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cereals. The area is 505 ac re s; the population in 1911
w as 181.
Sexton, Thom as L a y.
P ost & T . O ffice.â M iss R u th D ix, sub-postm istress.
L e tters throu gh W oodstock, Oxon, arrive a t 7.40 a.m .
Mason Mrs. Freeland house
Taunton Misses
Hopkins W illiam , N ew inn
S m ith Jam es, farm bailiff to J. p
Horne Robert, shopkeeper
(Mason esq. (M.P
Saint M ary's H om e for In valid Ladies
W alker Frank, p ig dealer
(Mrs. Boake, hon. lady supt)
Short W illiam , head gardener to Mrs. W atts Sarah Ann (M rs.), farmer Th*
E lm s
F R I N Q F O E D is a parish and v illag e on th e B ucks
border of the county, and on a trib u ta ry to th e river
Ouse, about 3J m iles north-east from B icester station on
th e Ashendon and A ynho section of the G reat W estern
R ailw ay Com panyâs new main line from London to B irÂ
m ingham , 4 m iles north-east from B icester station on
th e B letch ley and Oxford branch of the London and
N o rth W estern railw ay, 7 south-w est from B uckingham
and 17 north-east from Oxford, in the Mid division of the
county, hundred and p etty sessional division of P loughley, union and county cou rt district of Bicester, Tural
deanery of B icester and archdeaconry and diocese of
O xford. The church of St. M ichael and A ll A n gels is
a building of stone, origin ally of th e 12th or 13th cenÂ
tu ry , b ut m ostly reb u ilt, and now exh ib itin g portions
of various styles and consisting of chancel, nave of
three bays, aisles, south poTch and an em battled western
tower containing a clock and 3 b e lls : the chancel aisles
and tow er have been w holly re b u ilt in very good style,
and all the chancel windows are s ta in e d : the south
doorway and two arches of the nave arcades are N orÂ
m a n ; the porch is E a rly E n g lish : th e font was preÂ
sented in 1880 as a m em orial to Mrs. Anne K in g , and
the old Perp endicular font now lies in the ch u rc h y a rd :
there is still an ancient rood screen and a panelled
p u lp it: there are 200 sittin gs. Th e reg ister of baptism s
dates from th e yea r 1598; m arriag es, 1586; burials,
1588. The livin g is a rectory, net yearly value ¿235, with
residence, and 220 acres of glebe, in th e g ift of the Lord
C hancellor, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Stafford
M eredith-Brown. The Parish H all, given to the parish
by the late H. J. O liinnery esq. is used as a reading
room and lib ra ry and also for social gatherings. The
ch arities for distribution am ount to £ 14 5s. yearly.
Cotm ore H ouse is th e seat of Charles Dewar esq. and
the Manor H ouse is th e residence of E llis H. Chinnery
esq. M ajor A . W. Dewar-H arrison J.P. is lord of
the m anor and chief landowner. Th e soil is partly
clay and p artly stone brash, w ith a portion arable.
Th e chief crops are w heat, beans, peas and barley.
T h e area is 1,454 acres of land and 4 of w a ter; rateable
value, .£2,304; t'he population in 1911 was 374.
Parish Clerks, Judd Brothers.
Post & M. 0 . Office.â E rn est Price, sub-postmaster.
L e tters throu gh B icester arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 12.50
p .m .; dispatched at 8.5 a.m . & 12.50 & 5.25 p.m.;
no delivery on sunday. H ethe is the nearest telegraph
office, 1 m ile distan t
E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1866 for 80 children;
A rth u r John Jephson, m aster
C arriers.â J. H.
G rantham , to B anbury, thurs. ;
Bicester, fri. ; B rackley, wed. ; Buckingham , sat.;
F red Stocldey, from B icester, daily
Chinnery E llis H. Manor house
C hinnery E llis H. farm er,M anor farm
Dewar C harles, Cotm ore house
C larke E leanor (M rs.), butcher
M eredith-Brown R ev.Stafford (re c to r),1Crook Jam es H arold, baker
R ectory
G ibbard Ann
(M rs.) & Thomas,
c o m m e r c ia l .
