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[ k e l l y âs
(part of), North Newington, Shenington, Sibford Ferris, The Radcliffe Infirmary and County Hospital, Wood
Sibford Gower, Tadmarton, West Adderbury, Wigginton, stock road, Oxford, erected under a legacy bequeathed h
Dr. John Radcliffe, the celebrated royal physician, fea
Hundred of Bullingdonâ Albnry, Ainbrosden, Arncott, spacious structureofstone, firstopened forpatientsOctober
Baldon Marsh, BaldonToot,Beckley, Blackthorn, Chilwortli, 18, 1770- It stands on five acres of ground, the gift0f
Chippinghurst, Cowley, Cnddesdon, Denton, Elsfield,Forest Thomas Rowney esq. and comprises four ordinary, an acHill, Garsington, Headington, Holton, Horsepath, Horton- cident and two childrenâs wards ; the total number of
cum-Studley, Iffley, Littleinore (part of), Marston, Merton, beds is 150. In 1893-4 the infirmary was enlarged by
Nuneham Courtenay, Piddington, St. Clement (Oxford), the addition of a new block of three wards and connected
bandford, Shotover, Stanton St. John, Stowood, Studley, with the main building by a corridor. In 1906 open-air
Thomley, Tiddington, Waterperry, Wheatley, Wood Eaton. balconies forthe treatment of tuberculous cases were added
to both the menâs and womenâs blocks, and other improveÂ
Hundred of Chadlingtonâ Aseott-under-Wychwood, ments made at a total cost of .£3,200. In 1899 an operÂ
Bruern, Chadlington, Charlbury (part of), Chastleton, ating theatre was erected. In November, 1913, new
ChippingNorton,Churchill, Cornwell, Enstones, Fifield,Ful- buildings were erected on the site of the old out-patients'
brook, Great Rollright, Hook Norton, Idbury, Kingham, hall. This block includes a new out-patientsâhallwithtwo
Langley,Leaiield,Little R£>llright,Lyneham, Aliiton,Minster 24 hour wards, new X-ray, electro-therapeutical, dental
Lovell,North Moor,OverNorton,Ramsden, Salford,Sarsden, and dispensing departments, and pathological and clinical
Shipton-under-Wychwood,Shorthampton, Spelsbury, Swer- laboratories. The number of in-patients in 1914 was 2,632
ford, Swinbrook, Taynton, Wyehwood.
and ofout-patientsand casualties 8,627.
Hundred ofDorchesterâ Bensington or Benson (part of), The Hospital Chapel of St. Luke consists ofchancel and
Burcott,Chiselhampton,CliftonHampden, Dorchester, Dray nave and bell turret.
ton, Stadbampton.
Sir William Osier bart. LL.D., F.R.C.P.Lond., M.D.,
Hundred of Ewelmeâ Bensington (part of), Berrick F.R.S., Reg. Prof. Med. Oxford University, consulting
Salome, Brightwell Baldwin, Brightwell Prior, Chalgrove, physician; E. B. Gray M.D.Oxon. honorary physician,
Cuxham, Essington, Ewelme, Great Haseley, Ickford (part AlfredWinkfield F.R.C.i>.£ug.,M.A. honorarysurgeon;W.
of), Nettlebed, Newington, Nuffield, Swincombe or Swyn- Tyrrel Brooks M.A.Oxon., M.B.Lond., W. Collier M.A.,
combe, Warborough and Warpsgrove.
M.D., F.R.C.P.Lond. and Ernest Mallam M.A., M.D.,
Hundred ofLangtreeâ Checkendon, Crowmarsh Gifford, B.Ch.Oxon. physicians; William Arthur P. Waters M.A.,
Goring, Ipsden, Maple Durham, Mongewell, Newnham M.D., B.Ch.Oxon. hun. assistant physician and medical
Murren, NorthStokeand SouthStoke, Whitchurch (partof). registrar; Walter John Turrell M.A., M.D., B.Ch.Oxon.
electro-therapeutic physician; Horatio P. Symonds
Hundred of Lewknorâ Adwell, Aston Rowant, Bright- F.R.C.S.Edin. Richard Henry Anglin Whitelocke M.D.,
well Salome, Chinuor, Crowell, Emmington, Kingsey (part M.Ch.Edin., F.R.C.S.Eng. and Arthur P. Dodds-Parker
of), Lewknor, L«wknor-up-Hill (part of), Stokenchurch, M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. surgeons ; Edmund Cecil Beyers
M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon., F.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Oxford City and Universityâ St. Giles(Oxford), St. John hon. assistant surgeon and surgical registrar; Philip
Edward Homer Adams M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon., M.R.C.S.
