
Hensington W ithin, see
L ittle Milton .................... 14 6 Newington.......................... 1 4 9 Rycote, see GreatHaseley 111
Woodstock .................... 3 5 9 L ittle Rollright ................ 307 Newington â North, see
St. A ldateâs, see Oxford . 156
Hensington W ithout, see
L ittle T ew ......................... 3 34
Broughton .................... 59 St. Christopherâs QuarÂ
Bladon ......................... 52 Littlem ore ......................... 1 4 1 Newingtonâ South
15 0
ries, see B urford
Hethe or H e a th ................. 12 2 L ittle w orth , see Benson... 4 4 !Newland, see Cogges 7 9 ,
St. C lem entâs,see Oxford 160
H eyford-at-Bridge,
L ittle worth, see W heatley 3 4 8 :
W itney......................... 352 St. Ebbeâs, see Oxford... 161
Low er Heyford ............. 1 2 2 Lobb, see G reat Hasele 3â. 1 1 1 Newnham Murren ......... 1 5 c St.Fridesw ideâs,seeOxfrd 165
Hey ford
W arren,
Loggerhead, see Oxford.. 17 1 Newton Purcell................. 153 S t. G ilesâs, see Oxford... 161
Upper Heyford ............. 1 2 3 Long Combe, see Combe. 8 c N o k e .................................... 15 1 St. Thom asâs, see Oxford 164
Long Handborough, see
North Aston .................... 22 Salford............................... 310
High Cogges, see Cogges
H andborough................ 108 North Leigh .................... 13 9 Sandford St. M artin
Highfield .........................
Long Toll, see Goring
Sandford-upon-Thames.. 311
Newington, see
Highm oor ........................
Heath ............................. 1 0 6
Broughton .................... 59 Sarsden ........................... 311
Hinkseyâ N ew, see O xÂ
Lower A m cot, see Am North Stoke .................... 3 2 5 Satwell, see Highmoor... 125
ford .................................
brosden ......................... 20 North Weston, seeTham e 340 Scotland End, see Hook
Hockmore, see Cowley ...
Assenden, see
Northbrook, see K irtlin g Â
Norton........................... I2t*
Holcombe,see Newington 1 5 0
ton .................................... 1 3 6 Sesswell
Barton, see
Hollandridge, see Stonor. 3 2 7 Lower Court, see ChadNorthfield End, see HenÂ
Steeple Barton...............324
H olly or Sprigg s A lley,
lington ......................... 66
ley-upon-Tham es
1 1 6 Shelswell........................... 312
see Chinnor..................... 7 1 LowerHeyford orHeyfordNorthgate, see Oxford ... 1 7 0 Shenington....................... 312
H olto n ................................... 1 2 5 a t-B rid g e......................... 122 N orthm oor........................
Shepherdâs Green, see
Holwell .............................. 1 2 5 Lower Lea, see Swalcliffe 3 29 Nortonâ Cold, see ChipÂ
Rotherfield G reys
Holy W ell,see Tadm arton
Lower S h ip la k e................ 3 14
ping Norton ................ 73 Shifford, see Hampton
3 3 2 , & see Oxford ......... 1 6 1 Lower Tadm arton,
Nortonâ Over, see C hipÂ
Aston ......................... 20
HolywellGreen,seeOxford 1 6 1
T ad m arto n .................... 33 2
ping Norton ................ 73 Shillingford,see Warboro 341
Hook Norton ...................... 1 2 5 Lyneham , see MiltonNuffield ......................
1 5 2 Shilton................................3
H o rle y................................... 1 2 7
under-W ych wood ....... 14 5 Nuneham Courtenay
JS2 Shiplake & ShiplakeHorn ton .............................. 1 2 7 Madmarston Cam p, see
Oakley, see Chinnor
L o w e r .......................... 3 3
Swalcliffe ....................... 328 Oddington ........................ 1 5 3 Shipton-on-Cberwell
Hill, see North Leigh... 13 9 Maiden Bower,see Steeple
Shipton - under - WycbOld G rim sbury, see Ban
Horsepath .......................... 1 2 7 B arto n ............................. 324
b u ry ...............................
wood ...................
H orton-cum -Studley
128 Maplednrham .................. 142 Old Thame, see Thame..
S h irb u rn
............. 3 5
Ibstone (B u c k s )................. 128 Market End, see Bicester 46 Old Woodstock,see Wood 335 [Shocks
Ickford (B u c k s )................ 1 2 9 Marsh Baldon. or Baldon
stock .............................. 3 5 9 ; Shorthampton
jS h o r th a m p to n ,o r C h |ls o n 3
I d b u r y ................................... 12 9 M arsh .......