j farm ers
A llen Thom as, m iller (steam & G rantham Jam es H indley, carrier
w ater), Fring-ford m ill
¡G reen A lb t.E d w d .B u tch ersâ A im s P.H
C arey A lb ert (M rs.), shopkeeper
Jackm an A lb ert R .S .S . blacksm ith
F R I T W E L L is a parish and village, 2 m iles east from
F ritw ell and Som erton station on th e Oxford and W olÂ
verham pton section of the G reat W estern railw ay, and
north-w est from A rdley station on the direct B ir Â
m ingham line of the same system , 6 n orth-w est from
Bicester, 9 south-east from B anbury, and in th e Mid
division of the county, hundred and p etty sessional
division of P loughley, union and cou n ty court district
of B icester, ru ra l deanery of B icester and archdeaconry
and diocese of Oxford. The church of S t. Olave is an
ancient edifice of stone, originally N orm an, b u t reconÂ
structed in th e E aH y E n g lish p e rio d ; it consists of
chancel, nave of eigh t bays, aisles, north porch and a
w estern tower of E a rly E n g lish date, containing a clock
and 3 b ells: th e chancel arch, rem oved to the north side
of the chancel, and both the doorways are good exam ples
of Norm an w ork, and the south door has some curious
sculpture in the tym pan um , representing two m onsters
on each side of a t r e e : the chancel walls and th e nave
arcades are E arly E n g lis h : the font is octagonal, w ith
carvin g in low Telief and is a Decorated w ork, and
w ithin the south dtooTway theTe is a curious holy water
stoup of early date: the church was restored in 1864,
and affords 320 s it t in g s : in the ch urch yard are the
rem ains of an ancient cross, w hich was restored in
1913. The register dates from the year 1558.
liv in g is a vicarage, net yearly value £ 96, including
84 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in th e g ift of the
R t. Hon. S ir John Allsebrook Simon K .G .V .O ., K .C .,
Croxford John Henry, St. O laveâs cot
G raham D avid, F ritw ell lodge
K ilb y Mrs
M ay Sam uel
M eredith Rev. John Llewellyn B .A.
M idw inter Miss
Simon R t. Hon. S ir John Allsebrook
P .C ., K .C .V .O ., K .C ., M .P. F ritwell m an o r; & 57 K ensington cou rt
W & Reform , Royal Autom obile &
N ational
clu bs
S W ;
G arrick club W C & E ig h ty club
E C, London
& 3.15 p.m . ; dispatched at 9.20 a.m . & 4.10 & . .
p.m . on week days only. Long Handborough is th*
nearest m oney order office
E lem en tary School (m ixed), built, w ith m asterâ s house
in 1871, for about 56 ch ild ren ; Mrs. R. M. Gardiner*
m istress
J u d d Bros, carm en & parish clerks
Judd G eorge, shoe m aker
Keen John Goodspeed,frm r. Glebe frm
Plum be W illiam Fredk. blacksmith
Price Brothers, plumbers
W atts E rn est, farm er, Waterloo farm
M .P. and held since 1895 by th e Rev. John Llewellyn
M eredith B .A . of W orcester College, Oxford. Here are
two chapels, W esleyan and M ethodist. The charities
include H iscockâs of £ 2 yearly for fuel, and a sum of
£20, placed in the B icester savings bank in 1859 ty
an unknown donor. W attleb an k A vesditch is supposed
to be the rem ains of an old Roman road. The Manor
House, erected about 1600, is now the property and
residence of th e R t. Hon. S ir John Allsebrook Simon
P .C ., K .C .V .O ., K .C ., M .P. Pem broke College, Oxford,
is th e chief landowner. The soil is stone brash; subÂ
soil, loam. T h e land is p artly pasture, partly arable,
w ith a sm all portion of woodland. The area is 1,742
a c r e s ; rateable value, £2,373 ; the population in 1911
was 453 in the c iv il and 455 in th e ecclesiastical parish.
Parish C lerk, W a lter Reeves.
Post. M. 0 ., T . & Telephone Call Office & Telephonic
E xpress D elivery Office (to places within a limited
distance).â Mrs.
E liza
G older,
Letters th rou gh B anbury arrive a t 8.45 a.m. & 4
p .m .; dispatched at 10.20 a.m . & 6.10 p.m .; no
delivery on Sunday
W all L e tte r Box, M anor house, cleared 10.25 a.m. fc
6.15 p.m
E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1869, for 92 children; ave-age attendance, 80; C. H enry Ludford, master
C arrie r.â John Bennett, to B anbury, mon. & thurs.; to
B icester, fri. & F ritw ell & Som erton, & Ardley stations
Sim ons Thom as
Allen Jesse, farmer
Allen John Henry, laundry
Beechey H enry, K in gâ s Head P.H
Bennett Ann (M rs.), Bear P.H
Bennett Jam es, stone mason
Bennett John, carrier
B erry Randolph,G eorge & DragonP.H
B uckingham E lizabeth (M rs.), farm er
Budden G eorge, Bear P.H
Dew & Sons, grocers
Fox A lfred, coal m erchant
G ibbs John, blacksm ith
Golder Eliza (¡Mrs.), shopkpr. Post off
Hazell John, farm er
Hearne John, boot maker
H um phris G eorge, butcher
Oddfellows (No. 9,007) Manchester
Unity, B anbury district (Arthur
Baughan, sec)
Pitts W illiam , coal merchant
Preston H enry, farmer
Preston Jesse, farm er
Stockford E lish a, beer retailer
Walton Frederick W. farmer
W hite John, carpenter & asst, oversee
Y eatm an John W m . boot repairer