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U AU 8I.N U T0N .


[ k e l l y ’s

Horne Rev. E dw ard H astings M .A
(rector). R ectory
M orrell Philip M .P ., M .A ., J.P . The
Manor h o u se ; & 44 Bedford square
W C ; Reform club S W & Savile
club W , London

Clinkard A lbt.Jn . & C ecil Jsph. frm rs Parsler F rederick, bricklayer
farm er, Parsler Reginald George, cycle malt
G uyden's farm
Reading & Recreation Room
CLinkard H arry Jam es, baker, Post off Ruffels Jsph & Sons, market card*,.
C linkard Jam es, huntsm an to C h rist Ruffels Joseph (M rs.), carrier
C h urch beagles, T he Kennels
TownsendJoseph,carrier & market ed
C O M M E R C IA L .
Cullen Henry, m arket gardener
Turn er F rederick, blacksm ith
A lder H arry, Three Horseshoes P.H
D urbridge H erbert & F rederick, bldrs T u rrill Joseph, m arket gardener
B la y A rthur Fredk. farm er. Hill farm Druce Jam es, m arket gardener
W heeler W illiam , shopkeeper
Brown Geo. (M rs.), frm r. Manor frrn Druce Jam es (M rs.), carrier
Y eates Jn. & Sons, m arket gardeners
Burnham Jesse H. Old Red Lion P.H Goodey W illiam , m arket gardener
Y eates Annie (M iss), m arket o-ar(w ,
Clanfield G eorge, farm b ailiff to Hawes Thom as, farm er, C ity farm
Y eates E liza (M rs.), carrier
Philip M orrell M .P
Hawkins G eorge, m arket gardener
Y eates G eorge, farm er
C larke Ben (M rs.), carrier
Johnson John, nurserym an & florist
Yeate-s Jas. cowkpr. & market gardnr
C larke John, beer retailer
M attingley W illiam , farm er
Y eates W m . farm er & m arket gardnr
G L Y M P T O N is a parish and village in a valley on (d. 1896), and dedicated by the Bishop of Reading, 20 Oct
the river G lym e, 4 m iles north-w est from W oodstock 1897: here also is buried the Rev. C. W. M. Bartholomew
term inal station on a branch from W oodstock road sta­ B A. rector of G lym pton 1856-97. Th e register dates from
tion of the G reat W estern railw ay, and 5^ north-east the year 1667. Th e livin g is a rectory, net income
from the C harlbury station on th e Oxford and W orcester £185, in cludin g 53 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in
section of the sam e line, in the Mid division of the the g ift of Capt. G eorge H enry Barnett, and held
co u n ty , hundred of W ootton, p etty sessional division of since 1912 by th e Rev. H erbert W illiam Sawyer MA
W ootton South, union and county cou rt d istrict of of T rin ity College, C am bridge.
T h e ancient villas
W oodstock, ru ra l deanery of W oodstock and archdea­ stocks are still standing. G lym pton Park is the seat of
c o n ry and diocese of Oxford. T h e church of S t. Mary Capt. G eorge H enry Barnett J .P . lord of the manor and
is chiefly a m odern b u ild in g of stone in th e E arly Deco­ principal lan dow n er; the m ansion is a good square
r a te d style, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch built house, surrounded by pleasure gardens and a
and a w estern tow er containing 5 b e lls : th e windows deer park of 110 acres, traversed by the river Glyme,
•are s ta in e d : the chancel arch is a fine exam ple of T ra n ­ which, near the rectory grounds, m akes a pretty water­
sition Norm an work, w ith nook shafts and cushion caps ; fall. The soil is stone b rash ; subsoil, stone brash.
th e tow er arch is of th e same date, b ut the tow er itself Th e land is chiefly a r a b le ; there are about 100 acres
is L a te P erp en d icu la r; th e fon t is N o rm an : in th e floor of woodland. The area is 1,250 acres of land and 9 of
of the chancel is a brass w ith effigy and inscription to w a ter; rateable value, £ 1 ,0 3 1; th e population in 1911
Thom as Tesdale, co-founder, b y w ill dated 31 M ay, 1610, was 167.
of Pem broke C ollege, O xford, and founder of the usherSexton, G eorge Laughton.
ship at Abingdon school, who died a t G lym pton, 13 June, Post O ffice.— H arry Blencowe, sub-postm aster. Letters
1610; this brass was placed by his wife M aud (Stone),
th rou gh W oodstock, Oxon, arrive at 7.20 a.m. & 33
a native of H enley, and p reviously w ife of E dw ard L ittle,
p.m . W ootton, i £ m iles distant, is the nearest m oney
•of A bingdon; she died 19 June, 1616: on the north wall,
order & telegraph office
above the brass, is a large and fine m onum ent, painted P illar L e tte r Box cleared at 1.35 & 6.40 p .m .; S u n d ays,
and g ilt, w ith life-size figures of both kneeling at a
10 a.m
■prayer-desk, and above, an achievem ent of a r m s : the
ch u rch was restored in 1872, when the chancel was r e ­ E lem entary School (m ixed), erected in 1848, by the late
H. B arnett. & m ainly supported by Capt. G.
b u ilt : there are about 120 sittings :* th e churchyard,
H. Barnett, for 50 c h ild re n ; M iss Alice Davis,mistress
which im m ediately adjoins G lym p ton park, is b eauti­
fu lly kept, and contains an elegant cross of Portland stone,
erected as a mem orial to the late Henry Barnett esq.

