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d ir e c to r y
C O U N T Y P O L IC E .
The force consists of 172 men & 12 private constablesâ 1
chief constable, 1 superintendent & chief clerk, 6 divisional
superintendents (one of the latter deputy chief constable),
7 inspectors, 29 sergeants. Total 228.
St a f f .
B u c k in g h a m (o r N o r t h W e s t e r n ) D iv is io n .
Superintendent, W illiam Bunker, Buckingham
Strength of Division, 25 men
Brill, George Dance, inspector
S t a t i o n s . â Ashenden, Brill, Ickford, Leckham pstead, Long
Crendon, Ludgershall, »Maids Moreton, Marsh Gibbon,
North M arston, Padbury, Preston Bissett, Quainton,
Steeple Claydon, Tingew ick, Waddesdon, W estbury
Chief Constable, Major O tw ay M ayne, A ylesbury
H ig h W y c o m b e ( o r S o u t h w e s t e r n ) D i v i s i o n .
Superintendent & Chief Clerk, Charles Pollard ; office, M arÂ
Superintendent, Charles Trevener, County Police Station,
ket square, Aylesbury
High W ycombe
Strength of Division, 28 men
A y l e s b u r y (o r C e n t r a l ) D iv is io n .
G reat M arlow, W illiam West, inspector
Superintendent, Henry Wootton, Police station, A ylesbury
S t a t i o n s . â Bledlow Ridge, Bourne E nd, »G reat Marlow,
Strength of Division, 35 men
Hambledon, HighW ycom be, G reat Kingshill, Haddenham,
Linslade, W m . W alker, inspector ; Wendover, A lbert Dwight
Lane End, Loud water, Princes Risborough, »Stokenchurch, Turville, W'est W ycom be, Wooburn Green
S t a t io n s . â Aston Clinton, A ylesbury, Bierton, Cheddington, Dinton, Edlesborough, Ellesborough, G reat MissenC h esh am (o r E a s t e r n ) D iv is io n .
den, »Ivinghoe, Lee Common, Linslade, Stew kley, Stone,
Superintendent, W illiam Field, Chesham
»Wendover, W hitchurch, W ingrave, W ing
Strength of Division, 28 men
Beaconsfield, Evelyn Dibben, inspector ; Am ersham , Alfred
F e n n y S t r a t f o r d ( o r N o r t h e r n ) D iv i s i o n .
Cooper, sergeant ; G errardâs Cross, Ernest G reig,
Superintendent, Jas. Pearce, Police Station, Newport
S t a t i o n s . â Am ersham , Am ersham Common, Beaconsfield,
Chalfont St. Giles, Chalfont S t. Peter, Chesham, CholesStrength of Division, 38 men
bury, Latim er, Penn, Holmer Green, Denham, Red Hill
Winslow, Geo. Doubleday, s e rg e a n t; Bletch ley, Ernest
S lo u g h (o r S o u t h e r n ) D iv is io n .
Callaw ay, inspector ; Stony Stratford, John Govier,
John Pearm an, D eputy C .C ., Police station,
S t a t i o n s . â »Bletchley,
Castlethorpe, Drayton Parslow, Strength of Division, 42 men
Fenny Stratford, G reat Brickhill, Hanslope, Lavendon, Burnham , W illiam Bates, serg ean t; Eton, Thom as Heath,
Loughton, N ew Bradwell, New port Pagnell, North
inspector ; Iver, John C leary, sergeant
C rawley, Olney, Sherington, Stoke Goldington, »Stony
S t a t i o n s . â »Burnham , Colnbrook, »Datchet, Eton, Eton
Stratford, Waveudon, Whaddon, »Winslow, Wolverton,
W ick, Farnham Royal, Iver, lv e r Heath, L an gley Marish,
Stoke Poges, Slough, Taplow , W raysbury
Sergeantsâ Stations.