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Summers Thomas, Bank house, Tap- Tatham Miss, Good Shelter, Penn, Theweneti Charles Lawrence, The Old
low, Maidenhead
High Wycombe
mansion, Bledlow Ridge,Wallinafrd
Sumner Lord P.C. Ibstone house, Tattam Miss, Marston house, North Thom Alexander, Runswick, Oval
Wallingford; & 25 Gloucester sq. Marston, Winslow
way, Gerrardâs Cross
W & Athenaeum club, London S W Tautz Arthur, Wayside, Oval way, Thomas Sir John J.P. Brook house
Sumner William James, Andermatt, Gerrardâs Cross
Wooburn. Wooburn Green
Station road, Amersham
Taviner George, Tetsworth house, Thomas Col. Dacres, Trenton, Curzon
Sutthery Miss, Weedenthorne cot Sussex place, Slough
avenue, Beaconsfield
Tayler A.33 Buckingham rd.Aylesbry Thomas Arth. 36 Mackenzie st.Slouch
tage, White hill, Chesham
Sutthery Mrs. Clifton Reynes, Stan Tayler G.The Kickles,Newport Pagni) Thomas Clement, The Warren, ChesÂ
ley avenue, Chesham
Taylor Lady Jane, Elm cottage, Ful ham Bois, Chesham
Sutton J. B. The Hollies,Stoke Poges, mer, Stoke Poges
Thomas Geoffrey, Ellerslie, Chesham
Taylor Major Forbes, Woodholme, Bois, Chesham
Sutton Jn. C., J.P. The Mount, Brad- Farnham common, Farnham Royal Thomas Gordon Cale, The Martins,
well rd. New Bradwell, Wolverton Taylor Rev. Herbert, Wynter lodge, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Swabey Mrs. The Marish, Langley West Wycombe rd. High Wycombe Thomas Henry, The Wodlands, DadMarish, Slough
Taylor Arthur, Fairoak, Bulstrode ford, Stowe, Buckingham
Swain Ernest, Little Nalders, Lati way, Gerrardâs Cross
Thomas Joseph Edgar, The Old Post
Taylor Arthur N. Gayhurst, Milton office, Common, Gerrardâs Cross
mer, Chesham
Swain Mrs. 7 West st. Buckingham
avenue, Gerrardâs Cross
Thomas Mrs. 7 Walton ter.Aylesburv
Swain William Henry, Engelberg, Taylor Edward, 40 Horse Fair green, Thomas Mrs. James Bowers, MeTton
Orchehill avenue, Gerrardâs Cross Stony Stratford
cot. Marsham way, Gerrardâs Cross
Swallow Francis McDonald, St. Taylor F. J. 37 Silver street, New Thomas R. J. 8 Church st. Aylesbury
port Pagnell
Edmunds, Bourne End
Thompson Rev. Arthur James Kaysj
Swan Robert J. J., A.M.I.E.E. 114 TaylorF.W.North sq.Newport Pagnell M.A. Bierton, Aylesbury
Taylor Frederick, Bierton, Aylesbury Thompson Charles, Vancouver lodtre,
Bellingdon road, Chesham
Swan W. H. 18 Bierton rd. Aylesbury Taylor George H. Natfield, West Wy Dadford. Buckingham
Swann Major-Gen. John C., C.B. combe road. High Wycombe
Thompson H. Y. Oving ho. Aylesbury
Pickets, Grimshill, Gt. Missenden Taylor H. Overdale, Upton rd. Slough Thompson Henry B. St. Matthewâs
Swannell William A. Lavendon castle, Taylor Harry Mead, Pennway, Knotty lodge, Oval way, Gerrardâs Cross
Green, Beaconsfield
Lavendon, Olney
Thompson Henry Sewell, Lancaster
Swanson Andrew Isles, The Shack, Taylor Henry, Rosedale, Uxbridge rd. cottage, Chesham Bois, Chesham
Chesham Bois, Chesham
Thompson Miss, Parkfield, Princes
Sweatman Henry C. Repton.Bulstrode Taylor Henry C. Firs lodge, Lang Risborough
ley Marish, Slough
way, Gerrardâs Cross
Thompson William, 4 Harlow road,
Sweeny Mrs. Hilbre, The Common, Taylor Henry Hylton Winter,Bassetts- High Wycombe
Chalfont St. Peter, Gerrardâs Cross bury Manor house. High Wycombe Thomset Edward, White cottage,
Sweet William Owen, Tankerfield, Taylor Mason, 31 Church st. Slough Taplow, Maidenhead
Taylor Miss,Porch ho.Coleshl.Amrshm Thorne Miss, Elm house, Edlesboroâ,
Montagu road, Datchet, Windsor
Swift Mrs. Warrenton, Gregories rd. Taylor Miss Mabel, Kenneth corner, Dunstable
Cadmore End, High Wycombe
Thorne W.27 Buckingham rd.Aylesbry
Swinfen Mrs. Essex cottage, Montagu Taylor Mrs. Aston Clinton, Tring
Thorns Spencer, Nawawrah, LatchÂ
Taylor Mrs. High street, Marlow
Toad, Datchet, Windsor
moor grove, Gerrardâs Cross
Swire G. Warren, Cedar lawn, Tinge- Taylor Mrs. 89 High street, Newport Thornton William,Monks Risborough,
wick. Buckingham
Princes Risborough
