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Bray E dw ard, i C althorpe villas, Brooks F. M. 44 M iddleton rd.B an bry B rucker M rs. 55 C h alfo n t road, St.
Prospect road, Banbury
Brooks G eorge, P ark view , C uxham ,
G iles', Oxford
Brayne W illiam Thom as, 33 W alton
W allingford
B runyate Thom as T ., M .A ., M.D.
W ell road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Brooks G eorge W . WThite House road,
C haucer’s ho. Park st. W oodstock
Brazell H erbt. Glion, H ighfield,O xfrd
G randpont, Oxford
B ryan C harles, S tation farm , S outh
Brazell H erbert S. E lderdene,C hinnor, Brooks Hy. R egin ald F ryer F .P .S .G
L eig h , W itney
W allingford
W estleigh , Oxford road, B anbury
Bryan F rederick E rnest,75 Southm oor
Brazier A lb ert W illiam , 10 Polstead Brooks M iss, 275 B anbury road,
road, S t. G iles’, Oxford
road, S t. G iles’, Oxford
Sum m ertow n , Oxford
B ryan G eorge, 28 W alton crescen t,S t.
Brazier R ., F .J .I. 242 Iffley id.O xford Brooks Richard, 17 F ren ch ay road,
T hom as’, Oxford
Brazier ReginaldH y. io P arker st.O xfrd
S t. G ile s’, Oxford
Bryant Rev. W ., M .A .V icarage,C lan fld
Brecknell John Geo. E ard ington co t­ Brooks W a lter T yrrell M .A ., M .B. 32 B ryce Capt. Francis, 11 N orthfield
tage, Ivingham , C hipping Norton
Holywell street, Oxford
end, H enley-on-Tham es
B rett-S m ith H erbert F rancis Brett Broom e A lb ert Thom as, 28 Aston st. B ryer Charles W illiam , New Road
M .A . 7 Moreton road, Oxford
C ow ley S t. John. Oxford
house, E ast street, Tham e
Brewer M iss, 5 T ackley pi. St. G iles’ , B rotherton W illiam C ox, W h ite house, Buchanan M iss, 7 N orham rd. Oxford
Oxford street, Woodstock
Buck M iss, A dderbury E ast, Banbury
Brewis G eorge Robert M .A. 23 W arn- B roughton H. 39 M arket pi. B an bury B u ck ell S ir R obert, 4 M arston F erry
borough road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Broughton Jn. 34 W est B ar st.B anbry
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Brewis M iss, The Laurels, Lewknor Broughton M iss, R iver view , H ead­ Buckell F red erick , 14 F ren ch ay road,
W allingford
ington H ill, Oxford
S t. G ile s’, Oxford
Brice Eden, Rosedene, Oxford street, Brown Rev. F rederick John M .A. The Buckerfield M isses, 11 W h ite H ouse
R ectory, Stee.ple A ston , Oxford
road, G randpont, Oxford
B ricknell Rev. W illiam N ash M .A. Brown Rev. Sam uel, 14 W est end. B u ck ett F rederick J. 6 Southfield rd.
Mill street, E ynsham
Ch ip p ing Norton
C ow ley St. John, Oxford
Bridge W m . H am ilton house, H am il­ Brown A lfred. Sunnyside, N ettlebed, B uckingham F rederick , 56 W estern
ton road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Henley-on-Tham es
road, G randpont, Oxford
Bridge W illiam E. Llanberis, H arpes Brown E rn est Addison, The G reen, B uckin gh am M rs. Providence lodge,
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
A dderbury E ast, B anbury
Fulbrook, BuTford
Bridgen John, 2 T ackley place, St. Brown F ran k Richard, Isom er, The Buckle Thom as, W est view , B anbury
G iles’ , Oxford
W arren, M apledurham -on-Tham es,
road, B icester
Bridger M isses,20 M useum rd. Oxford
R eading
B ucknall B asil C . 237 Iffley rd. O xfrd
Bridges M iss, 28 Leckford road, St Brown
F rederick
W onderklip, Bucknall M iss, Th e Row ans, H ig h ­
G iles’ , Oxford
H ighfield, Oxford
field, Oxford
Bridgewater M ajor Andrew A lb ert, 19 Brown H enry C lerke
D .L .,
J.P. Bucknill Hon John S trach ey K .C
Stanley rd. C owley S t. John,Oxford
K in gston house, K ingston Blount,
S t. M ichael’s, Eynsham
Bridson E. R id gw ay M .A. 104 WoodW a llin g fo rd ; & United U niversity B uckn ill Sam i. P. B. H illside.R oth er­
stock road, S t. G ile s’, Oxford
club, London S W
field Peppard, H enley-on-Tham es
Bridson Francis C harles, 139 Banbury Brown Jam es, 49 W arw ick st. Oxford Budd Jn. F. 8 C badlington rd.O xford
Toad, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Brown Jas.A .T h e W in dm ills,W heatley Budden Hanson Odell, 223 W oodstock
Brierly Jam es Leslie M .A ., B .C .L . Brown John, Islip, Oxford
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
T rin ity college, Oxford
Brown John Clerke, Low er farm , Buddicom M rs. Q u a rry house, LashBriggs M isses, 12 S tanley rd. Cowley
K ingston Blount, W allingford
broolc, Shiplake, H enley-on-Tham es
St. John, Oxford
Brown John Rankine M .A. Pem broke B u ist C ol.Low er L ea,Sw alcliffe,B an bry
Briggs Thom as B ., J.P. Holton park,
