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O X F O R D S H IR E .
R O rS H A M .
L etters throu gh O xford arrive at 7 a.m . & 1.45 p.m .
W all L e tter Box cleared at 1.45 & 7.15 p .m .; S u n d a ys,
9 a.m . The nearest m oney order & telegrap h offices
are at Low er H eyford & Steeple Aston
Cottrell-D orm er Capt. Charles W alter
D .L ., J.P . R ousham house (letters
through Steeple Aston)
Faithfull Rev. Charles Henry M .A.
[ b e l l y âs
E lem en tary School, erected in 1873, to hold 48 childrenM iss Sarah P ra tt, m istress
I Par^6r C harles, farm er, Park farm
W aller Jam es, farm er, Home farm
Hawes Thos. W m . farm er, L eys farm 1W ingrove Holland, gardener to Capt
! Lan gford Henry, farm b ailiff to Capt. I C. W . C ottrell-D orm er
1 C. W . Cottrell-D orm er
see G reat H aseley.
S A L F O R D is a parish and villag e oi\ the road from
C hip p ing Norton to M oreton-in-the-M arsh, 2 m iles westnorth-w est from C hip p in g Norton station, on th e B anÂ
bury and Cheltenham section of the G reat W estern ra ilÂ
way, in the N orthern division of the county, hundred
and p etty sessional division of C hadlington, union and
county court district of C hip p in g Norton, rural deanery
of C hip p ing Norton and archdeaconry and diocese oi
Oxford. The church of St. M ary, restored and partlyreb uilt in 1855 from designs by the late G . E . Street
esq. R .A . is an edifice of stone w ith some Norman
features, b u t otherwise E a rly E n glish, and consisting oi
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and an em battled
western tow er containing 5 bells, dated 1687: the north
and south doorways and font are N o rm a n : the east
and w est windows are G eom etrical, and those on the
south side of the nave P erpen dicular: in the jam b oi
the easternm ost of these is a fine niche and c an o p y:
the nave and aisle are separated by an arcade of three
a rc h e s : in the tym panum of th e north door is a cross
in a circle w ith a lion and centaur on either s id e : the
tower is L a te Decorated and has a good square stair
tu r r e t: in the north aisle are two m u ral tablets to
m em bers of the B olter fam ily, dated 1640 and 1694:
the stained east window of the chancel is a m em orial to
the R ev. Richard Skillicorne Skillicorne, rector, 1834.
and Anna Maria his w ife, 1856, erected by their son.
W illiam Nash S killicorne, in 1873: the base and part
of the shaft of the ancient churchyard cross still rem ain :
there are ->200 sittin gs, 100 b lin g free. Th e register ol
baptism s and burials dates from the year 17-5.
m arriages, 1754.
Th e livin g is a rectory, net yearly
value ¿220, arisin g from 220 acres of glebe, with resiÂ
dence, in the g ift of W. N. Skillicorne esq. and held
since 1914 by the Rev. A rth u r W rig h t C allis M.A. of
St. Johnâs College, C am bridge, who is also rector of
L ittle R ollrigh t.
There is a W esleyan Methodist
chapel. A ch arity, the in terest of ¿200, is given awav
in bread every S t. T hom asâ D ay and Christm as Eve
by the rector and churchw ardens, and the interest of
a fu rth er sum of ¿200 is distrib uted in coal on the
21st of Decem ber. M rs. W . C. P h illips and Messrs.
C. E. Taylor, Mr. J. H. F aw d ry and th e rector are the
principal landowners. The soil is stone brash, clay and
p eat; subsoil, stone and m arl. The chief cropâs are
wheat, barley, oats, beans and roots. The area is
1,567 acres; rateable value, ¿ 1 ,9 7 4 ; th e population in
1911 -was 313.
Parish C lerk, H enry W innett.
Post Office.â W alter H ill, postm aster. Letters arrive
from C hippin g Norton at 7.15 a.m . & 2 p .m .; disÂ
patched at 8 & 10.30 a.m . & 2.5 & 6.3,0 p.m. week
days only. C h ip p in g Norton is the nearest money
order & telegraph office
E lem en tary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1902, for 80 chilÂ
dren ; M iss Isabel C arv er, m istress
Assistant Overseer, G eorge H. A llen, C h ip p in g Norton
Callis Rev. A rth u r W right M .A. (rec- Belcher A lan Joseph,Black Horse P.H
Faw dry G eorge, farm er
tor), Rectory
Giles Thom as C. carpenter
Cox Mrs. Southerndown villa
H arvey Henry E dw ard, farm er
Hawes Frank, farm er
H ill John V . m iller (w ater)
Barrow A lfred G eorge, blacksm ith
B artlett Charles F rederick , Cross H ill W alter, shopkeeper, & post office
Hands P.H . & farm er
Jacques James, beer retailer
S A N D F O R D S T . M A R T I N is a village and parish
on the river D om e, 4 m iles w est-by-north from Heyford
station on the Oxford and B an bury section of the G reat
W estern railw ay, and 7 n orth-w est from W oodstock, in
the N orthern division of the county, hundred of W ootton,
p etty sessional division of W ootton N orth, union and
county cou rt d istrict of W oodstock, rural deanery of
W oodstock and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford.