C arriers.— Jones, to ‘ Leopold A rm s,’
H um phries passes th rou gh sat

Oxford, wed.;

B arnett Capt. G eorge H enry J.P.
Eeley Francis, farm bailiff to Capt.
C O M M E R C IA L .
G lym pton park
G . H. Barnett
Saw yer Rev. H erbert W illiam M .A. Blencowe H arry, shopkeeper, Post off L aughton G eorge, carpenter to Capt.
(rector), T h e R ectory
Craddock Jn. W ilfred,farm er, Hill frm
G. H. B arnett
G O D I N G T O N is a parish consisting of a few farm ­ of baptism s and b urials dates from the year 1672;
houses and cottages, bounded on three sides by the county m arriages, 1679. The livin g is a rectory, net yearly
of B uckingham , 2 m iles north b y foot-path and 3 by road value £275, w ith residence, in the g ift of Corpus Christi
from M arsh Gibbon and Poundon station on the Oxford College, O xford, and held since 1911 by the Rev.
and Bletchley branch of the London and N orth Western G eorge Sidney Streatfeild M .A. of th at college. The
railw ay, 5J north-east from B icester and about 5 south ­ Rector’s Room, erected in 1902 throu gh the exertions
w est from Buckingham , in the M id division of the county, and m ainly at the cost of the Rev. W. Henry Jones M.A.
hundred and p e tty sessional division of P lough ley, union rector 1878-1903, is a conveniently-situated building of
and county cou rt d istrict of B icester, ru ra l deanery of corrugated iron and wood, designed for the use of the
B icester and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The rector for the tim e being for church and parochial pur­
church of the H oly T rin ity is a plain edifice of stone, poses. T he E a rl of Effingham is lord of the manor and
reb u ilt (w ith the exception of the tow er) in 1792, and chief landed proprietor. The soil is gravel and clay;
consisting of nave and a w estern tow er containing 2 subsoil, c la y ; and i3 principally in pasture. The area
bells, w ith an entrance on the south s id e : in the floor is 1,019 ac re s; rateable value, £ 1,3 5 3 ; the population
of the church are inscribed stones to Theodore F letch er in 1911 was 65.
B.D. a form er rector, 1673-1706, and to his w ife Alice, L etters through Bicester arrive at 8.15 a.m. Pillar
died 1680: the font, of Norm an date, is b u ilt into the
L etter Box cleared at 8 a.m . & 5 p.m . week days &
sou th w a ll: in th e south-w est corner of the nave is a
10.30 a.m . Sundays. S tratton A udley is the nearest
stone, once form in g p a rt of th e ancient church, and
m oney order & telegraph office
curiously scu lp tu re d : the church was restored in 1905, The children of this parish attend the schools at Stratton
a t a cost of £300, and affords 70 sittin gs. T he register
A udley
Streatfeild Rev. G eorge Sidney M .A. I Burnell John, farm er, R ectory farm IMarkham Thos. ju n . frm r. Hall far®
(rector), R ectory
(M arkham F ran k, farm er, M oat farm 'N ichols Jonathan, f a r m e r , Poodle farm
G O R I N G is a large villag e and parish, w ith a station
on the R eading and Oxford section of the G reat W estern
railw a y, 10 m iles north-w est from Reading, 12 from
H enley, 6 south from W allingford, 19 south-east from
O xford and 44^ by railw ay from London, in the
Southern division of the county, hundred of Langtree,
p etty sessional division of Henley, union of Bradfield,
county court d istrict of W allingford, ru ra l deanery
of Henley and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford.
The village is picturesquely seated in one of the
m ost beautifu l portions of the Tham es valley, and
occupies a site on the le ft bank of the river, be­
tween it and the r a ilw a y ; the stream , flowing through
verdant m eads, here takes a wide turn to the west and
is overshadowed on th at side by a sharply risin g bluff,
densely w oo ded; on the opposite bank lies S treatley,

reached by a long wooden bridge and shut in by bold
and lofty chalk hills, covered with short grass and
clum ps of ju n ip e r : the village is lighted with gas and
supplied w ith w ater from works at Cleeve, belonging to
the So.uth Oxfordshire W ater and Gas Co. The church of
St. Thom as of C an terbury, alm ost on the bank of the
riv er and origin ally the church of the Augnstmian
priory, is a sm all and curious Norm an building of chalk,
rubble and flint, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave,
north aisle, north porch and an embattled •western
tower containing a fine peal of 6 bells : the nuns’ choir
was destroyed at the Dissolution : the present eastern
apse is m o d e rn : to form the north aisle, the
wall was cut through, but traces of the original windo s
rem a in : the arcade of the narrow north aisle consis1.
of three arches of Transition Norm an date, on massi