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H O B L E Y is a parish and village on the borders of
n* m
rnm r
m n r a H v sta­
e to
Warwickshire, 3^
iles sonr
est ffrom
tion and 4 miles north-w est from B anbury station, both
on the direct Birm ingham line of the G reat W estern
railwav, and about 27 north-w est from Oxford, in the
Northern division of the county, hundred of Bloxham ,
Banbury and Bloxham p etty sessional division, union
and county court d istrict of Banbury, ru ral deanery
of Deddington and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford.
The church of St. E theldreda is a b uilding of stone,
principally in the late Decorated style, w ith some E arly
English and Late Norm an fe a tu r e s : i t consists of
chancel, low clerestoried nave, south porch and an
embattled central tow er of the Decorated period, b u t
retaining indications of its Norm an origin, and contain­
ing a clock and 4 b e lls : in the chancel, which is of
the same date, is a piscina of E arly E nglish or perhaps
Transitional date, restored in 1877, by the Rev. Robert
Joseph Buddicom M .A. v ic a r of M orton, Lincs. and on
the wall of the north aisle a large fresco, representing
the legend of S t. C h risto p h er; the saint, a colossal
figure, with C hrist on his shoulders, is fording the river,
supporting him self and his burden by a th ick staff,
which breaks beneath the w e ig h t; the saint turns to
■Christ and says: —

. E th eldreda: the north side is E a rly P erpen dicular, but
oil t-V,
all three doorways are very good exam ples of E arly
English : the arcades dividin g the nave and aisles each
consist of four lofty arches on altern ately Tound and
octagonal p illa r s : the Norm an tub-shaped font was re ­
stored in 1854 and placed at the west end of the nave :
there are 260 sittings. The register dates from the year
*538. The livin g is a vicarage, w ith Hornton annexed,
join t net yearly value ¿230, chiefly derived from 245
acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of the Lord Chan­
cellor, and held since 1914 by th e Rev. H arold Jocelyn
Buxton M .A. of T rin ity C ollege, C am bridge. H ere is a
W esleyan chapel, holding 200 persons. B ray and S au l’s
charities produce about £ 1 a year for the benefit of
the poor. A rth u r Stockton esq. who is lord of the
manor, and L ieu t.-C o l. S ir A nthony Cope b art. are
the chief landowners. The soil is red lo a m ; subsoil,
brown oolite. The crops are general. The area is
1,192 ac re s; rateable value, ¿¿1,636; the population in
1911 was 222 in th e civil parish and 601 in the eccle­
siastical parish.
Post Office.— Sidn ey H am er, sub-postm aster. L etters
received th rou gh B an bury arrive about 7.10 a.m . &
P-Du. ; dispatched at 7.15 a.m . & 4.45 p .m . ; no
delivery on sunday. W roxton, i£ m iles d istan t, is
the nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
“ What art thou, and art so yynge ?
E lem en tary School, for 100 c h ild re n ; it is endowed
Bar I never so hevy a th yn ge.”
w ith a yearly incom e of ¿ 3 1 & a house, w ith g a r d e n ;
Christ replies: —
Mrs. M aybury, m istress
“ Y ey, I be hevy, no w unther rys,
The endowm ent of the school is derived from land left
For I am the kynge of b lys.”
by M ichael H arding in 1627 ; all children born in the
There are also other wall paintings, in cluding one of St.
parish are educated free
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
|Bagnall W in. Cole. farm er, M anor ho G ardner Thom as (M rs.), shopkeeper
Ioayiiss H arriet (M iss), fru iterer
Bennett Thomas
G riffin John, farm er
Buxton Rev. Harold Jocelyn M .A . ¡C hildren’s Home (W alter J. & Mrs. Ham er Sidney, farm er
I W ed d, m aster & m atron), T h e Lovell W illiam , farm er
(vicar), Vicarage
Godson Nicholls Stephen
M atthew s Jam es, shopkeeper
Maul Major H enry Com pton J.P. C lifford Jam es, farm er
Neal & Son, m illers (water)
Coleman A rth .in su r.a g t.& rate collctr P ratt F rederick, beer retailer
Horley house
Colem an Urban, farm er
Jam es Edw ard, farm er
Coleman W illiam Henry, butcher
Sham brook E dn a (M rs.), m idw ife
Astall Brothers, farm ers
C ox Thom as, Red Lion P.H
Stam p John, shoe m aker
H O R N T O N is a v illage and parish on the borders
of Warwickshire, 5 m iles south-w est from Cropredy
station, and 5^ miles north-w est from Banbury station,
both on the direct B irm ingham line of the G reat
Western railway, and 28^ north-w est from Oxford,
in the Northern division of the county, hundred of
Bloxham, Banbury and Bloxham p etty sessional division,
union and county court d istrict of B anbury, rural
deanery of Deddington, and archdeaconry and diocese of
Oxford. The church of St. John the B aptist is an
ancient edifice of stone, in the Transition, E a rly English
and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried
nave, south aisle, south porch and a western tower con­
taining a clock and 5 b e lls : the chancel is E arlv E nglish,
with some remains of Norm an w ork, and has 'a Perpen­
dicular east w indow : the south arcade of th e nave is
Decorated, and th at on the north Transition N orm an:
1S E arly E n £lish and Decorated and has a
quare turret: a good P erpendicular parclose screen
remams in the south aisle, where there was once a
cnantry: there is a sm all brass of 1586 to a yeom an and
a i l 80" ’ ??d on tbe
at the east end of the south
spriKno Ju Tre.m ains of a J4tb cen tu ry p aintin g, repreof a if v, 6
j§"ln and C hild , and a kneeling figure