The church of S t. M artin is an edifice of stone, conÂ
sistin g of chancel, clerestoried nave of three bays,
aisles, south porch and a P erpendicular em battled
western tow er containin g 6 bells, rehung in 1914, three
of w hich are resp ectively dated 1695. 1630 and 1629:
the nave has Transition Norman arches in th e north
aisle, and E arly E n glish in the s o u th : th e clerestory
has Perp endicular w in d o w s: th e east window of the
chancel and also th at of th e south aisle are both of
the Transition period from Decorated to Perpendicular,
and the la tter has curious t r a c e r y ; in the south aisle
is a v ery rich Decorated piscina and the south porch
retains a s to u p : of the chancel screen of Perpendicular
work, only the upper portion w ith the arm s of Queen
Elizabeth, A .D . 1602, on an ermined ground, is now
le ft : the font is octagonal and cup-shaped, w ith Norman
carving in the upper part, and there is an h our glass
stand of ir o n : there are m ural and other m onum ents in
the church to Thom as G yles gent. 1637; M ary, wife of
John Y ate, d. 8 Jan. 16^4; John, son of John Lock gent.
17 14 ; and John Lock, jun. gent. 17 75; besides another
of th e same nam e, 1711 ; G errard C roker esq. Receiver
G eneral of Taxes, d. 22 Dec. 1733; W illiam C roker esq.
of Hook Norton, d. 24 March, 1710, and Sarah, his wife,
d. 11 Dec. 1709; V ice-A dm iral Jam es Sayer, d. 1776, and
others of later date. Th e church was repaired and re Â
seated in 1844, and in 1856 the chancel was reb u ilt at
the cost of the late E dw in G u est L L .D ., F .R .S . m aster
of C aius College, C am bridge, who died 23 N ov. 1880:
there are 300 s ittin g s : the lych gate, in the churchyard,
erected in 1863, was designed by the late G. E. Street
esq. R .A . : in the church yard is b uried H enry (Scott)
1s t E arl of Deloraine K .B . d. 25 Dec. 1730, and there is a
m em orial to G eorge N orth Robinson M .D. d. 20 July,
P h illips
W illiam
Charles (Mrs.).
farm er, T he Larches
Rose Reuben & F rederick, farmers,
Rectory farm
Sim m s E llen (M rs.), shopkeeper
T aylor Caleb E dw in, frmr.Manor irm
Thornton B rothers, farm ers
1858, aged 95. T h e reg ister dates from the year 1695.
T h e livin g is a vicarage, net yearly value ¿200, inÂ
clu din g 90 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the gift
of the trustees of the late E dw ard H enry Marshall esq
for two turn s, and th e Duke of M arlborough for one
tu rn in th ree, and held since 1912 by th e Rev. John
E llis C ardigan -W illiam s, of St. A idanâ s.
There are
allotm ents of 29a. ir . in extent, producing ¿30 yearly
for fuel, which is distrib uted to the poor. The village
cross dates from the 13th cen tury, and was repaired
in 1856 from a design by th e late G eorge E. Street
esq. R .A .
In the Cow G round, on Brandon farm,
is a' spring, once fam ous for its m edicinal qualities,
b ut now d is u s e d ; the farm -house itself has some
portions of E lizabeth an d a t e ; the south side was built
in 1705. A portion of land in th e villag e is still called
â the Beacon field.â Sandford Park, the property and
residence of Edward Ferguson Chance esq. J.P. f':,r'
m erly contained a la rg e and handsome mansion, once
occupied by M ajor-G en. Lord H enry S cott K.B. third
(b u t second survivin g) son of Jam es, Duke of MonÂ
m outh, who was created, 29th M arch, 1706, Earl of
Deloraine, V iscou n t H erm itage, and Baron Scott of
G oldilan ds: he died 25 Dec. 1730, and was buried in the
churchyard together w ith his first w ife, Anne, daughter
and heiress of W illiam Duncom be esq. of Battlesden.
Beds, who died 22nd Oct. 1720: the m ansion is situated
in a park of over 100 acres. The trustees of the late
E dw ard H enry M arshall esq. who are lords of the
manor, and M atthew E rn est Boulton esq. who owns
the farm s of G rove A sh and Hobbs Hole, and Edwar
Ferguson Chance esq. B .A .. J.P. are the principal lan â¢
owners. Th e soil is p artly oolite, w ith stone
lias, clay and m arlstone. Th e land is pasture.
and woodland. Th e area is 2.287 acres of land
of w a t e r ; rateable value, ¿2,39 0 ; the population
1911 was 329.
Post Office.â Mrs. Anne M aria H awtin, sub-postnaistres.
L etters through Oxford arrive at 7.30 a.m. &
p.m . ; dispatched at 10.55 a m - & 6.2.5 p m '⢠J10. u.
liverv on sundav. The nearest m onev order « w
graph office is at M iddle Barton, 2 m iles distant