Swithinbank H.W,, F.R.S.E..F.R.G.S., Taylor Mrs. Manor house, Sherington, Thornton-Smith Ernest,ClaptonRevel,
J.P. Denham court,Denham,Uxbdge Newport Pagnell
Wooburn Green
Sworder John, Rothsay, Stoke road, Taylor Percy, Sunnyholme, The Com Thornvcroft Hamo R.A. Grooms
mon, Amersham
Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
farm, Botley, Chesham
Sykes Albert Goucher, 48 New road, Taylor Reginald R. Throshers, Knotty Thorpe H.18 Chandos rd.Buckingham
Green, Beaconsfield
Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Thorpe Harry, Eversly, Slough road,
Sykes William Edwin, Sylvanhoe, Taylor W. H.12 Exchange st.Aylesbry Datchet, Windsor
Taylor Walt. Jn. Westfield,Whiteleaf, Thrasher G. J. 160 High st. Aylesbry
Upton road, Slough
Symonds Rev. Benjamin Legge M.A. Monks Risborough, Princes RisboroâThrasher William John, Sunny bank,
Taylor William James Winter, Bas- Vale road, Aylesbury
Haversham, Wolverton
Symons Mrs. 89 High street, New settsbury Manor ho. High Wycombo Thriscotb Frank M. Ivy cottage,Marsh
Teale Mrs. Brockhurst,Chesham Bois, Gibbon, Bicester (Oxon)
port Pagnell
Thurburn Mrs. Esperanza, Latchmoor
Synnott Capt. Wilfred T. Penrose, Chesham
avenue, Gerrardâs Cross
Northern Woods, High Wycombe Tebb R. H. Priory ford, Bourne End
Thurlow Frank, Rye mead, London
Syred Miss, St. Jamesâ lodge, Park
lane, Amersham
road, High Wycombe
field, Princes Risborough
Syrett H. S. Heyford, Northern Tempest Mrs. Bradenham house,High Thurlow Mrs. The Rookery, Castle
Wycombe; & Tong hall, Bradford hill. Hieh Wycombe
Wods, High Wycombe
Thurlow Thomas, Toll gate, London
Tabberner James, Woodthorpe & Dalguise, Perthshire
TempleW.R.Ormonde,Datchet,Windsr road, High Wycombe
Bletchley road, Bletchley
Tailby E.34 London rd.Stony Stratfrd Templer John H. Sunnycroft, Loud- Thurnauer Louis. Noris, South park,
Gerrardâs Cross
Talbot Major-Gen. Hon. Sir Reginald wateT, High Wycombe
Arthur James K.C.B. States house. Terry Arthur, Quarrendon, Aylesbury Tibbetts John Smith, 21 Wolverton
Medmenham, Marlow; & 12 Man Terry Frederick James, Thanington, road, Stony Stratford
Curzon avenue, Beaconsfield
Tichener A. J. Chesham view, ChesÂ
Chester square, London W
Talbot A. Home farm,Datchet,Windsr Terry H. Dollicott house, Hadden- ham Bois, Chesham
Tidmarsh Rev. Frederick Arthur ColÂ
Talbot Howard, Five Diamonds, Chal ham, Thame
Terry John, 11 Bicester rd. Aylesbury lett B.A. Princes road, Cores End,
font St. Giles, Gerrardâs Cross
Talbot Miss, Newton Blossomville. Terry- Miss, 47 Buckingham road, Bourne End
Tidmarsh Rev. Thos. Wm. M.A. Tb®
Newport Pagnell
Talbot Wm. Dagnall,Weston rd.Olney Terry Mrs. E. 51 Whitehall street. Rectory, Lathbury,Newport Pagnell
Tidy Thomas A. Laurel cottage,
Taplin Albert, Wvndvcroft, Amers Aylesbury
Tetley William Charles, The Close, Heath, Iver, Uxbridge
ham road. High Wycombe
Tietkens Ernest A. Beechcroft, BurnÂ
Taplin Miss, Mead cottage, London Wavendon, Woburn Sands
Thackery Henry St. John, Marsham ham, Maidenhead
road. High Wvcombe
Tapson Miss, Hazlewood, Latchmoor Lane house, Marsham lane, Ger Tighe Lieut.-Col. Michael A., Jâ
rardâs Cross
Loosley house, Loosley r o w , Princes
grove, Gerrardâs Cross
Tamer Miss, Frogmore, Packhorse Tharpe Eden, Ormonde house, Lang Risborough
Till Mrs. The V i n e . Q u a i n t o n . A v l e s b r y
ley Marish, Slough
road, Gerrardâs Cross
Tarver John T. Ascott, Leighton Thatcher Mrs. Clovelly, Bulstrode TillW.H eath field .C h esh a m Bois,Chshni
way, Gerrardâs Cross
Tillett Rev. Arthur M.R. St. Peter
Tate John Dnncan, Lexden, Oval Thatcher Mrs. 37 Tring rd.Aylesbury street, Marlow
Tine Albert. The Retreat, Tapio*.
wav. Gerrardâs Cross
Tate' Lawton Svlata, North park, Theakston Misses, Coombe cottage, Maidenhead
Tipper Edgar Hugh,
Gerrardâs Cross
Tatham Rev. Francis Hv. M.A. Vicar Thevenard Charles W. Moor farm, stead, Fulmer way, Gerrards0 Lane End, High Wycombe
Titmuss D.Lutonia,Ascott rd.ATls»r;
age, Wing, Leighton Buzzard
Tatham C. Emberton,Newport Pagnell