college, S t. A ldate’s street, Oxford B ull Mrs. 7 C an terb u ry road, S t'
Holton, W heatley
Brown M ajendie, Hook N orton,Banbry
G ile s’, O xford
B right Allen A lb ert, 73 K ingston rd. Brown M iss, i C ro u ch street, Banbury Bullford C h arles Edward, Park View
St. G ile s’ , Oxford
Brown M iss, 10 Norm an avenue,
villa, W atcom be road, W atlington ,
Brightm an Rev. F rank E dw ard M .A
H enley-on-Tham es
W allingford
Magdalen college, O xford
Brown Miss, Piddington, Tham e
Bullock-W ebster C . Roslvn, Son n in g
Brightw ell M iss, 27 W estern road, Biow n Miss, 7 Stan ley road, Cowley
Com m on, R eading
Grandpont, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Buncher Rev. W illiam C ecil B .A . 3
B rightw ell Miss, 33 W estern road, Brown Mrs. 8 F ren ch ay rd. S t. G ile s’,
B ridge street, W itn ey
Grandpont, Oxford
B un tin g H enry, London road, B icester
Brine Rev. Jam es Edward Bouverie Brown Mrs. M althouse, N ettlebed. Burbank John A. R. 3 Farndon road,
M.A. R ectory, Drayton S t. Leonard,
H enley-on-Tham es
S t. G ile s’, O xford
W allingford
Brown P eter,
159 B an bury road, B u rb id ge Thom as H enry J .P . m
Bristy F rank R. 209 Iffley rd. Oxford
Sum m ertow n. Oxford
M arket place, C h ip p in g Norton
Broadhurst M iss, 33 W hite House rd. Brown Thos. 25 B ritannia rd.B an b ury B urborough H enry Jam es, 18 Aston
Grandpont, Oxford
Brown Thomas", Sheep street, Burford
street, C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
Brock Jam es, The E lm s, South Stoke, Brown Thom as S. Sheep st. Burford Burch Mrs. 21 C h alfon t road, St.
Brown W ilk s,62 Broughton rd.Banbry
G iles’, Oxford
Brocklebank G erald, W harfe house, Brown W illiam , G overnor’ s house,
Burch M rs. 28 & 29 N orham rd.O xfrd
Thames side, H enley-on-Tham es
H.M . Prison, Oxford
B urchardt E rn est A. Brashfield house,
Bromley C. 9 N orth B ar st. Banbury Browne Rev. V alentine Denis, R ec­
Caversfield, B icester
Broodbank F rederick F rancis, 76 M id­
tory, N uffield, H enley-on-Tham es B urchardt M iss, 160 B an b u ry road,
dleton road, Banbury
Browne M iss, 9 B an bury T d. Oxford
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Brook Rev. R ichard M .A. Merton col­ Browne M ontagu, 41 W alton W ell rd.
Burden M iss, 2 Rock h ill, C h ip p in g
lege, Oxford
S t. G iles’ , Oxford
Brooke A lfred, 26 W arnborough road, B row ning A lfred H enry, 35 Beech
Burden T . 1 Rock h ill. C h ip p in g N rtn
St. G iles’ , O xford
C roft road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Burford Beynon, 80 W arw ick st.O xfrd
Brooke A rth u r Stanley, 14 Lonsdale Brownlow H. L ., F .R .C .S . Shirley,
B urge Jam es F. Sunnym ead, S h ip ­
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
St. Andrew ’s rd.H enley-on-Tham es
lake, H enley-on-Tham es
Brooke Charles V yner (His H ighness Brow nrigg Charles E dw ard M.A
B urge Oscar, W aynflete, Low er S h ip ­
Rajah M uda of S araw ak), Stanton
M agdalen C ollege school, Oxford
lake, H enley-on-Tham es
H arcourt, Eynsham
B row n rigg Mrs. K en co tt cotta g e, Ken- Burgess C. 'E ., M .A. A ll S ain ts'
Brooke L eigh , 13 Up. H igh st. Tham e
cott, Lechlad e (G lo’stersh)
school, B loxham , B an bury
Brooke Miss, R ectory house, Combe, Brown sill G erald W illiam , 170 D ivinity
B urgess Charles E dw ard, 36 St
road. C ow ley road, Oxford
M ark’s road, Henley-on-Tham es
Brooke Mrs. 4 M anor road, G oring, Brow nsill John W allace, 70 Victoria
M iss, 2 F arm road, R eadin g
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Brooker John Edward, 106 D ivinity Brow nsill M rs. 244 Iffley rd . Oxford
M rs. 'T h e L a u rels, B ellevue
road, Cowlev road, Oxford
Bruce Hon. A lice, Som erville college.
road, H enley-on-Tham es
Brooker Mrs. Horton. Oxford
W oodstock road, St. G ile s’, Oxford B urgis Mrs. The L aurels, Benson.
r o o k e r Mrs. 3 Q ueen’s terrace, S tock - B ruce Hon. Pam ela G eorgina, RadWalling-ford
more st. C owley St. John, Oxford
cliffe house. 17a, W oodstock road, B u rk itt Edwd. H. E w elm e, W a llin g frd
Brooker R ichard. 40 Portland road,
St. G iles’, Oxford
M iss, 7 M anor road, H olvw elL
oumm ertown, Oxford
Bruce Frank, 42 R egen t st. Cowlev
Brookes Mrs. M iddle A ston ho. Oxford
St. John, O xford
Col. E ustace, T h orn b u ry,
Brooks A. W . 65 H olyw ell st. Oxford Bruce Thom as M .A . (C am b.), 135
G orin g, Reading
rooks E dm und John, 2 Hernes rd.
Kingston road. S t. G ile s’, Oxford
Chinnor, W allingford
Sum m ertown, Oxford