evident ? / -f u alm ° St every p a rt of the church bears
colour a 1 lts bavin£ once been high ly ornam ented in
colour and gild in g: the font is Transition Norm an
Aveline Charles A lbert, Hornton ho
m i l w enrge A lb ert’ Langw ay villa
William, Holloway house


Sar.r Cedrie K. farm er
Evans T f derick B - Red Lion P -E
P W baurence C. baker
Fre»™ Tmas’ beer « ‘ ailer
an James, coal m erchant

and was also coloured: there are 200 sittings.
register of baptism s and burials dates from 1703; the
m arriages are in th e Horley register. Th e liv in g is
annexed to the vicarage of Horley, jo in t net yearly
value ¿230, chiefly derived from 245 acres of glebe, in
the g ift of th e Lord C hancellor, and held since 1914
by the Rev. H arold Jocelyn B uxton M .A . of T rin ity
College, C am bridge, who resides at H orley. The P rim i­
tive M ethodist chapel here was b uilt in 1884, and
will seat 200 persons. A good b uilding stone of inferior
oolite called “ Hornton stone ” is quarried in this
parish. A rth u r Stockton esq. is lord of the m anor.
Th e principal landowners are the trustees
of the late
John G ibbs, C. A . A velin e esq. and A . Stockton esq.
The soil is red lo a m ; subsoil, brown oolite. T h e crops
are general. The area is 1,422 a c re s ; rateable value,
¿"2,174; the population in 1911 was 379.
Post Office.— Miss K ate G ardn er, sub-postm istress.
Letters th rou gh B anbury at about 8.10 a.m . & 1.55
p .m . ; dispatched at 4.20 p.m . ; no delivery on S u n ­
day. Shenington is the nearest m oney order office
& Edge H ill the nearest telegrap h office ’
E lem en tary Council School, erected in 1914, for 94
c h ild re n ; average attendance, 68; Percival G. Has­
kell, m aster
Carrier to & from B an b ury.— John Sum ner, mon. thurs.
& sat. ‘ Bear ’

G ardner K a te (M iss), shopkeeper,
Post office
Gavdon R ichard, farm er
Miles Julia (Miss), dress m aker
M iles W illiam , carpenter
Rogers Sam uel Jam es, farm er &
grazier, The Poplars
Stan ley Joseph, stone m erchant &
quarry ow ner; quarries, Edge H ill

Parish Ta
in Dom esday “ H orspadan,” is a
1 W 8 west from W heatley station on the
, W ycombe section of the G reat Western
and 1 miio
a ,mofcor ra rl h a lt on th e sam e line,
division r,f +u°U
ast from C xford, in the Southern
division nf T> 1, .county, hundred and p etty sessional
c°urt rlisfrR
bn§ don> union of H eadington, county
don and » . I j 0 Oxford, rural deanery of Cuddeschurch of
p i 0011^ and diocese of O xford.
stone in m- C u es is an ancient cruciform edifice of
about thp * ^ styles, the nave of which was b u ilt
nd of the 12th cen tu ry ; i t consists of

Stanley Percy, mason
Sum ner John, carrier
W alden E liza (M rs.), shopkeeper
Webb John W illiam , w atch m aker
W est C harles, farm er
W est E m m a (M rs.), flour dealer
W heeler A rth ur, farm er
W heeler Wrillia m Norm an & A lb ert
F ran k, m achine owners

chancel, shallow transept, nave w ith south aisle, porch
and an em battled western tower w ith tu rre t at the
south-east angle and containing 6 b e lls : the chancel was
rebuilt in 1840, in the Perpendicular s t y le : the nave
has an arcade of four L ate Transitional arches on square
p ie rs : the corbels of th e tower arch are form ed of two
curious figures, one w ith upraised hands and the other
holding a bagpipe, traditionally said to represent Thom as
London and his w ife, the builders of th e to w e r: in the
nave, near the p ulpit, is a sm all stained window, with
the figure of a man holding a boar’s head on the point
of a sp e a r : the font, placed near the western entrance of