Oxford Cityâ Holywell or St. Cross, Littlemore (part of), Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. consulting ophthalmic surgeon;ProÂ
Oxford University (part of), St. Aldate (Oxford) (part of), fessor Georges Dreyer M.A. pathologist; AlexanderGeorge
St. Ebbe (Oxford), St. Martin & All Saints (Oxford), St. GibsonM.A., M.D.»B.Ch.Oxon., B.Sc.Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond.
Mary Magdalen (Oxford), St. Mary the Virgin (Oxford), assistantpathologist ; Richard Harvey Sankey M.A., M.B.,
B.Ch.Oxon., M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P.Lond. radiographer;
St. Peter-le-Bailey(Oxford), St. Thomas (Oxford).
Edmund Augustine Bevers M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting
Oxford Libertyâ Binsey, Woodstock.
dental surgeon ; Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Oxford,
Hundred of Pirtonâ Ibstone (part of), Pirton, Pishill, chaplain; Rev. C. C. Inge M.A. assistantchaplain; Capt.
Shirburn, South Weston, Stoke Talmage, Watlington, G. C. Rynd, sec. supt. ;F. W. A. Philpott, dispenser;Miss
A. J. Watt, matron.
Hundred of Ploughleyâ Ardley, Bicester Kingâs End, The Oxford County Lunatic Asylum, at Littlemore,near
BicesterMarket End, Bletchingdon, Bucknell, Caversfield, Oxford, is a large stone building; the asylum includesa
Chariton-upon-Otmoor, Chesterton, Cottesford, Fencott chapel and a house forthe residentmedicalofficerandlying
and Murcott, Fimnere, Fringford, Fritwell, Hampton Gay, around are pleasant grounds ;the institution has its own
Hampton Poyle, Goddington, Hardwicke, Hethe, Islip, gas works ;m 1905 anewIsolationHospital, fournew wards
Kirtlington, Launton, Lower Heyford, Middleton Stoney, and an entertainment hall were added ; Thomas Saxty
Mixbury, Newton Purcell, Noke, Oddington, Shelswell, Good L.R.C.P.Lond.,M.R.C.S.Eng. residentmedicalsuperinÂ
Somerton, Souldern, Stoke Lyne, Stratton Audley, Tus tendent; Walter Woolfe Read M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P.Lond.,
more, Upper Heyford, Wendlebury, Weston-on-the-Green. M.R.C.S.Eng. firstassistant medical officer; FrankEdward
Kendall M.B., Ch.B.Leeds,secondassistant medicalofficer;
Hundred ofThameâ Ascott, Great Milton, Little Milton, Rev. George J. Champion M.A. chaplain; T. M. DavenÂ
Thame, Tetsworth, Waterstock.
port, clerk to the committee; Alfred Joseph Fidoe, clerk
Hundred of Woottonâ Barford St. Michael, Begbroke, and steward totheasylum.
Binsey, Bladon, Cassington, Coggs, Deddington, Duns Tew,
HisMajestyâsPrison, erected in 1805, ata cost ofabout
Ensham, Glympton, Gosford, Great Tew, Handborough £19,000, from designs by Mr. Blackburn, architect,stands
Hensington, Heythrop and Dunthrop, Kiddington, Kidling- immediately within the southernprecinctsofOxfordCastle,
ton, LittleTew, Long Combe, MiddleAston, NetherWorton, and has incorporated with it some portion of the ancient
North Aston, North Leigh, Over Worton, Rousham, Sand- fortress. The prison was enlarged in 1858 by converting
ford, Shipton-upon-Cherwell, South Leigh, South Newing thegovernorâsresidence into a ward for female prisoned,
ton, Stanton Harcourt, Steeple Aston, Steeple Barton, anderecting a new house forthe governor ;William Brown,
Stonesfield, Tackley, Thrap, Water Eaton, Westcote Barton, governor; Rev. Arthur Edwin Becket M.A. chaplain!
vilcote, Woolvercot, Wootton, Yarntori.
Richard Harvey Sankey M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxom, M.B.C.SEng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer.